Пример #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldIterateOverBlocks()
        public virtual void ShouldIterateOverBlocks()
            // GIVEN
            PropertyRecord record = new PropertyRecord(0);

            PropertyBlock[] blocks = new PropertyBlock[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
                blocks[i] = new PropertyBlock();

            // WHEN
            IEnumerator <PropertyBlock> iterator = record.GetEnumerator();

            // THEN
            foreach (PropertyBlock block in blocks)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
                assertEquals(block, iterator.next());
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
Пример #2
        public static PropertyCommand CreateProperty(long id, PropertyType type, int key, params long[] valueRecordIds)
            PropertyRecord record = new PropertyRecord(id);

            record.InUse = true;
            PropertyBlock block = new PropertyBlock();

            if (valueRecordIds.Length == 0)
                PropertyStore.encodeValue(block, key, Values.of(123), null, null, true);
                PropertyStore.setSingleBlockValue(block, key, type, valueRecordIds[0]);
                block.ValueRecords = DynamicRecords(valueRecordIds);
            return(new PropertyCommand(new PropertyRecord(id), record));
Пример #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldBeAbleToRemoveBlocksDuringIteration()
        public virtual void ShouldBeAbleToRemoveBlocksDuringIteration()
            // GIVEN
            PropertyRecord       record = new PropertyRecord(0);
            ISet <PropertyBlock> blocks = new HashSet <PropertyBlock>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                PropertyBlock block = new PropertyBlock();

            // WHEN
            IEnumerator <PropertyBlock> iterator = record.GetEnumerator();


            // THEN
            int size = blocks.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
                PropertyBlock block = iterator.next();
                if (i % 2 == 1)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: .NET enumerators are read-only:
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:

            // and THEN there should only be the non-removed blocks left
            assertEquals(blocks, Iterables.asSet(record));
Пример #4
        protected internal virtual long CreateAndWritePropertyChain()
            if (_hasPropertyId)

            if (_propertyBlocksCursor == 0)

            PropertyRecord currentRecord = PropertyRecord(_propertyIds.next());
            long           firstRecordId = currentRecord.Id;

            for (int i = 0; i < _propertyBlocksCursor; i++)
                PropertyBlock block = _propertyBlocks[i];
                if (currentRecord.Size() + block.Size > PropertyType.PayloadSize)
                    // This record is full or couldn't fit this block, write it to property store
                    long nextPropertyId = _propertyIds.next();
                    long prevId         = currentRecord.Id;
                    currentRecord.NextProp = nextPropertyId;
                    currentRecord          = PropertyRecord(nextPropertyId);
                    currentRecord.PrevProp = prevId;

                // Add this block, there's room for it

            if (currentRecord.Size() > 0)

Пример #5
        private long CreatePropertyChain(PrimitiveRecord owner, IEnumerator <PropertyBlock> properties, RecordAccess <PropertyRecord, PrimitiveRecord> propertyRecords, System.Action <PropertyRecord> createdPropertyRecords)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
            if (properties == null || !properties.hasNext())
            PropertyRecord currentRecord = propertyRecords.Create(_propertyRecordIdGenerator.nextId(), owner).forChangingData();

            currentRecord.InUse = true;
            PropertyRecord firstRecord = currentRecord;

            while (properties.MoveNext())
                PropertyBlock block = properties.Current;
                if (currentRecord.Size() + block.Size > PropertyType.PayloadSize)
                    // Here it means the current block is done for
                    PropertyRecord prevRecord = currentRecord;
                    // Create new record
                    long propertyId = _propertyRecordIdGenerator.nextId();
                    currentRecord = propertyRecords.Create(propertyId, owner).forChangingData();
                    currentRecord.InUse = true;
                    // Set up links
                    prevRecord.NextProp    = propertyId;
                    currentRecord.PrevProp = prevRecord.Id;
                    // Now current is ready to start picking up blocks
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.record.PropertyRecord readPropertyRecord(long id, org.neo4j.storageengine.api.ReadableChannel channel) throws java.io.IOException
        private PropertyRecord ReadPropertyRecord(long id, ReadableChannel channel)
            // in_use(byte)+type(int)+key_indexId(int)+prop_blockId(long)+
            // prev_prop_id(long)+next_prop_id(long)
            PropertyRecord record = new PropertyRecord(id);
            sbyte          flags  = channel.Get();     // 1

            bool inUse                    = bitFlag(flags, Record.IN_USE.byteValue());
            bool nodeProperty             = !bitFlag(flags, Record.REL_PROPERTY.byteValue());
            bool requireSecondaryUnit     = bitFlag(flags, Record.REQUIRE_SECONDARY_UNIT);
            bool hasSecondaryUnit         = bitFlag(flags, Record.HAS_SECONDARY_UNIT);
            bool usesFixedReferenceFormat = bitFlag(flags, Record.USES_FIXED_REFERENCE_FORMAT);

            record.RequiresSecondaryUnit = requireSecondaryUnit;
            record.UseFixedReferences    = usesFixedReferenceFormat;

            long nextProp = channel.Long;               // 8
            long prevProp = channel.Long;               // 8

            record.NextProp = nextProp;
            record.PrevProp = prevProp;

            long primitiveId = channel.Long;               // 8

            if (primitiveId != -1 && nodeProperty)
                record.NodeId = primitiveId;
            else if (primitiveId != -1)
                record.RelId = primitiveId;
            if (hasSecondaryUnit)
                record.SecondaryUnitId = channel.Long;
            int nrPropBlocks = channel.Get();

            Debug.Assert(nrPropBlocks >= 0);
            if (nrPropBlocks > 0)
                record.InUse = true;
            while (nrPropBlocks-- > 0)
                PropertyBlock block = ReadPropertyBlock(channel);
                if (block == null)
            int deletedRecords = ReadDynamicRecords(channel, record, PROPERTY_DELETED_DYNAMIC_RECORD_ADDER);

            if (deletedRecords == -1)
            Debug.Assert(deletedRecords >= 0);
            while (deletedRecords-- > 0)
                DynamicRecord read = ReadDynamicRecord(channel);
                if (read == null)
            if ((inUse && !record.InUse()) || (!inUse && record.InUse()))
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Weird, inUse was read in as " + inUse + " but the record is " + record);
Пример #7
        public virtual void PrimitiveSetProperty <P>(RecordAccess_RecordProxy <P, Void> primitiveRecordChange, int propertyKey, Value value, RecordAccess <PropertyRecord, PrimitiveRecord> propertyRecords) where P : Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.store.record.PrimitiveRecord
            PropertyBlock block     = EncodePropertyValue(propertyKey, value);
            P             primitive = primitiveRecordChange.ForReadingLinkage();

            Debug.Assert(_traverser.assertPropertyChain(primitive, propertyRecords));
            int newBlockSizeInBytes = block.Size;

            // Traverse the existing property chain. Tracking two things along the way:
            // - (a) Free space for this block (candidateHost)
            // - (b) Existence of a block with the property key
            // Chain traversal can be aborted only if:
            // - (1) (b) occurs and new property block fits where the current is
            // - (2) (a) occurs and (b) has occurred, but new property block didn't fit
            // - (3) (b) occurs and (a) has occurred
            // - (4) Chain ends
            RecordAccess_RecordProxy <PropertyRecord, PrimitiveRecord> freeHostProxy     = null;
            RecordAccess_RecordProxy <PropertyRecord, PrimitiveRecord> existingHostProxy = null;
            long prop = primitive.NextProp;

            while (prop != Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue())                 // <-- (4)
                RecordAccess_RecordProxy <PropertyRecord, PrimitiveRecord> proxy = propertyRecords.GetOrLoad(prop, primitive);
                PropertyRecord propRecord = proxy.ForReadingLinkage();
                Debug.Assert(propRecord.InUse(), propRecord);

                // (a) search for free space
                if (PropertyFitsInside(newBlockSizeInBytes, propRecord))
                    freeHostProxy = proxy;
                    if (existingHostProxy != null)
                        // (2)
                        PropertyRecord freeHost = proxy.ForChangingData();
                        freeHost.Changed = primitive;
                        Debug.Assert(_traverser.assertPropertyChain(primitive, propertyRecords));

                // (b) search for existence of property key
                PropertyBlock existingBlock = propRecord.GetPropertyBlock(propertyKey);
                if (existingBlock != null)
                    // We found an existing property and whatever happens we have to remove the existing
                    // block so that we can add the new one, where ever we decide to place it
                    existingHostProxy = proxy;
                    PropertyRecord existingHost = existingHostProxy.ForChangingData();
                    RemoveProperty(primitive, existingHost, existingBlock);

                    // Now see if we at this point can add the new block
                    if (newBlockSizeInBytes <= existingBlock.Size || PropertyFitsInside(newBlockSizeInBytes, existingHost))                                  // fallback check
                        // (1) yes we could add it right into the host of the existing block
                        Debug.Assert(_traverser.assertPropertyChain(primitive, propertyRecords));
                    else if (freeHostProxy != null)
                        // (3) yes we could add it to a previously found host with sufficiently free space in it
                        PropertyRecord freeHost = freeHostProxy.ForChangingData();
                        freeHost.Changed = primitive;
                        Debug.Assert(_traverser.assertPropertyChain(primitive, propertyRecords));
                    // else we can't add it at this point

                // Continue down the chain
                prop = propRecord.NextProp;

            // At this point we haven't added the property block, although we may have found room for it
            // along the way. If we didn't then just create a new record, it's fine
            PropertyRecord freeHost;

            if (freeHostProxy == null)
                // We couldn't find free space along the way, so create a new host record
                freeHost       = propertyRecords.Create(_propertyRecordIdGenerator.nextId(), primitive).forChangingData();
                freeHost.InUse = true;
                if (primitive.NextProp != Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue())
                    // This isn't the first property record for the entity, re-shuffle the first one so that
                    // the new one becomes the first
                    PropertyRecord prevProp = propertyRecords.GetOrLoad(primitive.NextProp, primitive).forChangingLinkage();
                    Debug.Assert(prevProp.PrevProp == Record.NO_PREVIOUS_PROPERTY.intValue());
                    prevProp.PrevProp = freeHost.Id;
                    freeHost.NextProp = prevProp.Id;
                    prevProp.Changed  = primitive;

                // By the way, this is the only condition where the primitive record also needs to change
                primitiveRecordChange.ForChangingLinkage().NextProp = freeHost.Id;
                freeHost = freeHostProxy.ForChangingData();

            // At this point we know that we have a host record with sufficient space in it for the block
            // to add, so simply add it
            Debug.Assert(_traverser.assertPropertyChain(primitive, propertyRecords));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.record.PropertyRecord readPropertyRecord(long id, org.neo4j.storageengine.api.ReadableChannel channel) throws java.io.IOException
        private PropertyRecord ReadPropertyRecord(long id, ReadableChannel channel)
            // in_use(byte)+type(int)+key_indexId(int)+prop_blockId(long)+
            // prev_prop_id(long)+next_prop_id(long)
            PropertyRecord record    = new PropertyRecord(id);
            sbyte          inUseFlag = channel.Get();   // 1
            long           nextProp  = channel.Long;    // 8
            long           prevProp  = channel.Long;    // 8

            record.NextProp = nextProp;
            record.PrevProp = prevProp;
            bool inUse = false;

            if ((inUseFlag & Record.IN_USE.byteValue()) == Record.IN_USE.byteValue())
                inUse = true;
            bool nodeProperty = true;

            if ((inUseFlag & Record.REL_PROPERTY.byteValue()) == Record.REL_PROPERTY.byteValue())
                nodeProperty = false;
            long primitiveId = channel.Long;               // 8

            if (primitiveId != -1 && nodeProperty)
                record.NodeId = primitiveId;
            else if (primitiveId != -1)
                record.RelId = primitiveId;
            int nrPropBlocks = channel.Get();

            Debug.Assert(nrPropBlocks >= 0);
            if (nrPropBlocks > 0)
                record.InUse = true;
            while (nrPropBlocks-- > 0)
                PropertyBlock block = ReadPropertyBlock(channel);
                if (block == null)
            int deletedRecords = ReadDynamicRecords(channel, record, PROPERTY_DELETED_DYNAMIC_RECORD_ADDER);

            if (deletedRecords == -1)
            Debug.Assert(deletedRecords >= 0);
            while (deletedRecords-- > 0)
                DynamicRecord read = ReadDynamicRecord(channel);
                if (read == null)
            if ((inUse && !record.InUse()) || (!inUse && record.InUse()))
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Weird, inUse was read in as " + inUse + " but the record is " + record);