Пример #1
        public void CreateSortedVersionDictionary_OverlappingVersionRange_ThrowsException(string firstRange, string secondRange)
            var versionList = new PropertiesDictionary();

            versionList.Add(firstRange, (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable).ToString());
            versionList.Add(secondRange, (CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => EnableSpectreMitigations.CreateSortedVersionDictionary(versionList));
Пример #2
        private void AddCompilerMitigationDataToDictionary(PropertiesDictionary dictionary, CompilerVersionToMitigation data)
            string start = data.MinimalSupportedVersion.ToString().Replace(int.MaxValue.ToString(), "*");
            string end   = data.MaximumSupportedVersion.ToString().Replace(int.MaxValue.ToString(), "*");
            string key   = start + " - " + end;

            dictionary.Add(key, data.SupportedMitigations.ToString());
Пример #3
        public void CreateSortedVersionDictionary_BadVersionRange_ThrowsException()
            var versionList = new PropertiesDictionary();

            versionList.Add(" -", (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable).ToString());

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => EnableSpectreMitigations.CreateSortedVersionDictionary(versionList));
Пример #4
        private void AddFakeConfigTestData(PropertiesDictionary policy)
            PropertiesDictionary BA2024Config       = new PropertiesDictionary();
            PropertiesDictionary mitigatedCompilers = new PropertiesDictionary();
            PropertiesDictionary fakeX86Data        = GenerateMachineFamilyData();

            PropertiesDictionary fakeArmData = new PropertiesDictionary();

            fakeArmData.Add(" - 1.8.*.*", (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());
            fakeArmData.Add(" - 2.0.0.*", (CompilerMitigations.NonoptimizedCodeMitigated | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());
            fakeArmData.Add(" - 2.*.*.*", (CompilerMitigations.NonoptimizedCodeMitigated | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            mitigatedCompilers.Add(MachineFamily.X86.ToString(), fakeX86Data);
            mitigatedCompilers.Add(MachineFamily.Arm.ToString(), fakeArmData);

            BA2024Config.Add("MitigatedCompilers", mitigatedCompilers);
            policy.Add("BA2024.EnableSpectreMitigations.Options", BA2024Config);
Пример #5
        private TempFile CreateTempConfigFile(string ruleId, object parameter)
            var propertiesDictionary = new PropertiesDictionary();

            if (IsSarifRule(ruleId))
                var rulePropertiesDictionary                = new PropertiesDictionary();
                SarifValidationSkimmerBase rule             = GetRuleFromId(ruleId);
                RuleEnabledState           ruleEnabledState = GetRuleEnabledState(rule);
                rulePropertiesDictionary.Add(nameof(DefaultDriverOptions.RuleEnabled), ruleEnabledState);
                if (parameter is KeyValuePair <string, object> pair)
                    rulePropertiesDictionary.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

                propertiesDictionary.Add($"{rule.Moniker}.Options", rulePropertiesDictionary);

            var tempFile = new TempFile(".xml");

Пример #6
        public void ContentService_Published(Umbraco.Core.Services.IContentService sender, Umbraco.Core.Events.ContentPublishedEventArgs e)
            foreach (var item in e.PublishedEntities)
                var properties = new PropertiesDictionary(item);
                var publisher  = Current.Services.UserService.GetUserById(item.PublisherId.GetValueOrDefault());
                if (publisher != null)
                    properties.Add("publisher", publisher.Name);

                AsyncUtil.RunSync(() => _messagingService.SendMessageAsync("contentService", "published", properties, publisher));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs a specific message with Log4Net.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">The level of the entry.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to log.</param>
        /// <param name="correlation">The correlation id to log.</param>
        /// <param name="area">The area to log.</param>
        /// <param name="category">The category to log.</param>
        /// <param name="eventId">The event id to log.</param>
        /// <param name="when">The time to log.</param>
        private static void LogData(Level level, string message, Guid correlation, string area, string category, string eventId, DateTime when)
            IDictionary props = new PropertiesDictionary();

            props.Add("Area", area);
            props.Add("Category", category);
            props.Add("EventID", eventId);

            props.Add("Correlation", correlation);

            var data = new LoggingEventData
                TimeStampUtc    = when,
                LoggerName      = Log.Logger.Name,
                Level           = level,
                Message         = FilterMessage(message),
                ExceptionString = string.Empty,
                Properties      = (PropertiesDictionary)props

            var loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(LogDeclaringType, Log.Logger.Repository, data);

Пример #8
        public void GetClosestCompilerVersionWithSpectreMitigations_UnsupportedOnMachine()
            BinaryAnalyzerContext context = new BinaryAnalyzerContext();

            context.Policy = new PropertiesDictionary();
            PropertiesDictionary BA2024Config       = new PropertiesDictionary();
            PropertiesDictionary mitigatedCompilers = new PropertiesDictionary();
            PropertiesDictionary fakeX86Data        = GenerateMachineFamilyData();

            mitigatedCompilers.Add(MachineFamily.X86.ToString(), fakeX86Data);

            BA2024Config.Add("MitigatedCompilers", mitigatedCompilers);
            context.Policy.Add("BA2024.EnableSpectreMitigations.Options", BA2024Config);

            Assert.Null(EnableSpectreMitigations.GetClosestCompilerVersionWithSpectreMitigations(context, ExtendedMachine.Arm, new Version(1, 0, 100, 5)));
Пример #9
        private static PropertiesDictionary BuildMitigatedCompilersData()
            // As per https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/01/15/spectre-mitigations-in-msvc/

             * In current versions of the MSVC compiler, the /Qspectre switch only works on optimized code.
             * You should make sure to compile your code with any of the optimization switches (e.g., /O2 or /O1 but NOT /Od) to have the mitigation applied.
             * Similarly, inspect any code that uses #pragma optimize([stg], off). Work is ongoing now to make the /Qspectre mitigation work on unoptimized code.
             * AND
             * What versions of MSVC support the /Qspectre switch?
             * All versions of Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 and all Previews of Visual Studio version 15.6 already include an undocumented switch, /d2guardspecload, that is currently equivalent to /Qspectre.
             * You can use /d2guardspecload to apply the same mitigations to your code.
             * Please update to using /Qspectre as soon as you get a compiler that supports the switch as the /Qspectre switch will be maintained with new mitigations going forward.
             * The /Qspectre switch will be available in MSVC toolsets included in all future releases of Visual Studio (including Previews).
             * We will also release updates to some existing versions of Visual Studio to include support for /Qspectre.
             * Releases of Visual Studio and Previews are announced on the Visual Studio Blog; update notifications are included in the Notification Hub.
             * Visual Studio updates that include support for /Qspectre will be announced on the Visual C++ Team Blog and the @visualc Twitter feed.
             * We initially plan to include support for /Qspectre in the following:
             * Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6 Preview 4
             * An upcoming servicing update to Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5
             * A servicing update to Visual Studio 2017 “RTW”
             * A servicing update to Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
             * If you’re using an older version of MSVC we strongly encourage you to upgrade to a more recent compiler for this and other security improvements that have been developed in the last few years.
             * Additionally, you’ll benefit from increased conformance, code quality, and faster compile times as well as many productivity improvements in Visual Studio.

            // UPDATED version and support information: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/04/09/spectre-mitigation-changes-in-visual-studio-2017-version-15-7-preview-3/

             * With Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 Preview 3 we have two new features to announce with regards to our Spectre mitigations.
             * First, the /Qspectre switch is now supported regardless of the selected optimization level.
             * Second, we have provided Spectre-mitigated implementations of the Microsoft Visual C++ libraries.

            var compilersData = new PropertiesDictionary();

            // Mitigations for x86 family of processors
            var x86Data = new PropertiesDictionary();
            var armData = new PropertiesDictionary();

            // Format of this data and the ranges:
            // ThrowIfMitigationDataIsInvalid requires a range here from the start of this support
            //     to a version less than the compiler that implements the next level of mitigation support.

            // X86\X64 support
            // VS2015 15.0 Update 3 Versions
            //       D2GuardSpecLoad version will not be back-ported
            // This terminates at 19.0 due to gaps in support in the 19.10 and 19.11 compilers
            x86Data.Add("19.00.24232.0 - 19.0.*.*",

            // VS2017 RTM
            // This terminates at 19.10.25099 due to gaps in support in unreleased compilers
            x86Data.Add("19.10.25024.0 - 19.10.25099.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 - 15.5.x
            x86Data.Add("19.12.25830.2 - 19.12.25834.*",

            // This terminates at 19.12.*.* due to a gap in support for 15.6 early previews
            x86Data.Add("19.12.25835.0 - 19.12.*.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 - 15.6 Preview 3
            x86Data.Add("19.13.26029.0 - 19.13.26117.*",

            // Version flows into 15.7 as there is no gap in support for these switches moving forwards
            x86Data.Add("19.13.26118.0 - 19.14.26328.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 15.7 Preview 3
            // Add first support for mitigation under /Od as per https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/04/09/spectre-mitigation-changes-in-visual-studio-2017-version-15-7-preview-3/
            // This assumes that future versions of Visual Studio (post 15.6) will always have these mitigations available.
            x86Data.Add("19.14.26329.0 - *.*.*.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable | CompilerMitigations.NonoptimizedCodeMitigated).ToString());

            // ARM\ARM64 support
            // VS2017 - 15.6 Preview 4
            armData.Add("19.13.26214.0 - 19.14.26328.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 15.7 Preview 3
            armData.Add("19.14.26329.0 - *.*.*.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable | CompilerMitigations.NonoptimizedCodeMitigated).ToString());

            compilersData.Add(MachineFamily.X86.ToString(), x86Data);
            compilersData.Add(MachineFamily.Arm.ToString(), armData);

Пример #10
        private static PropertiesDictionary BuildMitigatedCompilersData()
            // As per https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/01/15/spectre-mitigations-in-msvc/

             * In current versions of the MSVC compiler, the /Qspectre switch only works on optimized code.
             * You should make sure to compile your code with any of the optimization switches (e.g., /O2 or /O1 but NOT /Od) to have the mitigation applied.
             * Similarly, inspect any code that uses #pragma optimize([stg], off). Work is ongoing now to make the /Qspectre mitigation work on unoptimized code.
             * AND
             * What versions of MSVC support the /Qspectre switch?
             * All versions of Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 and all Previews of Visual Studio version 15.6 already include an undocumented switch, /d2guardspecload, that is currently equivalent to /Qspectre.
             * You can use /d2guardspecload to apply the same mitigations to your code.
             * Please update to using /Qspectre as soon as you get a compiler that supports the switch as the /Qspectre switch will be maintained with new mitigations going forward.
             * The /Qspectre switch will be available in MSVC toolsets included in all future releases of Visual Studio (including Previews).
             * We will also release updates to some existing versions of Visual Studio to include support for /Qspectre.
             * Releases of Visual Studio and Previews are announced on the Visual Studio Blog; update notifications are included in the Notification Hub.
             * Visual Studio updates that include support for /Qspectre will be announced on the Visual C++ Team Blog and the @visualc Twitter feed.
             * We initially plan to include support for /Qspectre in the following:
             * Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6 Preview 4
             * An upcoming servicing update to Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5
             * A servicing update to Visual Studio 2017 “RTW”
             * A servicing update to Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
             * If you’re using an older version of MSVC we strongly encourage you to upgrade to a more recent compiler for this and other security improvements that have been developed in the last few years.
             * Additionally, you’ll benefit from increased conformance, code quality, and faster compile times as well as many productivity improvements in Visual Studio.

            var compilersData = new PropertiesDictionary();

            // Mitigations for x86 family of processors
            var x86Data = new PropertiesDictionary();

            // VS2015 15.0 Update 3 Versions
            // TODO: Uncomment and update QSpectre minimum version once we have the official build.
            //       https://github.com/Microsoft/binskim/issues/134
            //       D2GuardSpecLoad version will not be back-ported
            // x86Data.Add("19.0.*.* - 19.0.*.*",
            //    (CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 RTM
            // TODO: Uncomment and update QSpectre minimum version once we have the official build.
            //       https://github.com/Microsoft/binskim/issues/134
            //       D2GuardSpecLoad version will not be back-ported
            // x86Data.Add("19.10.*.* - 19.10.*.*",
            //    (CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 - 15.5
            //       https://github.com/Microsoft/binskim/issues/134
            // TODO: Update QSpectre minimum version once we have the official build.
            // x86Data.Add("19.12.*.* - 19.12.*.*",
            //    (CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable | CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable).ToString());

            // VS2017 - 15.6 Preview
            x86Data.Add("19.13.26029.0 - 19.13.26029.*",

            // TODO:  Update when we have an official build supporting QSpectre.
            // x86Data.Add("19.13.*.* - 19.13.*.*",
            //    (CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable | CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable).ToString());

            // This assumes that future versions of Visual Studio (post 15.6) will always have these mitigations available.
            x86Data.Add(" - *.*.*.*",
                        (CompilerMitigations.D2GuardSpecLoadAvailable | CompilerMitigations.QSpectreAvailable).ToString());

            compilersData.Add(MachineFamily.X86.ToString(), x86Data);

            // TODO--Update when ARM mitigations are available.
            compilersData.Add(MachineFamily.Arm.ToString(), new PropertiesDictionary());
