Пример #1
        /// @brief Default Constructor.
        /// @param chip CPU to reference the view.
        public LogicView(PropellerCPU chip) : base(chip)

            MonoFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10);
            if (MonoFont == null)
                MonoFont = this.Font;

            viewOffset.LargeChange = 1;

            //retrieve the default settings for grid
            TimeScale = Properties.Settings.Default.LastTimeFrame;
            Marker    = Properties.Settings.Default.LastTickMarkGrid;
            //Set international localized text for timeFrame & tickMark text boxes
            timeFrameBox.Text = TimeScale.ToString("0.00000000");
            tickMarkBox.Text  = Marker.ToString("0.00000000");

            Pins        = new List <LogicRow>();
            DigitalPins = new LogicDigital[64];

            for (int i = 0; i < DigitalPins.Length; i++)
                DigitalPins[i] = new LogicDigital(i);

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
Пример #2
        public SpinView(PropellerCPU chip) : base(chip)
            MonoSpace = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8);
            if (MonoSpace == null)
                MonoSpace = Font;

            lineHeight = TextRenderer.MeasureText("0000:", MonoSpace).Height;


            colorBrushes = new Brush[]

            for (int i = 0; i < colorMap.Length; i++)
                colorMap[i] = 0;
Пример #3
        public const int TOTAL_COG_MEMORY = 0x200;  // 512 longs of memory

        /// @brief Default constructor.
        public Cog(PropellerCPU host, uint programAddress, uint param, uint frequency, PLLGroup pll)
            Hub = host;

            Memory         = new uint[TOTAL_COG_MEMORY];
            ProgramAddress = programAddress;
            ParamAddress   = param;

            FreqA           = new FreqGenerator(host, pll, true);
            FreqB           = new FreqGenerator(host, pll, false);
            Video           = new VideoGenerator(host);
            PhaseLockedLoop = pll;

            // Attach the video generator to PLLs

            PC = 0;
            BreakPointCogCursor = -1;    // Breakpoint disabled initially

            // We are in boot time load
            Memory[(int)CogSpecialAddress.PAR] = param;
            State      = CogRunState.WAIT_LOAD_PROGRAM;
            StateCount = 0;

            // Clear the special purpose registers
            for (int i = (int)CogSpecialAddress.CNT; i <= 0x1FF; i++)
                this[i] = 0;

Пример #4
        /// @brief Default Constructor.
        /// @param[in] source Binary program loaded (path & name)
        public Emulator(string source)
            Chip          = new PropellerCPU(this);
            Source        = source;
            FloatControls = new List <Control>();


            this.Text = "Propeller: " + source;

            // Create default layout
            for (int i = 0; i < PropellerCPU.TOTAL_COGS; i++)  //using constant TOTAL_COGS
                AttachPlugin(new CogView(i, Chip));

            AttachPlugin(new MemoryView(Chip));
            AttachPlugin(new SpinView(Chip));
            AttachPlugin(new LogicProbe.LogicView(Chip));   //changed to logicprobe be the last tab
            documentsTab.SelectedIndex = 0;

            runTimer          = new Timer();
            runTimer.Interval = 10;
            runTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(RunEmulatorStep);

            hubView.Host = Chip;
 /// @brief Default Constructor
 public MemoryWatch(PropellerCPU chip)
     : base(chip)
     Watches = new List <MemWatcher>();
Пример #6
 /// @brief Default constructor for a Cog running in PASM mode.
 /// @param host PropellerCPU where this cog resides.
 /// @param programAddress Start of program to load from main memory.
 /// @param paramAddress PARAM value given to the Cog.
 /// @param frequency Frequency running the cog (the same as the Propeller).
 /// @param pll PLL Multiplier running the cog (the same as the Propeller).
 public NativeCog(PropellerCPU host,
                  uint programAddress, uint paramAddress, uint frequency,
                  PLLGroup pll)
     : base(host, programAddress, paramAddress, frequency, pll)
     Carry = false;
     Zero  = false;
Пример #7
        public VideoGenerator(PropellerCPU chip)
            // Clear our phase accumulator
            PhaseAccumulator = 0;
            Chip             = chip;

            // Scale is dirty
            ScaleDirty = true;
Пример #8
        public FreqGenerator(PropellerCPU host, PLLGroup phaseLockLoop, bool freqA)
            Host  = host;
            OutA  = false;
            OutB  = false;
            FreqA = freqA;

            PhaseLockLoop = phaseLockLoop;
Пример #9
        public MemoryView(PropellerCPU chip) : base(chip)
            MonoFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10);
            if (MonoFont == null)
                MonoFont = this.Font;

            positionScrollBar.Minimum = 0;
    //Constructor for the initialization of your plugin
    public YourClassName(PropellerCPU chip) : base(chip)
        //Include here your initialization code only for attributes you add to
        //your class or interface objects (example create user controls for
        //the tab window). If you don't use any, don't add code here, but you
        //must not delete this method.
        //If you wish to use DrivePin() for initial setup of pins, call it
        //inside of OnReset() method, instead of here.

        // Put your code here:
 /// @brief Create a new Watch for a Main memory location.
 /// @param chip Reference to %PropellerCPU to inspect its memory.
 /// @param name Name to associate the Watch.
 /// @param address Memory address to inspect.
 public MemWatcher(PropellerCPU chip, string name, uint address)
     IsCogBased    = false;
     _chip         = chip;
     _cog          = null;
     Addr          = address; //this assignment validate the value or throw an exception
     Name          = name;
     Value         = chip.ReadLong(Addr);
     ComparedValue = 0;
     isStoppedBy   = false;
     Mode          = StopMode.none;
Пример #12
        public SpinView(PropellerCPU chip) : base(chip)
            MonoSpace = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8);
            if (MonoSpace == null)
                MonoSpace = Font;
            Colorize = new Brush[0x10000];

            for (int i = 0; i < Colorize.Length; i++)
                Colorize[i] = Brushes.Gray;
Пример #13
        public CogView(int hostId, PropellerCPU chip) : base(chip)
            HostID = hostId;

            InterpAddress = new uint[80];   // Allow for up to 80 lines of displayed interpreted text

            displayAsHexadecimal = false;
            useShortOpcodes      = true;

            MonoFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10);
            if (MonoFont == null)
                MonoFont = this.Font;

            MonoFontBold = new Font(MonoFont, FontStyle.Bold);

 /// @brief Create a new Watch for a %Cog memory location.
 /// @param cog Reference to %Cog to inspect its memory.
 /// @param name Name to associate the Watch.
 /// @param address Memory address to inspect.
 public MemWatcher(Cog cog, string name, uint address)
     IsCogBased = true;
     _chip      = null;
     _cog       = cog;
     Addr       = address; //this assignment validate the value or throw an exception
     //CogSpecialAddress tmp;
     //if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(CogSpecialAddress), Addr) &&
     //    Enum.TryParse(Addr, out tmp))
     //    specialAddr = tmp;
     //    Name = specialAddr.ToString();
     Name = name;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
         Name = name;
     Value         = cog.ReadLong(Addr);
     ComparedValue = 0;
     isStoppedBy   = false;
     Mode          = StopMode.none;
Пример #15
 /// @brief Constructor to initialize with the PropellerCPU reference.
 /// This avoid to declare in each plugin the following example code:
 /// @code{.cs}
 /// class PinNoise : PluginBase
 /// {
 ///     private PropellerCPU Chip;  //<== this line will not be necesary to declare in every plugin anymore.
 /// ...
 /// @endcode
 /// @version V15.03.26 - Added.
 public PluginBase(PropellerCPU chip)
     Chip = chip;
Пример #16
        /// @brief Points to propeller instance.
        /// @note Asterisk's: Occurs once the plugin is loaded. It gives you a reference to the
        /// propeller chip (so you can drive the pins).
        /// @note Source: <a href="http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/91084-GEAR-Propeller-Debugging-Environment?p=625629&viewfull=1#post625629">
        /// API GEAR described on GEAR original Post</a>
//#pragma warning disable 618
        public virtual void PresentChip(PropellerCPU host)