public override PropResult Apply(HttpRequest request, int threadID, string param) { List <int> forumIDs = StringUtil.Split2 <int>(param, ','); BasicThread thread = PostBOV5.Instance.GetThread(threadID); if (thread == null) { return(Error("指定主题不存在")); } else if (thread.PostUserID != User.Current.UserID) { return(Error("本道具只能用于您本人发表的主题")); } else if (forumIDs.Contains(-1) == false && forumIDs.Contains(thread.ForumID) == false) { return(Error("目标主题所属版块不在本道具有效范围中")); } if (PostBOV5.Instance.SetThreadsUp(User.Current, thread.ForumID, new int[] { threadID }, true, true, false, string.Empty) == false) { return(Error("发生了未知的错误,请联系管理员")); } PropResult result = Succeed(); result.LogForUser = string.Format("您用道具对主题《{0}》进行了提升", thread.SubjectText); return(result); }
public override PropResult Apply(HttpRequest request, int threadID, string param) { StringList paramList = StringList.Parse(param); int timeLimit = int.Parse(paramList[0]); ThreadStatus stickType = StringUtil.TryParse <ThreadStatus>(paramList[1]); List <int> forumIDs = StringUtil.Split2 <int>(paramList[2], ','); string unit = paramList[3]; BasicThread thread = PostBOV5.Instance.GetThread(threadID); if (thread == null) { return(Error("指定主题不存在")); } else if (thread.PostUserID != User.Current.UserID) { return(Error("本道具只能用于您本人发表的主题")); } else if (forumIDs.Contains(-1) == false && forumIDs.Contains(thread.ForumID) == false) { return(Error("目标主题所属版块不在本道具有效范围中")); } DateTime endDate = DateTimeUtil.Now; if (unit == "d") { endDate = endDate.AddDays(timeLimit); } else if (unit == "h") { endDate = endDate.AddHours(timeLimit); } else { endDate = endDate.AddMinutes(timeLimit); } PostBOV5.Instance.SetThreadsStickyStatus(User.Current, thread.ForumID, null, new int[] { threadID }, stickType, endDate, true, true, false, string.Empty); PropResult result = Succeed(); if (stickType == ThreadStatus.GlobalSticky) { result.LogForUser = string.Format("您用道具对主题《{0}》进行{1}小时的全局置顶", thread.Subject, timeLimit); } else { result.LogForUser = string.Format("您用道具对主题《{0}》进行{1}小时的版块置顶", thread.Subject, timeLimit); } return(result); }
public override PropResult Apply(HttpRequest request, int userID, string param) { int timeLimit = StringUtil.TryParse <int>(param); if (timeLimit <= 0) { return(Error("道具设置有误,请联系管理员")); } if (userID == User.Current.UserID) { return(Error("您不能对自己使用此道具")); } if (PropBO.Instance.TryUseProp(userID, typeof(PigAvatarProtectionProp).FullName)) { PropResult result = Failed("道具的效果被对方的防御道具抵消了!"); result.TargetUserID = userID; result.LogForUser = string.Format("您用道具把{0}的头像变成猪头,但是被对方的防御道具抵消了。", UserBO.Instance.GetUser(userID).PopupNameLink); result.LogForTargetUser = string.Format("{0}用道具把您的头像变成猪头,但是被您的防御道具抵消了。", User.Current.PopupNameLink); result.NotifyForTargetUser = result.LogForTargetUser; return(result); } else { DateTime time = DateTime.Now.AddHours(timeLimit); if (UserBO.Instance.SetAttachAvatar(userID, this.AvatarSrc, time, false)) // if(UserBO.Instance.UpdateAndLockAvatar(userID, this.AvatarSrc, time, string.Format("{0}对您使用了头像道具,您在{1}之前无法修改自己的头像", User.Current.PopupNameLink, time))) { PropResult result = Succeed(); result.TargetUserID = userID; result.LogForUser = string.Format("您用道具把{0}的头像变成猪头{1}小时。", UserBO.Instance.GetSimpleUser(userID).PopupNameLink, timeLimit); result.LogForTargetUser = string.Format("{0}用道具把您的头像变成猪头{1}小时", User.Current.PopupNameLink, timeLimit); result.NotifyForTargetUser = string.Format("{0}用道具把您的头像变成了猪头", User.Current.PopupNameLink); return(result); } else { return(Error("道具使用失败了,可能对方正处于猪头状态。")); } } }
public override PropResult Apply(HttpRequest request, int userID, string param) { if (userID == User.Current.UserID) { return(Error("您不能对自己使用本道具")); } User user = UserBO.Instance.GetUser(userID); if (user.IsOnline) { PropResult result = Succeed("用户“" + user.Username + "”当前处于在线状态。"); result.TargetUserID = userID; result.LogForUser = string.Format("您对{0}使用了隐身探测道具。", UserBO.Instance.GetUser(userID).PopupNameLink); result.LogForTargetUser = string.Format("{0}对您使用了隐身探测道具,但被您的隐身保护道具阻挡了。", User.Current.PopupNameLink); result.NotifyForTargetUser = result.LogForTargetUser; return(result); } else if (user.IsInvisible) { if (PropBO.Instance.TryUseProp(userID, typeof(OnlineProtectionProp).FullName) == false) { PropResult result = Succeed("用户“" + user.Username + "”当前处于隐身状态。"); result.TargetUserID = userID; result.LogForUser = string.Format("您对{0}使用了反隐身道具。", UserBO.Instance.GetUser(userID).PopupNameLink); result.LogForTargetUser = string.Format("{0}对您使用了反隐身道具,您的隐身状态被发现了。", User.Current.PopupNameLink); result.NotifyForTargetUser = result.LogForTargetUser; return(result); } } { PropResult result = Succeed("用户“" + user.Username + "”当前不在线。"); result.TargetUserID = userID; result.LogForUser = string.Format("您对{0}使用了反隐身道具。", UserBO.Instance.GetUser(userID).PopupNameLink); result.LogForTargetUser = string.Format("{0}对您使用了反隐身道具,正好您当时不在线。", User.Current.PopupNameLink); result.NotifyForTargetUser = result.LogForTargetUser; return(result); } }
public override PropResult Apply(HttpRequest request, string param) { string newName = request.Form["newname"]; using (ErrorScope es = new ErrorScope()) { string oldName = User.Current.Name; UserBO.Instance.TryUpdateUsername(User.Current, User.Current.UserID, newName, true); if (es.HasError == false) { PropResult result = Succeed(); result.LogForUser = string.Format("您使用改名工具将自己原有的“{0}”用户名改为了“{1}”", oldName, newName); return(result); } else { return(Error()); } } }
protected List<PropResult> ValidateProps(object obj, List<PropertyInfo> props) { var results = new List<PropResult>(); foreach (var prop in props) { var result = new PropResult(); result.Name = prop.Name; result.IsValid = true; if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Guid) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(Guid?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as Guid?; if (value.HasValue && value.Value != default(Guid)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(int?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as int?; if (value.HasValue && value.Value > 0) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(byte[])) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as byte[]; if (value != null && value.Count() > 0) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(object)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as object; if (value != null) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } results.Add(result); } return results; }
protected List <PropResult> ValidateProps(object obj, List <PropertyInfo> props) { var results = new List <PropResult>(); foreach (var prop in props) { var result = new PropResult(); result.Name = prop.Name; result.IsValid = true; if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Guid) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(Guid?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as Guid?; if (value.HasValue && value.Value != default(Guid)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(int?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as int?; if (value.HasValue && value.Value > 0) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(byte[])) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as byte[]; if (value != null && value.Count() > 0) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(object)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as object; if (value != null) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } results.Add(result); } return(results); }
protected List <PropResult> ValidateProps(object obj, List <PropertyInfo> props) { var results = new List <PropResult>(); foreach (var prop in props) { var result = new PropResult(); result.Name = prop.Name; result.IsValid = true; // Some properties can be 0, so we need to pass them as successes // Can't provision list with NoListTemplate template type #944 // if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Guid) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(Guid?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as Guid?; if (value.HasValue && value.Value != default(Guid)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(int?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as int?; // any valud range? // ExpectRequiredIntRange var allowedRangeProperty = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExpectRequiredIntRange), true) .FirstOrDefault() as ExpectRequiredIntRange; if (allowedRangeProperty != null) { var minValue = allowedRangeProperty.MinValue; var maxValue = allowedRangeProperty.MaxValue; if (value.HasValue && (value.Value >= minValue && value.Value <= maxValue)) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else { if (value.HasValue && value.Value > 0) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(byte[])) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as byte[]; if (value != null && value.Count() > 0) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(object)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as object; if (value != null) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(bool) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(bool?)) { var value = prop.GetValue(obj, null) as bool?; // any valud range? // ExpectRequiredBoolRange var allowedBoolProperty = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExpectRequiredBoolRange), true) .FirstOrDefault() as ExpectRequiredBoolRange; if (allowedBoolProperty != null) { var allowedBoolPropertyValue = allowedBoolProperty.ExpectedValue; if (value != null && value.HasValue) { result.IsValid = value == allowedBoolPropertyValue; } else { result.IsValid = false; } } else { // all set 'boolean' values as to be true unless values are defined via ExpectRequiredBoolRange if (value != null && value.HasValue) { } else { result.IsValid = false; } } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } results.Add(result); } return(results); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int?propID = _Request.Get <int>("id"); if (propID == null) { ShowError("缺少必要的参数"); } m_Prop = PropBO.Instance.GetPropByID(propID.Value); if (m_Prop == null) { ShowError("指定的道具不存在"); } PropType propType = PropBO.GetPropType(m_Prop.PropType); if (propType == null) { ShowError("道具类型不存在,请联系管理员"); } m_AutoUse = propType.IsAutoUse(m_Prop.PropParam); if (_Request.IsClick("buy")) { int count = _Request.Get <int>("count", 1); if (count <= 0) { ShowError("够买数量必须大于0"); return; } using (ErrorScope es = new ErrorScope()) { if (m_AutoUse) { count = 1; } if (PropBO.Instance.BuyProp(My, propID.Value, count)) { m_DisplayMessage = true; if (m_AutoUse) { PropResult result = PropBO.Instance.UseProp(My, propID.Value, Request); if (result.Type == PropResultType.Succeed) { ShowSuccess("道具购买并使用成功", 1); } else { ShowError("道具购买成功,但使用失败了,请联系网站管理员"); } } else { ShowSuccess("道具购买成功", 1); } } else { m_DisplayMessage = true; es.CatchError <ErrorInfo>(delegate(ErrorInfo error) { ShowError(error.Message); }); } } } }
private static void CheckIfStringHasStringsBefore <T1, T2>(List <ValidationResult> result, PropResult valueResult, IEnumerable <string> symbols) { var stringValue = valueResult.Value as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue)) { foreach (var ch in symbols) { if (stringValue.StartsWith(ch)) { result.Add(new ValidationResult { IsValid = false, Message = string.Format("Property [{0}] of type [{1}] must not start with char:[{2}].", valueResult.Name, valueResult.ObjectType.FullName, ch) }); } } } }
private static void CheckIfStringIsNoMoreThan <T1, T2>(List <ValidationResult> result, int lenght, PropResult valueResult) { var value = valueResult.Value as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && value.Length > lenght) { result.Add(new ValidationResult { PropertyName = valueResult.Name, ResultType = ValidationResultType.NoMoreThan, IsValid = false, Message = string.Format("Property [{0}] of type [{1}] must string with no more than [{2}] chars. Current lenght is: [{3}]", valueResult.Name, valueResult.ObjectType.FullName, lenght, value.Length) }); } }
private static void CheckIfString <TSource, TProperty>(List <ValidationResult> result, PropResult valueResult) { if (!(valueResult.Value is string)) { result.Add(new ValidationResult { PropertyName = valueResult.Name, ResultType = ValidationResultType.MustBeString, IsValid = false, Message = string.Format("Property [{0}] of type [{1}] must be string type.", valueResult.Name, valueResult.ObjectType.FullName) }); } }
private static void CheckIfStringIsNotNullOrEmpty <TSource, TProperty>(List <ValidationResult> result, PropResult valueResult) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueResult.Value as string)) { result.Add(new ValidationResult { PropertyName = valueResult.Name, ResultType = ValidationResultType.NotEmptyString, IsValid = false, Message = string.Format("Property [{0}] of type [{1}] must be not null and not empty string.", valueResult.Name, valueResult.ObjectType.FullName) }); } }
private static void CheckIfStringHasSpacesBeforeOrAfter <T1, T2>(List <ValidationResult> result, PropResult valueResult) { var stringValue = valueResult.Value as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue)) { if (stringValue.StartsWith(" ")) { result.Add(new ValidationResult { PropertyName = valueResult.Name, ResultType = ValidationResultType.NoSpacesBeforeOrAfter, IsValid = false, Message = string.Format("Property [{0}] of type [{1}] must not start with space.", valueResult.Name, valueResult.ObjectType.FullName) }); } if (stringValue.EndsWith(" ")) { result.Add(new ValidationResult { PropertyName = valueResult.Name, ResultType = ValidationResultType.NoSpacesBeforeOrAfter, IsValid = false, Message = string.Format("Property [{0}] of type [{1}] must not end with space.", valueResult.Name, valueResult.ObjectType.FullName) }); } } }
public override PropResult Apply(HttpRequest request, int threadID, string param) { StringList paramList = StringList.Parse(param); int timeLimit = int.Parse(paramList[0]); string color = paramList[1]; List <int> forumIDs = StringUtil.Split2 <int>(paramList[2], ','); string unit = paramList[3]; string style = color; if (paramList.Count > 4) { string font_family = paramList[4]; string font_size = paramList[5]; string font_style = paramList[6]; string font_color = paramList[7]; string back_color = paramList[8]; style = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(font_family) == false) { style += "font-family:" + font_family + ";"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(font_size) == false) { style += "font-size:" + font_size + ";"; } if (font_style != null) { if (font_style.Contains("bold")) { style += "font-weight:bold;"; } if (font_style.Contains("italic")) { style += "font-style:italic;"; } if (font_style.Contains("underline")) { if (font_style.Contains("linethrough")) { style += "text-decoration: underline line-through;"; } else { style += "text-decoration: underline;"; } } else if (font_style.Contains("linethrough")) { style += "text-decoration: line-through;"; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(font_color) == false) { style += "color:" + font_color + ";"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(back_color) == false) { style += "background-color:" + back_color + ";"; } } BasicThread thread = PostBOV5.Instance.GetThread(threadID); if (thread == null) { return(Error("指定主题不存在")); } else if (thread.PostUserID != User.Current.UserID) { return(Error("本道具只能用于您本人发表的主题")); } else if (forumIDs.Contains(-1) == false && forumIDs.Contains(thread.ForumID) == false) { return(Error("目标主题所属版块不在本道具有效范围中")); } DateTime endDate = DateTimeUtil.Now; if (unit == "d") { endDate = endDate.AddDays(timeLimit); } else if (unit == "h") { endDate = endDate.AddHours(timeLimit); } else { endDate = endDate.AddMinutes(timeLimit); } PostBOV5.Instance.SetThreadsSubjectStyle(User.Current, thread.ForumID, new int[] { threadID }, style, endDate, true, true, false, string.Empty); PropResult result = Succeed(); result.LogForUser = string.Format("您用道具对主题《{0}》进行{1}小时的标题加亮", thread.Subject, timeLimit); return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_PropID = _Request.Get <int>("propid", -1); if (m_PropID != -1) { m_Prop = PropBO.Instance.GetUserProp(MyUserID, m_PropID); if (m_Prop == null) { m_PropID = -1; } else { PropType propType = PropBO.GetPropType(m_Prop.PropType); if (propType == null) { m_PropID = -1; } else { m_PropHtml = propType.GetPropApplyFormHtml(Request); } } if (m_Prop == null) { ShowError("您选择的道具不存在"); } } if (m_PropID == -1) { m_PropList = PropBO.Instance.GetUserProps(My); PropTypeCategory?category = _Request.Get <PropTypeCategory>("cat"); if (category != null) { for (int i = 0; i < m_PropList.Count;) { PropType type = PropBO.GetPropType(m_PropList[i].PropType); if (type.Category != category.Value) { if (type.Category == PropTypeCategory.User && (category.Value == PropTypeCategory.Thread || category.Value == PropTypeCategory.ThreadReply)) { i++; } else { m_PropList.RemoveAt(i); } } else { i++; } } if (m_PropList.Count == 0) { ShowError("在您的道具包中,没有找到适合当前场景使用的道具。"); } } } if (_Request.IsClick("use")) { using (ErrorScope es = new ErrorScope()) { PropResult result = PropBO.Instance.UseProp(My, m_PropID, Request); if (result.Type == PropResultType.Succeed) { ShowSuccess(string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message) ? "道具使用成功!" : result.Message, true); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message)) { es.CatchError <ErrorInfo>(delegate(ErrorInfo error) { ShowError(error); }); } else { ShowError(result.Message); } } } } }