public static void Run([ServiceBusTrigger("promcarmodel", "3series", AccessRights.Listen)] BrokeredMessage mySbMsg, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"C# ServiceBus topic trigger function processed message: {mySbMsg}");

            var          stream    = mySbMsg.GetBody <Stream>();
            StreamReader reader    = new StreamReader(stream);
            string       obj       = reader.ReadToEnd();
            PromoData    promoData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PromoData>(obj);

            //save promotion posts into mongo collection..........................
            MongoDBConnection.GetCollection <PromoData>("PromotionCollectionName").InsertOne(promoData);

            //save promotion posts into redis list and trim for the latest 5 posts.
            IDatabase cache    = RedisConnection.Connection.GetDatabase();
            string    redisKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("key:3seriespromotionpost");

            cache.ListLeftPush(redisKey, obj);
            cache.ListTrim(redisKey, 0, 5);
Пример #2
        public ActionResult AddParticipant(PromoData promo)
            var promoData = _seminarService.GetPromoData();

            promo.Positions = promoData.Positions;
            promo.Seminars  = promoData.Seminars;

            if (promo.Participant?.Position == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Position", "Укажите должность");

            if (promo.Participant != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                bool isTransactionCommitted = _seminarService.AddParticipant(promo.Participant);
                promo.IsTransactionCommitted = isTransactionCommitted;

            return(View("MainPage", promo));
Пример #3
    public IEnumerator processPromo()
        string url = generateURL();
        WWW promoFile = new WWW(url);

        while(promoFile.isDone == false)
            yield return 0;

        if(promoFile.error != null)
            Debug.LogError("Couldn't load promotion at url: " + url + " " + promoFile.error);
            return false;

        //Got file.  Now parse it
        string txt = promoFile.text;
        Debug.Log (txt);

        string[] lines = txt.Split('\n');
        //Check version
        string firstLine = lines[0].Trim();
        //promoVersion = Int32.Parse(firstLine);
        Debug.Log("Promo Version: " + promoVersion + " lastPromoVersion: " + lastPromoVersion);

        foreach(string line in lines)
            string l = line.Trim();

            //Remove comments
            if(l != null && l.Length > 0 && l[0] == '#')
            int hashIndex = l.IndexOf('#');
            if(hashIndex > 0)
                l = l.Substring(0,hashIndex - 1);

            string[] fields = l.Split('|');

            if(fields.Length < 3)

            PromoData pd = new PromoData(fields);

            //Don't show promo for our own app
            if(pd.appName == appID)

            WWW icon = new WWW(pd.iconURL);

            while(icon.isDone == false)
                yield return 0;

            if(icon.error != null)
                Debug.LogError("Couldn't load icon at url: " + pd.iconURL + " " + icon.error);
                return false;

            pd.downloadedIcon = icon.texture;


        //Should we show the promo?
        //Show if there is a new version or we have run the app a certain multiple of time
        Debug.Log ("runCounter: " + runCounter + " showEveryCount: " + showEveryCount + " runCounter % showEveryCount: " + runCounter % showEveryCount);
        if(runCounter > 2 && (promoVersion > lastPromoVersion || runCounter % showEveryCount == 0))
            SendMessage("setGUIState", AppController.GUIState.PROMO, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

Пример #4
 public ActionResult MainPage(PromoData promo)
     promo = _seminarService.GetPromoData();