public static void MoveFile(string fromPath, string toPath)
        ProjectManager.AdvLog("Moving file from " + fromPath + " to " + toPath);

        // Are we moving a directory or just a file?
        bool isDir = File.GetAttributes(fromPath) == FileAttributes.Directory;

        // Check to make sure a file doesn't already exist at the toPath
        if (!isDir)
            if (File.Exists(fromPath))
                if (!File.Exists(toPath))
                    File.Move(fromPath, toPath);
                    // Plugins probably alread moved.. however there are duplicates still inside the project!!
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog("Path to move plugins into already exists at " + toPath);

                    // Delete the existing file
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog("Existing file at " + fromPath + " has been deleted!");
                // Plugins probably already moved.. we just have to hope they're in the toPath from here or they're lost and need reimporting
                ProjectManager.AdvLog("Path to move plugins from doesn't exist at " + fromPath);
            if (Directory.Exists(fromPath))
                if (!Directory.Exists(toPath))
                    Directory.Move(fromPath, toPath);
                    // Plugins probably already moved.. however there are duplicates still inside the project!!
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog("Path to move plugins into already exists at " + toPath);

                    // Delete the existing directory
                    Directory.Delete(fromPath, true);
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog("Existing folder at " + fromPath + " has been deleted!");
                // Plugins probably already moved.. we just have to hope they're in the toPath from here or they're lost and need reimporting
                ProjectManager.AdvLog("Path to move plugins from doesn't exist at " + fromPath);
    private void UpdatePluginList(bool DoLogs)
        // The developer might have moved PluginImportData.json so search for it instead of using a fixed path
        string[] searchResults = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("PluginImportData");
        string   path          = "";

        if (searchResults.Length > 0)
            // Just use the first path found and complain if there's multiple
            path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(searchResults [0]);

            if (searchResults.Length > 1)
                ProjectManager.AdvLog("Multiple PluginImportData files found, make sure to delete any duplicates! (Using: " + path + ")");
            Debug.LogError("Your project is missing PluginImportData.json! Your project will probably fail to build!");

        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);

        pluginDataStorage = JsonUtility.FromJson <PluginInfo>(reader.ReadToEnd());

        if (DoLogs)
            for (int i = 0; i < pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo.Count; i++)
                for (int globalPathId = 0; globalPathId < pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].globalPathList.Count; globalPathId++)
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog(pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].pluginName + " - globalPathList[" + globalPathId + "] - " + pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].globalPathList [globalPathId]);

                for (int iosPathId = 0; iosPathId < pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].iosPathList.Count; iosPathId++)
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog(pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].pluginName + " - iosPathList[" + iosPathId + "] - " + pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].iosPathList [iosPathId]);

                for (int androidPathId = 0; androidPathId < pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].iosPathList.Count; androidPathId++)
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog(pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].pluginName + " - androidPathList[" + androidPathId + "] - " + pluginDataStorage.pluginInfo [i].iosPathList [androidPathId]);

            Debug.Log("Finished reloading plugin list!");
Пример #3
    private void UpdateInstalledPackages()
        ProjectManager.AdvLog("IAS Updating Installed Packages");


        // Get all installed packages with a bundleId matching our filter
        string filteredPackageList = I6MediaPlugin.GetPackageList("com.pickle.");

        // Cleanup the package list mistakes (ending comma or any spaces)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filteredPackageList))
            filteredPackageList = filteredPackageList.Trim();                                 // Trim whitespaces
            filteredPackageList = filteredPackageList.Remove(filteredPackageList.Length - 1); // Remove the unwanted comma at the end of the list

            // Split the list into a string array
            string[] packageArray = filteredPackageList.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (packageArray.Length > 0)
                // Extract all packages and store them in the installedApps list
                foreach (string packageName in packageArray)
                Analytics.LogEvent("IAS", "No other installed packages found matching filter!");
            Analytics.LogEvent("IAS", "Filtered package list was empty!");

        Analytics.SetUserProperty("ias_games_installed", installedApps.Count.ToString());
    private static void ModifyPlugins(string value, bool doAdd, bool userAction = false)
        ProjectManager.AdvLog("Modifying plugins: " + value + ", " + doAdd + ", " + userAction);

        // If this is an add action this must be done before any scripting defines are changed
        if (doAdd && (EditorApplication.isCompiling || EditorApplication.isUpdating))
            DisplayProgressBar(doAdd, false, value);

        // Move plugins not in use outside of the assets folder
        // (I was just going to change their import platform settings but it was a pain to manage them for different platforms
        // so just keeping defaults and moving out of the assets folder will be fine + cleaner project with less projects active)
        List <string> activePlatformPluginFiles = GetPluginFiles(value, EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup, true);
        List <string> otherPlatformPluginFiles  = GetPluginFiles(value, EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup, false);

        string projectPath         = Application.dataPath.Replace("/Assets", ""); // Absolute path to the project with Assets folder removed e.g C:/Projects/My Game
        string disabledPluginsPath = projectPath + "/Disabled Plugins";           // C:/Projects/My Game/Disabled Plugins

        // Make sure the Disabled Plugins folder exists
        if (!Directory.Exists(disabledPluginsPath))

        if (Directory.Exists(disabledPluginsPath))
            // Move plugins files for other platforms out of the project
            if (otherPlatformPluginFiles.Count > 0)
                ProjectManager.AdvLog("There are " + otherPlatformPluginFiles.Count + " other plugin files to move out of the project!");

                foreach (string file in otherPlatformPluginFiles)
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog("Moving " + file + " out of project!");

                    string insideProjectPath  = "Assets/" + file;
                    string outsideProjectPath = file;

                    // Run GetAttributes within a try catch or if the file doesn't exist it'll throw an error (and we're calling this in the first place to see if the file exists ;_;)
                    try {
                        // Are we moving a directory or just a file?
                        bool isDir = File.GetAttributes(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath) == FileAttributes.Directory;

                        // Before we bother calculating any moving or folder creation check if the files we want to move out of the project are actually in the project already
                        if (!isDir)
                            if (File.Exists(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath))
                                // Get each folder as an array from the new file path so we can create all the nessesary folders
                                string[] splitOutsidePath = outsideProjectPath.Split("/" [0]);                                  // ["Plugins", "Android", "Example.aar"]
                                string   curPath          = "";

                                // Minus 1 from the total iteration because the last value will be the actual file
                                for (int i = 0; i < splitOutsidePath.Length - 1; i++)
                                    curPath += "/" + splitOutsidePath [i];

                                    if (!Directory.Exists(disabledPluginsPath + curPath))
                                        Directory.CreateDirectory(disabledPluginsPath + curPath);

                                // All the folders should now be created and the files can be moved
                                MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath, disabledPluginsPath + "/" + outsideProjectPath);
                                MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath + ".meta", disabledPluginsPath + "/" + outsideProjectPath + ".meta");
                                ProjectManager.AdvLog("File to be taken out of project not found at: " + projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath);
                            if (Directory.Exists(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath))
                                // Get each folder as an array from the new file path so we can create all the nessesary folders
                                string[] splitOutsidePath = outsideProjectPath.Split("/" [0]);                                  // ["Plugins", "Android", "Example"]
                                string   curPath          = "";

                                // Minus 1 from the total iteration because the last value will be the actual folder we're moving
                                for (int i = 0; i < splitOutsidePath.Length - 1; i++)
                                    curPath += "/" + splitOutsidePath [i];

                                    if (!Directory.Exists(disabledPluginsPath + curPath))
                                        Directory.CreateDirectory(disabledPluginsPath + curPath);

                                // All the folders should now be created and we can move the wanted directories into them
                                MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath, disabledPluginsPath + "/" + outsideProjectPath);
                                MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath + ".meta", disabledPluginsPath + "/" + outsideProjectPath + ".meta");
                                ProjectManager.AdvLog("Directory to be moved out of project not found at: " + projectPath + "/" + insideProjectPath);
                    } catch (System.Exception error) {
                        ProjectManager.AdvLog("File or folder not found! " + error.Message);

            // Move the plugin files for the active platform
            ProjectManager.AdvLog("The activePlatformPluginFiles has " + activePlatformPluginFiles.Count + " files to move");

            if (activePlatformPluginFiles.Count > 0)
                foreach (string file in activePlatformPluginFiles)
                    ProjectManager.AdvLog("Yay lets move " + file);

                    // These variables are only relative to the assets folder (commented values are flipped if doAdd is false)
                    string oldFullFilePath = (doAdd ? "Disabled Plugins/" : "Assets/") + file;                     // (if doAdd) Disabled Plugins/Plugins/Android/Example.aar
                    string newFullFilePath = (doAdd ? "Assets/" : "Disabled Plugins/") + file;                     // (if doAdd) Assets/Plugins/Android/Example.aar

                    // Run GetAttributes within a try catch or if the file doesn't exist it'll throw an error (and we're calling this in the first place to see if the file exists ;_;)
                    try {
                        // Are we moving to a directory or just a file?
                        bool isDir = File.GetAttributes(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath) == FileAttributes.Directory;

                        // Before we bother calculating any moving or folder creation make sure the file we're wanting to move exist
                        if (!isDir)
                            if (File.Exists(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath))
                                if (!doAdd)
                                    newFullFilePath = newFullFilePath.Replace("Disabled Plugins/", "");                                      // Plugins/Android/Example.aar

                                    // Get each folder as an array from the new file path so we can create all the nessesary folders
                                    string[] splitNewPaths = newFullFilePath.Split("/" [0]);                                      // ["Plugins", "Android", "Example.aar"]
                                    string   curPath       = "";

                                    // Minus 1 from the total iteration because the last value will be the actual file
                                    for (int i = 0; i < splitNewPaths.Length - 1; i++)
                                        curPath += "/" + splitNewPaths [i];

                                        if (!Directory.Exists(disabledPluginsPath + curPath))
                                            Directory.CreateDirectory(disabledPluginsPath + curPath);

                                    // All the folders should now be created and the files can be moved
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath, disabledPluginsPath + "/" + newFullFilePath);
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath + ".meta", disabledPluginsPath + "/" + newFullFilePath + ".meta");
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath, projectPath + "/" + newFullFilePath);
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath + ".meta", projectPath + "/" + newFullFilePath + ".meta");
                                ProjectManager.AdvLog("File to be moved doesn't exist! (" + oldFullFilePath + ")");
                            if (Directory.Exists(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath))
                                if (!doAdd)
                                    newFullFilePath = newFullFilePath.Replace("Disabled Plugins/", "");                                     // Plugins/Android/Example

                                    // Get each folder as an array from the new file path so we can create all the nessesary folders
                                    string[] splitNewPaths = newFullFilePath.Split("/" [0]);                                     // ["Plugins", "Android", "Example"]
                                    string   curPath       = "";

                                    // Minus 1 from the total iteration because the last value will be the actual folder
                                    for (int i = 0; i < splitNewPaths.Length - 1; i++)
                                        curPath += "/" + splitNewPaths[i];

                                        if (!Directory.Exists(disabledPluginsPath + curPath))
                                            Directory.CreateDirectory(disabledPluginsPath + curPath);

                                    // All the folders should now be created and the folder can be moved
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath, disabledPluginsPath + "/" + newFullFilePath);
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath + ".meta", disabledPluginsPath + "/" + newFullFilePath + ".meta");
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath, projectPath + "/" + newFullFilePath);
                                    MoveFile(projectPath + "/" + oldFullFilePath + ".meta", projectPath + "/" + newFullFilePath + ".meta");
                                ProjectManager.AdvLog("File to be moved doesn't exist! (" + oldFullFilePath + ")");
                    } catch (System.Exception error) {
                        ProjectManager.AdvLog("File or folder not found! " + error.Message);
                ProjectManager.AdvLog("This platform does not have any plugin files for " + value + "!");
            ProjectManager.AdvLog("Failed to create Disabled Plugins folder or it was deleted whilst moving files!");

        // If this was a request to remove a plugin we now need to force re-add any files which still active plugins shared!
        if (!doAdd)
            string[] ScriptingDefineSymbolNames = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(ScriptingDefineSymbols));

            for (int i = 0; i < ScriptingDefineSymbolNames.Length; i++)
                ScriptingDefineSymbols curScriptingDefineSymbol = (ScriptingDefineSymbols)i;

                if (IsScriptingDefineSymbolActive(curScriptingDefineSymbol))
                    ModifyScriptingDefineSymbol(curScriptingDefineSymbol, true, userAction, true);

        // Force reload assets otherwise it'll wait for the user to click the Unity window again
Пример #5
    private IEnumerator DownloadIASData(bool cachedDataLoaded = false)
        // Wait for an active internet connection
        while (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable)
            yield return(null);

        ProjectManager.AdvLog("IAS downloading data..");

        // Iterate through each JSON file
        for (int jsonFileId = 0; jsonFileId < jsonUrls.Length; jsonFileId++)
            // Download the JSON file
            WWW wwwJSON = new WWW(jsonUrls[jsonFileId]);

            // Wait for the JSON data to be downloaded
            yield return(wwwJSON);

            // Check for any errors
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwJSON.error))
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "JSON download error! " + wwwJSON.error);
                yield break;
            else if (wwwJSON.text.Contains("There was an error"))
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "JSON download error! Serverside system error!");
                yield break;
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwJSON.text))
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "JSON download error! Empty JSON!");
                yield break;

            JsonFileData tempAdvertData = JsonUtility.FromJson <JsonFileData>(wwwJSON.text);

            // Dispose of the wwwJSON data (clear it from memory)

            if (tempAdvertData == null)
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Temp advert data was null!");
                yield break;

            if (!DoesSlotFileIdExist(jsonFileId))
                advertData.Add(new AdJsonFileData());

            bool needToReloadAdSlots = !cachedDataLoaded;
            bool needToRandomizeSlot = false;

            // We're currently only using the slots, not containers
            for (int i = 0; i < tempAdvertData.slots.Count; i++)
                JsonSlotData curSlot = tempAdvertData.slots[i];

                // We'll be converting the slot id (e.g 1a, 1c or 2f) into just number and just character values
                int slotInt; char slotChar;

                // Attempt to extract the slot int from the slot id
                if (!int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(curSlot.slotid, "[^0-9]", ""), out slotInt))
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to parse slot int from '" + curSlot.slotid + "'");
                    yield break;

                // Attempt to extract the slot character from the slot id
                if (!char.TryParse(Regex.Replace(curSlot.slotid, "[^a-z]", ""), out slotChar))
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to parse slot char from '" + curSlot.slotid + "'");
                    yield break;

                // If this slot doesn't exist yet create a new slot for it
                if (!DoesSlotIntExist(jsonFileId, slotInt))
                    advertData[jsonFileId].slotInts.Add(new AdSlotData(slotInt, new List <AdData>()));

                // Get the index in the list for slotInt
                int slotDataIndex = GetSlotIndex(jsonFileId, slotInt);

                if (slotDataIndex < 0)
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to get slotDataIndex!");
                    yield break;

                // Make sure this slot char isn't repeated in the json file within this slot int for some reason
                if (!DoesSlotCharExist(jsonFileId, slotInt, slotChar))
                    advertData[jsonFileId].slotInts[slotDataIndex].advert.Add(new AdData(slotChar));
                    needToRandomizeSlot = true;

                int slotAdIndex = GetAdIndex(jsonFileId, slotInt, slotChar);

                if (slotAdIndex < 0)
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to get slotAdIndex! Could not find " + slotInt + ", " + slotChar.ToString());
                    yield break;

                AdData curAdData = advertData[jsonFileId].slotInts[slotDataIndex].advert[slotAdIndex];

                // Extract the bundleId of the advert
                                        #if UNITY_ANDROID
                // Regex extracts the id GET request from the URL which is the package name of the game
                // (replaces everything that does NOT match id=blahblah END or NOT match id=blahblah AMERPERSAND
                string packageName = Regex.Match(curSlot.adurl, "(?<=id=)((?!(&|\\?)).)*").Value;
                                        #elif UNITY_IOS
                // IOS we just need to grab the name after the hash in the URL
                string packageName = Regex.Match(curSlot.adurl, "(?<=.*#).*").Value;
                // For other platforms we should be fine to just use the full URL for package name comparisons as we'll be using .Compare
                // And other platforms won't include any other referral bundle ids in their URLs
                string packageName = curSlot.adurl;

                string imageFileType = Regex.Match(curSlot.imgurl, "(?<=/uploads/adverts/.*)\\.[A-z]*[^(\\?|\")]").Value;

                curAdData.fileName    = curSlot.slotid + imageFileType;
                curAdData.isSelf      = packageName.Contains(bundleId);
                curAdData.isActive    =;
                curAdData.isInstalled = IsPackageInstalled(packageName);
                curAdData.adUrl       = curSlot.adurl;
                curAdData.packageName = packageName;

                curAdData.imgUrl = curSlot.imgurl;

                if (curAdData.newUpdateTime < curSlot.updatetime || curAdData.newUpdateTime == 0L)
                    needToReloadAdSlots = true;

                curAdData.newUpdateTime = curSlot.updatetime;

                // I'm not pre-downloading all the images here because it takes quite a long time to download even on our fast ethernet connection (~15 seconds)
                // So I think it's best to download the images (if needed) when the ads are called to be refreshed

            if (needToRandomizeSlot)

            if (needToReloadAdSlots)


        ProjectManager.AdvLog("IAS Done");