private CollarParameterFile UploadParameterFile(ProjectInvestigator owner, LookupCollarParameterFileFormat format, string filename)
            if (_fileContents == null)
            if (AbortBecauseDuplicate())

            var file = new CollarParameterFile
                FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename),
                LookupCollarParameterFileFormat = format,
                ProjectInvestigator             = owner,
                LookupFileStatus = (LookupFileStatus)StatusComboBox.SelectedItem,
                Contents         = _fileContents

            if (SubmitChanges())
Пример #2
        private void EnableForm()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            Application.DoEvents(); // Make sure the wait cursor is shown;
            var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();

                _investigator = db.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == _currentUser);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor.Current          = Cursors.Default;
                MyProfileButton.Text    = "Connection Failed";
                MyProfileButton.Enabled = false;
                MessageBox.Show(Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Connection String:" + Environment.NewLine + db.Connection.ConnectionString,
                                "Unable to connect to the database", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            Cursor.Current                 = Cursors.Default;
            MyProfileButton.Visible        = _investigator != null;
            MyProfileButton.Text           = "Project Investigator Details";
            ProjectsButton.Enabled         = true;
            InvestigatorsButton.Enabled    = true;
            UploadButton.Enabled           = true;
            GenerateMapButton.Enabled      = true;
            QuickStartWizardButton.Enabled = true;
Пример #3
 private void EnableForm()
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
     Application.DoEvents(); // Make sure the wait cursor is shown;
     var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
         _investigator = db.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == _currentUser);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
         MyProfileButton.Text = "Connection Failed";
         MyProfileButton.Enabled = false;
         MessageBox.Show(Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine +
             "Connection String:" + Environment.NewLine + db.Connection.ConnectionString,
             "Unable to connect to the database", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
     MyProfileButton.Visible = _investigator != null;
     MyProfileButton.Text = "Project Investigator Details";
     ProjectsButton.Enabled = true;
     InvestigatorsButton.Enabled = true;
     UploadButton.Enabled = true;
     GenerateMapButton.Enabled = true;
     QuickStartWizardButton.Enabled = true;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Download programs and/or platforms
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">An exception handler to allow processing additional items despite an exception.
 /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
 /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
 /// <param name="pi">A project investigator.
 /// If provided, only the programs/platforms for that PI will be downloaded,
 /// otherwise all programs/platforms will be downloaded</param>
 /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of days to download.  If it is null, then the database is consulted
 /// to get the number of days since the last successful download.  If the number is less than MinDays then nothing is
 /// downloaded (the server is not contacted at all).  If the number is truncated to MaxDays.
 /// MinDays and MaxDays are set in the config file of the calling application.</param>
 public static void DownloadAll(Action<Exception, ArgosProgram, ArgosPlatform> handler = null, ProjectInvestigator pi = null, int? daysToRetrieve = null)
     var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     foreach (var program in db.ArgosPrograms.Where(p => (pi == null || pi == p.ProjectInvestigator) && p.Active.HasValue && p.Active.Value))
             DownloadArgosProgram(program, daysToRetrieve);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, program, null);
     foreach (var platform in db.ArgosPlatforms.Where(p => (pi == null || pi == p.ArgosProgram.ProjectInvestigator) && p.Active && !p.ArgosProgram.Active.HasValue))
             DownloadArgosPlatform(platform, daysToRetrieve);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, null, platform);
Пример #5
 private void InvestigatorComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Visible)
         Investigator = InvestigatorComboBox.SelectedItem as ProjectInvestigator;
     NextButton.Enabled = Investigator != null;
 public AddDeploymentCsvForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator = null)
     Investigator = investigator;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 public AddDeploymentCsvForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator = null)
     Investigator = investigator;
     CurrentUser  = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 public AddArgosProgramForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator = null)
     Investigator = investigator;
     CurrentUser  = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 internal AddCollarParameterFileForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator = null)
     CurrentUser  = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
     Investigator = investigator;
Пример #10
 internal AddCollarForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator)
     ProjectInvestigator = investigator;
     CurrentUser         = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 internal AddCollarParameterFileForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator = null)
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
     Investigator = investigator;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to load the file (or all the files in a folder) into the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">A complete file or folder path to data that will be loaded</param>
        /// <param name="handler">Delegate to handle exceptions on each file, so that processing can continue.
        /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
        /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
        /// <param name="project">Associate the new file with this Project (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="manager">Associate the new file with this Project Investigator (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="collar">This file contains data for this collar.  Not required for files with Argos data, or
        /// if the collar can be determined from the file contents</param>
        /// <param name="status">The new file should be (A)ctive (generate fixes, default) or (I)nactive (no fixes)</param>
        /// <param name="allowDups">File will not be rejected if the contents match an existing file</param>
        /// <remarks>Only one of project and manager can be non-null.</remarks>
        public static void LoadPath(string path, Action <Exception, string, Project, ProjectInvestigator> handler = null,
                                    Project project = null, ProjectInvestigator manager = null, Collar collar = null,
                                    char status     = 'A', bool allowDups = false)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path", "A path must be provided");
            if (project != null && manager != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          String.Format("Project: {0} and Manager: {1} cannot both be non-null.", project.ProjectId,

            if (File.Exists(path))
                    LoadAndProcessFilePath(path, project, manager, collar, status, allowDups);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (handler == null)
                    handler(ex, path, project, manager);
                if (Directory.Exists(path))
                    foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path))
                            LoadAndProcessFilePath(file, project, manager, collar, status, allowDups);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (handler == null)
                            handler(ex, file, project, manager);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(path + " is not a folder or file");
 internal InvestigatorDetailsForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator)
     Investigator = investigator;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
Пример #14
 internal UploadFilesForm(Project project = null, ProjectInvestigator pi = null)
     Project      = project;
     Investigator = pi;
     CurrentUser  = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
Пример #15
 internal InvestigatorDetailsForm(ProjectInvestigator investigator)
     Investigator = investigator;
     CurrentUser  = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Find and process all of the Argos or DataLog files that need full or partial processing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">Delegate to handle exceptions on each file, so that processing can continue.
        /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
        /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
        /// <param name="pi">A project investigator.
        /// If provided, only files owned by or in projects managed by the given PI will be processed
        /// If null, then all files needing processing will be processed</param>
        public static void ProcessAll(Action <Exception, CollarFile, ArgosPlatform> handler = null,
                                      ProjectInvestigator pi = null)
            var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            var views    = new AnimalMovementViews();

            foreach (var fileId in
                     views.NeverProcessedArgosFiles.Select(x => x.FileId)
                     .Concat(views.NeverProcessedDataLogFiles.Select(x => x.FileId))
                     .Concat(views.NeverProcessedIdfFiles.Select(x => x.FileId)))
                var file = database.CollarFiles.First(f => f.FileId == fileId);
                if (pi != null &&
                    (file.ProjectInvestigator == null || file.ProjectInvestigator.Login != pi.Login) &&
                    (file.Project == null || file.Project.ProjectInvestigator1.Login != pi.Login))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (handler == null)
                    handler(ex, file, null);
            foreach (var item in views.PartiallyProcessedArgosFiles)
                var file     = database.CollarFiles.First(f => f.FileId == item.FileId);
                var platform = database.ArgosPlatforms.First(p => p.PlatformId == item.PlatformId);
                if (pi != null && file.ProjectInvestigator != pi && (file.Project == null ||
                                                                     file.Project.ProjectInvestigator1 != pi))
                    ProcessFile(file, platform);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (handler == null)
                    handler(ex, file, platform);
Пример #17
 internal AddEditorForm(Project project, ProjectInvestigator investigator = null, bool lockSelector = false)
     Project      = project;
     Investigator = investigator;
     LockSelector = lockSelector;
     CurrentUser  = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
Пример #18
 internal AddEditorForm(Project project, ProjectInvestigator investigator = null, bool lockSelector = false)
     Project = project;
     Investigator = investigator;
     LockSelector = lockSelector;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
Пример #19
        private void SetUpInvestigatorPage()
            InvestigatorComboBox.DataSource =
                Database.ProjectInvestigators.Where(pi =>
                                                    pi.Login == CurrentUser ||
                                                    pi.ProjectInvestigatorAssistants.Any(a => a.Assistant == CurrentUser));
            InvestigatorComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            if (Investigator == null && InvestigatorComboBox.Items.Count == 1)
                Investigator = (ProjectInvestigator)InvestigatorComboBox.Items[0];
            InvestigatorComboBox.SelectedItem = Investigator;

            if (Investigator == null && InvestigatorComboBox.Items.Count == 0)
                NextButton.Text = "Finish";
                var dbaContact = Settings.GetSystemDbaContact();
                InstructionsRichTextBox.Text =
                    "You must be a Project Investigator (PI), or an assistant for a PI to use this wizard.  " +
                    "A PI manages collars and projects that track animal movements.  " +
                    "A PI can give other people permission to act on their behalf as an assistant.  " +
                    "If you want to be an assistant, then contact the PI.  " +
                    "If you want to be a PI, then you must contact " +
                    (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbaContact) ? "the database administrator" : dbaContact) + ".";

            const string text = "This wizard will help you create animals, collars, and the link between them." +
                                "You can also setup the automatic download of Argos data, as well as load existing collar data. ";

            if (Investigator == null && InvestigatorComboBox.Items.Count > 1)
                InstructionsRichTextBox.Text = text +
                                               "You must first select the Project Investigator (PI) you are working for today " +
                                               "then click the Next button to proceed.";
            if (Investigator != null && InvestigatorComboBox.Items.Count > 1)
                InstructionsRichTextBox.Text =
                    "You can do this for yourself, or one of the other Project Investigators you can assist." +
                    "First select the correct Project Investigator then click the Next button to proceed.";
            if (InvestigatorComboBox.Items.Count == 1)
                InstructionsRichTextBox.Text = text +
                                               "Click the Next button to proceed.";
        private void CreateParameters(ProjectInvestigator owner, CollarParameterFile paramFile)
            var tpfFile = new TpfFile(_fileContents);

            foreach (TpfCollar tpfCollar in tpfFile.GetCollars())
                if (IgnoreSuffixCheckBox.Checked && tpfCollar.Ctn.Length > 6)
                    tpfCollar.Ctn = tpfCollar.Ctn.Substring(0, 6);
                //Does this collar exist?
                var collar = Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == "Telonics" &&
                                                             c.CollarId == tpfCollar.Ctn);
                if (collar == null && !CreateCollarsCheckBox.Checked)
                if (collar == null)
                    collar = CreateTpfCollar(owner, tpfCollar.Ctn, tpfCollar.Frequency);
                    if (collar == null)
                //Does this Argos platform exist?
                var fileHasArgos = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tpfCollar.PlatformId) && tpfCollar.Platform == "Argos" &&
                                   !tpfCollar.PlatformId.Trim().Normalize().Equals("?", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (fileHasArgos)
                    var platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == tpfCollar.PlatformId && tpfCollar.Platform == "Argos");
                    if (platform == null && CreateCollarsCheckBox.Checked)
                        platform = CreatePlatform(tpfCollar.PlatformId);
                    if (platform != null)
                        //If not paired, then try to parit the collar and platform.  If it fails, or the the dates are wrong, they can correct that later
                        if (!Database.ArgosDeployments.Any(d => d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform))
                            CreateDeployment(collar, platform, tpfCollar.TimeStamp);
                CreateParameter(collar, paramFile, tpfCollar.TimeStamp);
        private Collar CreateTpfCollar(ProjectInvestigator owner, string collarId, double frequency)
            var collarAdded = false;
            var form        = new AddCollarForm(owner);

            form.DatabaseChanged += (o, x) => collarAdded = true;
            form.SetDefaultModel("Telonics", "Gen4");
            form.ShowDialog(this); //Blocks until form closed
            if (!collarAdded)
            return(Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == "Telonics" &&
                                                   c.CollarId == collarId));
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and process all of the Argos or DataLog files that need full or partial processing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">Delegate to handle exceptions on each file, so that processing can continue.
 /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
 /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
 /// <param name="pi">A project investigator.
 /// If provided, only files owned by or in projects managed by the given PI will be processed
 /// If null, then all files needing processing will be processed</param>
 public static void ProcessAll(Action<Exception, CollarFile, ArgosPlatform> handler = null,
                               ProjectInvestigator pi = null)
     var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     var views = new AnimalMovementViews();
     foreach (var fileId in
         views.NeverProcessedArgosFiles.Select(x => x.FileId)
              .Concat(views.NeverProcessedDataLogFiles.Select(x => x.FileId))
              .Concat(views.NeverProcessedIdfFiles.Select(x => x.FileId)))
         var file = database.CollarFiles.First(f => f.FileId == fileId);
         if (pi != null &&
             (file.ProjectInvestigator == null || file.ProjectInvestigator.Login != pi.Login) &&
             (file.Project == null || file.Project.ProjectInvestigator1.Login != pi.Login))
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, file, null);
     foreach (var item in views.PartiallyProcessedArgosFiles)
         var file = database.CollarFiles.First(f => f.FileId == item.FileId);
         var platform = database.ArgosPlatforms.First(p => p.PlatformId == item.PlatformId);
         if (pi != null && file.ProjectInvestigator != pi && (file.Project == null ||
                                                              file.Project.ProjectInvestigator1 != pi))
             ProcessFile(file, platform);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (handler == null)
             handler(ex, file, platform);
Пример #23
        // This is a template for client side usage
        private static void LoadAndProcessFilePath(string filePath, Project project, ProjectInvestigator owner, Collar collar,
                                                   char status, bool allowDups)
            var fileLoader = new FileLoader(filePath)
                Project         = project,
                Owner           = owner,
                Collar          = collar,
                Status          = status,
                AllowDuplicates = allowDups
            var file = fileLoader.Load();

            if (file.LookupCollarFileFormat.ArgosData == 'Y' || file.Format == 'H')
 private void CreateParameters(ProjectInvestigator owner, CollarParameterFile paramFile)
     var tpfFile = new TpfFile(_fileContents);
     foreach (TpfCollar tpfCollar in tpfFile.GetCollars())
         if (IgnoreSuffixCheckBox.Checked && tpfCollar.Ctn.Length > 6)
             tpfCollar.Ctn = tpfCollar.Ctn.Substring(0, 6);
         //Does this collar exist?
         var collar = Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == "Telonics" &&
                                                           c.CollarId == tpfCollar.Ctn);
         if (collar == null && !CreateCollarsCheckBox.Checked)
         if (collar == null)
             collar = CreateTpfCollar(owner, tpfCollar.Ctn, tpfCollar.Frequency);
             if (collar == null)
         //Does this Argos platform exist?
         var fileHasArgos = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tpfCollar.PlatformId) && tpfCollar.Platform == "Argos" &&
                            !tpfCollar.PlatformId.Trim().Normalize().Equals("?", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
         if (fileHasArgos)
             var platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == tpfCollar.PlatformId && tpfCollar.Platform == "Argos");
             if (platform == null && CreateCollarsCheckBox.Checked)
                 platform = CreatePlatform(tpfCollar.PlatformId);
             if (platform != null)
                 //If not paired, then try to parit the collar and platform.  If it fails, or the the dates are wrong, they can correct that later
                 if (!Database.ArgosDeployments.Any(d => d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform))
                     CreateDeployment(collar, platform, tpfCollar.TimeStamp);
         CreateParameter(collar, paramFile, tpfCollar.TimeStamp);
Пример #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Full or partially processes telonics data in argos files.  This program is designed to run regularly
 /// as a scheduled task (with no arguments) as well as being called by the database with a single fileid
 /// argument (to fully process that file), or with two arguments, platformid and fileid (to partially
 /// process that file for just the single platform).  When a file is fully or partially processed, it
 /// clears any prior processing results and issues, to prevent duplicates.
 /// Any processing errors are written to the database, any other errors are written to the console.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">
 /// If there are no args then ask the database for a list of files that need processing and process them all.
 /// If there is only one argument and that argument is the login (domain\username) of a project
 ///   investigator in the database, then process all the files that belong to the PI or his projects and
 ///   need processing.
 /// If the argument matches /np[latform], or '/na[rgos]', then the remaining files will be fully processed
 /// If the argument matches /nf[ile], then the next argos platform specified will not be used to
 ///   partially process the previously specified file
 /// If the argument matches /a[rgos]:xxx or /p[latform]:xxx or xxx and xxx is a platform id in the
 ///   database, then the previously specified file (or the next file if no has been specified) will be
 ///   partially processed for only this platform.
 /// if the argument matches /f[ile]:xxx or xxx, and xxx is a fileid in the database, then the file will
 ///   be partially processed if an argos platform has been provided as a prior argument, otherwise it will
 ///   be fully processed.
 /// In the unlikely event that an argument matches a valid platform and a valid file, then the tie will go
 ///   to the file.
 /// Any other argument is ignored with a warning
 /// Note:
 ///   A project investigator login will be accepted as an argument in any position, but is only
 ///     meaningful as the first and only argument
 ///   If you want to partially process a file, you must provide the Argos platform first
 /// Examples:
 ///   To fully process multiple files
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe f1 f2 f3 ...
 ///   To partially process multiple files with for one Argos platform
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f1 f2 f3 ...
 ///   To partially process one file for multiple Argos platforms
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f1 p2 p3 ...
 ///   To partially process multiple files with multiple Argos platforms
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f1 p2 p3 /nf p4 f2 p5 p6 ...
 ///   To fully process files f1 and f2 and partially process files f3 and f4
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe f1 f2 p1 f3 p2 /nf p3 f4 p4 ...
 ///     or ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f3 p2 /nf p3 f4 p4 /np f1 f2 ...
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If a copy of TDC.exe is available from this program (as specified in the config file),
 /// then the processor will be make use of it to process the files locally and send the
 /// results to the database, otherwise the processor will request that the database
 /// invoke the ArgosProcessor on the server.
 /// </remarks>
 private static void Main(string[] args)
         if (args.Length == 0)
             ArgosPlatform       platform = null;
             CollarFile          file     = null;
             ProjectInvestigator pi       = null;
             foreach (var arg in args)
                 if (ClearPlatform(arg))
                     platform = null;
                     if (ClearCollarFile(arg))
                         file = null;
                         var fileArg = GetCollarFile(arg);
                         if (fileArg != null)
                             file = fileArg;
                             var platformArg = GetPlatform(arg);
                             if (platformArg != null)
                                 platform = platformArg;
                                 var piArg = GetProjectInvestigator(arg);
                                 if (piArg != null)
                                     pi = piArg;
                                     Console.WriteLine("Unhandled argument: {0}", arg);
                 if (args.Length == 1 && pi != null)
                     FileProcessor.ProcessAll(HandleException, pi);
                 if (file != null)
                         FileProcessor.ProcessFile(file, platform);
                     catch (Exception ex)
                         HandleException(ex, file, platform);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine("Unhandled Exception: {0}", ex.Message);
Пример #26
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == CurrentUser);
Пример #27
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == CurrentUser);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Downloads Argos Programs and Platforms from the Argos Server, then uploads and processes the files.
 /// Any processing errors are written to the database, any other errors are emailed to the system admin,
 /// and optionally the PI of the platform/program.  This prgram is intended to be run in the background
 /// as a scheduled daily task.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">
 /// If there are no args, then process all active programs and platforms for all users. (An active platform
 ///   is one where the platform is active, and the parent program is neither active or inactive, i.e null)
 /// All args are checked to see if they are a program identifier, and if so the program is downloaded.
 /// If an arg is not a program it is checked to see if it is a platform identifier, and if so the platform
 ///   is downloaded.
 ///  as a program, if it is not a valid or as a platform if it the integer is not a program.
 /// If there is only one arg and that arg is a project investigator, then download all programs and
 ///   platforms for that PI
 /// If there is only one arg and that arg in the form /d:XX, where XX is an integer, then download
 ///   that many days for all programs and platforms for all users
 /// If there is only two arguments, and one  arg is a project investigator and the other arg is in the
 ///   form /d:XX, where XX is an integer, then download that many days for all programs and platforms for that PI
 /// An integer arg between 0 and 100, that is not a valid program or platform or an arg in the form /d:XX or
 ///   /days:XX, where XX is an integer defines the number of days (subject to Min/Max Days stipulated by the
 ///   Argos Server) to download for the remaining args.
 /// An arg in the form /nodays, clears a previous setting of days, so the remaining arguments will download
 ///   the number of days recommended by the database (this is the default behavior).
 /// Finally an argument is checked to see if it is a project investigator's login (with domain - as stored in
 ///   Login column of the ProjectINvestigators table.  If a valid PI is provided as the only argument, or optionally
 ///   with a days argument (before or after), then all active programs and platforms (as defined above) for that PI
 ///   are downloaded (for the last X days if the optional days argument was provided)
 /// If the only argument provided was the days argument, then all programs and platforms (as defined above) for all
 ///   users for the last X days will be downloaded.
 /// Any argument in the form /program:XXXX where XXX is a valid ProgramId will be processed as a program.
 /// Any argument in the form /platform:XXXX where XXX is a valid PlatformId will be processed as a platform.
 /// All other args are ignored with an error message to the console.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If the downloaded data contains raw Gen4 data and if a copy of TDC.exe is NOT available (the path is specified
 /// in the config file) then this program will request that the database invoke the file processor on the server,
 /// otherwise, this program will process the downloaded data locally and send the results to the database.
 /// </remarks>
 private static void Main(string[] args)
         _emails = new Dictionary <string, string>();
         _admin  = Settings.GetSystemEmail();
         if (args.Length == 0)
             int?days = null;
             ProjectInvestigator pi = null;
             foreach (var arg in args)
                 var program = GetProgram(arg);
                 if (program != null)
                         FileDownloader.DownloadArgosProgram(program, days);
                     catch (Exception ex)
                         exceptionHandler(ex, program, null);
                 var platform = GetPlatform(arg);
                 if (platform != null)
                         FileDownloader.DownloadArgosPlatform(platform, days);
                     catch (Exception ex)
                         exceptionHandler(ex, null, platform);
                 var daysArg = GetDays(arg);
                 if (daysArg != null)
                     days = daysArg == Int32.MinValue ? null : daysArg;
                 var piArg = GetProjectInvestigator(arg);
                 if (piArg != null)
                     pi = piArg;
                 Console.WriteLine("Unhandled argument: {0}", arg);
             if ((args.Length == 1 && (days != null || pi != null)) ||
                 (args.Length == 2 && days != null && pi != null))
                 FileDownloader.DownloadAll(exceptionHandler, pi, days);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ReportException("Unhandled Exception: '" + ex.Message);
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Download programs and/or platforms
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">An exception handler to allow processing additional items despite an exception.
        /// If the handler is null, processing will stop on first exception.
        /// The handler can throw it's own exception to halt further processing</param>
        /// <param name="pi">A project investigator.
        /// If provided, only the programs/platforms for that PI will be downloaded,
        /// otherwise all programs/platforms will be downloaded</param>
        /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of days to download.  If it is null, then the database is consulted
        /// to get the number of days since the last successful download.  If the number is less than MinDays then nothing is
        /// downloaded (the server is not contacted at all).  If the number is truncated to MaxDays.
        /// MinDays and MaxDays are set in the config file of the calling application.</param>
        public static void DownloadAll(Action <Exception, ArgosProgram, ArgosPlatform> handler = null, ProjectInvestigator pi = null, int?daysToRetrieve = null)
            var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();

            foreach (var program in db.ArgosPrograms.Where(p => (pi == null || pi == p.ProjectInvestigator) && p.Active.HasValue && p.Active.Value))
                    DownloadArgosProgram(program, daysToRetrieve);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (handler == null)
                    handler(ex, program, null);
            foreach (var platform in db.ArgosPlatforms.Where(p => (pi == null || pi == p.ArgosProgram.ProjectInvestigator) && p.Active && !p.ArgosProgram.Active.HasValue))
                    DownloadArgosPlatform(platform, daysToRetrieve);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (handler == null)
                    handler(ex, null, platform);
 private Collar CreateTpfCollar(ProjectInvestigator owner, string collarId, double frequency)
     var collarAdded = false;
     var form = new AddCollarForm(owner);
     form.DatabaseChanged += (o, x) => collarAdded = true;
     form.SetDefaultModel("Telonics", "Gen4");
     form.ShowDialog(this); //Blocks until form closed
     if (!collarAdded)
         return null;
     return Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == "Telonics" &&
                                                           c.CollarId == collarId);
Пример #31
        private static void HandleException(Exception ex, string path, Project project, ProjectInvestigator manager)
            //TODO - distinguish between loading and processing (loaded fine) errors
            var msg = String.Format("Unable to load file: {0} for project: {1} or manager: {2} reason: {3}", path,
                                    project == null ? "<null>" : project.ProjectId, manager == null ? "<null>" : manager.Login, ex.Message);

            MessageBox.Show(msg, "File Load Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private CollarParameterFile UploadParameterFile(ProjectInvestigator owner, LookupCollarParameterFileFormat format, string filename)
            if (_fileContents == null)
                return null;
            if (AbortBecauseDuplicate())
                return null;

            var file = new CollarParameterFile
                FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename),
                LookupCollarParameterFileFormat = format,
                ProjectInvestigator = owner,
                LookupFileStatus = (LookupFileStatus)StatusComboBox.SelectedItem,
                Contents = _fileContents
            if (SubmitChanges())
                return file;
            return null;
Пример #33
 private static void HandleException(Exception ex, string path, Project project, ProjectInvestigator manager)
     Console.WriteLine("Unable to load file: {0} for project: {1} or manager: {2} reason: {3}", path,
         project == null ? "<null>" : project.ProjectId, manager == null ? "<null>" : manager.Login, ex.Message);