private long GetDaysDiff(ProjectHistoryEntry empl1, ProjectHistoryEntry empl2)
            // Get the total number of days that the employees worked together.
            // Calculates correctly even for leap years.
            var startCommonDate = new DateTime(Math.Max(empl1.StartDate.Ticks, empl2.StartDate.Ticks));
            var endCommonDate   = new DateTime(Math.Min(empl1.EndDate.Ticks, empl2.EndDate.Ticks));

            // 1 is added because we need to include the end day. E.g. 10 April to 11 April means people worked together 2 days
            long daysDiff = (endCommonDate - startCommonDate).Days + 1;

 private bool AreDatesOverlapping(ProjectHistoryEntry first, ProjectHistoryEntry second)
     return(first.StartDate < second.EndDate && first.EndDate > second.StartDate);