Пример #1
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            string projfile     = null;
            bool   createnew    = false;
            string asmname      = null;
            string asmnamespace = null;

            List <string> sources   = new List <string>();
            List <string> contents  = new List <string>();
            List <string> nones     = new List <string>();
            List <string> resources = new List <string>();
            List <string> projrefs  = new List <string>();
            List <string> asmrefs   = new List <string>();

            string outtype      = null;
            string arch         = null;
            string toolsversion = null;

            bool dohelp = true;

            var opts = new OptionSet();

            opts.Add("csproj=", "csproj file to create/update",
                     (string x) => projfile = x);

            opts.Add("create", "create a new blank file",
                     (x) => createnew = true);

            opts.Add("library", "set the output type to Library (default)",
                     (x) => outtype = CSharpProjectOutputTypes.Library.ToString());

            opts.Add("exe", "set the output type to Exe",
                     (x) => outtype = CSharpProjectOutputTypes.Exe.ToString());

            opts.Add("platform=", "set the PlatformTarget (x86, x64, AnyCPU etc)",
                     (string x) => arch = x);

            opts.Add("name=", "set the output assembly name",
                     (string x) => asmname = x);

            opts.Add("namespace=", "set the default assembly namespace",
                     (string x) => asmnamespace = x);

            opts.Add("toolsversion=", "set the ToolsVersion value",
                     (string x) => toolsversion = x);

            opts.Add("cs=", "add a c# source file to compile",
                     (string x) => sources.Add(Path.GetFullPath(x)));

            opts.Add("content=", "add a 'content' file (copy to output dir=true)",
                     (string x) => contents.Add(Path.GetFullPath(x)));

            opts.Add("none=", "add a 'none' file (not copied to output)",
                     (string x) => nones.Add(Path.GetFullPath(x)));

            opts.Add("resource=", "add a file an embedded resource",
                     (string x) => resources.Add(x));

            opts.Add("projectref=", "reference another project file",
                     (string x) => projrefs.Add(Path.GetFullPath(x)));

            opts.Add("asmref=", "reference an assembly (eg 'System.Web' or '/opt/nunit/nunit.framework.dll'",
                     (string x) => asmrefs.Add(x));


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projfile))
                dohelp = false;

            if (dohelp)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Usage: buildcsystem [OPTIONS]");

            var pe = new ProjectEditor();

            pe.ProjectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(projfile));

            if (!File.Exists(projfile))
                createnew = true;

            if (!createnew)
                using (var sf = new StreamReader(projfile))

            if (toolsversion != null)
                pe.ToolsVersion = toolsversion;

            if (outtype != null)
                pe.OutputType = outtype;

            if (arch != null)
                var defarch = pe.GetDefaultPlatform();
                if (defarch != arch)
                    pe.AddDebugConfig(true, arch, "bin\\Debug");
                    pe.AddReleaseConfig(false, arch, "bin\\Release");

            if (pe.AssemblyName == "Untitled")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asmname))
                    asmname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projfile);
                pe.AssemblyName = asmname;

            if (pe.RootNameSpace == "Untitled")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asmnamespace))
                    asmnamespace = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projfile);
                pe.RootNameSpace = asmnamespace;

            foreach (var a in asmrefs)
                if (File.Exists(a))
                    var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a);
                    pe.AddReference(name, Path.GetFullPath(a));
                    pe.AddReference(a, null);

            foreach (var p in projrefs)

            foreach (var s in sources)

            foreach (var n in nones)

            foreach (var c in contents)

            foreach (var e in resources)
                if (File.Exists(e))
                    pe.AddEmbeddedResource(Path.GetFullPath(e), null);
                    if (e.Contains(";"))
                        var tmp = e.Split(new char[] { ';' }, 2);
                        if (!File.Exists(tmp [0]))
                            throw new FileNotFoundException(tmp [0]);
                        pe.AddEmbeddedResource(Path.GetFullPath(tmp [0]), tmp [1]);
                        throw new FileNotFoundException(e);

            using (var sf = new StreamWriter(projfile))
