private void checkEnableEdit(string projectID) { DataTable dtLocal = TaskCreatingDAO.Instance.getDataFollowProjectID(projectID); ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectBUS.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(projectID); if (projectDTOLocal == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.btnSave.Enabled = false; return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Empty data!", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.btnSave.Enabled = false; return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Status == StaticVarClass.status_Complete) { this.btnSave.Enabled = false; return; } if (DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDate) > DateTime.Now) { // this.dtEdtStartDate.ReadOnly = false; this.dtEdtEndDate.ReadOnly = false; } // not complete or overdue this.cbbProjectType.Enabled = true; foreach (DataRow dtR in dtLocal.Rows) { TaskCreatingDTO taskCreatingDTOTemp = new TaskCreatingDTO(dtR); if (taskCreatingDTOTemp.Status != StaticVarClass.status_NotComplete && taskCreatingDTOTemp.Status != StaticVarClass.status_Overdue) { this.cbbProjectType.Enabled = false; break; } } if (projectDTOLocal.Status != StaticVarClass.status_Complete) { // always this.txtEdtProjectID.ReadOnly = false; this.txtEdtProjectName.ReadOnly = false; this.cbbLeader.Enabled = true; this.cbbPOSMProject.Enabled = true; this.dtEdtEndDate.ReadOnly = false; // Mở end date để gia hạn. } }
private void loadDate() { string str_ProjectID = this.txtEdtProjectID.Text.Trim(); ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectDAO.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(str_ProjectID); if (projectDTOLocal == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { return; } this.dtEdtStartDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDate); this.dtEdtEndDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDate).AddDays(1); }
private void dtEdtEndDate_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str_ProjectID = this.txtEdtProjectID.Text.Trim(); ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectDAO.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(str_ProjectID); if (projectDTOLocal == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { return; } if ((this.dtEdtEndDate.DateTime > DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.EndDate)) || (this.dtEdtEndDate.DateTime <= this.dtEdtStartDate.DateTime)) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Invalid end date!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.dtEdtEndDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.EndDate); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskCreatingDTO taskCreatingDTOLocal = new TaskCreatingDTO(); string str_ProjectIDLocal = this.txtEdtProjectID.Text.Trim(); string str_StageLocal = this.cbbStage.Text.Trim(); string str_TaskLocal = this.rchTxtBxTask.Text.Trim(); string str_EmployeeLocal = this.cbbEmployee.Text.Trim(); if (str_TaskLocal == string.Empty) { str_TaskLocal = null; } // Gán giá trị vào thuộc tính trong bảng. this.setData(taskCreatingDTOLocal); #region Kiểm tra start date. string str_ProjectID = this.txtEdtProjectID.Text.Trim(); ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectDAO.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(str_ProjectID); if (projectDTOLocal == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { return; } if ((DateTime.Parse(taskCreatingDTOLocal.StartDate) < DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDate)) || (DateTime.Parse(taskCreatingDTOLocal.StartDate) >= (DateTime.Parse(taskCreatingDTOLocal.EndDate)))) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Invalid start date!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.dtEdtStartDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDate); return; } #endregion #region Kiểm tra end date. if ((DateTime.Parse(taskCreatingDTOLocal.EndDate) > DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.EndDate)) || (DateTime.Parse(taskCreatingDTOLocal.EndDate) <= (DateTime.Parse(taskCreatingDTOLocal.StartDate)))) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Invalid end date!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.dtEdtEndDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.EndDate); return; } #endregion #region Thêm. // Thêm mới. if (TaskCreatingDAO.Instance.addData(taskCreatingDTOLocal)) { #region Cập nhật lịch sử. string name = StaticVarClass.account_Username; string time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string action = "Add project - stage - task: " + str_ProjectIDLocal + " - " + str_StageLocal + " - " + str_TaskLocal + " for employee " + str_EmployeeLocal; string status = "Successful"; HistoryDTO hisDTO = new HistoryDTO(name, time, action, status); HistoryDAO.Instance.addData(hisDTO); #endregion this.btnDone.Enabled = true; XtraMessageBox.Show("Successfully added project - stage - task: " + str_ProjectIDLocal + " - " + str_StageLocal + " - " + str_TaskLocal + " for employee " + str_EmployeeLocal + "!", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { #region Cập nhật lịch sử. string name = StaticVarClass.account_Username; string time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string action = "Add project - stage - task: " + str_ProjectIDLocal + " - " + str_StageLocal + " - " + str_TaskLocal + " for employee " + str_EmployeeLocal; string status = "Failed"; HistoryDTO hisDTO = new HistoryDTO(name, time, action, status); HistoryDAO.Instance.addData(hisDTO); #endregion XtraMessageBox.Show("Add project - stage - task: " + str_ProjectIDLocal + " - " + str_StageLocal + " - " + str_TaskLocal + " for employee " + str_EmployeeLocal + " failed!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } #endregion this.formCreatingTask_Load(null, null); }
private void btnRemove_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { System.Data.DataRow dtR_RowLocal = grvProject.GetDataRow(grvProject.FocusedRowHandle); string str_ProjectIDLocal = dtR_RowLocal[0].ToString().Trim(); #region Nếu project đã hoàn thành thì ko xoá đc. ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectBUS.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(str_ProjectIDLocal); if (projectDTOLocal == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Status == StaticVarClass.status_Complete) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot remove project because project " + str_ProjectIDLocal + " has been completed!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } #endregion List <string> lst_ListQuatityLocal = ProjectBUS.Instance.getListQuantityRelatedToRemovingProject(str_ProjectIDLocal); if (lst_ListQuatityLocal == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (lst_ListQuatityLocal.Count == 0) { return; } // Hộp thoại xác nhận khi nhấn nút xóa. DialogResult dr = XtraMessageBox.Show("Warning: There are " + lst_ListQuatityLocal[0] + " stages, " + lst_ListQuatityLocal[1] + " tasks in project " + str_ProjectIDLocal + ". \nAre you sure you want to remove?", "Confirm remove", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { // Xóa. if (ProjectBUS.Instance.deleteData(str_ProjectIDLocal)) { #region Cập nhật lịch sử. string name = StaticVarClass.account_Username; string time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string action = "Remove project " + str_ProjectIDLocal; string status = "Successful"; HistoryDTO hisDTO = new HistoryDTO(name, time, action, status); HistoryDAO.Instance.addData(hisDTO); #endregion XtraMessageBox.Show("Successfully removed project " + str_ProjectIDLocal + "!", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { #region Cập nhật lịch sử. string name = StaticVarClass.account_Username; string time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string action = "Remove project " + str_ProjectIDLocal; string status = "Failed"; HistoryDTO hisDTO = new HistoryDTO(name, time, action, status); HistoryDAO.Instance.addData(hisDTO); #endregion XtraMessageBox.Show("Remove project " + str_ProjectIDLocal + " failed!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } else { return; } formProject_Load(sender, e); }
private void setValue(string projectID) { ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectBUS.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(projectID); int i_Number1Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType1FollowProjectID(projectID); int i_Number2Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType2FollowProjectID(projectID); int i_Number5Local = 0; int i_Number345Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType345FollowProjectID(projectID); if (projectDTOLocal == null || i_Number1Local == -1 || i_Number2Local == -1 || i_Number345Local == -1) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.btnCancel_Click(null, null); } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { return; } #region Set value các ô. //this.cbbProjectID.Text = projectDTOLocal.ProjectID; this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Value = Decimal.Parse(projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat); if (projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "0") { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } else { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } if (projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat != string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat != string.Empty) { this.dtEdtStartDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat); this.dtEdtEndDate.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat); } else if (projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat == string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat == string.Empty) { this.dtEdtStartDate.EditValue = null; this.dtEdtEndDate.EditValue = null; } #endregion #region Nếu 4 thuộc tính ở giá trị mặc định. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat == string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat == string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; if (i_Number1Local == 1 || i_Number2Local > 0) // Nếu đã tạo dự án 1 hay 2 thì khóa Date Repeat và AutoRepeat. { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = false; } else if (i_Number345Local > 0) // Nếu đã tạo dự án 3 hay 4 hay 5 thì khóa Date Repeat và AutoRepeat. { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = false; } } #endregion #region Nếu chưa tạo dự án 1 thì chỉnh sửa tùy ý Date Repeat + Auto Repeat + Start Date Repeat + End Date Repeat. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat != "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat == string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat == string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = true; } #endregion #region Nếu đang tạo dự án 2. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat != "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "1" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat == string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat == string.Empty) { if (i_Number2Local > 0) { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; } else if (i_Number2Local == 0) { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = true; } this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; } #endregion #region Nếu chưa tạo dự án 3. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat != string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat != string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; } #endregion #region Nếu chưa tạo dự án 4 HAY đã tạo 1 dự án 4 và đang chờ tạo 1 dự án 4 nữa. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat != "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat != string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat != string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = true; } #endregion #region Nếu chưa tạo dự án 5. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat != "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "1" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat != string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat != string.Empty) { i_Number5Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType5FollowProjectIDAndStartDate(projectDTOLocal.ProjectID, projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat); if (i_Number5Local <= 1) { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = true; } else if (i_Number5Local > 1) { this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; } this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; } #endregion #region Xử lí đây có phải là dự án lặp lại ko. int i_IsRepeatedProjectLocal = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntConfirmRepeatedProject(projectID); if (i_IsRepeatedProjectLocal == -1) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = false; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; this.dtEdtStartDate.ReadOnly = true; this.dtEdtEndDate.ReadOnly = true; this.btnStop.Enabled = false; this.btnStart.Enabled = false; return; } if (i_IsRepeatedProjectLocal == 1) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = false; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; this.dtEdtStartDate.ReadOnly = true; this.dtEdtEndDate.ReadOnly = true; this.btnStop.Enabled = true; this.btnStart.Enabled = false; } else { this.dtEdtStartDate.ReadOnly = false; this.dtEdtEndDate.ReadOnly = false; this.btnStop.Enabled = false; this.btnStart.Enabled = true; } #endregion }
private void dtEdtEndDate_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str_ProjectIDLocal = this.cbbProjectID.Text.Trim(); int i_Number1Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType1FollowProjectID(str_ProjectIDLocal); int i_Number2Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType2FollowProjectID(str_ProjectIDLocal); int i_Number345Local = ProjectBUS.Instance.getIntNumberOfProjectType345FollowProjectID(str_ProjectIDLocal); ProjectDTO projectDTOLocal = ProjectBUS.Instance.getDataObjectFollowProjectID(str_ProjectIDLocal); if (projectDTOLocal == null || i_Number1Local == -1 || i_Number2Local == -1 || i_Number345Local == -1) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to database!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (projectDTOLocal.Empty()) { return; } #region Nếu 4 thuộc tính ở giá trị mặc định. if (projectDTOLocal.DateRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.AutoRepeat == "0" && projectDTOLocal.StartDateRepeat == string.Empty && projectDTOLocal.EndDateRepeat == string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; if (i_Number1Local == 1 || i_Number2Local > 0) // Nếu đã tạo dự án 1 hay 2 thì khóa Date Repeat và AutoRepeat. { if (dtEdtStartDate.Text == string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Value = 0; chkBxAutoRepeat.Checked = false; this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = false; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; } else { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; } } else if (i_Number345Local > 0) // Nếu đã tạo dự án 3 hay 4 hay 5 thì khóa Date Repeat và AutoRepeat. { if (dtEdtStartDate.Text == string.Empty) { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Value = 0; chkBxAutoRepeat.Checked = false; this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = false; this.chkBxAutoRepeat.Enabled = false; } else { this.nmrUpDwnDateRepeat.Enabled = true; } } } #endregion if (dtEdtEndDate.Text != string.Empty) { int i_StartDateEndDateTemp = 0; i_StartDateEndDateTemp = DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.EndDate).Subtract(DateTime.Parse(projectDTOLocal.StartDate)).Days; TimeSpan difference = new TimeSpan(i_StartDateEndDateTemp, 0, 0, 0); dtEdtStartDate.DateTime = dtEdtEndDate.DateTime.Subtract(difference); } else { dtEdtStartDate.EditValue = null; } }