internal void ReportProgress(string msg)
     Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
         ProgressReport?.Invoke(this, msg);
Пример #2
        void OnRecordingStopped(object sender, StoppedEventArgs e)
            int secondsRecorded = (int)(writer.Length / writer.WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond);

            ProgressReport?.Invoke(this, new ProgressReportEventArgs(false, secondsRecorded, e.Exception));
Пример #3
 private async Task Run()
     Text = "start";
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         ProgressReport?.Invoke(this, i + 1);
         await Task.Delay(100);
     Completed?.Invoke(this, true);
Пример #4
        public async Task Run(RunLog runLog)
            this.runLog                    = runLog;
            this.runLog.StartTime          = DateTime.Now;
            this.runLog.PackageId          = this.package.PackageId;
            this.runLog.PackageDisplayName = this.package.DisplayName;

            // Create new folder for logs
            this.logBasePath = this.package.ParentProject.ProjectFolder.Trim('\\') + @"\logs\";
            if (Directory.Exists(this.logBasePath) == false)
            this.runLog.RunLogPath = this.logBasePath + this.runLog.RunId;

            var progress = new Progress <ProgressReport>();

            progress.ProgressChanged += (s, e) =>
                switch (e.State)
                case ItemEvent.Started:
                    if (DesignerItemStart != null)
                        DesignerItemStart.Invoke(e, new EventArgs());


                case ItemEvent.ProgressReport:
                    if (ProgressReport != null)
                        ProgressReport.Invoke(e, new EventArgs());

                case ItemEvent.StoppedNotExecuted:
                case ItemEvent.StoppedWithError:
                case ItemEvent.StoppedSuccessful:
                    if (DesignerItemStop != null)
                        DesignerItemStop.Invoke(e, new EventArgs());


            await Task.Run(() => RunInternal(progress));
Пример #5
 protected virtual void OnReportProgress(ProgressReportEventArgs e)
     ProgressReport?.Invoke(this, e);
Пример #6
		/// <summary>
		/// This method will update the local xml with sites retrieved from the global webservice. It will also download icons, banner and updated dlls.
		/// Make sure the local sites are loaded and all paths (<see cref="OnlineVideoSettings.DllsDir"/>, <see cref="OnlineVideoSettings.ConfigDir"/>, <see cref="OnlineVideoSettings.ThumbsDir"/>) are set before calling.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="progressCallback">pointer to the <see cref="ProgressReport"/> delegate that will receive progress information</param>
		/// <param name="onlineSitesToUpdate">update the local sites from this list of online sites, if null (default) the complete global list is retrieved</param>
		/// <param name="onlyUpdateNoAdd">true (default) -> only update already existing local sites, false -> update and add sites from the online list</param>
		/// <param name="skipCategories">do not update the categories of existing local sites if true (default is false so categories will also be updated)</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// <list type="bullet">
		/// <item><term>true</term><description>new dlls were downloaded during the update</description></item>
		/// <item><term>false</term><description>no changes to the local sites or dlls were done</description></item>
		/// <item><term>null</term><description>update changed only the local xml</description></item>
		/// </list>
		/// </returns>
		public static bool? UpdateSites(ProgressReport progressCallback = null, List<Site> onlineSitesToUpdate = null, bool onlyUpdateNoAdd = true, bool skipCategories = false)
			bool newDllsDownloaded = false;
			bool saveRequired = false;
				if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.CheckingForPluginUpdate, 0);
				if (!VersionCompatible) return false;
				if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.RetrievingRemoteSites, 2);
				if (onlineSitesToUpdate == null && onlineSites != null) onlineSitesToUpdate = onlineSites.ToList();
				if (onlineSitesToUpdate == null || onlineSitesToUpdate.Count == 0) return false;
				if (progressCallback != null) if (!progressCallback.Invoke(null, 10)) return false;
				Dictionary<string, bool> requiredDlls = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
				for (int i = 0; i < onlineSitesToUpdate.Count; i++)
					Site onlineSite = onlineSitesToUpdate[i];
					SiteSettings localSite = null;
					int localSiteIndex = OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.GetSiteByName(onlineSite.Name, out localSite);
					if (localSiteIndex == -1)
						// add
						if (!onlyUpdateNoAdd)
							// remember what dlls are required and check for changed dlls later
							if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(onlineSite.RequiredDll)) requiredDlls[onlineSite.RequiredDll] = true;
							if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(onlineSite.Name, null);
							localSite = GetRemoteSite(onlineSite.Name);
							if (localSite != null)
								// disable local site if broken
								if (onlineSite.State == SiteState.Broken) localSite.IsEnabled = false;
								saveRequired = true;
					else // update
						// remember what dlls are required and check for changed dlls later (regardless of lastUpdated on site)
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(onlineSite.RequiredDll)) requiredDlls[onlineSite.RequiredDll] = true;
						// get site if updated on server
						if ((onlineSite.LastUpdated - localSite.LastUpdated).TotalMinutes > 2)
                            // don't show the name of that site while updating if it is an adult site and the pin has not been entered yet
                            bool preventMessageDuetoAdult = (localSite.ConfirmAge && OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.UseAgeConfirmation && !OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.AgeConfirmed);
                            if (progressCallback != null && !preventMessageDuetoAdult) progressCallback.Invoke(localSite.Name, null);
							SiteSettings updatedSite = GetRemoteSite(onlineSite.Name);
							if (updatedSite != null)
								// keep Categories if flag was set
								if (skipCategories) updatedSite.Categories = localSite.Categories;
								OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.SetSiteAt(localSiteIndex, updatedSite);
								localSite = updatedSite;
								saveRequired = true;
						// disable local site if status of online site is broken
						if (onlineSite.State == OnlineVideos.OnlineVideosWebservice.SiteState.Broken && localSite.IsEnabled)
							localSite.IsEnabled = false;
							OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.SetSiteAt(localSiteIndex, localSite);
							saveRequired = true;
					if (progressCallback != null)
						if (!progressCallback.Invoke(null, (byte)(10 + (70 * (i + 1) / onlineSitesToUpdate.Count)))) 
							return false;

				if (progressCallback != null) if (!progressCallback.Invoke(null, null)) return false;

				if (requiredDlls.Count > 0)
					if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.RetrievingRemoteDlls, null);

					// temp target directory for dlls (if exists, delete and recreate)
					string dllTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "OnlineVideos\\");
					if (Directory.Exists(dllTempDir)) Directory.Delete(dllTempDir, true);
					int dllsToCopy = 0;
					for (int i = 0; i < onlineDlls.Length; i++)
						Dll anOnlineDll = onlineDlls[i];
						if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(anOnlineDll.Name, null);
						if (requiredDlls.ContainsKey(anOnlineDll.Name))
							// update or download dll if needed
							string location = Path.Combine(OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.DllsDir, anOnlineDll.Name + ".dll");
							bool download = true;
							if (File.Exists(location))
								byte[] data = null;
								data = File.ReadAllBytes(location);
								string md5LocalDll = BitConverter.ToString(md5Service.ComputeHash(data)).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
								if (md5LocalDll == anOnlineDll.MD5)
									download = false;
									// MD5 is different - check compile time of local dll vs. LastUpdated of remote dll
                                    if (Helpers.FileUtils.RetrieveLinkerTimestamp(location) > anOnlineDll.LastUpdated)
										download = false; // local dll is most likely self-compiled - do not download server dll
										Log.Info("Local '{0}.dll' was compiled later that online version - skipping download", anOnlineDll.Name);
							if (download)
								// download dll to temp dir first
								if (DownloadDll(anOnlineDll.Name, dllTempDir + anOnlineDll.Name + ".dll"))
									newDllsDownloaded = true;
									// if download was successfull, try to copy to target dir (if not successfull, mark for UAC prompted copy later)
									try { File.Copy(dllTempDir + anOnlineDll.Name + ".dll", location, true); }
									catch { dllsToCopy++; }
						if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(null, (byte)(80 + (15 * (i + 1) / onlineDlls.Length)));
					if (dllsToCopy > 0) CopyDlls(dllTempDir, OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.DllsDir);
				if (saveRequired)
					if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.SavingLocalSiteList, 98);
			catch (Exception ex)
				if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.Done, 100);
			if (newDllsDownloaded) return true;
			else if (saveRequired) return null;
			else return false;
Пример #7
 public static void ReportProgress(int min, int max, int value)
     ProgressReport?.Invoke(null, new ProgressReport {
         Min = min, Max = max, Value = value
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will update the local xml with sites retrieved from the global webservice. It will also download icons, banner and updated dlls.
        /// Make sure the local sites are loaded and all paths (<see cref="OnlineVideoSettings.DllsDir"/>, <see cref="OnlineVideoSettings.ConfigDir"/>, <see cref="OnlineVideoSettings.ThumbsDir"/>) are set before calling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progressCallback">pointer to the <see cref="ProgressReport"/> delegate that will receive progress information</param>
        /// <param name="onlineSitesToUpdate">update the local sites from this list of online sites, if null (default) the complete global list is retrieved</param>
        /// <param name="onlyUpdateNoAdd">true (default) -> only update already existing local sites, false -> update and add sites from the online list</param>
        /// <param name="skipCategories">do not update the categories of existing local sites if true (default is false so categories will also be updated)</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item><term>true</term><description>new dlls were downloaded during the update</description></item>
        /// <item><term>false</term><description>no changes to the local sites or dlls were done</description></item>
        /// <item><term>null</term><description>update changed only the local xml</description></item>
        /// </list>
        /// </returns>
        public static bool?UpdateSites(ProgressReport progressCallback = null, List <Site> onlineSitesToUpdate = null, bool onlyUpdateNoAdd = true, bool skipCategories = false)
            bool newDllsDownloaded = false;
            bool saveRequired      = false;

                if (progressCallback != null)
                    progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.CheckingForPluginUpdate, 0);
                if (!VersionCompatible)
                if (progressCallback != null)
                    progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.RetrievingRemoteSites, 2);
                if (onlineSitesToUpdate == null && onlineSites != null)
                    onlineSitesToUpdate = onlineSites.ToList();
                if (onlineSitesToUpdate == null || onlineSitesToUpdate.Count == 0)
                if (progressCallback != null)
                    if (!progressCallback.Invoke(null, 10))
                Dictionary <string, bool> requiredDlls = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
                for (int i = 0; i < onlineSitesToUpdate.Count; i++)
                    Site         onlineSite     = onlineSitesToUpdate[i];
                    SiteSettings localSite      = null;
                    int          localSiteIndex = OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.GetSiteByName(onlineSite.Name, out localSite);
                    if (localSiteIndex == -1)
                        // add
                        if (!onlyUpdateNoAdd)
                            // remember what dlls are required and check for changed dlls later
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(onlineSite.RequiredDll))
                                requiredDlls[onlineSite.RequiredDll] = true;
                            if (progressCallback != null)
                                progressCallback.Invoke(onlineSite.Name, null);
                            localSite = GetRemoteSite(onlineSite.Name);
                            if (localSite != null)
                                // disable local site if broken
                                if (onlineSite.State == SiteState.Broken)
                                    localSite.IsEnabled = false;
                                saveRequired = true;
                    else                     // update
                        // remember what dlls are required and check for changed dlls later (regardless of lastUpdated on site)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(onlineSite.RequiredDll))
                            requiredDlls[onlineSite.RequiredDll] = true;
                        // get site if updated on server
                        if ((onlineSite.LastUpdated - localSite.LastUpdated).TotalMinutes > 2)
                            // don't show the name of that site while updating if it is an adult site and the pin has not been entered yet
                            bool preventMessageDuetoAdult = (localSite.ConfirmAge && OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.UseAgeConfirmation && !OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.AgeConfirmed);
                            if (progressCallback != null && !preventMessageDuetoAdult)
                                progressCallback.Invoke(localSite.Name, null);
                            SiteSettings updatedSite = GetRemoteSite(onlineSite.Name);
                            if (updatedSite != null)
                                // keep Categories if flag was set
                                if (skipCategories)
                                    updatedSite.Categories = localSite.Categories;
                                OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.SetSiteAt(localSiteIndex, updatedSite);
                                localSite    = updatedSite;
                                saveRequired = true;
                        // disable local site if status of online site is broken
                        if (onlineSite.State == OnlineVideos.OnlineVideosWebservice.SiteState.Broken && localSite.IsEnabled)
                            localSite.IsEnabled = false;
                            OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.SetSiteAt(localSiteIndex, localSite);
                            saveRequired = true;
                    if (progressCallback != null)
                        if (!progressCallback.Invoke(null, (byte)(10 + (70 * (i + 1) / onlineSitesToUpdate.Count))))

                if (progressCallback != null)
                    if (!progressCallback.Invoke(null, null))

                if (requiredDlls.Count > 0)
                    if (progressCallback != null)
                        progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.RetrievingRemoteDlls, null);

                    // temp target directory for dlls (if exists, delete and recreate)
                    string dllTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "OnlineVideos\\");
                    if (Directory.Exists(dllTempDir))
                        Directory.Delete(dllTempDir, true);
                    int dllsToCopy = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < onlineDlls.Length; i++)
                        Dll anOnlineDll = onlineDlls[i];
                        if (progressCallback != null)
                            progressCallback.Invoke(anOnlineDll.Name, null);
                        if (requiredDlls.ContainsKey(anOnlineDll.Name))
                            // update or download dll if needed
                            string location = Path.Combine(OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.DllsDir, anOnlineDll.Name + ".dll");
                            bool   download = true;
                            if (File.Exists(location))
                                byte[] data = null;
                                data = File.ReadAllBytes(location);
                                string md5LocalDll = BitConverter.ToString(md5Service.ComputeHash(data)).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
                                if (md5LocalDll == anOnlineDll.MD5)
                                    download = false;
                                    // MD5 is different - check compile time of local dll vs. LastUpdated of remote dll
                                    if (Helpers.FileUtils.RetrieveLinkerTimestamp(location) > anOnlineDll.LastUpdated)
                                        download = false;                                         // local dll is most likely self-compiled - do not download server dll
                                        Log.Info("Local '{0}.dll' was compiled later that online version - skipping download", anOnlineDll.Name);
                            if (download)
                                // download dll to temp dir first
                                if (DownloadDll(anOnlineDll.Name, dllTempDir + anOnlineDll.Name + ".dll"))
                                    newDllsDownloaded = true;
                                    // if download was successfull, try to copy to target dir (if not successfull, mark for UAC prompted copy later)
                                    try { File.Copy(dllTempDir + anOnlineDll.Name + ".dll", location, true); }
                                    catch { dllsToCopy++; }
                        if (progressCallback != null)
                            progressCallback.Invoke(null, (byte)(80 + (15 * (i + 1) / onlineDlls.Length)));
                    if (dllsToCopy > 0)
                        CopyDlls(dllTempDir, OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.DllsDir);
                if (saveRequired)
                    if (progressCallback != null)
                        progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.SavingLocalSiteList, 98);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (progressCallback != null)
                    progressCallback.Invoke(Translation.Instance.Done, 100);
            if (newDllsDownloaded)
            else if (saveRequired)
 protected static void OnReportProgress(ProgressReportEventArgs e)
     ProgressReport?.Invoke(null, e);