Пример #1
        public List <QubitValueResult> GetQubitResultStatesById(List <IbmJobMeasurmentResult> qubitValueResults, string ResultId)
            var qubitValueResult = (from ms in qubitValueResults where ms.Id == ResultId select ms).FirstOrDefault();

            if (qubitValueResult == null)
                return(new List <QubitValueResult>());
            if (qubitValueResult.Qasms.Count == 0)
                return(new List <QubitValueResult>());
            ProgramParser _parser  = new ProgramParser();
            var           commands = _parser.GetSyntaxList(_parser.GetCommandList(qubitValueResult.Qasms[0].Qasm));
            List <Qubit>  Qubits   = new List <Qubit>();

            foreach (var cmd in commands)
                Measurment casted_cmd = cmd.CommandType as Measurment;
                if (casted_cmd != null)
                    int qubit_index;
                    if (int.TryParse(cmd.Args[1], out qubit_index))
                        Qubits.Add(new Qubit(null, qubit_index));
            return(IbmComputer.GetQubitResultStates(qubitValueResult, Qubits));
Пример #2
        public void ProgramParser_AnotherExample()
            const string program = @"
                (def apply (func list)
                  (if (empty? list) 
                    (then ()) 
                        ((func (first list))) 
                        (apply func (rem list))

                (let +1 (lambda (a) (+ a 1)))
                (apply +1 (1 2 3)) ; returns (2 3 4)";

            ProgramParser parser = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, node.Expressions.Count);
Пример #3
Файл: Wul.cs Проект: szensk/wul
        private static bool RunFile(string filePath, Scope scope = null)
            Parser = new ProgramParser(new FileInfo(filePath).FullName);
                WulInterpreter.Interpret(LoadFile(filePath), scope);
            catch (ParseException pe)
                string program = File.ReadLines(filePath).Skip(pe.Line - 1).First();
                string underline = pe.GetUnderline;
                if (underline != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}");
                //TODO fix up traceback line numbers
                //StdLib.Debug.Traceback(Value.EmptyList, null);
Пример #4
        // full file name
        public static ProgramNode ParseFile(string fileName)
            ProgramParser parser   = new ProgramParser(fileName);
            string        contents = File.ReadAllText(fileName);

            return(Parse(contents, parser));
Пример #5
        public void ProgramCollection_GetNumberOfGroups_ReturnsCorrectly()
            var programCollection = ProgramParser.ParseFile("day12testinput.txt");

            var numGroups = programCollection.GetNumberOfGroups();

            Assert.Equal(2, numGroups);
Пример #6
        public void ProgramCollection_GetConnectedPrograms_ReturnsCorrectly()
            var programCollection = ProgramParser.ParseFile("day12testinput.txt");

            var connected = programCollection.GetConnectedPrograms(0);

            Assert.Equal(6, connected.Count);
Пример #7
        public void Interpreter_PrintNil()
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();
            string        program = "(print nil)";

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

Пример #8
        public void ProgramParser_EmptyProgram()
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();
            string        program = "";

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, node.Expressions.Count);
Пример #9
        public void ProgramParser_TwoExpressions()
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();
            string        program = "(print ok) (die)";

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, node.Expressions.Count);
Пример #10
        public void ProgramParser_ListOfOne()
            const string  program = "(:: System.Console.WriteLine ('ok'))";
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, node.Expressions.Count);
Пример #11
        public Spooky2Program(string name, string command, double stepSize)
            Name     = name;
            commands = ProgramParser.Parse(command).ToArray();

            // Debug - reconstruct the program.
            var debug = StoredProgramData.SetCommands(commands);

            if (debug != command)
Пример #12
        public void ProgramParser_LeadingCommentWithParenthesis()
            const string  program = "; test\r\n; (that is it)\r\n(print 'ok')";
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, node.Expressions.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, node.Expressions.First().Children.Count);
Пример #13
        public void ProgramParser_CommentWithParenthesis()
            const string  program = "(defn cos (a) (identity a) \r\n;(that is it)\r\n)";
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, node.Expressions.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, node.Expressions.First().Children.Count);
Пример #14
        public void ProgramParser_FactorialExample()
            const string  program = "(defn fact (a)\r\n\t(if (< a 2) \r\n\t\t(then 1) \r\n\t\t(else (* a (fact (- a 1))))\r\n\t)\r\n)";
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, node.Expressions.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, node.Expressions.First().Children.Count);
Пример #15
        void SimpleProgram()
            var p = ProgramParser.Tokenize("123");

            Assert.Equal(1, p.Count());

            var steps = ProgramParser.Parse("123, 456, M1, B1, B3").ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(5, steps.Length);
            var options = new RunningOptions();

            var durations = steps.Select(s => ((IStep)s).Duration(options)).ToArray();
            var freqs     = steps.Select(s => s.Frequency1.ToHertz(options)).ToArray();
Пример #16
        public void Give_accumulator_before_the_program_run_an_instruction_a_second_time(
            string programDescription,
            int expectedAccumulatorValue)
            // Given
            var program = ProgramParser.Parse(programDescription);

            // When
            var(actualAccumulatorValue, _, isInfiniteLoop) = IsolatedProgramRunner.Execute(program);

            // Then
            Assert.Equal(expectedAccumulatorValue, actualAccumulatorValue);
        public void Fix_program_and_give_terminates_program_accumulator(
            string infiniteLoopProgramDescription,
            int expectedAccumulator)
            // Given
            var infiniteLoopProgram = ProgramParser.Parse(infiniteLoopProgramDescription);

            // When
            var fixedProgram    = ProgramFixer.Fix(infiniteLoopProgram);
            var executionResult = IsolatedProgramRunner.Execute(fixedProgram);

            // Then
            Assert.Equal(expectedAccumulator, executionResult.AccumulatorValue);
Пример #18
        public void Give_accumulator_after_the_program_terminates(
            string programDescription,
            int expectedAccumulatorValue)
            // Given
            var program = ProgramParser.Parse(programDescription);

            // When
            var(actualAccumulatorValue, isProgramTerminates, _) = IsolatedProgramRunner.Execute(program);

            // Then
            Assert.Equal(expectedAccumulatorValue, actualAccumulatorValue);
Пример #19
        public ProgramVM(ObservableCollection <ProgramInfo> programList, List <CameraInfo> camInfoList, ObservableCollection <CameraNameWrapper> cameraNameList, List <PresetParams> presettingList)
            _ea = Notification.Instance;
            this.programList    = programList;
            this.cameraNameList = cameraNameList;
            camList             = camInfoList;
            presetList          = presettingList;
            modeColors          = ModeColors.Singleton(_ea);
            writer = new ProgramParser(constant.PROGRAM_FILE);
            List <CameraCommand> list = new List <CameraCommand>();

            _ea.GetEvent <ProgramSaveEvent>().Subscribe(save);
        public void Fix_infinite_loop_program_by_switching_only_one_instruction(
            string infiniteLoopProgramDescription,
            string expectedTerminableProgramDescription)
            // Given
            var infiniteLoopProgram  = ProgramParser.Parse(infiniteLoopProgramDescription);
            var expectedFixedProgram = ProgramParser.Parse(expectedTerminableProgramDescription);

            // When
            var actualFixedProgram = ProgramFixer.Fix(infiniteLoopProgram);
            var executionResult    = IsolatedProgramRunner.Execute(actualFixedProgram);

            // Then
            Assert.Equal(expectedFixedProgram, actualFixedProgram);
Пример #21
        public void ProgramParser_CommentWithStartingParenthesis()
            const string program = "(defn test ()\r\n"
                                   + "   ;(unpack\r\n"
                                   + "        (?? 1 2)\r\n"
                                   + "    ;)\r\n"
                                   + ")\r\n";
            ProgramParser parser = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, node.Expressions.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, node.Expressions.First().Children.Count);
Пример #22
        public void ProgramParser_SimpleExample()
            ProgramParser parser  = new ProgramParser();
            const string  program = @"
                (def fact (a) (
                    (if (< a 2) 
                      (then 1)
                      (else (fact (- a 1)))

                (print (fact 10))";

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, node.Expressions.Count);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        ///		Gemera la documentación
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateDocuments()
            if (ValidateData())
                DocumentFileModelCollection objColDocuments;
                ProgramModel objProgram = new ProgramParser().ParseSolution(fnSolution.FileName);

                // Borra el directorio destino
                // Genera la documentación
                objColDocuments = new DocumentationGenerator(GetParametersDocuments(), pthTarget.PathName).Process(objProgram);
                // Muestra la documentación
                txtLog.Text = objColDocuments.Debug(0);
                // Muestra los nodos
                ShowDocumentNodes(objColDocuments, null);
Пример #24
        public void ProgramParser_CommentExample()
            const string program = @"
                (defn add (a b c)
                  (+ a b) ; this adds the first two arguments

                (print add)
                (print (dump add))";

            ProgramParser parser = new ProgramParser();

            ProgramNode node = (ProgramNode)parser.Parse(program);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, node.Expressions.Count);
Пример #25
        public void ReturnNoExpressionTest()
            const string Code = @"

            ProgramNode program = MyAssert.NoError(() =>
                var lexemes = new Lexer(Code).LexAll();
                var parser  = new ProgramParser(lexemes, Code);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, program !.TopLevelStatementNodes.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(program.TopLevelStatementNodes[0] is ReturnStatementNode
                ReturnExpressionNode: null
Пример #26
Файл: Wul.cs Проект: szensk/wul
        private static bool RunString(string input, Scope scope = null)
            Parser = new ProgramParser("stdin");
            Scope currentScope = scope ?? Global.Scope.EmptyChildScope();

                var programNode = (ProgramNode)Parser.Parse(input);
                var result      = WulInterpreter.Interpret(programNode, currentScope);
                if (result != null && result.Any())
                    foreach (var item in result)
                        if (ReferenceEquals(item, Value.Nil) && result.Count == 1)
                        var args = new List <IValue> {
                            item is WulString ? new WulString($"'{item.AsString()}'") : item
                        IO.Print(args, Global.Scope);
            catch (ParseException pe)
                string underline = pe.GetUnderline;
                if (underline != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}");
Пример #27
        public void FunctionDeclarationNoParametersWithReturnTest()
            const string Code = @"
            Func HelloWorld() As Int
                Output(""Hello "" + x);

            FunctionDeclarationNode func = MyAssert.NoError(() =>
                var lexemes = new Lexer(Code).LexAll();
                var parser  = new ProgramParser(lexemes, Code);

            Assert.AreEqual("HelloWorld", func !.Identifier);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, func.ParameterNodes.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, func.BodyNode.Count);
Пример #28
        public List <QubitValueResult> GetQubitResultStates(IbmJobMeasurmentResult qubitValueResult)
            if (qubitValueResult.Qasms.Count == 0)
                return(new List <QubitValueResult>());
            ProgramParser _parser  = new ProgramParser();
            var           commands = _parser.GetSyntaxList(_parser.GetCommandList(qubitValueResult.Qasms[0].Qasm));
            List <Qubit>  Qubits   = new List <Qubit>();

            foreach (var cmd in commands)
                Measurment casted_cmd = cmd.CommandType as Measurment;
                if (casted_cmd != null)
                    int qubit_index;
                    if (int.TryParse(cmd.Args[1], out qubit_index))
                        Qubits.Add(new Qubit(null, qubit_index));
            return(IbmComputer.GetQubitResultStates(qubitValueResult, Qubits));
Пример #29
        public void AddExpressionSpecialTestAST()
            // Source file to produce an AST from
            string source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(AppContext.BaseDirectory + "/Testfiles/tang/AddExpression.tang");

            // File path relative to where the debug file is located which is in a land far, far away
            Lexer l = new Lexer(File.ReadAllText(AppContext.BaseDirectory + "../../../../../../docs/tang.tokens.json"));

            // Call the Analyse method from the Lexical Analysis class
            var tokens = l.Analyse(source);

            // Initialise a program parser
            ProgramParser parser = new ProgramParser();

            // Convert tokens to Parsing.Data.Token
            var tokenEnumerator = tokens.Select(t => new Parsing.Data.Token()
                Name = t.Name, Value = t.Value


            // Produce a parse tree by calling the ParseProgram method
            var parseTree = parser.ParseProgram(tokenEnumerator);

            // Create a new instance of the ProgramToASTTranslator class
            var astTranslator = new Translation.ProgramToAST.ProgramToASTTranslator();

            // Use the ProgramToASTTranslator with parseTree as parameter to get the AST
            AST.Data.AST ast = astTranslator.TranslatetoAST(parseTree) as AST.Data.AST;

            // Below is a hardcoded tree of how the AST is expected to look
            var astExpected = new AST.Data.AST(true)
                new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                    new AST.Data.Statement(true)
                        new AST.Data.IntegerDeclarationInit(true)
                            new AST.Data.IntType(true)
                                new AST.Data.Token()
                                    Name = "int8"
                            new AST.Data.Token()
                                Name = "identifier"
                            new AST.Data.Token()
                                Name = "="
                            new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                new AST.Data.AddExpression(true)
                                    new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                        new AST.Data.AddExpression(true)
                                            new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                                new AST.Data.Token()
                                                    Name = "numeral"
                                            new AST.Data.Token()
                                                Name = "+"
                                            new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                                new AST.Data.Token()
                                                    Name = "numeral"
                                    new AST.Data.Token()
                                        Name = "+"
                                    new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                        new AST.Data.Token()
                                            Name = "numeral"
                new AST.Data.Token()
                    Name = "eof"

            // Call a method to walk the tree's nodes and test if their names are equal
            TreeAsserter(ast, astExpected);
Пример #30
        public void ConvertToASTCorrectly()
            /* Alias.tang file:
             * int8 a
             * a = 2
             * int8 b
             * b = a
             * tokens:
             * int8 identifier newline
             * identifier = numeral newline
             * int8 identifier newline
             * identifier = identifier newline eof

            // When running the method ParseProgram on an enumerator of these tokens, the result is a big parse tree
            // The goal of the ProgramToASTTranslator is to take this parse tree as input and output an AST
            // The AST output is written by hand from the .tang file, and then it is asserted if the output is equivalent to the expected output

            string source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(AppContext.BaseDirectory + "/Testfiles/tang/Alias.tang");

            // File path relative to where the debug file is located which is in a land far, far away
            Lexer l = new Lexer(File.ReadAllText(AppContext.BaseDirectory + "../../../../../../docs/tang.tokens.json"));

            var           tokens          = l.Analyse(source);
            ProgramParser parser          = new ProgramParser();
            var           tokenEnumerator = tokens.Select(t => new Parsing.Data.Token()
                Name = t.Name, Value = t.Value

            var parseTree = parser.ParseProgram(tokenEnumerator);

            // Create a new instance of the ProgramToASTTranslator class
            var astTranslator = new Translation.ProgramToAST.ProgramToASTTranslator();

            // Use the ProgramToASTTranslator with parseTree as parameter to get the AST
            AST.Data.AST ast = astTranslator.TranslatetoAST(parseTree) as AST.Data.AST;

            // Below is a hardcoded tree of how the AST is expected to look
            var astExpected = new AST.Data.AST(true)
                new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                    new AST.Data.CompoundGlobalStatement(true)
                        new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                            new AST.Data.Statement(true)
                                new AST.Data.IntegerDeclaration(true)
                                    new AST.Data.IntType(true)
                                        new AST.Data.Token()
                                            Name = "int8"
                                    new AST.Data.Token()
                                        Name = "identifier"
                        new AST.Data.Token()
                            Name = "newline"
                        new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                            new AST.Data.CompoundGlobalStatement(true)
                                new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                                    new AST.Data.Statement(true)
                                        new AST.Data.IntegerAssignment(true)
                                            new AST.Data.Token()
                                                Name = "identifier"
                                            new AST.Data.Token()
                                                Name = "="
                                            new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                                new AST.Data.Token()
                                                    Name = "numeral"
                                new AST.Data.Token()
                                    Name = "newline"
                                new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                                    new AST.Data.CompoundGlobalStatement(true)
                                        new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                                            new AST.Data.Statement(true)
                                                new AST.Data.IntegerDeclaration(true)
                                                    new AST.Data.IntType(true)
                                                        new AST.Data.Token()
                                                            Name = "int8"
                                                    new AST.Data.Token()
                                                        Name = "identifier"
                                        new AST.Data.Token()
                                            Name = "newline"
                                        new AST.Data.GlobalStatement(true)
                                            new AST.Data.Statement(true)
                                                new AST.Data.IntegerAssignment(true)
                                                    new AST.Data.Token()
                                                        Name = "identifier"
                                                    new AST.Data.Token()
                                                        Name = "="
                                                    new AST.Data.IntegerExpression(true)
                                                        new AST.Data.Token()
                                                            Name = "identifier"
                new AST.Data.Token()
                    Name = "eof"

            // Call a method to walk the tree's nodes and test if their names are equal
            TreeAsserter(ast, astExpected);