Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's selected role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Hide the states if the user is not a super admin
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)
                divStates.Visible = false;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Bind the cohort, hub, and state data-bound controls

                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get the program types
                    var programTypes = context.CodeProgramType.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(cpt => cpt.OrderBy).ToList();
                    lstBxProgramType.DataSource = programTypes;
Пример #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Only allow super admins
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Set the view only value
                if (currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                //Check for messages in the query string
                string messageType = Request.QueryString["messageType"];

                //Show the message if it exists
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType))
                    switch (messageType)
                    case "ReportCatalogItemAdded":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "Report Catalog Item successfully added!", 10000);

                    case "ReportCatalogItemEdited":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "Report Catalog Item successfully edited!", 10000);

                    case "ReportCatalogItemCanceled":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("info", "Canceled", "The action was canceled, no changes were saved.", 10000);

                    case "NOReportCatalogItem":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("warning", "Warning", "The specified Report Catalog Item could not be found, please try again.", 15000);

                    case "NotAuthorized":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Not Authorized", "You are not authorized to view that information!", 10000);

Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                ApplicationDbContext appContext = new ApplicationDbContext();

                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get the program list
                    var programs = context.Program.AsNoTracking().Include(p => p.Hub).OrderBy(p => p.ProgramName).Select(p => new {
                        ProgramName = p.ProgramName + " (" + p.Hub.Name + ")"
                    ddProgram.DataSource = programs;

                    //Get the program role list, limited to the roles the user is allowed to add
                    var programRoles = context.CodeProgramRole.AsNoTracking()
                                       .Where(cpr => cpr.RolesAuthorizedToModify.Contains((currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value.ToString() + ",")))
                                       .OrderBy(cpr => cpr.RoleName)
                    ddProgramRole.DataSource = programRoles;

                //Get the identity roles
                var identityRoles = appContext.Roles.OrderBy(r => r.Name).ToList();

                //Remove the guest role because it is not implemented in any way
                IdentityRole guestRole = identityRoles.Where(ir => ir.Name == "Guest").FirstOrDefault();
                if (guestRole != null)

                //Only allow super admins to add admin identity roles
                if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)
                    //Remove the Admin identity role from the list
                    IdentityRole adminRole = identityRoles.Where(ir => ir.Name == "Admin").FirstOrDefault();

                //Bind the identity role dropdown
                ddIdentityRole.DataSource = identityRoles;

                //Set focus to the username field
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Load the user table

                //Check to see if there are any messages
                if (Request.QueryString["message"] != null)
                    //Get the message type
                    string messageCode = Request.QueryString["message"].ToString();
                    string message     = null;
                    string messageType = null;

                    // Strip the query string from action
                    Form.Action = ResolveUrl("~/Admin/UserManagement");

                    //Get the message to display
                    switch (messageCode)
                    case "CreateUserSuccess":
                        message     = "User successfully created!";
                        messageType = "success";

                    case "EditUserSuccess":
                        message     = "User successfully edited!";
                        messageType = "success";

                    case "UserNotFound":
                        message     = "User could not be found or an error occurred while retrieving the user!";
                        messageType = "danger";

                        message     = null;
                        messageType = null;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                        //Show the message
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser(messageType, "Success", message, 15000);
Пример #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Get the current program role
                ProgramAndRoleFromSession currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

                //Show/hide the BOQFCC link
                if (currentProgramRole.ShowBOQFCC.HasValue && currentProgramRole.ShowBOQFCC.Value)
                    divBOQFCCDashboardLink.Visible = true;
                    divBOQFCCDashboardLink.Visible = false;

                //Show/hide the BOQ link
                if (currentProgramRole.ShowBOQ.HasValue && currentProgramRole.ShowBOQ.Value)
                    divBOQDashboardLink.Visible = true;
                    divBOQDashboardLink.Visible = false;

                //Hide the master page title

                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get all the counts for the dashboard navigation
                    var allCounts = context.spGetCountsForDashboardMaster(DateTime.Now, string.Join(",", currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs),
                                                                          currentProgramRole.HubFK, currentProgramRole.StateFK).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Display the counts
                    spanASQSECount.InnerText            = allCounts.ASQSECount.ToString();
                    spanBehaviorIncidentCount.InnerText = allCounts.BehaviorIncidentCount.ToString();
                    spanBOQCount.InnerText           = allCounts.BOQCount.ToString();
                    spanBOQFCCCount.InnerText        = allCounts.BOQFCCCount.ToString();
                    spanChildCount.InnerText         = allCounts.ChildrenCount.ToString();
                    spanClassroomCount.InnerText     = allCounts.ClassroomCount.ToString();
                    spanCoachingLogCount.InnerText   = allCounts.CoachingLogCount.ToString();
                    spanEmployeeCount.InnerText      = allCounts.EmployeeCount.ToString();
                    spanOtherSEScreenCount.InnerText = allCounts.OtherSEScreenCount.ToString();
                    spanTPITOSCount.InnerText        = allCounts.TPITOSCount.ToString();
                    spanTPOTCount.InnerText          = allCounts.TPOTCount.ToString();
                    spanFileUploadCount.InnerText    = allCounts.FileUploadCount.ToString();
Пример #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Don't allow non-admins to use the page
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN &&
                currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.APPLICATION_ADMIN)
                //Kick out any non-admins
Пример #7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Get the current program role
                ProgramAndRoleFromSession currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

                //Get the file name
                string fileName = Request.QueryString["FileName"].ToString();

                //Check to see what file the user wants to download
                if (fileName == "NCPMIBIRExcelReport")
                    //This is the BIR excel file report

                    //Get the parameters from the query string
                    string     programFKsString = Request.QueryString["ProgramFKs"].ToString();
                    List <int> programFKs       = programFKsString.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
                    string     schoolYearString = Request.QueryString["SchoolYear"].ToString();
                    DateTime   schoolYear;

                    //Only continue if the school year is a valid year and the user is allowed
                    //to run the report for the programs
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(schoolYearString, out schoolYear) &&
                        programFKs.Except(currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs).ToList().Count < 1)
                        //Generate the Excel file to a byte array
                        byte[] excel = Utilities.GenerateNCPMIExcelFile(programFKs, schoolYear);

                        //Only continue if the byte array is not null
                        if (excel != null)
                            //Download the file to the user
                            Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12";
                            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0};", "BehaviorIncidentReport.xlsm"));
                            Response.SuppressContent = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Log any exceptions
Пример #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //-------- This page uses a SqlDataSource configured in both the .aspx file and this file to populate the gridview ---------
            //Set the values for the sql data source
            sqlUserFileUploadDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Pyramid"].ConnectionString;
            sqlUserFileUploadDataSource.SelectParameters["ProgramFKs"].DefaultValue = string.Join(",", currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs);
            sqlUserFileUploadDataSource.SelectParameters["HubFK"].DefaultValue      = currentProgramRole.HubFK.Value.ToString();
            sqlUserFileUploadDataSource.SelectParameters["StateFK"].DefaultValue    = currentProgramRole.StateFK.Value.ToString();
            sqlUserFileUploadDataSource.SelectParameters["CohortFKs"].DefaultValue  = string.Join(",", currentProgramRole.CohortFKs);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Set the view only value
                if (currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value || currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER)
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                //Bind the dropdowns

                //Check for messages in the query string
                string messageType = Request.QueryString["messageType"];

                //Show the message if it exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType))
                    switch (messageType)
                    case "UploadSuccess":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "File successfully uploaded!", 10000);

Пример #9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Attempt to get the role from session
            programRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Show/hide the test site message
                divTestSiteMessage.Visible = Utilities.IsTestSite();

                //Set the labels' text to the user's role values
                lblUserProgram.Text = programRole.ProgramName;
                lblUserRole.Text    = programRole.RoleName;

                //Set the disclaimer
                ltlStateDisclaimer.Text = programRole.StateDisclaimer;

                //Set the logo
                bsImgLogo.ImageUrl = "/Content/images/" + programRole.StateLogoFileName;

                //Set the application title label
                lblApplicationTitle.Text = Utilities.GetApplicationTitle(programRole);

            //Prevent non-admins from accessing the admin menu and error log
            if (programRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)
                //Show the admin menu and error log link
                liAdminMenu.Visible = true;
                lnkErrorLog.Visible = true;
                lnkReportCatalogMaintenance.Visible = true;
                lnkReportDesigner.Visible           = true;
            else if (programRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.APPLICATION_ADMIN)
                //Show the admin menu and hide the error log link
                liAdminMenu.Visible = true;
                liAdminMenu.Visible = false;
                lnkErrorLog.Visible = false;
Пример #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //Check to see if there are any messages
                if (Request.QueryString["messageType"] != null)
                    //Get the message type
                    string messageType = Request.QueryString["messageType"].ToString();

                    //Get the message to display
                    switch (messageType)
                    case "TwoFactorVerified":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Two-Factor Code Verified", "Your Two-Factor code was successfully verified!", 5000);

                //Show or hide the fireworks

            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            DateTime lastMonth = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);


            //Set the logo
            bsImgLargeLogo.ImageUrl = "/Content/images/" + (currentProgramRole.StateLogoFileName == null ? "GenericLogo.png" : currentProgramRole.StateLogoFileName);
Пример #11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the ASQSE PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ASQSEPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["ASQSEPK"], out currentASQSEPK);

            //Don't allow aggregate viewers into this page
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.AGGREGATE_DATA_VIEWER)

            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                //Get the ASQSE from the database
                currentASQSE = context.ASQSE
                               .Include(a => a.Program)
                               .Where(a => a.ASQSEPK == currentASQSEPK).FirstOrDefault();

                //Check to see if the ASQSE from the database exists
                if (currentASQSE == null)
                    //The ASQSE from the database doesn't exist, set the current ASQSE to a default value
                    currentASQSE = new Models.ASQSE();

                    //Set the program label to the current user's program
                    lblProgram.Text = currentProgramRole.ProgramName;
                    //Set the program label to the ASQSE's program
                    lblProgram.Text = currentASQSE.Program.ProgramName;

                //Get the current interval and version
                int intervalFK = (ddInterval.Value == null ? currentASQSE.IntervalCodeFK : Convert.ToInt32(ddInterval.Value));
                int versionNum = (ddVersion.Value == null ? currentASQSE.Version : Convert.ToInt32(ddVersion.Value));

                //Get the ScoreASQSE object
                currentScoreASQSE = context.ScoreASQSE.AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where(sa => sa.IntervalCodeFK == intervalFK &&
                                           sa.Version == versionNum)

            //Prevent users from viewing ASQSEs from other programs
            if (currentASQSE.ASQSEPK > 0 && !currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs.Contains(currentASQSE.ProgramFK))
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("/Pages/ASQSEDashboard.aspx?messageType={0}", "NOASQSE"));

            //Get the proper program fk
            currentProgramFK = (currentASQSE.ASQSEPK > 0 ? currentASQSE.ProgramFK : currentProgramRole.CurrentProgramFK.Value);

            //Set the max value for the form date
            deFormDate.MaxDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //Bind the dropdowns

                //Check to see if this is an edit
                if (currentASQSEPK > 0)
                    //This is an edit
                    //Populate the page

                    //Update the child age label, the score type label, and the cutoff score label
                    UpdateChildAge(currentASQSE.ChildFK, currentASQSE.FormDate);
                    UpdateScoreType(currentASQSE.TotalScore, currentScoreASQSE);
                    //This is an add, make the interval and total score read-only for now
                    ddInterval.ReadOnly    = true;
                    txtTotalScore.ReadOnly = true;

                //Get the action from the query string
                string action;
                if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null)
                    action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                    action = "View";

                //Allow adding/editing depending on the user's role and the action
                if (currentASQSE.ASQSEPK == 0 && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitASQSE.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Add New ASQ:SE Screening";
                else if (currentASQSE.ASQSEPK > 0 && action.ToLower() == "edit" && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitASQSE.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Edit ASQ:SE Screening";
                    //Hide the submit button
                    submitASQSE.ShowSubmitButton = false;

                    //Hide certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                    //Disable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "View ASQ:SE Screening";

                //Set focus to the form date field
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method fires when the user selects a role
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The lbSelectRole LinkButton</param>
        /// <param name="e">The Click event</param>
        protected void lbSelectRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the calling button
            LinkButton deleteButton = (LinkButton)sender;

            //Get the specific repeater item that holds the button
            RepeaterItem item = (RepeaterItem)deleteButton.Parent;

            //Get the hidden fields for this role
            HiddenField hfProgramRoleFK            = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfProgramRoleFK");
            HiddenField hfProgramRoleName          = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfProgramRoleName");
            HiddenField hfProgramRoleAllowedToEdit = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfProgramRoleAllowedToEdit");
            HiddenField hfProgramFK   = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfProgramFK");
            HiddenField hfProgramName = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfProgramName");

            //To hold the role information
            ProgramAndRoleFromSession roleInfo = new ProgramAndRoleFromSession();

            //Set the session variables for the program roles
            roleInfo.RoleFK           = Convert.ToInt32(hfProgramRoleFK.Value);
            roleInfo.RoleName         = hfProgramRoleName.Value;
            roleInfo.AllowedToEdit    = Convert.ToBoolean(hfProgramRoleAllowedToEdit.Value);
            roleInfo.CurrentProgramFK = Convert.ToInt32(hfProgramFK.Value);
            roleInfo.ProgramName      = hfProgramName.Value;

            //Get the hub and state information
            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                Program currentProgram = context.Program
                                         .Include(p => p.Hub)
                                         .Include(p => p.State)
                                         .Where(p => p.ProgramPK == roleInfo.CurrentProgramFK.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                roleInfo.HubFK             = currentProgram.HubFK;
                roleInfo.HubName           = currentProgram.Hub.Name;
                roleInfo.StateFK           = currentProgram.StateFK;
                roleInfo.StateName         = currentProgram.State.Name;
                roleInfo.StateLogoFileName = currentProgram.State.LogoFilename;
                roleInfo.StateCatchphrase  = currentProgram.State.Catchphrase;
                roleInfo.StateDisclaimer   = currentProgram.State.Disclaimer;

                //Set the allowed program fks
                if (roleInfo.RoleFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER)
                    //Hub viewer, allow them to see the programs in that hub
                    var hubPrograms = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                      .Where(p => p.HubFK == roleInfo.HubFK.Value)
                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = hubPrograms
                                          .Select(hp => hp.ProgramPK)

                    //Allow them to see all cohorts in their hub
                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = hubPrograms
                                         .Select(hp => hp.CohortFK)

                    //Don't restrict their view of the BOQs
                    roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                    roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                else if (roleInfo.RoleFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.APPLICATION_ADMIN)
                    //App admin, allow them to see all programs in a state
                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                          .Where(p => p.StateFK == roleInfo.StateFK.Value)
                                          .Select(p => p.ProgramPK).ToList();

                    //Allow them to see all cohorts in a state
                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = context.Cohort.AsNoTracking()
                                         .Where(c => c.StateFK == roleInfo.StateFK.Value)
                                         .Select(c => c.CohortPK).ToList();

                    //Don't restrict their view of the BOQs
                    roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                    roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                else if (roleInfo.RoleFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)
                    //Super admin, all programs in all states
                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                          .Select(p => p.ProgramPK).ToList();

                    //All cohorts
                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = context.Cohort.AsNoTracking()
                                         .Select(c => c.CohortPK).ToList();

                    //Don't restrict their view of the BOQs
                    roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                    roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                    //Something else, limit to the current program fk
                    List <int> programFKs = new List <int>();
                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = programFKs;

                    //Limit to current cohort fk
                    List <int> cohortFKs = new List <int>();
                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = cohortFKs;

                    //Determine if this program is a FCC program
                    var fccProgramTypes = currentProgram.ProgramType
                                          .Where(pt => pt.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramTypeFKs.FAMILY_CHILD_CARE ||
                                                 pt.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramTypeFKs.GROUP_FAMILY_CHILD_CARE)

                    //Limit their view to the right BOQ type
                    if (fccProgramTypes.Count > 0)
                        roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = false;
                        roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                        roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                        roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = false;

            //Add the role information to the session
            Utilities.SetProgramRoleInSession(Session, roleInfo);

            //Record the role and program in the login history if a record for the login exists
            if (Session["LoginHistoryPK"] != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Session["LoginHistoryPK"].ToString()))
                //Get the login history pk from session
                int historyPK = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginHistoryPK"].ToString());

                //Add the record to the database with the logout time
                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    LoginHistory history = context.LoginHistory.Find(historyPK);
                    history.ProgramFK = Convert.ToInt32(hfProgramFK.Value);
                    history.Role      = hfProgramRoleName.Value;

            //Redirect the user after the role selection
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]))
                IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"], Response);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method fires when the user clicks the Login button and it attempts to log
        /// the user in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The btnLogin DevExpress button</param>
        /// <param name="e">The Click event</param>
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ASPxEdit.AreEditorsValid(this, btnLogin.ValidationGroup))
                // Validate the user password
                var manager       = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>();
                var signinManager = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationSignInManager>();

                //Try to get the user
                PyramidUser user = manager.FindByName(txtUsername.Text);

                //Make sure that the user is confirmed
                if (user != null && manager.IsEmailConfirmed(user.Id))
                    //Try to sign the user in
                    var result = signinManager.PasswordSignIn(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, false, user.LockoutEnabled);

                    switch (result)
                    case SignInStatus.Success:
                        //The user successfully logged in

                        List <UserProgramRole> userProgramRoles;
                        List <spGetUserCustomizationOptions_Result> userCustomizationOptions;
                        using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                            //Get the user's program roles
                            userProgramRoles = context.UserProgramRole.AsNoTracking()
                                               .Include(upr => upr.CodeProgramRole)
                                               .Include(upr => upr.Program)
                                               .Where(upr => upr.Username == txtUsername.Text).ToList();

                            //Get the user's customization options
                            userCustomizationOptions = context.spGetUserCustomizationOptions(txtUsername.Text).ToList();

                            //Keep a record of successful logins
                            LoginHistory history = new LoginHistory();
                            history.Username  = txtUsername.Text;
                            history.LoginTime = DateTime.Now;

                            //If the user only has one program role, record it in the login history
                            if (userProgramRoles.Count == 1)
                                history.ProgramFK = userProgramRoles.First().ProgramFK;
                                history.Role      = userProgramRoles.First().CodeProgramRole.RoleName;

                            //Save the login history

                            //Save the LoginHistory primary key to the session for later access
                            Session["LoginHistoryPK"] = history.LoginHistoryPK;

                        //Set the user customization options cookie

                        //Redirect the user based on the number of roles they have
                        if (userProgramRoles.Count > 1)
                                                            (Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"].ToString() : "/Default.aspx")));
                            //To hold the role information
                            ProgramAndRoleFromSession roleInfo = new ProgramAndRoleFromSession();

                            //Get the UserProgramRole
                            UserProgramRole userRole = userProgramRoles.FirstOrDefault();

                            //Set the session variables for the program roles
                            roleInfo.RoleFK           = userRole.CodeProgramRole.CodeProgramRolePK;
                            roleInfo.RoleName         = userRole.CodeProgramRole.RoleName;
                            roleInfo.AllowedToEdit    = userRole.CodeProgramRole.AllowedToEdit;
                            roleInfo.CurrentProgramFK = userRole.ProgramFK;
                            roleInfo.ProgramName      = userRole.Program.ProgramName;

                            //Get the hub and state information
                            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                                Program currentProgram = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                                         .Include(p => p.Hub)
                                                         .Include(p => p.State)
                                                         .Include(p => p.ProgramType)
                                                         .Where(p => p.ProgramPK == userRole.ProgramFK).FirstOrDefault();

                                roleInfo.HubFK             = currentProgram.HubFK;
                                roleInfo.HubName           = currentProgram.Hub.Name;
                                roleInfo.StateFK           = currentProgram.StateFK;
                                roleInfo.StateName         = currentProgram.State.Name;
                                roleInfo.StateLogoFileName = currentProgram.State.LogoFilename;
                                roleInfo.StateCatchphrase  = currentProgram.State.Catchphrase;
                                roleInfo.StateDisclaimer   = currentProgram.State.Disclaimer;

                                //Set the allowed program fks
                                if (roleInfo.RoleFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER)
                                    //Hub viewer, allow them to see the programs in that hub
                                    var hubPrograms = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                                      .Where(p => p.HubFK == roleInfo.HubFK.Value)
                                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = hubPrograms
                                                          .Select(hp => hp.ProgramPK)

                                    //Allow them to see all cohorts in their hub
                                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = hubPrograms
                                                         .Select(hp => hp.CohortFK)

                                    //Don't restrict their view of the BOQs
                                    roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                                    roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                                else if (roleInfo.RoleFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.APPLICATION_ADMIN)
                                    //App admin, allow them to see all programs in a state
                                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                                          .Where(p => p.StateFK == roleInfo.StateFK.Value)
                                                          .Select(p => p.ProgramPK).ToList();

                                    //Allow them to see all cohorts in a state
                                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = context.Cohort.AsNoTracking()
                                                         .Where(c => c.StateFK == roleInfo.StateFK.Value)
                                                         .Select(c => c.CohortPK).ToList();

                                    //Don't restrict their view of the BOQs
                                    roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                                    roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                                else if (roleInfo.RoleFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)
                                    //Super admin, all programs in all states
                                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = context.Program.AsNoTracking()
                                                          .Select(p => p.ProgramPK).ToList();

                                    //All cohorts
                                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = context.Cohort.AsNoTracking()
                                                         .Select(c => c.CohortPK).ToList();

                                    //Don't restrict their view of the BOQs
                                    roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                                    roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                                    //Something else, limit to the current program fk
                                    List <int> programFKs = new List <int>();
                                    roleInfo.ProgramFKs = programFKs;

                                    //Limit to current cohort fk
                                    List <int> cohortFKs = new List <int>();
                                    roleInfo.CohortFKs = cohortFKs;

                                    //Determine if this program is a FCC program
                                    var fccProgramTypes = currentProgram.ProgramType
                                                          .Where(pt => pt.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramTypeFKs.FAMILY_CHILD_CARE ||
                                                                 pt.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.ProgramTypeFKs.GROUP_FAMILY_CHILD_CARE)

                                    //Limit their view to the right BOQ type
                                    if (fccProgramTypes.Count > 0)
                                        roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = false;
                                        roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = true;
                                        roleInfo.ShowBOQ    = true;
                                        roleInfo.ShowBOQFCC = false;

                            //Add the role information to the session
                            Utilities.SetProgramRoleInSession(Session, roleInfo);

                            //Redirect the user
                            Response.Redirect(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"].ToString() : "/Default.aspx");

                    case SignInStatus.LockedOut:

                    case SignInStatus.RequiresVerification:
                                                        Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]), true);

                    case SignInStatus.Failure:
                        //Show the user an error message
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Error", "Invalid login attempt", 120000);

                        //Focus the password text box
                    msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Error", "Invalid login attempt", 120000);
Пример #14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the OtherSEScreen PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["OtherSEScreenPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["OtherSEScreenPK"], out currentOtherSEScreenPK);

            //Don't allow aggregate viewers into this page
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.AGGREGATE_DATA_VIEWER)

            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                //Get the OtherSEScreen from the database
                currentOtherSEScreen = context.OtherSEScreen.AsNoTracking()
                                       .Include(ose => ose.Program)
                                       .Where(ose => ose.OtherSEScreenPK == currentOtherSEScreenPK).FirstOrDefault();

                //Check to see if the OtherSEScreen from the database exists
                if (currentOtherSEScreen == null)
                    //The OtherSEScreen from the database doesn't exist, set the current OtherSEScreen to a default value
                    currentOtherSEScreen = new Models.OtherSEScreen();

                    //Set the program label to the current user's program
                    lblProgram.Text = currentProgramRole.ProgramName;
                    //Set the program label to the form's program
                    lblProgram.Text = currentOtherSEScreen.Program.ProgramName;

            //Prevent users from viewing OtherSEScreens from other programs
            if (currentOtherSEScreen.OtherSEScreenPK > 0 && !currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs.Contains(currentOtherSEScreen.ProgramFK))
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("/Pages/OtherSEScreenDashboard.aspx?messageType={0}", "NOOtherSEScreen"));

            //Get the proper program fk
            currentProgramFK = (currentOtherSEScreen.OtherSEScreenPK > 0 ? currentOtherSEScreen.ProgramFK : currentProgramRole.CurrentProgramFK.Value);

            //Set the max value for the form date
            deScreenDate.MaxDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //Bind the dropdowns

                //Check to see if this is an edit
                if (currentOtherSEScreenPK > 0)
                    //This is an edit
                    //Populate the page

                //Get the action from the query string
                string action;
                if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null)
                    action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                    action = "View";

                //Allow adding/editing depending on the user's role and the action
                if (currentOtherSEScreen.OtherSEScreenPK == 0 && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitOtherSEScreen.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Add New Other Social Emotional Screening";
                else if (currentOtherSEScreen.OtherSEScreenPK > 0 && action.ToLower() == "edit" && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitOtherSEScreen.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Edit Other Social Emotional Screening";
                    //Hide the submit button
                    submitOtherSEScreen.ShowSubmitButton = false;

                    //Hide certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                    //Disable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "View Other Social Emotional Screening";

                //Set focus on the screen date field
Пример #15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the BOQ PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["BOQFCCPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["BOQFCCPK"], out BOQFCCPK);

            //Don't allow aggregate viewers into this page
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.AGGREGATE_DATA_VIEWER)

            //Get the BOQ from the database
            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                //To hold the program information
                Program program;

                //Get the BOQ
                currentBOQFCC = context.BenchmarkOfQualityFCC.AsNoTracking().Where(boqfcc => boqfcc.BenchmarkOfQualityFCCPK == BOQFCCPK).FirstOrDefault();

                //If the BOQ is null (this is an add)
                if (currentBOQFCC == null)
                    //Set the current BOQ to a blank BOQ
                    currentBOQFCC = new BenchmarkOfQualityFCC();

                    //Get the program
                    program = context.Program.AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.ProgramPK == currentProgramRole.CurrentProgramFK.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                    program = context.Program.AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.ProgramPK == currentBOQFCC.ProgramFK).FirstOrDefault();

                //Set the labels
                lblProgramName.Text     = program.ProgramName;
                lblProgramLocation.Text = program.Location;

            //Don't allow users to view BOQs from other programs
            if (currentBOQFCC.BenchmarkOfQualityFCCPK > 0 && !currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs.Contains(currentBOQFCC.ProgramFK))
                //Redirect the user to the dashboard with an error message
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("/Pages/BOQFCCDashboard.aspx?messageType={0}", "NoBOQFCC"));

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //If this is an edit or view, populate the page with values
                if (BOQFCCPK != 0)

                //Get the action
                string action;
                if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null)
                    action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                    action = "View";

                //Allow adding/editing depending on the user's role and the action
                if (currentBOQFCC.BenchmarkOfQualityFCCPK == 0 && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitBOQFCC.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show other controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Lock the controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Add New Benchmarks of Quality FCC Form";
                else if (currentBOQFCC.BenchmarkOfQualityFCCPK > 0 && action.ToLower() == "edit" && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitBOQFCC.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show other controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Lock the controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Edit Benchmarks of Quality FCC Form";
                    //Hide the submit button
                    submitBOQFCC.ShowSubmitButton = false;

                    //Hide other controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                    //Lock the controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "View Benchmarks of Quality FCC Form";

                //Set focus to the form date field
Пример #16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the file PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["UserFileUploadPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["UserFileUploadPK"], out filePK);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ReportCatalogPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["ReportCatalogPK"], out reportCatalogPK);

            //Get the file information from the database
            if (filePK > 0)
                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get the file record
                    currentFile = context.UserFileUpload.AsNoTracking()
                                  .Where(ufu => ufu.UserFileUploadPK == filePK)

                    //Check to see if the file record exists
                    if (currentFile == null)
                        //The file record doesn't exist, set to a default
                        currentFile = new UserFileUpload();
                currentFile = new UserFileUpload();

            if (reportCatalogPK > 0)
                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get the report catalog record
                    currentReportCatalog = context.ReportCatalog.AsNoTracking()
                                           .Where(rc => rc.ReportCatalogPK == reportCatalogPK)

                    //Check to see if the report catalog record exists
                    if (currentReportCatalog == null)
                        //The report catalog record doesn't exist, set to a default
                        currentReportCatalog = new ReportCatalog();
                currentReportCatalog = new ReportCatalog();

            //Don't allow users to view files from other programs
            if (currentFile.UserFileUploadPK > 0)
                if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.STATE_WIDE &&
                    currentProgramRole.StateFK.Value != currentFile.StateFK.Value)
                    //This is a state-wide file and the user is not logged in under that state
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                else if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.HUB_WIDE &&
                         currentProgramRole.HubFK.Value != currentFile.HubFK.Value)
                    //This is a hub-wide file and the user is not logged in under that hub
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                else if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.PROGRAM_WIDE &&
                    //This is a program-wide file and the user is not allowed to see that cohort
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                else if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.COHORT_WIDE &&
                    //This is a cohort-wide file and the user is not allowed to see that cohort
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                    //Get the file URL from Azure storage
                    string fileLink = Utilities.GetFileLinkFromAzureStorage(currentFile.FileName,

                    //Redirect the user to the file link
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentReportCatalog.DocumentationLink))
                //Get the file path
                string baseUrl  = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/');
                string filePath = currentReportCatalog.DocumentationLink.Replace("~", baseUrl);

                //Redirect the user to the file link
                lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
Пример #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the News Entry PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["NewsEntryPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["NewsEntryPK"], out currentNewsEntryPK);

            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                //Get the News Entry from the database
                currentNewsEntry = context.NewsEntry.AsNoTracking()
                                   .Include(ne => ne.CodeNewsEntryType)
                                   .Where(ne => ne.NewsEntryPK == currentNewsEntryPK).FirstOrDefault();

                //Check to see if the News Entry from the database exists
                if (currentNewsEntry == null)
                    //The NewsEntry from the database doesn't exist, set the current News Entry to a default value
                    currentNewsEntry = new Models.NewsEntry();

            //Prevent users from viewing entries from other programs
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.DATA_COLLECTOR ||
                (currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryPK > 0 &&
                 ((currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryTypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.NewsTypeFKs.PROGRAM_WIDE &&
                   !currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs.Contains(currentNewsEntry.ProgramFK.Value)) ||
                  (currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryTypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.NewsTypeFKs.STATE_WIDE &&
                   currentProgramRole.StateFK.Value != currentNewsEntry.StateFK.Value) ||
                  (currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryTypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.NewsTypeFKs.HUB_WIDE &&
                   currentProgramRole.HubFK.Value != currentNewsEntry.HubFK.Value) ||
                  (currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryTypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.NewsTypeFKs.COHORT_WIDE &&
                   !currentProgramRole.CohortFKs.Contains(currentNewsEntry.CohortFK.Value)) ||
                  !currentNewsEntry.CodeNewsEntryType.RolesAuthorizedToModify.Contains(currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value.ToString() + ","))))
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("/Pages/News.aspx?messageType={0}", "NotAuthorized"));

            //Show certain divs based on whether this is an add or edit
            if (currentNewsEntryPK > 0)
                divAddOnlyMessage.Visible = false;
                divEditOnly.Visible       = true;
                divAddOnlyMessage.Visible = true;
                divEditOnly.Visible       = false;

            //Show the edit only div if this is an edit
            divEditOnly.Visible = (currentNewsEntryPK > 0 ? true : false);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //Bind the data bound controls

                //Check to see if this is an edit
                if (currentNewsEntryPK > 0)
                    //This is an edit
                    //Populate the page

                //Get the action from the query string
                string action;
                if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null)
                    action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                    action = "View";

                //Check for messages in the query string
                string messageType = Request.QueryString["messageType"];

                //Show the message if it exists
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType))
                    switch (messageType)
                    case "NewsEntryAdded":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "News entry successfully added!<br/><br/>Specific items can now be added.", 10000);

                    case "NotAuthorized":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Not Authorized", "You are not authorized to view that information!", 10000);


                //Allow adding/editing depending on the user's role and the action
                if (currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryPK == 0 &&
                    (currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value ||
                     currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER))
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitNewsEntry.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Add New News Entry";
                else if (currentNewsEntry.NewsEntryPK > 0 &&
                         action.ToLower() == "edit" &&
                         (currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value ||
                          currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER))
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitNewsEntry.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Edit News Entry";
                    //Hide the submit button
                    submitNewsEntry.ShowSubmitButton = false;

                    //Hide certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                    //Disable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "View News Entry";

                //Set the focus to the news entry date field
Пример #18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the user manager
            manager = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>();

            //Get the user id from the query string
            string id = Request.QueryString["Id"];

            //Get the user object
            currentUser = manager.FindById(id);

            //Make sure the user exists
            if (currentUser == null)

            if (!IsPostBack)
                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Show the user's program roles
                    BindUserProgramRoles(context, currentUser);

                    //Get the program list
                    var programs = context.Program.AsNoTracking().Include(p => p.Hub).OrderBy(p => p.ProgramName).Select(p => new {
                        ProgramName = p.ProgramName + " (" + p.Hub.Name + ")"
                    ddProgram.DataSource = programs;

                    //Get the program role list, limited to the roles the user is allowed to add
                    var programRoles = context.CodeProgramRole.AsNoTracking()
                                       .Where(cpr => cpr.RolesAuthorizedToModify.Contains((currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value.ToString() + ",")))
                                       .OrderBy(cpr => cpr.RoleName)
                    ddProgramRole.DataSource = programRoles;

                //Get the identity roles
                var identityRoles = appContext.Roles.OrderBy(r => r.Name).ToList();

                //Remove the guest role because it is not implemented in any way
                IdentityRole guestRole = identityRoles.Where(ir => ir.Name == "Guest").FirstOrDefault();
                if (guestRole != null)

                //Only allow super admins and application admins who are editing themselves to see the Admin identity role
                if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN || (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.APPLICATION_ADMIN && User.Identity.Name == currentUser.UserName))
                    //Do not remove the Admin identity role
                    //Remove the Admin identity role
                    IdentityRole adminRole = identityRoles.Where(ir => ir.Name == "Admin").FirstOrDefault();
                //Bind the identity role dropdown
                ddIdentityRole.DataSource = identityRoles;

                //If the user exists, fill the form
                txtFirstName.Value          = currentUser.FirstName;
                txtLastName.Value           = currentUser.LastName;
                txtEmail.Value              = currentUser.Email;
                txtPhoneNumber.Value        = currentUser.PhoneNumber;
                deLockoutEndDate.Value      = (currentUser.LockoutEndDateUtc.HasValue ? currentUser.LockoutEndDateUtc.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : "");
                ddIdentityRole.SelectedItem = ddIdentityRole.Items.FindByValue(currentUser.Roles.FirstOrDefault().RoleId);

                //Set focus to the first name field
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Don't allow aggregate viewers to see the action column
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.AGGREGATE_DATA_VIEWER)
                //Get the action column index (the farthest right column)
                int actionColumnIndex = (bsGRTPITOS.Columns.Count - 1);

                //Hide the action column
                bsGRTPITOS.Columns[actionColumnIndex].Visible = false;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Set the view only value
                if (currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                //Check for messages in the query string
                string messageType = Request.QueryString["messageType"];

                //Show the message if it exists
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType))
                    switch (messageType)
                    case "TPITOSAdded":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "TPITOS observation successfully added!", 10000);

                    case "TPITOSEdited":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "TPITOS observation successfully edited!", 10000);

                    case "TPITOSCanceled":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("info", "Canceled", "The action was canceled, no changes were saved.", 10000);

                    case "NOTPITOS":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("warning", "Warning", "The specified TPITOS observation could not be found, please try again.", 15000);

                    case "NotAuthorized":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Not Authorized", "You are not authorized to view that information!", 10000);

Пример #20
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Set the view only value
                if ((currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value &&
                     currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.DATA_COLLECTOR) ||
                    currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER)
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                //Check for messages in the query string
                string messageType = Request.QueryString["messageType"];

                //Show the message if it exists
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType))
                    switch (messageType)
                    case "NewsEntryAdded":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "News entry successfully added!", 10000);

                    case "NewsEntryEdited":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("success", "Success", "News entry successfully edited!", 10000);

                    case "NewsEntryCanceled":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("info", "Canceled", "The action was canceled, no changes were saved.", 10000);

                    case "NoNewsEntry":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("warning", "Warning", "The specified news entry could not be found, please try again.", 15000);

                    case "NotAuthorized":
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Not Authorized", "You are not authorized to view that information!", 10000);


                //Bind the databound controls

                //Pre-fill the limit date
                deLimitDate.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);

                //Bind the news
Пример #21
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Only allow super admins
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value != (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.SUPER_ADMIN)

            //Get the CoachingLog PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ReportCatalogPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["ReportCatalogPK"], out currentReportCatalogPK);

            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                //Get the Report Catalog item from the database
                currentReportCatalog = context.ReportCatalog.AsNoTracking().Where(rc => rc.ReportCatalogPK == currentReportCatalogPK).FirstOrDefault();

                //Check to see if the Report Catalog item from the database exists
                if (currentReportCatalog == null)
                    //The Report Catalog item from the database doesn't exist, set the current Report Catalog item to a default value
                    currentReportCatalog = new Models.ReportCatalog();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //Bind the databound controls

                //Check to see if this is an edit or view
                if (currentReportCatalogPK > 0)
                    //This is an edit or view
                    //Populate the page

                //Get the action from the query string
                string action;
                if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null)
                    action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                    action = "View";

                //Allow adding/editing depending on the user's role and the action
                if (currentReportCatalog.ReportCatalogPK == 0 && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitReportCatalogItem.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Add New Report Catalog Item";
                else if (currentReportCatalog.ReportCatalogPK > 0 && action.ToLower() == "edit" && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitReportCatalogItem.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Enable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Edit Report Catalog Item";
                    //Hide the submit button
                    submitReportCatalogItem.ShowSubmitButton = false;

                    //Hide certain controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                    //Disable page controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "View Report Catalog Item";

                //Set the focus to the report name field
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Don't allow aggregate viewers into this page
            if (currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.AGGREGATE_DATA_VIEWER)

            //Get the BehaviorIncident PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["BehaviorIncidentPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["BehaviorIncidentPK"], out behaviorIncidentPK);

            //Get the Behavior Incident from the database
            using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                //Get the Behavior Incident
                currentBehaviorIncident = context.BehaviorIncident
                                          .Include(bi => bi.Classroom)
                                          .Include(bi => bi.Classroom.Program)
                                          .Where(bi => bi.BehaviorIncidentPK == behaviorIncidentPK)

                //If the Behavior Incident is null (this is an add)
                if (currentBehaviorIncident == null)
                    //Set the current Behavior Incident to a blank Behavior Incident
                    currentBehaviorIncident = new Models.BehaviorIncident();

                    //Set the program label to the current user's program
                    lblProgram.Text = currentProgramRole.ProgramName;
                    //Set the program label to the form's program
                    lblProgram.Text = currentBehaviorIncident.Classroom.Program.ProgramName;

            //Don't allow users to view Behavior Incidents from other programs
            if (currentBehaviorIncident.BehaviorIncidentPK > 0 && !currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs.Contains(currentBehaviorIncident.Classroom.ProgramFK))
                //Redirect the user to the dashboard with an error message
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("/Pages/BehaviorIncidentDashboard.aspx?messageType={0}", "NoBehaviorIncident"));

            //Get the proper program fk
            programFK = (currentBehaviorIncident.BehaviorIncidentPK > 0 ? currentBehaviorIncident.Classroom.ProgramFK : currentProgramRole.CurrentProgramFK.Value);

            //Set the max value for the incident datetime date edit
            deIncidentDatetime.MaxDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Hide the master page title

                //Bind the dropdowns

                //If this is an edit or view, populate the page with values
                if (behaviorIncidentPK != 0)
                    ddChild.ReadOnly = true;

                //Get the action
                string action;
                if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null)
                    action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                    action = "View";

                //Allow adding/editing depending on the user's role and the action
                if (currentBehaviorIncident.BehaviorIncidentPK == 0 && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitBehaviorIncident.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show other controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Lock the controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Add New Behavior Incident Report";
                else if (currentBehaviorIncident.BehaviorIncidentPK > 0 && action.ToLower() == "edit" && currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value)
                    //Show the submit button
                    submitBehaviorIncident.ShowSubmitButton = true;

                    //Show other controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "False";

                    //Lock the controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "Edit Behavior Incident Report";
                    //Hide the submit button
                    submitBehaviorIncident.ShowSubmitButton = false;

                    //Hide other controls
                    hfViewOnly.Value = "True";

                    //Lock the controls

                    //Set the page title
                    lblPageTitle.Text = "View Behavior Incident Report";

                //Set focus on the incident datetime field