private void deleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure? do you want to delete this product?", "Deleting product", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection SLV = this.ProductsList.SelectedItems; if (SLV.Count > 0) { try { var PInfo = ProductsInfos.AllProducts[SLV[0].Text]; for (int p = 0; p <= ProductsLog.AllLogs.Count; p++)// foreach (ProductsLog PL2 in ProductsLog.AllLogs) { ProductsLog PL2 = ProductsLog.AllLogs[p]; if (PL2.ID == PInfo.PID) { ProductLogController(PL2, true); } } MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Program.connStr); string s0 = "use aleman_cafe_server; DELETE FROM products WHERE id='" + PInfo.PID + "';"; conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(s0, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ProductController(PInfo, false, true); conn.Close(); conn = new MySqlConnection(Program.connStr); conn.Open(); s0 = "use aleman_cafe_server; DELETE FROM productslog WHERE id='" + PInfo.PID + "';"; cmd = new MySqlCommand(s0, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); }catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("Error : " + ee.ToString()); } } } }
public static void Add(ProductsLogEnum type, int productId, string parameter, int userId) { ProductsLog record = new ProductsLog(); record.LogParameter = parameter; record.LogType = (int)type; record.ProductId = productId; record.LogDate = DateTime.Now; record.UserId = userId; CanonDataContext db = Cdb.Instance; db.ProductsLogs.InsertOnSubmit(record); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void Add(int channelId, int productId, MappingLogEnum type) { ProductsLog pl = new ProductsLog(); pl.ChannelId = channelId; pl.ProductId = productId; pl.LogType = (int)type; pl.LogDate = DateTime.Now; if (WebVariables.LoggedUserId != 0) pl.UserId = WebVariables.LoggedUserId; CanonDataContext db = Cdb.Instance; db.ProductsLogs.InsertOnSubmit(pl); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public IActionResult Delete(int id) { ProductsLog productsLog = _context.ProductsLogs.Find(id); if (productsLog == null) { var error = returnObject("Log not found", 404, 0); return(NotFound(error)); } _context.ProductsLogs.Remove(productsLog); _context.SaveChanges(); var message = returnObject("Log deleted correctly", 200, 1); return(Ok(message)); }
public static void Add(int channelId, int productId, MappingLogEnum type) { ProductsLog pl = new ProductsLog(); pl.ChannelId = channelId; pl.ProductId = productId; pl.LogType = (int)type; pl.LogDate = DateTime.Now; if (WebVariables.LoggedUserId != 0) { pl.UserId = WebVariables.LoggedUserId; } CanonDataContext db = Cdb.Instance; db.ProductsLogs.InsertOnSubmit(pl); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] ProductsLog productsLog) { try { productsLog.BuyingDate = DateTime.Now; _context.Add(productsLog); _context.SaveChanges(); var message = returnObject("Log added correctly", 200, 1); return(Ok(message)); } catch (Exception ex) { string e = ex.Message; var error = returnObject(e, 400, 0); return(BadRequest(error)); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] ProductsLog productsLog) { try { ProductsLog _productsLog = _context.ProductsLogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductsLogId == productsLog.ProductsLogId); _productsLog.UserId = productsLog.UserId; _productsLog.ProductId = productsLog.ProductId; _context.SaveChanges(); var message = returnObject("Log modified correctly", 200, 1); return(Ok(message)); } catch (Exception ex) { string e = ex.Message; var error = returnObject(e, 400, 0); return(BadRequest(error)); } }
public void ProductLogController(ProductsLog PL, bool Delete = false) { if (Delete) { for (int sSs = 0; sSs < SalesLogView.Items.Count; sSs++)//foreach(ListView.ListViewItemCollection ss in SalesLogView.Items) { ListViewItem ss = SalesLogView.Items[sSs]; if (ss.SubItems[7].Text == PL.At.ToString()) { SalesLogView.Items.Remove(ss); } } /* * var elv = SalesLogView.Items.Find(PL.ID.ToString(), false); * if (elv.Length > 0) * this.SalesLogView.Items.Remove(elv[0]); */ ProductsLog.AllLogs.Remove(PL); TotalLogs.Text = ProductsLog.AllLogs.Count.ToString(); return; } var PI = ProductsInfos.AllProducts[PL.ID.ToString()]; string[] Items = new string[8]; Items[0] = PL.ID.ToString(); Items[1] = PI.PName; Items[2] = PI.PType; Items[3] = PL.Price.ToString(); Items[4] = PI.Price.ToString(); Items[5] = PL.Quantity.ToString(); Items[6] = PL.LogType.ToString(); Items[7] = PL.At.ToString(); //name, type, price, purchasingprice, count, noofsales, needed, details, picurl) "+ ListViewItem LV = new ListViewItem(Items); LV.Name = LV.Text = PI.PID.ToString(); LV.ToolTipText = "Name : " + PI.PName + Environment.NewLine + "Type : " + PI.PType + Environment.NewLine + "Price : " + PI.Price + Environment.NewLine + "Purchasing Price : " + PI.PPrice + Environment.NewLine + "Count : " + PI.Count + Environment.NewLine + "Number of sales : " + PI.NoOfSales + Environment.NewLine + "Needed count : " + PI.NeededCount + Environment.NewLine + "Details : " + PI.Details + Environment.NewLine + "Action : " + PL.LogType.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Quantity : " + PL.Quantity + Environment.NewLine + "DateTime : " + PL.At.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PI.ImageURL)) { LV.ImageKey = "LoginMonitor"; } else { try { if (!SalesLogView.LargeImageList.Images.ContainsKey(PI.ImageURL)) { if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList.Images.Add(PI.ImageURL, Image.FromFile(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL + PI.ImageURL)))); } else { this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList.Images.Add(PI.ImageURL, Image.FromFile(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL + PI.ImageURL)); } } if (!SalesLogView.SmallImageList.Images.ContainsKey(PI.ImageURL)) { if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(PI.ImageURL, Image.FromFile(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL + PI.ImageURL)))); } else { this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(PI.ImageURL, Image.FromFile(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL + PI.ImageURL)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL + PI.ImageURL + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString()); } LV.ImageKey = PI.ImageURL; } if (!ProductsLog.AllLogs.Contains(PL)) { ProductsLog.AllLogs.Add(PL); TotalLogs.Text = ProductsLog.AllLogs.Count.ToString(); } if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.Items.Add(LV))); } else { this.SalesLogView.Items.Add(LV); } Application.DoEvents(); }
// protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) public bool LoadProducts() { #region Images if (this.ProductsList.InvokeRequired) { this.ProductsList.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.ProductsList.LargeImageList = new ImageList())); } else { this.ProductsList.LargeImageList = new ImageList(); } if (this.ProductsList.InvokeRequired) { this.ProductsList.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.ProductsList.LargeImageList.ImageSize = new Size(100, 100))); } else { this.ProductsList.LargeImageList.ImageSize = new Size(100, 100); } if (this.ProductsList.InvokeRequired) { this.ProductsList.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.ProductsList.SmallImageList = new ImageList())); } else { this.ProductsList.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); } if (this.ProductsList.InvokeRequired) { this.ProductsList.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.ProductsList.SmallImageList.ImageSize = new Size(22, 31))); } else { this.ProductsList.SmallImageList.ImageSize = new Size(22, 31); } if (this.ProductsList.InvokeRequired) { this.ProductsList.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.ProductsList.LargeImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor))); } else { this.ProductsList.LargeImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor); } if (this.ProductsList.InvokeRequired) { this.ProductsList.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.ProductsList.SmallImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor))); } else { this.ProductsList.SmallImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor); } //********* if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList = new ImageList())); } else { this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList = new ImageList(); } if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList.ImageSize = new Size(100, 100))); } else { this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList.ImageSize = new Size(100, 100); } if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList = new ImageList())); } else { this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); } if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList.ImageSize = new Size(22, 31))); } else { this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList.ImageSize = new Size(22, 31); } if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor))); } else { this.SalesLogView.LargeImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor); } if (this.SalesLogView.InvokeRequired) { this.SalesLogView.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( () => this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor))); } else { this.SalesLogView.SmallImageList.Images.Add("LoginMonitor", Properties.Resources.LoginMonitor); } #endregion if (!Directory.Exists(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ProductsInfos.ImagesURL); } MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Program.connStr); conn = new MySqlConnection(Program.connStr); conn.Open(); string s0 = "use `aleman_cafe_server`; SELECT * FROM `products`"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(s0, conn); try { var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { ProductsInfos PI = new ProductsInfos(rdr); ProductController(PI); if (!ProductsInfos.PTypes.Contains(rdr.GetString(2))) { ProductsInfos.PTypes.Add(rdr.GetString(2)); } int MID = rdr.GetInt32(0); if (MID >= ProductsInfos.NextID) { ProductsInfos.NextID = (MID + 1); } } rdr.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { conn.Close(); // MessageBox.Show("There are an error and database cannot be loaded." + Environment.NewLine + ee.ToString(), "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (MessageBox.Show("There are an error and database cannot be loaded, do you want to create new database?" + Environment.NewLine + ee.ToString(), "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Yes) { MyDatabase.CreateDB(); } this.ReloadList(); } s0 = "use `aleman_cafe_server`; SELECT * FROM `productslog`"; conn.Open(); var TodayLogs = new List <ProductsLog>(); cmd = new MySqlCommand(s0, conn); try { var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { ProductsLog PL = new ProductsLog(rdr); if (PL.At.Date == DateTime.Now.Date && !TodayLogs.Contains(PL)) { TodayLogs.Add(PL); } ProductLogController(PL); } rdr.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { conn.Close(); // MessageBox.Show("There are an error and database cannot be loaded." + Environment.NewLine + ee.ToString(), "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (MessageBox.Show("There are an error and database 'productslog' cannot be loaded, do you want to create new database?" + Environment.NewLine + ee.ToString(), "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Yes) { MyDatabase.CreateDB(); } this.ReloadList(); } var WU = new List <int>(); foreach (var N in TodayLogs) { var PI = ProductsInfos.AllProducts[N.ID.ToString()]; if (N.LogType == ProductsLog.LogTypes.Sold) { PI.SoldToday += N.Quantity; } else { PI.SoldToday -= N.Quantity; } if (!WU.Contains(PI.PID)) { WU.Add(PI.PID); } } foreach (int i in WU) { var PI = ProductsInfos.AllProducts[i.ToString()]; ProductController(PI, true); } /* * this.thumbnailsToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.thumbnailsToolStripMenuItem_Click); * this.tilesToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.tilesToolStripMenuItem_Click); * this.iconsToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.iconsToolStripMenuItem_Click); * this.listToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.listToolStripMenuItem_Click); * this.detailsToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.detailsToolStripMenuItem_Click); * this.AddProductButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.AddProductButton_Click); */ ProductsList.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(ProductsList_MouseClick); ProductsList.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(ProductsList_MouseClick); ProductsList.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ProductsList_KeyPress); ProductsList.ItemSelectionChanged += new ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventHandler(ProductsList_ItemSelectionChanged); ProductsList.ColumnClick += ProductsList_ColumnClick; SearchText.TextChanged += SearchText_TextChanged; FromdatePicker.ValueChanged += FromdatePicker_ValueChanged; TodatePicker.ValueChanged += FromdatePicker_ValueChanged; return(true); }