private void GenerateRealSize(ProductDetails resultDetails, string html, string caster) { var ind = html.IndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal); var before = html.Substring(0, ind != -1 ? ind : html.Length).Trim(); var after = html.Substring(ind != -1 ? ind + 1 : html.Length).Trim(); after = after.Length > 0 ? after : "Unknown"; var result = before; if (int.TryParse(before, out var val)) { var index = caster.IndexOf(val.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index == -1) { resultDetails.AddSize(before, after); return; } var indOfEqualitySign = caster.IndexOf("=", index, StringComparison.Ordinal); var indOfTokenFinish = caster.IndexOf(",", indOfEqualitySign, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (indOfTokenFinish == -1) { indOfTokenFinish = caster.Length; } result = caster.Substring(indOfEqualitySign + 1, indOfTokenFinish - indOfEqualitySign - 1).Trim(); } resultDetails.AddSize(result, after); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var client = ClientFactory.GetProxiedFirefoxClient(); var doc = client.GetDoc(productUrl, token); var page = doc.DocumentNode; var infoContainer = page.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id = 'pchange-target']/div"); var collectionName = infoContainer.SelectSingleNode("./span[@itemprop = 'name']").InnerHtml.EscapeNewLines(); var productName = infoContainer.SelectSingleNode("./h1[@itemprop = 'name']").InnerHtml.EscapeNewLines(); var name = $"{collectionName} - {productName}"; var priceNode = infoContainer.SelectSingleNode("./div[contains(@class, 'product-price')]/span"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode.InnerHtml); var image = WebsiteBaseUrl + page.SelectSingleNode("//img[contains(@class, 'primary-image')]") .GetAttributeValue("src", "").Substring(1); var details = new ProductDetails { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; details.AddSize(productName, "Unknown"); return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); var client = ClientFactory.GetProxiedFirefoxClient(); var response = CfBypasser.GetRequestedPage(client, this, productUrl, token); doc.LoadHtml(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); var root = doc.DocumentNode; var sizeNodes = root.SelectNodes("//*[contains(@class,'styled-radio')]/label"); var sizes = sizeNodes.Select(node => node.InnerText).ToList(); var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//*[contains(@class, 'prod-title')]").InnerText.Trim(); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'price')]/span/strong"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='image-0']").GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; foreach (var size in sizes) { result.AddSize(size, "Unknown"); } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var name = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'product_info')]/h1").InnerHtml; var image = WebsiteBaseUrl + document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='large_img']/img").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); var priceNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'price')]").InnerHtml; var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode); var details = new ProductDetails { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; var node = document.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='addToCart']/div/div/div/select[@id = 'size']"); var sizeCollection = node.SelectNodes("./option"); foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { var sz = size.GetAttributeValue("value", ""); if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { HtmlNode ds = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); string name = ds.SelectSingleNode("//h1[contains(@data-auto-id,'product-title')]").InnerText; string priceIntoString = ds.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class,'gl-price-container')]/span").InnerText; string result = Regex.Match(priceIntoString, @"[\d\.]+").Value; double.TryParse(result, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var price); string imageURL = ds.SelectSingleNode("//img[@class='performance-item']").GetAttributeValue("src", null); int t = productUrl.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal); int r = productUrl.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal); var sku = productUrl.Substring(t + 1, r - t - 1); ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Name = name, Price = price, ImageUrl = imageURL, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, Currency = "CHF", ScrapedBy = this }; string search = $"{sku}/availability?sitePath=us"; ds = GetWebpage(search, token); string toJason = ds.InnerText; int arrayStart = toJason.LastIndexOf("[", StringComparison.Ordinal); int arrayEnd = toJason.LastIndexOf("}"); if (arrayStart == -1) { return(details); } toJason = toJason.Substring(arrayStart, arrayEnd - arrayStart); JArray parsed = null; try { parsed = JArray.Parse(toJason); } catch (Exception e) { return(details); } foreach (var x in parsed.Children()) { var value = (string)x.SelectToken("size"); var availability_status = (string)x.SelectToken("availability_status"); if (availability_status == "IN_STOCK") { details.AddSize(value, "Unknown"); } } return(details); }
private void addSizes(JObject main, ProductDetails productDetails) { JArray sizeArr = JArray.Parse(main["AVAILABLE_SIZES"].ToString()); foreach (var elem in sizeArr) { productDetails.AddSize(elem.ToString(), "Unknown"); } }
private void addSizes(HtmlNode document, ProductDetails productDetails) { HtmlNodeCollection liNodes = document.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"itemSizes\"]/ul/li"); foreach (var liNode in liNodes) { productDetails.AddSize(Utils.EscapeNewLines(liNode.InnerText), "Unknown"); } }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//p[@class='Price']/span/span[1]").InnerHtml); string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='Title']").InnerText.Trim(); string image = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='imgs']/div/a/img").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); name = Regex.Replace(name, @"\s+", " "); string brand = null; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@id='Brand-Title']") != null) { brand = document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='Brand-Title']").InnerText; } ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency.Replace("€", "EUR"), ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this, BrandName = brand }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//select[@name='id']/option"); if (sizeCollection != null) { foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { if (!size.InnerText.Contains("Out of Stock")) { string sz = size.InnerHtml; if (sz.Contains("Select")) { continue; } if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); Price price; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//ins/span[@class='woocommerce-Price-amount amount']") != null) { price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//ins/span[@class='woocommerce-Price-amount amount']").InnerText.Replace(",", ".").Replace(" ", "")); } else { price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='woocommerce-Price-amount amount']").InnerText.Replace(",", ".").Replace(" ", "")); } string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//h3[@class='product_title']").InnerText.Trim(); string image = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='swiper-slide']/img").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); string brand = null; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//meta[@property='og:brand']") != null) { brand = document.SelectSingleNode("//meta[@property='og:brand']").GetAttributeValue("content", null); } ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency.Replace("€", "EUR"), ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//td[@class='value']/label"); foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { string sz = size.InnerHtml; if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@id='js-product-price']/span[@class='product-content__price--inc']/span").InnerText.Replace(",", ".")); string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@id='js-product-title']").InnerText.Trim(); string image = WebsiteBaseUrl + document.SelectSingleNode("//img[@id='js-product-main-image']").GetAttributeValue("data-src", ""); string brand = null; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='product-content__title--brand']") != null) { brand = document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='product-content__title--brand']").InnerText; } ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency.Replace("€", "EUR"), ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; string id = productUrl.Substring(productUrl.Length - 5); string restApiUrl = "" + id; var client = ClientFactory.GetProxiedFirefoxClient(autoCookies: true); var response = Utils.GetParsedJson(client, restApiUrl, token); foreach (var item in response["attributes"]) { if (item["name"].ToString() == "UK Size") { foreach (var value in item["values"]) { if (int.Parse(value["stock_level"].ToString()) > 0) { details.AddSize(value["value"].ToString(), value["stock_level"].ToString()); } } } } return(details); }
private ProductDetails DropDownSizesList(HtmlNode sizesNode, ProductDetails details) { var sizes = sizesNode.SelectNodes("./option"); foreach (var size in sizes) { if (size.GetAttributeValue("class", null) != null && size.GetAttributeValue("class", null) != "disabled") { details.AddSize(ExtractEuroSize(size.InnerText.Trim()), "Unknown"); } } return(details); }
private ProductDetails OnScreenSizesList(HtmlNode sizesNode, ProductDetails details) { var sizes = sizesNode.SelectNodes("./li"); foreach (var size in sizes) { if (size.SelectSingleNode("./a[contains(@class,'disabled')]") == null) { details.AddSize(size.InnerText.Trim(), "Unknown"); } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='product_price']").InnerHtml); string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='name']").InnerText.Trim(); string image = document.SelectSingleNode("//img[@id='main-image']").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); string brand = null; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='brand']") != null) { brand = document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='brand']").InnerText; } ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency.Replace("€", "EUR"), ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this, BrandName = brand }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//div[@class='psizeoptioncontainer']/div/a"); if (sizeCollection != null) { foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { if (!size.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("piunavailable")) { string sz = size.InnerHtml; if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); string innerHtml = document.InnerHtml; int startIndx = document.InnerHtml.IndexOf("\"size\"" + ":[", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (startIndx == -1) { return(null); } int endIndx = -1; endIndx = innerHtml.IndexOf("]", startIndx, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (endIndx == -1) { return(null); } string jsonObjectStr = innerHtml.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx + 1); jsonObjectStr = jsonObjectStr.Substring(jsonObjectStr.IndexOf("[", StringComparison.Ordinal)); JArray parsed = JArray.Parse(jsonObjectStr); string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'Z22ltwr')]/h1").InnerText; string priceIntoString = document.SelectSingleNode("//span[contains(@class, 'currentPriceString_PYXT2')]").InnerText; string result = Regex.Match(priceIntoString, @"[\d\.]+").Value; double.TryParse(result, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var price); string imageURL = document.SelectSingleNode("//img[contains(@class, 'mainImage_Z2iFhqF')]").GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Name = name, Price = price, ImageUrl = imageURL, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; foreach (var x in parsed.Children()) { var value = (string)x.SelectToken("displayValue"); details.AddSize(value, "Unknown"); } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to overkill website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var root = document.DocumentNode; var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='row-fluid product-name']/div[contains(@class, 'span')]/h2")?.InnerText.Trim().Replace("<br>", "\n"); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'price-box')]//span[@class='price']"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode?.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//meta[@property='og:image']")?.GetAttributeValue("content", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; if (!root.InnerHtml.Contains("new Product.Config")) { return(result); } var jsonStr = Regex.Match(root.InnerHtml, @"var spConfig = new Product.Config\((.*)\)").Groups[1].Value; var tokenStr = Regex.Match(jsonStr, "\"(\\d+)\":").Groups[1].Value; JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(jsonStr); var sizes = parsed.SelectToken("attributes").SelectToken(tokenStr).SelectToken("options"); foreach (JToken sz in sizes.Children()) { var sizeName = (string)sz.SelectToken("label"); JArray products = (JArray)sz.SelectToken("products"); if (products.Count > 0) { result.AddSize(sizeName, "Unknown"); } } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to endclothing website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var root = document.DocumentNode; var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='page-title']/span")?.InnerText.Trim(); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='price'][last()]"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode?.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//img[@class='swiper-slide']")?.GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; if (!root.InnerHtml.Contains("spConfig")) { return(result); } var jsonStr = Regex.Match(root.InnerHtml, "\"spConfig\": (.*?),\n").Groups[1].Value; var tokenStr = Regex.Match(jsonStr, "\"(\\d+)\":").Groups[1].Value; JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(jsonStr); var sizes = parsed.SelectToken("attributes").SelectToken(tokenStr).SelectToken("options"); foreach (JToken sz in sizes.Children()) { var sizeName = (string)sz.SelectToken("label"); JArray products = (JArray)sz.SelectToken("products"); if (products.Count > 0) { result.AddSize(sizeName, "Unknown"); } } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); Price price; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='product-price']/span[@class='sale']") != null) { price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='product-price']/span[@class='sale']").InnerText); } else { price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='product-price']/span[@class='price']").InnerText); } string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@id='product-name']").InnerText.Trim(); string image = WebsiteBaseUrl + document.SelectSingleNode("//img[@id='primary-image']").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency.Replace("&EURO;", "EUR"), ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//span[@class='size-type']"); if (sizeCollection != null) { foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { string sz = size.GetAttributeValue("title", size.InnerText).Trim(); if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); Price price; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='price']/span[@class='sale']/span") != null) { price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='price']/span[@class='sale']/span").InnerText); } else { price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='price']").InnerText); } string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//h1[not(@class='price')]").InnerText; string image = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='product-gallery']/img[1]").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//select[@name='id']/option"); if (sizeCollection != null) { foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { string sz = size.InnerHtml.Trim(); if (sz.Contains("Sold out")) { continue; } if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to basketrevolution website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var product = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'product--detail-upper')]"); var imgurl = product .SelectSingleNode( "//div[contains(@class,'image--box')][1]/span[1]/span[@class='image--media'][1]/img[1]") .GetAttributeValue("srcset", null); var name = product.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='product--title'][1]/span[1]").InnerHtml; var price = Utils.ParsePrice(product.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='w_price-infos'][1]").InnerHtml); var sizes = product.SelectSingleNode("//select[contains(@class,'w_select-item')][1]"); var sizesList = sizes.SelectNodes("./option"); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = imgurl, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; foreach (var size in sizesList) { var sizeString = size.InnerHtml; if (sizeString != "size") { result.AddSize(sizeString, "Unknown"); } } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//p[@class='our_price_display']/span[@class='price']").InnerHtml); string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//h1").InnerText; string image = document.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='owl-carousel']/div/img").GetAttributeValue("data-src", ""); string brand = null; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//a[contains(@class,'product__manufacturer')]") != null) { brand = document.SelectSingleNode("//a[contains(@class,'product__manufacturer')]").GetAttributeValue("title", null); } ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this, BrandName = brand }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//select[@id='size-select']/option"); if (sizeCollection != null) { foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { string sz = size.InnerHtml; if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var resp = GetWebpage(productUrl, token).DocumentNode; if (resp == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to basketrevolution website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var product = resp.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'primary_block')]"); var name = product.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='h4'][1]").InnerText; var price = Utils.ParsePrice(product.SelectSingleNode("//span[@id='our_price_display'][1]").InnerText); var imgurl = product.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class,'img-item')][1]/img[contains(@class,'lazyload')][1]").GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = imgurl, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; var sizesStr = Regex.Match(resp.OuterHtml, @"var combinations=(.*?)}}").Groups[1].Value + "}}"; var sizes = JObject.Parse(sizesStr); foreach (var size in sizes.Children()) { var sizeVal = size.First.SelectToken("attributes_values").First.First.ToString(); var quantity = size.First.SelectToken("quantity").ToString(); if (int.Parse(quantity) > 0) { result.AddSize(sizeVal, quantity); } } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to nighshop website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var root = document.DocumentNode; var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='product-name']/h1")?.InnerText.Trim(); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='price'][last()]"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode?.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//img[@class='owl-lazy']")?.GetAttributeValue("data-src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; var sizeCollection = root.SelectNodes("//div[contains(@class, 'attribute-item')]"); foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { string sz = size.InnerText.Trim(); if (sz.Length <= 0) { continue; } if (!(size.GetAttributeValue("class", null).Contains("disabled"))) { result.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var resp = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (resp == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to basketrevolution website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var product = resp.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'row col-wrap')]"); var name = product.SelectSingleNode("//h2[1]").InnerHtml; var price = Utils.ParsePrice(product.SelectSingleNode("//p[contains(@class, 'price')][1]/b").InnerHtml); var imgurl = "" + product .SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='item active'][1]/img[@class='img-responsive'][1]") .GetAttributeValue("src", null); var sizes = product.SelectSingleNode("//select[contains(@class,'form-control')][1]"); var sizesList = sizes.SelectNodes("//option"); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = imgurl, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; foreach (var size in sizesList) { var sizeString = size.InnerHtml; if (sizeString != "size") { result.AddSize(sizeString, "Unknown"); } } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var client = ClientFactory.GetProxiedFirefoxClient(autoCookies: true); GetWebpage(client, WebsiteBaseUrl, token); var resp = GetWebpage(client, productUrl, token); if (resp == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to ruvilla website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var product = resp.SelectSingleNode("//section[contains(@class, 'product-details')]"); var name = product.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='product-title'][1]").InnerText; var priceNode = product.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='price-box']"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[contains(@id,'product')][1]").InnerText); var imgurl = product.SelectSingleNode("//figure[1]/img[1]").GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = imgurl, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; string pattern = @"var spConfig = new Product.Config\((.*?)\)"; var match = Regex.Match(resp.OuterHtml, pattern).Groups[1].Value; var jObj = JObject.Parse(match); var sizes = jObj.SelectToken("attributes").SelectToken("196").SelectToken("options").Children(); foreach (var size in sizes) { result.AddSize(size.Value <string>("label"), "Unknown"); } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(document.SelectSingleNode("//span[@itemprop='price']").InnerText.Replace(",", ".")); string name = document.SelectSingleNode("//h3[@itemprop='name']").InnerText; string image = document.SelectSingleNode("//li[@class='homeslider-container'][1]/img").GetAttributeValue("src", ""); string brand = null; if (document.SelectSingleNode("//div/h2/a") != null) { brand = document.SelectSingleNode("//div/h2/a").InnerText; } ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this, BrandName = brand }; var sizeCollection = document.SelectNodes("//select[@name='group_1']/option"); if (sizeCollection != null) { foreach (var size in sizeCollection) { string sz = size.InnerHtml; if (sz.Length > 0) { details.AddSize(sz, "Unknown"); } } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var page = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var nameContainer = page.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'product-name')]/span"); var name = nameContainer.InnerHtml.EscapeNewLines(); var image = page.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'product-image')]/img") .GetAttributeValue("src", ""); var priceNode = page.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'product-shop')]"); ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails() { Price = GetPrice(priceNode), Name = name, Currency = "$", ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; //product.ImageUrl = page.SelectSingleNode("//img[@id = 'image-main']").GetAttributeValue("src", null); var jsonStr = Regex.Match(page.InnerHtml, @"var spConfig = new Product.Config\((.*)\)").Groups[1].Value; JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(jsonStr); var sizes = GetSizesToken(parsed); sizes = sizes.SelectToken("options"); foreach (JToken sz in sizes.Children()) { var sizeName = (string)sz.SelectToken("label"); var productCount = (JArray)sz.SelectToken("products"); if (productCount.Count > 0) { details.AddSize(sizeName, "Unknown"); } } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to chmielna website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var root = document.DocumentNode; var sizeNodes = root.SelectNodes("//div[@class='selector']/ul/li"); var sizes = sizeNodes?.Select(node => node.GetAttributeValue("data-sizeeu", null) ?? node.GetAttributeValue("data-sizeuk", null) ?? node.GetAttributeValue("data-value", null)).ToList(); var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='product__name']/h1")?.InnerText.Trim(); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='product__price_shop']"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode?.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='item zoom']/img")?.GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; Debug.Assert(sizes != null, nameof(sizes) + " != null"); foreach (var size in sizes) { result.AddSize(size, "Unknown"); } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); var asd = document.InnerHtml; const string xPath = "//select[@id='input-option11842']/option"; var nodes = document.SelectNodes(xPath); if (nodes == null) { throw new Exception(); } var sizes = nodes.Select(node => node.InnerText.Trim()).Where(element => !element.Contains("Seçiniz")); ProductDetails details = new ProductDetails(); foreach (var size in sizes) { details.AddSize(size, "Unknown"); } return(details); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to uptherestore website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var root = document.DocumentNode; var sizeNodes = root.SelectSingleNode("//ul[@id = 'configurable_swatch_size']") .SelectNodes(".//li/a/span[not(@class = 'x')]"); var sizes = sizeNodes?.Select(node => node?.InnerText).ToList(); var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@itemprop='name']")?.InnerText.Replace("<br>", "\n").Trim(); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@class='price'][last()]"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode?.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='owl-carousel']//img")?.GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; Debug.Assert(sizes != null, nameof(sizes) + " != null"); foreach (var size in sizes) { result.AddSize(size.Trim(), "Unknown"); } return(result); }
public override ProductDetails GetProductDetails(string productUrl, CancellationToken token) { var document = GetWebpage(productUrl, token); if (document == null) { Logger.Instance.WriteErrorLog($"Can't Connect to woodwood website"); throw new WebException("Can't connect to website"); } var root = document.DocumentNode; var sizeNodes = root.SelectNodes("//select[contains(@id, 'form-size')]//option[not(@value='')]"); var sizes = GetSizes(root.InnerHtml); var name = root.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='headline']")?.InnerText.Trim(); var priceNode = root.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='price']"); var price = Utils.ParsePrice(priceNode?.InnerText); var image = root.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='commodity-show-image']/img")?.GetAttributeValue("src", null); ProductDetails result = new ProductDetails() { Price = price.Value, Name = name, Currency = price.Currency, ImageUrl = image, Url = productUrl, Id = productUrl, ScrapedBy = this }; Debug.Assert(sizes != null, nameof(sizes) + " != null"); foreach (var size in sizes) { result.AddSize(size, "Unknown"); } return(result); }