Пример #1
        private async void removeButton_clicked(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string str    = sliderCart.Text;
            var    result = str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1);

            var addProduct = new Product();

            if (prod is ProductByQuantity)
                ProductByQuantity temp        = prod as ProductByQuantity;
                ProductByQuantity addProduct1 = new ProductByQuantity(temp.getUnitPrice(), (int)sliderC.Value, temp.Name, temp.Description, temp.ID);

                if (productInInventory(addProduct1) != -1)
                    Product temp1 = Home.ProductInventory[productInInventory(addProduct1)];
                    (temp1 as ProductByQuantity).addUnits((int)sliderC.Value);
                    Home.ProductInventory[productInInventory(addProduct1)] = temp1;
                ProductByWeight temp        = prod as ProductByWeight;
                ProductByWeight addProduct1 = new ProductByWeight(temp.getPricePerOunce(), (int)sliderC.Value, temp.Name, temp.Description, temp.ID);

                if (productInInventory(addProduct1) != -1)
                    Product temp1 = Home.ProductInventory[productInInventory(addProduct1)];
                    (temp1 as ProductByWeight).addOunces((int)sliderC.Value);
                    Home.ProductInventory[productInInventory(addProduct1)] = temp1;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes the inventory list of products that the user will be available to use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inv">passes the inv list by refernce so inv can be updated</param>
        static void LoadInv(ref List <Product> inv)
            //Console.WriteLine("In Load inv");

            Debug.Write("In Load inv");

            ProductByWeight[]   pw = new ProductByWeight[10];
            ProductByQuantity[] pq = new ProductByQuantity[10];

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                pw[i] = new ProductByWeight();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                pq[i] = new ProductByQuantity();

            pw[0].Name          = "Apples";
            pw[0].Description   = "Granny Smith Apple";
            pw[0].PricePerOunce = 0.59;
            pw[0].ID            = 1;

            pw[1].Name          = "Bananas";
            pw[1].Description   = "Organic";
            pw[1].PricePerOunce = 0.69;
            pw[1].ID            = 2;

            pw[2].Name          = "Tomatoes";
            pw[2].Description   = "Vine Ripe";
            pw[2].PricePerOunce = 0.89;
            pw[2].ID            = 3;

            pw[3].Name          = "Potatos";
            pw[3].Description   = "Russet";
            pw[3].PricePerOunce = 0.49;
            pw[3].ID            = 4;

            pw[4].Name          = "Sweet Potatos";
            pw[4].Description   = "Organic";
            pw[4].PricePerOunce = 0.59;
            pw[4].ID            = 5;

            pw[5].Name          = "Asparagus";
            pw[5].Description   = "Organic";
            pw[5].PricePerOunce = 0.79;
            pw[5].ID            = 6;

            pw[6].Name          = "Bell Peppers";
            pw[6].Description   = "Green";
            pw[6].PricePerOunce = 0.69;
            pw[6].ID            = 7;

            pw[7].Name          = "Peaches";
            pw[7].Description   = "Sweet Georia";
            pw[7].PricePerOunce = 0.59;
            pw[7].ID            = 8;

            pw[8].Name          = "Onions";
            pw[8].Description   = "Yellow";
            pw[8].PricePerOunce = 0.39;
            pw[8].ID            = 9;

            pw[9].Name          = "Plum";
            pw[9].Description   = "Red";
            pw[9].PricePerOunce = 0.49;
            pw[9].ID            = 10;


            pq[0].Name        = "Cinnamon Toast Crunch";
            pq[0].Description = "Kelogs Cereal";
            pq[0].UnitPrice   = 2.59;
            pq[0].ID          = 11;

            pq[1].Name        = "Frosted Flakes";
            pq[1].Description = "Kelogs Cereal";
            pq[1].UnitPrice   = 2.39;
            pq[1].ID          = 12;

            pq[2].Name        = "Pop Tarts";
            pq[2].Description = "Kelogs";
            pq[2].UnitPrice   = 3.59;
            pq[2].ID          = 13;

            pq[3].Name        = "Kombucha";
            pq[3].Description = "GT Dave's";
            pq[3].UnitPrice   = 2.99;
            pq[3].ID          = 14;

            pq[4].Name        = "Cheese";
            pq[4].Description = "Fresh Mozzarella";
            pq[4].UnitPrice   = 3.99;
            pq[4].ID          = 15;

            pq[5].Name        = "Eggs";
            pq[5].Description = "1 Dozen";
            pq[5].UnitPrice   = 1.99;
            pq[5].ID          = 16;

            pq[6].Name        = "Bacon";
            pq[6].Description = "12 Strips";
            pq[6].UnitPrice   = 4.49;
            pq[6].ID          = 17;

            pq[7].Name        = "Milk";
            pq[7].Description = "1 Gallon";
            pq[7].UnitPrice   = 2.39;
            pq[7].ID          = 18;

            pq[8].Name        = "Orange Juice";
            pq[8].Description = "Half Gallon";
            pq[8].UnitPrice   = 3.49;
            pq[8].ID          = 19;

            pq[9].Name        = "Bread";
            pq[9].Description = "Pepperidge Farms Loaf";
            pq[9].UnitPrice   = 1.99;
            pq[9].ID          = 20;

            foreach (var product in pw)
            foreach (var product in pq)
Пример #3
        public ProductViewModel(ObservableCollection <Product> ProductInventory1)
            /*var jello = new ProductByQuantity(1.00, 10, "Jello", "Canned & Packaged Foods", 0001);
             * var ketchup = new ProductByQuantity(2.00, 20, "Ketchup", "Canned & Packaged Foods", 0002);
             * var mayonnaise = new ProductByQuantity(2.00, 35, "Mayonnaise", "Canned & Packaged Foods", 0003);
             * var chocolate = new ProductByQuantity(5.00, 25, "Chocolate bar", "Canned & Packaged Foods", 0004);
             * var paperTowels = new ProductByQuantity(3.50, 100, "Paper Towels", "Miscellaneous Kitchen Items", 0005);
             * var plasticWrap = new ProductByQuantity(2.35, 80, "Plastic Wrap", "Miscellaneous Kitchen Items", 0006);
             * var yougurt = new ProductByQuantity(1.50, 90, "Yougurt", "Refrigerated Foods", 0007);
             * var bagels = new ProductByQuantity(1.25, 150, "Bagels", "Bakery", 0008);
             * var bread = new ProductByQuantity(1.00, 200, "Bread", "Bakery", 0009);
             * var cereal = new ProductByQuantity(3.50, 45, "Cereal", "Breakfast", 0010);
             * var bacon = new ProductByWeight(10.50, 130, "Bacon", "Refrigerated Foods", 0011);
             * var oranges = new ProductByWeight(5.50, 150, "Orange", "Produce", 0012);
             * var tomatoes = new ProductByWeight(4.25, 100, "Tomato", "Produce", 0013);
             * var beef = new ProductByWeight(15.75, 200, "Beef", "Produce", 0014);
             * var lemons = new ProductByWeight(3.50, 100, "Lemon", "Produce", 0015);
             * var chicken = new ProductByWeight(12.50, 75, "Chicken Breast", "Produce", 0016);
             * var cheese = new ProductByWeight(10.00, 150, "Cheese", "Refrigerated foods", 0017);
             * var apples = new ProductByWeight(3.50, 100, "Apple", "Produce", 0018);
             * var carrot = new ProductByWeight(3.00, 200, "Carrot", "Produce", 0019);
             * var lettuce = new ProductByWeight(20.00, 1000, "lettuce", "Produce", 0020);
             * Inventory.Add(jello); Inventory.Add(ketchup); Inventory.Add(mayonnaise); Inventory.Add(chocolate);
             * Inventory.Add(paperTowels); Inventory.Add(plasticWrap); Inventory.Add(yougurt); Inventory.Add(bagels);
             * Inventory.Add(bread); Inventory.Add(cereal); Inventory.Add(bacon); Inventory.Add(oranges);
             * Inventory.Add(tomatoes); Inventory.Add(beef); Inventory.Add(lemons); Inventory.Add(chicken);
             * Inventory.Add(cheese); Inventory.Add(apples); Inventory.Add(carrot); Inventory.Add(lettuce);*/

            InventoryByQuantity = readWriteJSON.readByQuantity();
            InventoryByWeight   = readWriteJSON.ReadByWeight();

            foreach (ProductByQuantity x in InventoryByQuantity)
                ProductByQuantity prod = new ProductByQuantity(x.PriceSingle, x.Number, x.Name, x.Description, x.ID);

            foreach (ProductByWeight x in InventoryByWeight)
                ProductByWeight prod = new ProductByWeight(x.PriceSingle, x.Number, x.Name, x.Description, x.ID);

            ProductInventory = ProductInventory1;

            foreach (Product prod in Inventory)
                if (prod is ProductByQuantity)
                    if (((ProductByQuantity)prod).getUnits() > 0)
                else if (prod is ProductByWeight)
                    if (((ProductByWeight)prod).getOunces() > 0)