Пример #1
        private static void ExtractUsersWithSoldItems(ProducsContext context)
            // Get all users who have at least 1 sold item with a buyer.
            // Order them by last name, then by first name.
            // Select the person's first and last name.
            // For each of the sold products (products with buyers), select the product's name,
            // price and the buyer's first and last name.

            var usersWithSoldItems = context.Users
                                     .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Any())
                                     .OrderBy(u => u.LastName)
                                     .ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)
                                     .Select(u => new
                firstName    = u.FirstName,
                lastName     = u.LastName,
                soldProducts = u.ProductsSold
                               .Where(p => p.Buyer.FirstName != null && p.Buyer.LastName != null)
                               .Select(p => new
                    name           = p.Name,
                    price          = p.Price,
                    buyerFirstName = p.Buyer.FirstName,
                    buyerLastName  = p.Buyer.LastName

            var serializedUsersWithSoldItems = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(usersWithSoldItems);

            File.WriteAllText(@"../../users-sold-products.json", serializedUsersWithSoldItems);
Пример #2
        private static void ExtractAllCategories(ProducsContext context)
            // Get all categories.
            // Order them by the number of products in that category
            // (a product can be in many categories).
            // For each category select its name, the number of products,
            // the average price of those products and the total revenue
            // (total price sum) of those products
            // (regardless if they have a buyer or not).

            var allCategories = context.Categories
                                .OrderByDescending(c => c.Products.Count)
                                .Select(c => new
                category      = c.Name,
                productsCount = c.Products.Count,
                averagePrice  = c.Products.Average(p => p.Price),
                totalRevenue  = c.Products.Sum(p => p.Price)

            var serializedAllCategories = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allCategories);

            File.WriteAllText(@"../../categories-by-products.json", serializedAllCategories);
Пример #3
        static void Main()
            var context = new ProducsContext();

            // ExtractProductsInRange(context);

            // ExtractUsersWithSoldItems(context);

            // ExtractAllCategories(context);

            // ExtractUsersAndProducts(context);
Пример #4
        private static void ExtractProductsInRange(ProducsContext context)
            // Get all products in a specified price range (e.g. 500 to 1000)
            // which have no buyer. Order them by price (from lowest to highest).
            // Select only the product name, price and the full name of the seller.
            // Export the result to JSON.

            var productsInRange = context.Products
                                  .Where(p => p.Price >= 500 && p.Price <= 1000 && p.Buyer == null)
                                  .OrderBy(p => p.Price)
                                  .Select(p => new
                name   = p.Name,
                price  = p.Price,
                seller = p.Seller.FirstName + " " + p.Seller.LastName

            var serializedProductsInRange = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(productsInRange);

            File.WriteAllText(@"../../products-in-range.json", serializedProductsInRange);
Пример #5
        private static void ExtractUsersAndProducts(ProducsContext context)
            // Get all users who have at least 1 sold product.
            // Order them by the number of sold products (from highest to lowest),
            // then by last name (ascending).
            // Select only their first and last name, age
            // and for each product - name and price.

            var usersAndProducts = context.Users
                                   .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Any())
                                   .OrderByDescending(u => u.ProductsSold.Count)
                                   .ThenBy(u => u.LastName)
                                   .Select(u => new
                firstName = u.FirstName,
                lasName   = u.LastName,
                age       = u.Age,
                products  = u.ProductsSold.Select(p => new
                    name  = p.Name,
                    price = p.Price

            var xmlUsers = new XElement("users");

            xmlUsers.Add(new XAttribute("count", usersAndProducts.Count));

            foreach (var user in usersAndProducts)
                string firstName = user.firstName;
                string lastName  = user.lasName;
                int?   age       = user.age;

                var xmlUser = new XElement("user");

                if (firstName != null)
                    xmlUser.Add(new XAttribute("first-name", firstName));

                if (lastName != null)
                    xmlUser.Add(new XAttribute("last-name", lastName));

                if (age != null)
                    xmlUser.Add(new XAttribute("age", age));

                var xmlSoldProducts = new XElement("sold-poducts");
                xmlSoldProducts.Add(new XAttribute("count", user.products.Count));

                foreach (var product in user.products)
                    var xmlSoldProduct = new XElement("poduct");
                    xmlSoldProduct.Add(new XAttribute("name", product.name));
                    xmlSoldProduct.Add(new XAttribute("price", product.price));



            File.WriteAllText(@"../../users-and-products.xml", xmlUsers.ToString());