Пример #1
        public void Substituted()
            var config1 = new ProducerConfig {
                SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SaslPlaintext
            var config2 = new ProducerConfig {
                SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SaslSsl
            var config3 = new ProducerConfig {
                Partitioner = Partitioner.ConsistentRandom
            var config4 = new ProducerConfig {
                Partitioner = Partitioner.Murmur2Random
            var config5 = new ConsumerConfig {
                PartitionAssignmentStrategy = PartitionAssignmentStrategy.RoundRobin

            Assert.Equal("sasl_plaintext", config1.Get("security.protocol"));
            Assert.Equal("sasl_ssl", config2.Get("security.protocol"));
            Assert.Equal("consistent_random", config3.Get("partitioner"));
            Assert.Equal("murmur2_random", config4.Get("partitioner"));
            Assert.Equal("roundrobin", config5.Get("partition.assignment.strategy"));

            Assert.Equal(SecurityProtocol.SaslPlaintext, config1.SecurityProtocol);
            Assert.Equal(SecurityProtocol.SaslSsl, config2.SecurityProtocol);
            Assert.Equal(Partitioner.ConsistentRandom, config3.Partitioner);
            Assert.Equal(Partitioner.Murmur2Random, config4.Partitioner);
            Assert.Equal(PartitionAssignmentStrategy.RoundRobin, config5.PartitionAssignmentStrategy);
Пример #2
        public void AcksProperty()
            // standard values
            var config1 = new ProducerConfig {
                Acks = Acks.None
            var config2 = new ProducerConfig {
                Acks = Acks.Leader
            var config3 = new ProducerConfig {
                Acks = Acks.All

            // any numerical value is also ok but needs to be cast.
            // note: values are not range checked by the config class
            // (but are by librdkafka)
            var config4 = new ProducerConfig {
                Acks = (Acks)1
            var config5 = new ProducerConfig {
                Acks = (Acks)2
            };                                                    // this is fine so future proof - enums have exactly the semantics we want.
            var config6 = new ProducerConfig {
                Acks = (Acks)(-1)

            Assert.Equal("0", config1.Get("acks"));
            Assert.Equal("1", config2.Get("acks"));
            Assert.Equal("-1", config3.Get("acks"));
            Assert.Equal("1", config4.Get("acks"));
            Assert.Equal("2", config5.Get("acks"));
            Assert.Equal("-1", config6.Get("acks"));

            Assert.Equal(Acks.None, config1.Acks);
            Assert.Equal(Acks.Leader, config2.Acks);
            Assert.Equal(Acks.All, config3.Acks);
            Assert.Equal(Acks.Leader, config4.Acks);
            Assert.Equal((Acks)2, config5.Acks);
            Assert.Equal(Acks.All, config6.Acks);