private async void BulkImportButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.Multiselect = false; fd.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; var showDialog = fd.ShowDialog(); var res = showDialog != null && (bool)showDialog; if (!res || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd.FileName) || !File.Exists(fd.FileName)) { return; } string[] secrets; try { secrets = File.ReadAllText(fd.FileName).Split(','); } catch (Exception) { var nd = new NoticeDialog("Bulk Account Import", "Error: CSV file could not be parsed.\r\nPlease correct the file and try again."); nd.ShowDialog(); return; } using (var avm = new AuthViewModel { ActionDescription = "Bulk Import Accounts " }) { var rmpw = new AuthRequestDialog(avm); rmpw.ShowDialog(); if (!avm.Accepted) { return; } if (rmpw.DialogResult == null || rmpw.DialogResult == false || string.IsNullOrEmpty(avm.Password)) { return; } var i = 0; var ii = 1; var pd = new ProcessingDialog("Importing Accounts", "Please wait while your accounts are imported. This may take some time depending on the number of accounts."); pd.Show(); foreach (var sec in secrets) { ii++; pd.ProgressTextBlock.Text = ii + " of " + secrets.Length; var act = await Globals.API.Accounts_Open(sec); if (!act.success) { continue; } var hasrecord = (from a in Globals.AppViewModel.AccountsViewModel.Accounts where a.Address == act.account.address select a).Any(); if (hasrecord) { continue; } var ssece = AppHelpers.EncryptString(sec, avm.Password); var bal = LiskAPI.LSKLongToDecimal(act.account.balance); var ni = new Account { Address = act.account.address, PublicKey = act.account.publicKey, FriendlyName = act.account.address, SecretHash = ssece, Balance = bal, LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow }; try { await AccountsViewModel.AddAccountAsync(ni); i++; } catch (Exception crap) { Console.WriteLine("Error saving imported account " + act.account.address + " | " + crap.Message); } } pd.Hide(); var nd = new NoticeDialog("Bulk Account Import", "Bulk account import complete.\r\n" + i + " of " + secrets.Length + " accounts imported."); nd.ShowDialog(); NavigationCommands.BrowseBack.Execute(null, null); } }
bool isSkip = true; //接ProcessingDialog 回傳值 略過 private void Button_AutoImport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button btnAutoImport = (Button)sender; //先載入原本樣板的圖片 //如果略過就塞回原圖 btnAutoImport.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { bool isEverChanged = false; btnAutoImport.IsEnabled = false; pd = new ProcessingDialog(); Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { pd.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { pd.PText = "圖片偵測中"; pd.PIsIndeterminate = true; pd.ButtonContent = "跳過"; pd.ReturnValueCallback += new ProcessingDialog.ReturnValueDelegate(this.SetReturnValueCallbackFun); pd.Show(); }); //病患資料夾路徑 if (pf == null) { pf = new PatientsFolder(Agencys, Patients, Registration_Date); } //資料表Registrations 處理 if (dbr == null) { dbr = new DBRegistrations(); } //資料表Images 處理 if (dbi == null) { dbi = new DBImages(); } //處理載入BitmapImage if (lbi == null) { lbi = new LoadBitmapImage(); } //載入TemplateImages if (dbti == null) { dbti = new DBTemplateImages(); } tICollection = new ObservableCollection <TemplateImages>(); tICollection = dbti.GetTemplateImagesCollection(Agencys, Patients, TemplateItem, tfvm.TemplateImportDate); //default Image[i] in UserControl Templates int Imagei = 0; int ImageCount = (int)TemplateItem.Template_ImageCount; int DecodePixelWidth = (int)TemplateItem.Template_DecodePixelWidth; while (Imagei < ImageCount) { pd.PText = "圖片 " + (Imagei + 1) + " 偵測中"; //目前處理的Image[i] Image iTarget; TemplateContent.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { iTarget = new Image(); iTarget = (Image)TemplateContent.FindName("Image" + Imagei); iTarget.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/DigiDental;component/Resource/yes.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); //iTarget.Source = lbi.SettingBitmapImage(@"/DigiDental;component/Resource/yes.png", DecodePixelWidth); }); //set the paramater default bool isChanged = false; bool detecting = true; while (true) { //開始偵測wifi card路徑 foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(Agencys.Agency_WifiCardPath)) { Thread.Sleep(500); string extension = Path.GetExtension(f).ToUpper(); string newFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff"); if (!Directory.Exists(pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal); } //System.Drawing.RotateFlipType rft = ImageHelper.RotateImageByExifOrientationData(f, pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal + @"\" + newFileName + @"ori" + extension, GetImageFormat(extension), true); ////複製原圖到目的Original //File.Copy(f, pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal + @"\" + newFileName + @"ori" + extension); // Rotate the image according to EXIF data var bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(f); System.Drawing.RotateFlipType fType = ImageHelper.RotateImageByExifOrientationData(bmp, true); if (fType != System.Drawing.RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone) { bmp.Save(pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal + @"\" + newFileName + @"ori" + extension, GetImageFormat(extension)); } else { File.Copy(f, pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal + @"\" + newFileName + @"ori" + extension); } Registration_ID = dbr.CreateRegistrationsAndGetID(Patients, Registration_Date); string imagePath = @"\" + pf.PatientFolderPathOriginal + @"\" + newFileName + @"ori" + extension; string imageFileName = newFileName + @"ori" + extension; string imageSize = "Original"; string imageExtension = extension; //寫資料庫 //INSERT Images int imageID = dbi.InsertImage(imagePath, imageFileName, imageSize, imageExtension, Registration_ID); isEverChanged = true; TemplateContent.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { iTarget = new Image(); iTarget = (Image)TemplateContent.FindName("Image" + Imagei); //INSERT TemplateImages dbti.InsertOrUpdateImage(Patients, TemplateItem, tfvm.TemplateImportDate, imageID, imagePath, iTarget.Uid); iTarget.Source = lbi.SettingBitmapImage(pf.PatientFullFolderPathOriginal + @"\" + newFileName + @"ori" + extension, DecodePixelWidth); isChanged = true; }); File.Delete(f); detecting = false; } //ProcessingDialog STOP if (isStop) { isStop = false; TemplateContent.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { iTarget = new Image(); iTarget = (Image)TemplateContent.FindName("Image" + Imagei); var findOriImage = from tc in tICollection where tc.TemplateImage_Number == Imagei.ToString() select tc; if (findOriImage.Count() > 0) { iTarget.Source = lbi.SettingBitmapImage(findOriImage.First().Image_Path, DecodePixelWidth); } else { iTarget.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/DigiDental;component/Resource/no.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); //iTarget.Source = lbi.SettingBitmapImage(@"/DigiDental;component/Resource/key.ico", DecodePixelWidth); } }); return; } else { // import pic OR skip import (NEXT) if (!detecting || !isSkip) { if (!isChanged) { TemplateContent.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { iTarget = new Image(); iTarget = (Image)TemplateContent.FindName("Image" + Imagei); var findOriImage = from tc in tICollection where tc.TemplateImage_Number == Imagei.ToString() select tc; if (findOriImage.Count() > 0) { iTarget.Source = lbi.SettingBitmapImage(findOriImage.First().Image_Path, DecodePixelWidth); } else { iTarget.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/DigiDental;component/Resource/no.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); //iTarget.Source = lbi.SettingBitmapImage(@"/DigiDental;component/Resource/key.ico", DecodePixelWidth); } }); } Imagei++; isSkip = true; break; } } } } }).ContinueWith(cw => { //結束 pd.PText = "處理完畢"; pd.Close(); //委派回傳MainWindow //刷新Registrations 資料 //刷新Images 資料 if (isEverChanged) { ReturnValueCallback(Registration_ID, Registration_Date); } GC.Collect(); btnAutoImport.IsEnabled = true; }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }); }