         * A function to handle the click event after the user clicks 'Add'
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // disable the button immediately
            this.btnAdd.Enabled = false;

            // create a download progress dialog and show it
            Dialogs.Processing.ProgressDialog downloadProgress = new Processing.ProgressDialog();

            // attempt to add the selected map to the user ArcGIS instance
            log.Debug("Attempting to create a new feature class and add it to the map.");
                // get the key out of the key/value pair object
                log.Debug("Fetching the user selected MapId from the DataGridView.");
                string MapId = ((MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.Map) this.dataGridGlobeDirectory.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem).id;
                log.Debug("MapId: " + MapId);

                // create a new empty Feature Class to hold the Google Maps Engine catalog results
                log.Debug("Creating a new empty feature class to hold the Google Maps Enigne catalog results");
                IFeatureClass fc = Extension.Data.GeodatabaseUtilities.createGoogleMapsEngineCatalogFeatureClass(ref log, ref ext);

                // publish a new download event to the extension
                ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Preparing to download map '" + MapId + "'.", 1, 0);

                // create a new reference to the Google Maps API.
                log.Debug("Creating a new instance of the Google Maps Engine API object.");
                MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI api = new MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI(ref log);

                // create a new map object to be defined by the API or MapRoot
                log.Debug("Creating a new empty Map object.");
                MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.Map map;

                // query Google Maps Engine for the layers within this map
                log.Debug("Fetching the Google Maps Engine layers for this map.");
                map = api.getMapById(ext.getToken(), MapId);

                // publish a new download event to the extension
                ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Building local geodatabase for map '" + MapId + "'.", 1, 0);

                // create a new Feature Class Management object
                Data.GoogleMapsEngineFeatureClassManagement fcMngmt = new Data.GoogleMapsEngineFeatureClassManagement(api);

                // populate a feature for every Google Maps Engine Map
                log.Debug("Populate the feature class with the specific MapId");
                fcMngmt.populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineMap(ref fc, ref map);

                // publish a new download event to the extension
                ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(true, "Adding '" + MapId + "' layer to your map.", 1, 1);

                // add the new feature class to the map (auto selecting type "map")
                ext.addFeatureClassToMapAsLayer(ref fc, Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_LayerName
                                                , "" + Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name + " = 'map'");

                // retrieve the Google Maps Engine WMS URL
                string url = Properties.Settings.Default.gme_wms_GetCapabilities;

                // replace the map identifier and auth token
                url = url.Replace("{mapId}", MapId);
                url = url.Replace("{authTokenPlusSlash}", ext.getToken().access_token + "/");

                // proactively add the viewable layer (WMS or WMTS) to the map
                ext.addWebMappingServiceToMap(new Uri(url));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // log error and warn user

                // hide the download progress, if it is visible

                // warn the user of the error
                ext.displayErrorDialog(Properties.Resources.dialog_GoogleMapsEngineDirectoryListing_btnAdd_Click_unknownerror + "\n" + ex.Message);

            // close the dialog immediately
        protected void uploadButtonClicked(String projectId, String name, String description, String tags, String aclName, String attribution)
                // create a new Processing Dialog
                Dialogs.Processing.ProgressDialog processingDialog = new Processing.ProgressDialog();

                // check to see if the layer is valid
                // and destination is configured correctly
                if (isLayerValidated &&
                    projectId != null && projectId.Length > 0 &&
                    name != null && name.Length > 0 &&
                    aclName != null && aclName.Length > 0)
                    // show the processing dialog

                    // create a reference to the Google Maps Engine API
                    MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI api = new MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI(ref log);

                    // establish a reference to the running ArcMap instance
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument mxDoc = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;

                    // retrieve a reference to the selected layer
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.ILayer selectedLayer = mxDoc.SelectedLayer;

                    // create a temporary working directory
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo tempDir
                        = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ext.getLocalWorkspaceDirectory() + "\\" + System.Guid.NewGuid());

                    // determine what type of layer is selected
                    if (selectedLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IFeatureLayer)
                        // export a copy of the feature class to a "uploadable" Shapefile
                        // raise a processing notification
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Extracting a copy of '" + selectedLayer.Name + "' (feature class) for data upload.");
                        ExportLayerToShapefile(tempDir.FullName, selectedLayer.Name, selectedLayer);


                        // create a list of files in the temp directory
                        List <String> filesNames = new List <String>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < tempDir.GetFiles().Count(); k++)
                            if (!tempDir.GetFiles()[k].Name.EndsWith(".lock"))

                        // create a Google Maps Engine asset record
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Requesting a new Google Maps Engine asset be created.");
                        MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.UploadingAsset uploadingAsset
                            = api.createVectorTableAssetForUploading(ext.getToken(),
                                                                     tags.Split(",".ToCharArray()).ToList <String>(),

                        // Initiate upload of file(s)
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Starting to upload files...");
                        api.uploadFilesToAsset(ext.getToken(), uploadingAsset.id, tempDir.GetFiles());

                        // launch a web browser
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Launching a web browser.");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("https://mapsengine.google.com/admin/#RepositoryPlace:cid=" + projectId + "&v=DETAIL_INFO&aid=" + uploadingAsset.id);
                    else if (selectedLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IRasterLayer)
                        // export a copy of the raster to a format that can be uploaded
                        // raise a processing notification
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Extracting a copy of '" + selectedLayer.Name + "' (raster) for data upload.");
                        ExportLayerToUploadableRaster(tempDir.FullName, tempDir.Name, selectedLayer);


                        // create a list of files in the temp directory
                        List <String> filesNames = new List <String>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < tempDir.GetFiles().Count(); k++)
                            if (!tempDir.GetFiles()[k].Name.EndsWith(".lock"))

                        // create a Google Maps Engine asset record
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Requesting a new Google Maps Engine asset be created.");
                        MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.UploadingAsset uploadingAsset
                            = api.createRasterAssetForUploading(ext.getToken(),
                                                                attribution, // attribution
                                                                tags.Split(",".ToCharArray()).ToList <String>());

                        // Initiate upload of file(s)
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Starting to upload files...");
                        api.uploadFilesToAsset(ext.getToken(), uploadingAsset.id, tempDir.GetFiles());

                        // launch a web browser
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Launching a web browser.");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("https://mapsengine.google.com/admin/#RepositoryPlace:cid=" + projectId + "&v=DETAIL_INFO&aid=" + uploadingAsset.id);

                    // Delete temporary directory and containing files
                    // TODO: Remove temporary files, but can't remove them at the moment because they are in use by
                    // the ArcMap seesion.

                    // close the processing dialog
                    ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(true, "Finished");
                    // display an error dialog to the user
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The selected layer is invalid or the destination configuration has not been properly set.");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // Ops.
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error occured. " + ex.Message);

            // close the dialog
        protected void uploadButtonClicked(String projectId, String name, String description, String tags, String aclName, String attribution)
                // create a new Processing Dialog
                Dialogs.Processing.ProgressDialog processingDialog = new Processing.ProgressDialog();

                // check to see if the layer is valid
                // and destination is configured correctly
                if (isLayerValidated
                    && projectId != null && projectId.Length > 0
                    && name != null && name.Length > 0
                    && aclName != null && aclName.Length > 0)
                    // show the processing dialog

                    // create a reference to the Google Maps Engine API
                    MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI api = new MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI(ref log);

                    // establish a reference to the running ArcMap instance
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument mxDoc = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;

                    // retrieve a reference to the selected layer
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.ILayer selectedLayer = mxDoc.SelectedLayer;

                    // create a temporary working directory
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo tempDir
                        = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ext.getLocalWorkspaceDirectory() + "\\" + System.Guid.NewGuid());

                    // determine what type of layer is selected
                    if (selectedLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IFeatureLayer)
                        // export a copy of the feature class to a "uploadable" Shapefile
                        // raise a processing notification
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Extracting a copy of '" + selectedLayer.Name + "' (feature class) for data upload.");
                        ExportLayerToShapefile(tempDir.FullName, selectedLayer.Name, selectedLayer);


                        // create a list of files in the temp directory
                        List<String> filesNames = new List<String>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < tempDir.GetFiles().Count(); k++)
                            if (!tempDir.GetFiles()[k].Name.EndsWith(".lock"))

                        // create a Google Maps Engine asset record
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Requesting a new Google Maps Engine asset be created.");
                        MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.UploadingAsset uploadingAsset
                            = api.createVectorTableAssetForUploading(ext.getToken(),

                        // Initiate upload of file(s)
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Starting to upload files...");
                        api.uploadFilesToAsset(ext.getToken(), uploadingAsset.id, tempDir.GetFiles());

                        // launch a web browser
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Launching a web browser.");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("https://mapsengine.google.com/admin/#RepositoryPlace:cid=" + projectId +"&v=DETAIL_INFO&aid=" + uploadingAsset.id);
                    else if (selectedLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IRasterLayer)
                        // export a copy of the raster to a format that can be uploaded
                        // raise a processing notification
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Extracting a copy of '" + selectedLayer.Name + "' (raster) for data upload.");
                        ExportLayerToUploadableRaster(tempDir.FullName, tempDir.Name, selectedLayer);


                        // create a list of files in the temp directory
                        List<String> filesNames = new List<String>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < tempDir.GetFiles().Count(); k++)
                            if (!tempDir.GetFiles()[k].Name.EndsWith(".lock"))

                        // create a Google Maps Engine asset record
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Requesting a new Google Maps Engine asset be created.");
                        MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.UploadingAsset uploadingAsset
                            = api.createRasterAssetForUploading(ext.getToken(),
                            attribution, // attribution

                        // Initiate upload of file(s)
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Starting to upload files...");
                        api.uploadFilesToAsset(ext.getToken(), uploadingAsset.id, tempDir.GetFiles());

                        // launch a web browser
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Launching a web browser.");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("https://mapsengine.google.com/admin/#RepositoryPlace:cid="+ projectId +"&v=DETAIL_INFO&aid=" + uploadingAsset.id);

                    // Delete temporary directory and containing files
                    // TODO: Remove temporary files, but can't remove them at the moment because they are in use by
                    // the ArcMap seesion.

                    // close the processing dialog
                    ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(true, "Finished");
                    // display an error dialog to the user
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The selected layer is invalid or the destination configuration has not been properly set.");

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // Ops.
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error occured. " + ex.Message);

            // close the dialog
        protected void uploadButtonClicked(String projectId, String name, String description, String tags, String draftAccessList, String attribution, String acquisitionTime, String maskType)
            // tags must not be null due to splits below or a null reference error occurs.
            // empty string handles properly.
            if (null == tags)
                tags = "";

                // create a new Processing Dialog
                Dialogs.Processing.ProgressDialog processingDialog = new Processing.ProgressDialog();

                // check to see if the layer is valid 
                // and destination is configured correctly
                if (isLayerValidated
                    && projectId != null && projectId.Length > 0
                    && name != null && name.Length > 0
                    && draftAccessList != null && draftAccessList.Length > 0
                    && uploadType.Equals("vector") || (uploadType.Equals("raster") && attribution != null && attribution.Length > 0))
                    // show the processing dialog

                    // create a reference to the Google Maps Engine API
                    MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI api = new MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI(ref log);

                    // establish a reference to the running ArcMap instance
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument mxDoc = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;

                    // retrieve a reference to the selected layer
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.ILayer selectedLayer = mxDoc.SelectedLayer;

                    // create a temporary working directory
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo tempDir
                        = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ext.getLocalWorkspaceDirectory() + "\\" + System.Guid.NewGuid());

                    // determine what type of layer is selected
                    if (selectedLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IFeatureLayer)
                        // export a copy of the feature class to a "uploadable" Shapefile
                        // raise a processing notification
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Extracting a copy of '" + selectedLayer.Name + "' (feature class) for data upload.");
                        ExportLayerToShapefile(tempDir.FullName, selectedLayer.Name, selectedLayer);


                        // create a list of files in the temp directory
                        List<String> filesNames = new List<String>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < tempDir.GetFiles().Count(); k++)
                            if (!tempDir.GetFiles()[k].Name.EndsWith(".lock"))

                        // create a Google Maps Engine asset record
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Requesting a new Google Maps Engine asset be created.");
                        MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.UploadingAsset uploadingAsset
                            = api.createVectorTableAssetForUploading(ext.getToken(),

                        // Initiate upload of file(s)
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Starting to upload files...");
                        api.uploadFilesToAsset(ext.getToken(), uploadingAsset.id, "tables", tempDir.GetFiles());

                        // launch a web browser
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Launching a web browser.");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("https://mapsengine.google.com/admin/#RepositoryPlace:cid=" + projectId +"&v=DETAIL_INFO&aid=" + uploadingAsset.id);
                    else if (selectedLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IRasterLayer)
                        // export a copy of the raster to a format that can be uploaded
                        // raise a processing notification
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Extracting a copy of '" + selectedLayer.Name + "' (raster) for data upload.");
                        ExportLayerToUploadableRaster(tempDir.FullName, selectedLayer.Name, selectedLayer);


                        // create a list of files in the temp directory
                        List<String> filesNames = new List<String>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < tempDir.GetFiles().Count(); k++)
                            if (!tempDir.GetFiles()[k].Name.EndsWith(".lock"))

                        // create a Google Maps Engine asset record
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Requesting a new Google Maps Engine asset be created.");
                        MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.UploadingAsset uploadingAsset
                            = api.createRasterAssetForUploading(ext.getToken(),
                            attribution, // attribution

                        // Initiate upload of file(s)
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Starting to upload files...");
                        api.uploadFilesToAsset(ext.getToken(), uploadingAsset.id, "rasters", tempDir.GetFiles());

                        // launch a web browser
                        ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Launching a web browser.");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("https://mapsengine.google.com/admin/#RepositoryPlace:cid="+ projectId +"&v=DETAIL_INFO&aid=" + uploadingAsset.id);

                    // Ask the user if the temporary files should be deleted
                    DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(
                            tempDir.GetFiles().Count(), tempDir.FullName),
                        ext.getAddinName() + " Temporary File Clean-up", 

                    // if the user wishes to delete the temporary files, delete them
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                            // remove the temporary layer from the ArcMap session
                            ext.removeLayerByName((uploadType.Equals("vector") ? selectedLayer.Name : selectedLayer.Name + ".tif"), tempDir.FullName);

                            // Delete temporary directory and containing files
                        catch (Exception) { }

                    // close the processing dialog
                    ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(true, "Finished");
                    // display an error dialog to the user
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The selected layer is invalid or the destination configuration has not been properly set.");

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // Ops.
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error occured. " + ex.Message);

            // close the dialog
         * A function to handle the click event after the user clicks 'Add'
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // disable the button immediately
            this.btnAdd.Enabled = false;

            // create a download progress dialog and show it
            Dialogs.Processing.ProgressDialog downloadProgress = new Processing.ProgressDialog();

            // attempt to add the selected map to the user ArcGIS instance
            log.Debug("Attempting to create a new feature class and add it to the map.");
                // get the key out of the key/value pair object
                log.Debug("Fetching the user selected MapId from the DataGridView.");
                string MapId = ((MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.Map)this.dataGridGlobeDirectory.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem).id;
                log.Debug("MapId: " + MapId);

                // create a new empty Feature Class to hold the Google Maps Engine catalog results
                log.Debug("Creating a new empty feature class to hold the Google Maps Enigne catalog results");
                IFeatureClass fc = Extension.Data.GeodatabaseUtilities.createGoogleMapsEngineCatalogFeatureClass(ref log, ref ext);

                // publish a new download event to the extension
                ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Preparing to download map '" + MapId + "'.", 1, 0);
                // create a new reference to the Google Maps API.
                log.Debug("Creating a new instance of the Google Maps Engine API object.");
                MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI api = new MapsEngine.API.GoogleMapsEngineAPI(ref log);

                // create a new map object to be defined by the API or MapRoot
                log.Debug("Creating a new empty Map object.");
                MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.Map map;

                // query Google Maps Engine for the layers within this map
                log.Debug("Fetching the Google Maps Engine layers for this map.");
                map = api.getMapById(ext.getToken(), MapId);

                // publish a new download event to the extension
                ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(false, "Building local geodatabase for map '" + MapId + "'.", 1, 0);

                // create a new Feature Class Management object
                Data.GoogleMapsEngineFeatureClassManagement fcMngmt = new Data.GoogleMapsEngineFeatureClassManagement(api);

                // populate a feature for every Google Maps Engine Map
                log.Debug("Populate the feature class with the specific MapId");
                fcMngmt.populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineMap(ref fc, ref map);

                // publish a new download event to the extension
                ext.publishRaiseDownloadProgressChangeEvent(true, "Adding '" + MapId + "' layer to your map.", 1, 1);

                // add the new feature class to the map (auto selecting type "map")
                ext.addFeatureClassToMapAsLayer(ref fc, Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_LayerName
                    , "" + Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name + " = 'map'");

                // retrieve the Google Maps Engine WMS URL
                string url = Properties.Settings.Default.gme_wms_GetCapabilities;

                // replace the map identifier and auth token
                url = url.Replace("{mapId}", MapId);
                url = url.Replace("{authTokenPlusSlash}", ext.getToken().access_token + "/");

                // proactively add the viewable layer (WMS or WMTS) to the map
                ext.addWebMappingServiceToMap(new Uri(url));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // log error and warn user

                // hide the download progress, if it is visible

                // warn the user of the error
                ext.displayErrorDialog(Properties.Resources.dialog_GoogleMapsEngineDirectoryListing_btnAdd_Click_unknownerror + "\n" + ex.Message);

            // close the dialog immediately