Пример #1
        public void execute(SPSite site, SPWeb web, string data)
            EPMData epmdata = null;

                epmdata = new EPMData(site.ID);

                ProcessSecurity.ProcessSecurityGroups(site, epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection, data);
            catch { }
                if (epmdata != null)
                if (web != null)
                if (site != null)
                data = null;
 public void TestInitialize()
     _testEntity            = new ProcessSecurity();
     _testEntityPrivate     = new PrivateObject(_testEntity);
     _testEntityPrivateType = new PrivateType(typeof(ProcessSecurity));
     _shimsContext          = ShimsContext.Create();
     _adoShims = AdoShims.ShimAdoNetCalls();
     _spShims  = SharepointShims.ShimSharepointCalls();
        internal static void InitializeProcessSecurity()
            Exception       workerThreadException = null;
            ProcessSecurity security = new ProcessSecurity();
            Thread          thread   = new Thread(new ThreadStart(security.Initialize));

            security.exceptionNotification = (ExceptionNotification)Delegate.Combine(security.exceptionNotification, e => workerThreadException = e);
            if (workerThreadException != null)
                throw workerThreadException;
        public void ProcessSecurityGroups_WhenSecurityTablesExistAndUsersStringIsEmpty_CreatesExecutesAndDisposesSqlCommand()
            // Arrange
            const string expectedCommandText = "DELETE FROM RPTGROUPUSER where SITEID=@siteid";

            ShimProcessSecurity.SecurityTablesExistSqlConnection = _ => true;

            // Act
            ProcessSecurity.ProcessSecurityGroups(_spShims.SiteShim.Instance, _adoShims.ConnectionShim.Instance, string.Empty);

            // Assert
                () => _adoShims.IsCommandCreated(expectedCommandText).ShouldBeTrue(),
                () => _adoShims.IsCommandExecuted(expectedCommandText).ShouldBeTrue(),
                () => _adoShims.IsCommandDisposed(expectedCommandText).ShouldBeTrue());
Пример #5
        internal static void InitializeProcessSecurity()
            // Spawn off a separate thread to that does RevertToSelf and adjusts DACLs.
            // This is because RevertToSelf terminates client impersonation on the thread
            // that calls it. We do not want to change that on the current thread when 
            // the runtime is hosted inside ASP.net for example.
            Exception workerThreadException = null;
            ProcessSecurity processSecurity = new ProcessSecurity();
            Thread workerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(processSecurity.Initialize));

            processSecurity.exceptionNotification += delegate(Exception e)
                workerThreadException = e;

            workerThread.Start(); workerThread.Join();
            if (workerThreadException != null)
                throw workerThreadException;
Пример #6
        public void execute(SPSite site, SPWeb web, string data)
            sbErrors = new StringBuilder();
            EPMData   epmdata     = null;
            Hashtable hshMessages = null;
            SPWeb     rootWeb     = null;

                hshMessages = new Hashtable();

                #region Process security

                    totalCount = site.AllWebs.Count;
                    epmdata    = new EPMData(site.ID);
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh  Collect Job", "Reporting refresh process started.", 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh  Collect Job", string.Format("Started processing security groups for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                        ProcessSecurity.ProcessSecurityGroups(site, epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection, "");
                        sbErrors.Append("Completed processing security groups for site: " + site.Url + ".</br>");
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh  Collect Job", string.Format("Completed processing security groups for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                        bErrors = true;
                        sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error processing security on site: " + site.Url + ". Error: " + message + "</font><br>");
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh  Collect Job", string.Format("Error processing security on site: {0}. Error: {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        //    data = epmdata.GetListNames();
                        //catch (Exception exData)
                        //    bErrors = true;
                        //    sErrors += "<font color=\"red\">Error while retrieving list names: " + exData.Message + "</font><br>";

                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job", string.Format("Started updating reporting settings for site: {0}.", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                            setRPTSettings(epmdata, site);
                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job", string.Format("Completed updating reporting settings for site: {0}.", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                            bErrors = true;
                            sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error Updating RPTSettings: " + message + "</font><br>");
                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job", string.Format("Updating reporting settings failed for site: {0}. ,Error {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    bErrors = true;
                    sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error Updating base: " + ex.Message + "</font><br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job", string.Format("Updating reporting settings failed for site: {0}. ,Error {1}", site.Url, ex.Message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));


                #region History

                //    data = epmdata.UpdateListNames(data);
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    bErrors = true;
                //    sErrors += "<font color=\"red\">Error Updating List Names: " + ex.Message + "</font><br>";

                // TODO: We need to make sure this doesn't break anything!!!!
                //foreach (SPWeb w in site.AllWebs)
                //    // IGNORE SPDispose 130 error, web is being disposed
                //    try
                //    {
                //        List<string> allLists = new List<string>(data.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
                //        List<SPList> allSpLists = new List<SPList>();
                //        foreach (string l in allLists)
                //        {
                //            SPList list = w.Lists.TryGetList(l);
                //            if (list == null ||
                //                list.Title == "Work Hours" ||
                //                list.Title == "Resources")
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }

                //            if (list != null)
                //            {
                //                allSpLists.Add(list);
                //            }
                //        }
                //        ProcessSecurity.ProcessSecurityOnRefreshAll(w, allSpLists, epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection);
                //        if (w != null)
                //        {
                //            w.Dispose();
                //        }
                //    }
                //    catch
                //    {
                //        if (w != null)
                //        {
                //            w.Dispose();
                //        }
                //    }


                #region Process TimeSheet Data

                    string err = "";
                    bool   consolidationdone     = false;
                    bool   reportingRefreshBatch = false;

                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process TimeSheet Data", string.Format("Starting Process TimeSheet Data for site: {0}.", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                    bool.TryParse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "epmliveconsolidation"), out consolidationdone);
                    bool.TryParse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "epmlivereportingrefreshbatch"), out reportingRefreshBatch);
                    bool bErrorRefreshTimesheet = false;
                    if (reportingRefreshBatch)
                        int pageSize = 0;
                        int.TryParse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "epmliverepotingrefreshbatchpagesize"), out pageSize);
                        bErrorRefreshTimesheet = epmdata.RefreshTimesheetBatch(out err, base.JobUid, pageSize);
                        bErrorRefreshTimesheet = epmdata.RefreshTimesheets(out err, base.JobUid, consolidationdone);
                    if (bErrorRefreshTimesheet)
                        bErrors = true;
                        sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error Processing Timesheets: " + err + "</font><br>");
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process TimeSheet Data", string.Format("Process TimeSheet Data failed for site: {0}. Error {1}", site.Url, err), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));

                        sbErrors.Append("Processed Timesheets<br>");
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process TimeSheet Data", string.Format("Completed timeSheet data processing for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                    bErrors = true;
                    sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error Processing Timesheets: " + message + "</font><br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process TimeSheet Data", string.Format("Process TimeSheet Data failed for site: {0}. Error {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));


                #region Process PFE Data

                    if (site.Features[new Guid("158c5682-d839-4248-b780-82b4710ee152")] != null)
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process PFE Data", string.Format("Processing PFE Data for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                        rootWeb = site.RootWeb;

                        string basePath   = CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rootWeb, "epkbasepath");
                        string ppmId      = CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rootWeb, "ppmpid");
                        string ppmCompany = CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rootWeb, "ppmcompany");
                        string ppmDbConn  = CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rootWeb, "ppmdbconn");

                        Assembly assemblyInstance =
                                "PortfolioEngineCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9f4da00116c38ec5");
                        Type   thisClass   = assemblyInstance.GetType("PortfolioEngineCore.WEIntegration.WEIntegration");
                        object classObject = Activator.CreateInstance(thisClass,
                                                                      new object[] { basePath, site.WebApplication.ApplicationPool.Username, ppmId, ppmCompany, ppmDbConn, false });

                        MethodInfo m       = thisClass.GetMethod("ExecuteReportExtract");
                        var        message =
                                     new object[]
                            "<ExecuteReportExtract><Params /><Data><ReportExtract Connection=\"" +
                            getReportingConnection(web) + "\" Execute=\"1\" /></Data></ExecuteReportExtract>"

                        sbErrors.Append("Processed PfE Reporting: " + message + "<br>");
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process PFE Data", string.Format("Completed Processing PFE Data for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                    bErrors = true;
                    sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error Processing PfE Reporting: " + message + "</font><br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Process PFE Data", string.Format("Error Processing PfE Reporting for site: {0} Error {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));

                #endregion Process PFE Data

                #region Clean Data

                    string errMsg = string.Empty;
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job DataScrubber CleanTables", string.Format("Started DataScrubber.CleanTables for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                    bool bErrorCleanTables = DataScrubber.CleanTables(site, epmdata, base.JobUid, ref errMsg);
                    if (bErrorCleanTables)
                        bErrors = true;
                        sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error while cleaning tables: " + errMsg + "</font><br>");
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job DataScrubber CleanTables", string.Format("Error while cleaning tables for site: {0} error {1}", site.Url, errMsg), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job DataScrubber CleanTables", string.Format("Completed DataScrubber.CleanTables for site: {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                    bErrors = true;
                    sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error while cleaning tables: " + message + "</font><br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job DataScrubber CleanTables", string.Format("Error while cleaning tables for site: {0} error {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));


                #region Update Status Field

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        DataSet ds = null;
                            ds = new DataSet();
                            using (var cmd1 = new SqlCommand("SELECT TABLENAME FROM RPTList", epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection))
                                epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Started Update Status Field for site: {0} ,SQL  (SELECT TABLENAME FROM RPTList) ", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                                using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1))

                                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                        using (var cmd2 = new SqlCommand("spUpdateStatusFields", epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection))
                                            cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                                            cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@listtable", dr[0].ToString());
                                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Executing  store procedure spUpdateStatusFields '{0}'", dr[0].ToString()), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                            bErrors = true;
                            sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error updating status fields: " + message + "</font><br>");
                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Error updating status fields: for site {0},error {1} ", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                            if (ds != null)
                            foreach (string sList in data.Split(','))
                                if (sList != "")
                                    DataSet ds   = null;
                                    SPList  list = null;
                                        list = web.Lists[sList];

                                        ds = new DataSet();
                                        using (var cmd1 = new SqlCommand("SELECT TABLENAME FROM RPTList where listid=@listid", epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection))
                                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("SELECT TABLENAME FROM RPTList where listid={0} ", list.ID), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                                            cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@listid", list.ID);
                                            using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1))

                                                using (var cmd2 = new SqlCommand("spUpdateStatusFields", epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection))
                                                    cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                                                    cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@listtable", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
                                                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Executed spUpdateStatusFields '{0}' ", Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0])), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                                        bErrors = true;
                                        sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error updating status fields (" + sList + "): " + message + "</font><br>");
                                        epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Error updating status fields ({0}) Error {1}", sList, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                                        if (ds != null)
                                        list = null;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                            bErrors = true;
                            sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error updating status fields: " + message + "</font><br>");
                            epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Error updating status fields Error {0}", message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));

                    foreach (string list in data.Split(','))
                        if (list != "")
                                using (var cmd2 = new SqlCommand("spUpdateStatusFields", epmdata.GetClientReportingConnection))
                                    cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                                    cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@listtable", list);
                                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Executed spUpdateStatusFields '{0}'", list), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                                bErrors = true;
                                sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error running schedule field update for (" + list + "): " + message + "</font><br>");
                                epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Error running schedule field update for ({0}) error {1}.", list, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));

                            if (!hshMessages.Contains(list))
                                hshMessages.Add(list, "");

                    sbErrors.Append("<br>Updated Status Fields<br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Complete  running Updated Status Fields"), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;
                    bErrors = true;
                    sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Error running schedule field update: " + message + "</font><br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Update Status Field", string.Format("Error running schedule field update: {0}", message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));


                #region Clear Cache

                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Clear Cache", string.Format("Started Cleaning cache for site : {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                    CacheStore.Current.RemoveSafely(web.Url, new CacheStoreCategory(web).Navigation);
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Clear Cache", string.Format("Completed Cleaning cache for site : {0}", site.Url), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                    bErrors = true;
                    sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">Clear Cache Error: " + message + "</font><br>");
                    epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job Clear Cache", string.Format("Cleaning Cache Failed for site : {0} error {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));

            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message;

                bErrors = true;
                sbErrors.Append("<font color=\"red\">General Execute Error: " + message + "</font><br>");
                epmdata.LogStatus("", "", "Reporting Refresh Collect Job", string.Format("General Execute Error for site : {0} error {1}", site.Url, message), 2, 3, Convert.ToString(JobUid));
                sErrors  = sbErrors.ToString();
                sbErrors = null;
                //Already calling from TimerClass
                hshMessages = null;
                if (epmdata != null)
                if (web != null)
                if (rootWeb != null)
                if (site != null)
                data = null;
Пример #7
 public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess([In] ProcessSecurity dwDesiredAccess,
                                         [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandle, [In] int dwProcessId);
 internal static void InitializeProcessSecurity()
     Exception workerThreadException = null;
     ProcessSecurity security = new ProcessSecurity();
     Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(security.Initialize));
     security.exceptionNotification = (ExceptionNotification) Delegate.Combine(security.exceptionNotification, e => workerThreadException = e);
     if (workerThreadException != null)
         throw workerThreadException;