public void LaunchTest(TestContext testContext)
            var file = testContext.TestHarnessPath;

            file = urlBuilder.GenerateFileUrl(testContext, file, fullyQualified: true);

            // Start IE.
            ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
                UseShellExecute = true,
                FileName        = BrowserPathHelper.GetBrowserPath("ie"),
                Arguments       = string.Format("-noframemerging -suspended -debug {0}", file)
                                  // -noframemerging
                                  //      This is what VS does when launching the script debugger.
                                  //      Unsure whether strictly necessary.
                                  // -suspended
                                  //      This is what VS does when launching the script debugger.
                                  //      Seems to cause IE to suspend all threads which is what we want.
                                  // -debug
                                  //      This is what VS does when launching the script debugger.
                                  //      Not sure exactly what it does.
            Process ieMainProcess = Process.Start(startInfo);

            // Get child 'tab' process spawned by IE.
            // We need to wait a few ms for IE to open the process.
            Process ieTabProcess = null;

            for (int i = 0;; ++i)
                ieTabProcess = ProcessExtensions.FindFirstChildProcessOf(ieMainProcess.Id);
                if (ieTabProcess != null)
                if (i > 400)   // 400 * 10 = 4s timeout
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Timeout waiting for Internet Explorer child process to start.");

            // Debug the script in that tab process.
            DteHelpers.DebugAttachToProcess(ieTabProcess.Id, "script");

            // Resume the threads in the IE process which where started off suspended.