public static string GetConsolidatedPrizesString(this VideoBattle battle,
                                                         List <VideoBattlePrize> allPrizes,
                                                         ISponsorService sponsorService,
                                                         ISettingService settingService,
                                                         IPaymentProcessingService paymentProcessingService,
                                                         IFormatterService formatterService,
                                                         ICreditService creditService,
                                                         BattleSettings battleSettings)
            var battleOwnerPrizes = allPrizes.Where(x => !x.IsSponsored && (!winnerPosition.HasValue || x.WinnerPosition == winnerPosition.Value));
            var sponsoredPrizes   = allPrizes.Where(x => x.IsSponsored && (!winnerPosition.HasValue || x.WinnerPosition == winnerPosition.Value));

            var videoBattlePrizes      = battleOwnerPrizes as VideoBattlePrize[] ?? battleOwnerPrizes.ToArray();
            var totalPrizesAmountFixed = videoBattlePrizes.Where(x => x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.FixedAmount).Sum(x => x.PrizeAmount);

            var totalPrizesAmountPercentage = 0m;

            if (videoBattlePrizes.Any(x => x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.PercentageAmount))
                var contextKeyName = string.Format(CreditContextKeyNames.BattleVote, battle.Id);
                //get spent credits for battle votes
                var credits = creditService.GetCredits(contextKeyName, null, CreditTransactionType.Spent);

                var orderSum    = credits.Sum(x => x.CreditCount);
                var netOrderSum = paymentProcessingService.GetNetAmountAfterPaymentProcessing(orderSum);

                var totalWinners = videoBattlePrizes.Count();

                //total voting amount from percentage
                totalPrizesAmountPercentage = netOrderSum -
                                              totalWinners * netOrderSum * battle.ParticipantPercentagePerVote / 100;

            var sponsorships = sponsorService.GetSponsorsGrouped(null, battle.Id, BattleType.Video,

            var sponsorshipAmount = sponsorships.Sum(x => x.SponsorshipAmount);

            //amount after payment processing
            var netSponsorshipAmount = paymentProcessingService.GetNetAmountAfterPaymentProcessing(sponsorshipAmount);

            var siteOwnerShare = netSponsorshipAmount * battleSettings.SiteOwnerVideoBattleSponsorshipPercentage / 100;

            //it may be possible that battle host himself is sponsor, he won't be getting commissions for that :)
            var battleHostAsSponsorAmount =
                sponsorships.Where(x => x.UserId == battle.ChallengerId).Sum(x => x.SponsorshipAmount);

            var battleHostShare = (netSponsorshipAmount - battleHostAsSponsorAmount) * battleSettings.BattleHostVideoBattleSponsorshipPercentage / 100;

            //amount available for winners
            var winnerPrizePool = netSponsorshipAmount - siteOwnerShare - battleHostShare;

            if (winnerPosition.HasValue)
                winnerPrizePool = PrizeDistributionHelper.GetPrizeDistributionPercentage(winnerPosition.Value,
                                                                                         allPrizes.Count(x => !x.IsSponsored), settingService) * winnerPrizePool;

            var totalAmount = Math.Round(totalPrizesAmountFixed + totalPrizesAmountPercentage + winnerPrizePool);

            var totalPrizeString = totalAmount > 0 ? formatterService.FormatCurrency(totalAmount, ApplicationContext.Current.ActiveCurrency) : "";

            if (allPrizes.Any(x => x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.FixedProduct || x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.Other))
                if (!winnerPosition.HasValue)
                    totalPrizeString += "+";
                    //now append each product as prize with it's name to the prize string
                    foreach (var prize in videoBattlePrizes.Where(x => x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.FixedProduct || x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.Other))
                        if (prize.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.FixedProduct)
                            //todo: do something for fixed product
                            totalPrizeString += (totalPrizeString != "" ? " + " : "") + prize.PrizeOther;
                    //and sponsored products
                    foreach (var prize in sponsoredPrizes.Where(x => x.PrizeType == BattlePrizeType.Other))
                        totalPrizeString += (totalPrizeString != "" ? " + " : "") + prize.PrizeOther + "*";

Пример #2
        public static string GetConsolidatedPrizesString(this VideoBattle Battle,
                                                         List <VideoBattlePrize> allPrizes,
                                                         IWorkContext _workContext,
                                                         IProductService _productService,
                                                         ISponsorService _sponsorService,
                                                         IVoterPassService _voterPassService,
                                                         IVideoBattlePrizeService _videoBattlePrizeService,
                                                         IPriceFormatter _priceFormatter,
                                                         ISettingService _settingService,
                                                         IPaymentProcessingService _paymentProcessingService,
                                                         mobSocialSettings _mobSocialSettings)
            var battleOwnerPrizes = allPrizes.Where(x => !x.IsSponsored && (!WinnerPosition.HasValue || x.WinnerPosition == WinnerPosition.Value));
            var sponsoredPrizes   = allPrizes.Where(x => x.IsSponsored && (!WinnerPosition.HasValue || x.WinnerPosition == WinnerPosition.Value));

            var totalPrizesAmountFixed =
                battleOwnerPrizes.Where(x => x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.FixedAmount).Sum(x => x.PrizeAmount);

            var totalPrizesAmountPercentage = 0m;

            if (battleOwnerPrizes.Any(x => x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.PercentageAmount))
                var orders      = _voterPassService.GetAllVoterPassOrders(BattleType.Video, Battle.Id, PassStatus.Used);
                var orderSum    = orders.Sum(x => x.OrderTotal);
                var netOrderSum = _paymentProcessingService.GetNetAmountAfterPaymentProcessing(orderSum);

                var totalWinners = battleOwnerPrizes.Count();

                //total voting amount from percentage
                totalPrizesAmountPercentage = netOrderSum -
                                              totalWinners * netOrderSum * Battle.ParticipantPercentagePerVote / 100;

            var sponsorships = _sponsorService.GetSponsorsGrouped(null, Battle.Id, BattleType.Video,

            var sponsorshipAmount = sponsorships.Sum(x => x.SponsorshipAmount);

            //amount after payment processing
            var netSponsorshipAmount = _paymentProcessingService.GetNetAmountAfterPaymentProcessing(sponsorshipAmount);

            var siteOwnerShare = netSponsorshipAmount * _mobSocialSettings.SiteOwnerSponsorshipPercentage / 100;

            //it may be possible that battle host himself is sponsor, he won't be getting commissions for that :)
            var battleHostAsSponsorAmount =
                sponsorships.Where(x => x.CustomerId == Battle.ChallengerId).Sum(x => x.SponsorshipAmount);

            var battleHostShare = (netSponsorshipAmount - battleHostAsSponsorAmount) * _mobSocialSettings.BattleHostSponsorshipPercentage / 100;

            //amount available for winners
            var winnerPrizePool = netSponsorshipAmount - siteOwnerShare - battleHostShare;

            if (WinnerPosition.HasValue)
                winnerPrizePool = PrizeDistributionHelper.GetPrizeDistributionPercentage(WinnerPosition.Value,
                                                                                         allPrizes.Count(x => !x.IsSponsored), _settingService) * winnerPrizePool;

            var totalAmount = Math.Round(totalPrizesAmountFixed + totalPrizesAmountPercentage + winnerPrizePool);

            var totalPrizeString = totalAmount > 0 ? _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(totalAmount, true, _workContext.WorkingCurrency) : "";

            if (allPrizes.Any(
                    x => x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.FixedProduct || x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.Other))
                if (!WinnerPosition.HasValue)
                    totalPrizeString += "+";
                    //now append each product as prize with it's name to the prize string
                    foreach (var prize in battleOwnerPrizes.Where(x => x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.FixedProduct || x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.Other))
                        if (prize.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.FixedProduct)
                            var product = _productService.GetProductById(prize.PrizeProductId);
                            if (product != null)
                                totalPrizeString += (totalPrizeString != "" ? " + " : "") + product.Name;
                                totalPrizeString += (totalPrizeString != "" ? " + " : "") + prize.PrizeProductId;
                            totalPrizeString += (totalPrizeString != "" ? " + " : "") + prize.PrizeOther;
                    //and sponsored products
                    foreach (var prize in sponsoredPrizes.Where(x => x.PrizeType == VideoBattlePrizeType.Other))
                        totalPrizeString += (totalPrizeString != "" ? " + " : "") + prize.PrizeOther + "*";
