private void createSpotifyPlaylists() { String fileName = fileNameTB.Text; if (fileName != null && fileName.Length > 0) { messageLbl.Text = ""; XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(fileName);; List <XElement> tracksXml = doc.Root.Element("dict").Element("dict").Elements("dict").ToList();; List <FullTrack> spotifyTracks = new List <FullTrack>(); for (int i = 0; i < tracksXml.Count; i++) { XElement track = tracksXml[i]; String name = getNode(track, "Name").Value; String artist = getNode(track, "Artist").Value; String album = getNode(track, "Album").Value; ProgressLbl.Text = String.Format("Searching for ({0}/{1} -> Name: {2} Artist: {3} Album: {4} ", i + 1, tracksXml.Count, name, artist, album); FullTrack spotifyTrack = searchSpotify(name, artist, album); if (spotifyTrack != null) { spotifyTracks.Add(spotifyTrack); } else { AddTrackToErrorLog(name, artist, album); } } PrivateProfile profile = SpotifyAPI.GetPrivateProfile(); if (!profile.HasError()) { String playlistName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName); FullPlaylist playlist = SpotifyAPI.CreatePlaylist(profile.Id, playlistName); if (!playlist.HasError()) { messageLbl.Text += "\n\nPlaylist-URI: " + playlist.Uri; foreach (FullTrack spotifyTrack in spotifyTracks) { SpotifyAPI.AddPlaylistTrack(playlist.Id, spotifyTrack.Uri); } } else { messageLbl.Text += "\n\nERROR: " + playlist.Error.Message; } } else { messageLbl.Text += "\n\nERROR: " + profile.Error.Message; } } else { messageLbl.Text += "Please Choose a file"; } }
public void AllLibraryToPlaylist(SpotifyWebAPI spotify) { //saves all track ids to list var tracksUri = HelperFunctions.GetSavedTracksUris(spotify); Console.WriteLine($"Number of tracks: {tracksUri.Count}"); // gets user id PrivateProfile user = spotify.GetPrivateProfile(); if (user.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine("\n\nProfileID not read properly. Cannot create playlist.\n\n"); } var userId = user.Id; //creates new empty playlist FullPlaylist playlist = spotify.CreatePlaylist(userId, "Library to Playlist"); //error notification Console.WriteLine(playlist.HasError() ? "/n/nError while creating playlist.\n\n" : "Playlist created and named \"Library to Playlist\""); //inserts playlist tracks to playlist HelperFunctions.InsertTracks(spotify, tracksUri, playlist.Id); Console.WriteLine("\nWarning: there may be less songs added to playlist than are present in library, because they might be not available"); Console.WriteLine("\nTask ended. Press any key to exit. . ."); }
public async void Init() { var _clientId = "4dab4bc197084c7db90f8201c5990abe"; var _secretId = "e5f5c68a50ff48068eb1bfea84cc57a4"; AuthorizationCodeAuth auth = new AuthorizationCodeAuth(_clientId, _secretId, "http://localhost:4002", "http://localhost:4002", Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative); auth.Start(); // Starts an internal HTTP Server auth.OpenBrowser(); auth.AuthReceived += async(sender, payload) => { auth.Stop(); Token token = await auth.ExchangeCode(payload.Code); SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; // Do requests with API client profile = await api.GetPrivateProfileAsync(); if (!profile.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine(profile.DisplayName); } }; }
public JsonResult NowPlaying() { Dictionary <string, string> nowPlaying = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { string accessToken = HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token").Result; try { // For usage visit: SpotifyWebAPI spotifyAPI = new SpotifyWebAPI { AccessToken = accessToken, TokenType = "Bearer" }; PrivateProfile profile = spotifyAPI.GetPrivateProfileAsync().Result; PlaybackContext context = spotifyAPI.GetPlayback(); if (!profile.HasError()) { nowPlaying.Add("SpotifyName", profile.DisplayName); nowPlaying.Add("SpotifyAvatar", profile.Images.FirstOrDefault().Url); nowPlaying.Add("SpotifyProfileUrl", "" + profile.Id); } if (context.Item != null && (context.IsPlaying)) { nowPlaying.Add("SongName", context.Item.Name); nowPlaying.Add("SongUrl", context.Item.Href); nowPlaying.Add("ArtistName", context.Item.Artists.FirstOrDefault().Name); nowPlaying.Add("ArtistUrl", context.Item.Artists.FirstOrDefault().Href); nowPlaying.Add("NowPlaying", nowPlaying["SongName"] + " by " + nowPlaying["ArtistName"]); nowPlaying.Add("AlbumArt", context.Item.Album.Images.FirstOrDefault().Url); nowPlaying.Add("AlbumUrl", context.Item.Album.ExternalUrls["spotify"]); nowPlaying.Add("IsPlaying", "true"); } else { nowPlaying.Add("SongName", null); nowPlaying.Add("SongUrl", null); nowPlaying.Add("ArtistName", null); nowPlaying.Add("ArtistUrl", null); nowPlaying.Add("NowPlaying", null); nowPlaying.Add("AlbumArt", null); nowPlaying.Add("AlbumUrl", null); nowPlaying.Add("IsPlaying", "false"); } GeniusService geniusService = new GeniusService(nowPlaying["SongName"], nowPlaying["ArtistName"]); nowPlaying.Add("Lyrics", geniusService.Lyrics); nowPlaying.Add("LyricsContribution", geniusService.Url); } catch (Exception ex) { // show the users some error } } return(new JsonResult(nowPlaying)); }
public static async void Example() { SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI { AccessToken = "BQBd2F1mg89VXRW6A8cDsGl6sKOmkh6semAAA7mcN18SicdVKJnJcbTPuLP6uMoQW5H9WeqNxi15KMuydiomGpELG6H62MKGXwovcujcRPrAfOGtonfV82ZJfyhsGU8Bh2SRJfNY-0JjQTpKb9sewcy0ANtWqESK8iEkhdxi9P__NHaLk7PfudYaYaHB3_U2NvfoE0UJyS39YDLSAcp63C5f_X3PcMihzO7h8Xs3fMQXjMF-h7_O8baPozJfVQmVviibHs6KJzOarIBjYtykRtS4JjB7Q393syM", TokenType = "Bearer" }; PrivateProfile profile = await api.GetPrivateProfileAsync(); if (!profile.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine(profile.DisplayName); } }
internal static ProfileResponse MapProfile(PrivateProfile profile) { if (profile == null) { return(new ProfileResponse("Could not reach Spotify services")); } if (profile.HasError()) { return(new ProfileResponse(profile.Error.Message)); } return(new ProfileResponse( displayName: profile.DisplayName, username: profile.Id)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the account name by token. /// </summary> public static async Task <PrivateProfile> GetPrivateAccount(string token) { SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI { UseAuth = true, AccessToken = token, TokenType = "Bearer" }; PrivateProfile profile = await api.GetPrivateProfileAsync(); if (!profile.HasError()) { return(profile); } return(null); }
public static async void ConectSpotify() { SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI { AccessToken = "494597653c5a45f0a29e8cd9f7e8e82c", TokenType = "5f4174f319c040d7b532e8c057c2e26c" }; PrivateProfile profile = await api.GetPrivateProfileAsync(); if (!profile.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine(profile.DisplayName); } else { Console.WriteLine(profile.Error.Message.ToString()); } }
public static void Main() { auth = new ImplicitGrantAuth( _clientId, "http://localhost:4002/callback", "http://localhost:4002/callback", Scope.UserReadPrivate ); auth.AuthReceived += (sender, payload) => { auth.Stop(); // `sender` is also the auth instance _spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = payload.TokenType, AccessToken = payload.AccessToken }; // Do requests with API client }; auth.Start(); // Starts an internal HTTP Server auth.OpenBrowser(); PrivateProfile profile = _spotify.GetPrivateProfile(); if (profile.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine("Error Status: " + profile.Error.Status); Console.WriteLine("Error Msg: " + profile.Error.Message); } FullTrack track = _spotify.GetTrack("3FFjdo3CSKqeGx3nlN0WWv?si=4xDdGmMaTJ-FpPDdQi8MRA"); Console.WriteLine(track.Name); //Yeay! We just printed a tracks name. Console.WriteLine(track.Popularity); //Yeay! We just printed a tracks name. Console.WriteLine(track.TrackNumber); //Yeay! We just printed a tracks name. Console.ReadLine(); }