Пример #1
 public PlainTextStream(string fp, Encoding enc, PriorityItem p, bool caseSensitive)
     path          = fp;
     encoding      = enc;
     priority      = p;
     CaseSensitive = caseSensitive;
Пример #2
 public PlainTextStream(string fp, Encoding enc, Dictionary <string, ByteStringAuto> h, PriorityItem p)
     path     = fp;
     encoding = enc;
     hashes   = h;
     priority = p;
Пример #3
        private void cmbBoxPriority_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            var selectedBox = (ComboBox)sender;

            priorityItem        = (PriorityItem)selectedBox.SelectedItem;
            agendaItem.Priority = priorityItem.Id;
Пример #4
 public PlainTextStream(Stream s, Dictionary <string, ByteStringAuto> h, PriorityItem p, bool caseSensitive)
     stream        = s;
     hashes        = h;
     priority      = p;
     CaseSensitive = caseSensitive;
Пример #5
        //public PriorityQueue(int length)
        //    MaxLength = length;
        //    Length = 0;
        //    Array = new PriorityItem[Length];

        public void Insert(Object value, int priority)
            PriorityItem itemToInsert = new PriorityItem(value, priority);

            PriorityItem[] newArray = new PriorityItem[Length + 1];
            for (int i = Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
                newArray[i] = Array[i];
            Array = newArray;

            for (int i = Length; i > -1; i--)
                if (i - 1 == -1 || Array[i - 1] == null || Array[i - 1].Priority <= itemToInsert.Priority)
                    Array[i] = itemToInsert;
                    Array[i] = Array[i - 1];
                //newArray[i] = Array[i];

Пример #6
 public PlainTextStream(Stream s, Encoding enc, Dictionary <string, ByteStringAuto> h, PriorityItem p)
     stream   = s;
     encoding = enc;
     hashes   = h;
     priority = p;
Пример #7
 public PlainTextStream(Stream s, Encoding enc, PriorityItem p, bool caseSensitive)
     stream        = s;
     encoding      = enc;
     priority      = p;
     CaseSensitive = caseSensitive;
Пример #8
 public PlainTextStream(string fp, Encoding enc, Dictionary <string, ByteStringAuto> h, PriorityItem p, bool caseSensitive)
     path          = fp;
     encoding      = enc;
     hashes        = h;
     priority      = p;
     CaseSensitive = caseSensitive;
Пример #9
 public int CompareTo(PriorityItem <DataType, ComparerType> other)
     if (other == null)
Пример #10
    public static int Comparer(PriorityItem x, PriorityItem y)
        if (x == null || y == null)

        return(y.Priority - x.Priority);
Пример #11
        public void MultipleWorkItemsMultiplePriorities()
            // Get all the available priorities
            WorkItemPriority [] priorities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkItemPriority)) as WorkItemPriority [];

            // Create an array of priority items
            PriorityItem [] priorityItems = new PriorityItem[priorities.Length];

            // Create a priority item for each priority
            int i = priorities.Length;

            foreach (WorkItemPriority workItemPriority in priorities)
                priorityItems[i] = new PriorityItem(workItemPriority);

            // Create a PermutationGenerator for the priority items
            PermutationGenerator permutations = new PermutationGenerator(priorityItems);

            int count = 0;

            // Iterate over the permutations
            foreach (object [] permutation in permutations)
                Console.Write("Permutation #" + count + " : ");
                for (int j = 0; j < permutation.Length; ++j)
                    PriorityItem pi = permutation[j] as PriorityItem;
                    Console.Write(pi.WorkItemPriority + ", ");
                // Create a priority queue
                PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

                // Enqueue each priority item according to the permutation
                for (i = 0; i < permutation.Length; ++i)
                    PriorityItem priorityItem = permutation[i] as PriorityItem;

                // Make sure all the priority items are in the queue
                Assert.AreEqual(priorityItems.Length, pq.Count);

                // Compare the order of the priority items
                for (i = 0; i < priorityItems.Length; ++i)
                    PriorityItem priorityItem = pq.Dequeue() as PriorityItem;
                    Assert.AreSame(priorityItems[i], priorityItem);
        public void MultipleWorkItemsMultiplePriorities()
            // Get all the available priorities
            WorkItemPriority [] priorities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkItemPriority)) as WorkItemPriority [];

            // Create an array of priority items
            PriorityItem [] priorityItems = new PriorityItem[priorities.Length];

            // Create a priority item for each priority
            int i = priorities.Length;
            foreach(WorkItemPriority workItemPriority in priorities)
                priorityItems[i] = new PriorityItem(workItemPriority);

            // Create a PermutationGenerator for the priority items
            PermutationGenerator permutations = new PermutationGenerator(priorityItems);

            int count = 0;
            // Iterate over the permutations
            foreach(object [] permutation in permutations)
                Console.Write("Permutation #" + count + " : ");
                for(int j = 0; j < permutation.Length; ++j)
                    PriorityItem pi = permutation[j] as PriorityItem;
                    Console.Write(pi.WorkItemPriority + ", ");
                // Create a priority queue
                PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

                // Enqueue each priority item according to the permutation
                for(i = 0; i < permutation.Length; ++i)
                    PriorityItem priorityItem = permutation[i] as PriorityItem;

                // Make sure all the priority items are in the queue
                Assert.AreEqual(priorityItems.Length, pq.Count);

                // Compare the order of the priority items
                for(i = 0; i < priorityItems.Length; ++i)
                    PriorityItem priorityItem = pq.Dequeue() as PriorityItem;
                    Assert.AreSame(priorityItems[i], priorityItem);
Пример #13
 public void DecreaseKey(T item, double f)
     int ci = data.IndexOf(new PriorityItem<T>(item, -1));
     data[ci].f = f;
     while (ci > 0)
         int pi = (ci - 1) / 2; // parent index
         if (data[ci].f >= data[pi].f) break; // child item is larger than (or equal) parent so we're done
         PriorityItem<T> tmp = data[ci];
         data[ci] = data[pi];
         data[pi] = tmp;
         ci = pi;
Пример #14
 public void Enqueue(T item, double f)
     data.Add(new PriorityItem<T>(item, f));
     int ci = data.Count - 1; // child index; start at end
     while (ci > 0)
         int pi = (ci - 1) / 2; // parent index
         if (data[ci].f >= data[pi].f) break; // child item is larger than (or equal) parent so we're done
         PriorityItem<T> tmp = data[ci];
         data[ci] = data[pi];
         data[pi] = tmp;
         ci = pi;
Пример #15
        public override bool Equals(object obj)

            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            // If parameter cannot be cast to Point return false.
            PriorityItem<N> otherT = obj as PriorityItem<N>;
            N other = otherT.Value;

            if (other == null)
                return false;

            // Return true if the fields match:
            return value.Equals(other);
		public void OneWorkItem()
			WorkItemPriority [] priorities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkItemPriority)) as WorkItemPriority [];
			foreach(WorkItemPriority wip in priorities)
				PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

				PriorityItem pi = new PriorityItem(wip);


				Assert.AreEqual(1, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);

				PriorityItem pi2 = pq.Dequeue() as PriorityItem;

				Assert.IsNotNull(pi2, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);

				Assert.AreSame(pi, pi2, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);

				Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);
Пример #17
        public void OneWorkItem()
            WorkItemPriority [] priorities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkItemPriority)) as WorkItemPriority [];
            foreach (WorkItemPriority wip in priorities)
                PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

                PriorityItem pi = new PriorityItem(wip);


                Assert.AreEqual(1, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);

                PriorityItem pi2 = pq.Dequeue() as PriorityItem;

                Assert.IsNotNull(pi2, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);

                Assert.AreSame(pi, pi2, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);
Пример #18
    public T Dequeue()
        // assumes pq is not empty; up to calling code
        int li = data.Count - 1; // last index (before removal)
        PriorityItem<T> frontItem = data[0];   // fetch the front
        data[0] = data[li];

        --li; // last index (after removal)
        int pi = 0; // parent index. start at front of pq
        while (true)
            int ci = pi * 2 + 1; // left child index of parent
            if (ci > li) break;  // no children so done
            int rc = ci + 1;     // right child
            if (rc <= li && data[rc].f < data[ci].f) // if there is a rc (ci + 1), and it is smaller than left child, use the rc instead
                ci = rc;
            if (data[pi].f <= data[ci].f) break; // parent is smaller than (or equal to) smallest child so done
            PriorityItem<T> tmp = data[pi]; data[pi] = data[ci]; data[ci] = tmp; // swap parent and child
            pi = ci;
        return frontItem.Value;
		public void MultipleWorkItemsOnePriority()
			WorkItemPriority [] priorities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkItemPriority)) as WorkItemPriority [];
			foreach(WorkItemPriority wip in priorities)
				PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

				PriorityItem [] priorityItems = new PriorityItem[10];

				for(int i = 0; i < priorityItems.Length; ++i)
					priorityItems[i] = new PriorityItem(wip);


					Assert.AreEqual(i+1, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i+1);

				for(int i = 0; i < priorityItems.Length; ++i)
					PriorityItem pi = pq.Dequeue() as PriorityItem;

					Assert.AreEqual(priorityItems.Length-(i+1), pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i+1);

					Assert.IsNotNull(pi, "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i+1);

					Assert.AreSame(pi, priorityItems[i], "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i+1);

				Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);


				Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Count);
Пример #20
        public void MultipleWorkItemsOnePriority()
            WorkItemPriority [] priorities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkItemPriority)) as WorkItemPriority [];
            foreach (WorkItemPriority wip in priorities)
                PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

                PriorityItem [] priorityItems = new PriorityItem[10];

                for (int i = 0; i < priorityItems.Length; ++i)
                    priorityItems[i] = new PriorityItem(wip);


                    Assert.AreEqual(i + 1, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i + 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < priorityItems.Length; ++i)
                    PriorityItem pi = pq.Dequeue() as PriorityItem;

                    Assert.AreEqual(priorityItems.Length - (i + 1), pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i + 1);

                    Assert.IsNotNull(pi, "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i + 1);

                    Assert.AreSame(pi, priorityItems[i], "Failed for priority {0} item count {1}", wip, i + 1);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Count, "Failed for priority {0}", wip);


                Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Count);
Пример #21
 public PlainTextStream(Stream s, PriorityItem p, bool caseSensitive)
     stream        = s;
     priority      = p;
     CaseSensitive = caseSensitive;
Пример #22
        private void SetCommandFromFactory(ICommandFactory commandFactory)
            this.updatePriority = PriorityItem.CommandFactory;

            if (commandFactory == null || CommandProvider == null) {

            if (CommandProvider.CommandFactories.Any((f) => AreCommandFactoriesEqual(f, commandFactory))) {
                this.updatePriority = PriorityItem.None;

                this.allowPropertyBehaviours = false;

                try {
                    var command = commandFactory.CreateCommand();
                    commandFactory.PopulateCommand(command, CommandProvider);

                    Command = command;
                } finally {
                    this.allowPropertyBehaviours = true;
        public void GenerateSchedule(GenerationSettings settings)
            GenerationSettings = settings;
            if (GenerationData == null)
                GenerationData = new GenerationData();

            if (!MachineHandler.Instance.IsLoaded)
            if (!MachineHandler.Instance.IsLoaded)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not load machine config data. Please open the machine config file.");
                if (!MachineHandler.Instance.LoadDialog())
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to load or canceled. Cannot generate schedule without machine config data. Stopping generation.");

            if (StaticInventoryTracker.ProductMasterList.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No master loaded. Please load master before generating schedule.");

            if (MachineHandler.Instance.MachineList.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No machines configured/loaded. Please load or configure the plant machines before generating schedule.");
            if (!StaticFactoryValuesManager.Loaded)
                if (!StaticFactoryValuesManager.Loaded)
                    MessageBox.Show("No machines configured/loaded. Please load or configure the plant machines before generating schedule.");


                CoatingScheduleWindow scheduleWindow = new CoatingScheduleWindow(schedule);
                PressScheduleWindow pressScheduleWindow = new PressScheduleWindow();

                // add the first shift to the schedule
                scheduleDay      = (CoatingScheduleDay)schedule.ChildrenLogic[0];
                scheduleDay.Date = GenerationSettings.StartGen;
                scheduleLine = (CoatingScheduleLine)scheduleDay.ChildrenLogic[0];


                // get list of items that can be made in the coating plant
                List <ProductMasterItem> masterItemsAvailableToMake =
                        m => m.MadeIn.ToUpper().Equals("COATING")).ToList();

                List <ProductMasterItem> unmakeableItems =
                        item => MachineHandler.Instance.AllConfigurations.All(c => !c.CanMake(item))).ToList();

                if (unmakeableItems.Any())
                    StringBuilder badItems = new StringBuilder();
                    badItems.AppendLine("No configuration found for " + unmakeableItems.Count + " items:");
                    foreach (var productMasterItem in unmakeableItems)
                        "Please note that these items cannot be scheduled in coating until they have configurations that output their masterID.");

                // While we have not reached the end of the schedule
                while (GenerationData.CurrentDay <= GenerationSettings.EndGen)
                    int  itemIndex    = 0;
                    bool wasScheduled = false;
                    bool skipShift    = false;

                    // attempt to schedule the highest priority item until the line is full. Also as long as we have not tried every item on this shift
                    while (GenerationData.ScheduledItem.Any(s => !s.Value) && !LineIsFull() && !skipShift && GenerationData.CurrentDay <= GenerationSettings.EndGen)
                        wasScheduled = false;
                        // try each coating line
                        for (var index = 0; GenerationData.CurrentDay <= GenerationSettings.EndGen && index < StaticFactoryValuesManager.CoatingLines.Count; index++)
                            var coatingLine = StaticFactoryValuesManager.CoatingLines[index];
                            // Get item with highest priority
                            GenerationData.CreatePriorityList(masterItemsAvailableToMake, coatingLine);

                            if (itemIndex >= GenerationData.PriorityList.Count)
                                skipShift = true;

                            // Use the next item in the prereq. list as the most favorable.
                            PriorityItem currentItem = GenerationData.GetPriorityItem(itemIndex);

                            if (currentItem.Item.MadeIn.ToUpper().Equals("COATING"))
                                wasScheduled = ScheduleCoating(currentItem.Item, coatingLine);
                            else if (currentItem.Item.MadeIn.ToUpper().Equals("PRESS"))
                                // make the target supply, unless 0, then use 1 and fill.
                                var unitsToMake = currentItem.Item.TargetSupply > 0 ? currentItem.Item.TargetSupply : 1;
                                // should have a sale if scheduling here.
                                var sale =
                                    GenerationData.SalesList.FirstOrDefault(s => s.MasterID == currentItem.Item.MasterID);
                                if (sale != null)
                                    unitsToMake = sale.PiecesToMake * currentItem.Item.PiecesPerUnit;
                                SchedulePress(currentItem.Item, unitsToMake);
                                wasScheduled = true; // don't move on due to a press scheduling.
                                // error
                                    "ERROR: Attempted to schedule item that cannot be made in coating or press. Could not make item " + currentItem.Item);
                            // move to next item

                            // Check if all the lines have been scheduled or if we have tried all the items and none can be scheduled, move on
                            if (GenerationData.ScheduledItem.All(s => s.Value) ||
                                itemIndex >= GenerationData.PriorityList.Count)
                        if (!wasScheduled)
                            // move to the next item, as the highest priority item can't be made currently.

                    // if all items have been run, reset the counter. If there have been no schedulings, then also add a shift
                    if (skipShift || LineIsFull())

                while (_errors.Count > 0)

                MessageBox.Show("Schedule done generating");
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #24
 public PlainTextStream(string fp, PriorityItem p)
     path     = fp;
     priority = p;
Пример #25
 public PlainTextStream(string fp, Encoding enc, PriorityItem p)
     path     = fp;
     encoding = enc;
     priority = p;
Пример #26
 public PlainTextStream(string fp, PriorityItem p, bool caseSensitive)
     path          = fp;
     priority      = p;
     CaseSensitive = caseSensitive;
Пример #27
        private void SetCommandFactoryFromCommand(ICommand command)
            this.updatePriority = PriorityItem.Command;

            if (CommandProvider == null) {

            this.updatePriority = PriorityItem.None;

            if (command == null) {
                CommandFactory = null;


            this.allowPropertyBehaviours = false;

            try {
                CommandFactory = CoerceCommandFactory(command.GetFactory());
            } finally {
                this.allowPropertyBehaviours = true;
Пример #28
 public PlainTextStream(Stream s, PriorityItem p)
     stream   = s;
     priority = p;
Пример #29
 public PlainTextStream(Stream s, Encoding enc, PriorityItem p)
     stream   = s;
     encoding = enc;
     priority = p;