Пример #1
        private void mitemFilePrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrinterCE prce = null;

                // Create PrinterCE object needed for printing.
                prce = new PrinterCE("LICENSE KEY");

                // Select font.
                prce.FontName = tboxInput.Font.Name;
                prce.FontSize = (int)(tboxInput.Font.Size * (-1));

                // Connect to printer.

                // Print
                PrintJob_Field.PrintText(tboxInput, prce);
            catch (PrinterCEException)
                MessageBox.Show("PrinterCE Exception", "Exception");
                if (prce != null)
                    // Disconnect from printer.
                prce = null;
Пример #2
        public static void PrintText(TextBox textIn, PrinterCE prce)
            // Define drawing coordinates
            // Units are pixels
            prce.ScaleMode = PrinterCE.MEASUREMENT_UNITS.PIXELS;

            // Get device resolution
            double cxyInch = prce.PrinterResolution;

            // Set margins to 1-inch.
            prce.PrLeftMargin   = cxyInch;
            prce.PrTopMargin    = cxyInch;
            prce.PrRightMargin  = cxyInch;
            prce.PrBottomMargin = cxyInch;

            // Calculate page size.
            double cxPhysPage = prce.PrPgWidth;
            double cyPhysPage = prce.PrPgHeight;

            // Calculate line height.
            // For timing tests, hard-code this value to
            // 46 for line height for 10 Point Courier New.
            double cyLineHeight = prce.GetStringHeight;

            // Init text drawing coordinates;
            double xText = 0;
            double yText = 0;

            // Calculate page boundaries
            double yFirst = yText;
            double yLast  = cyPhysPage;

            // Split input data into separate lines of text.
            char []   achNewLine = new char[] { '\n' };
            String [] astrSplit;
            astrSplit = textIn.Text.Split(achNewLine);

            // Check for longest string in the document
            int i;
            int cchMax = 0;
            int cstr   = astrSplit.Length;

            for (i = 0; i < cstr; i++)
                if (astrSplit[i].Length > cchMax)
                    cchMax = astrSplit[i].Length;

            // Set iEnd -- trim extra carriage-return from text
            int  iEnd      = 0;
            int  cchString = astrSplit[0].Length;
            char ch        = astrSplit[0][cchString - 1];

            if (ch == '\r')
                iEnd = -1;

            // Loop on available strings.
            for (i = 0; i < cstr; i++)
                cchString = astrSplit[i].Length;
                if (cchString > 0)
                    // Draw line of text.
                    prce.DrawText(astrSplit[i], xText, yText,
                                  cchString + iEnd);

                // Advance to next line.
                yText += cyLineHeight;

                // Skip to next page (if not at end of document)
                if (yText >= yLast && (i + 1) < cstr)
                    yText = yFirst;

            // End of page & end of document.
        } // PrintText()