static async Task Main(string[] args) { CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource(); var config = new StreamConfig(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; config.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092"; // NEED FOR SchemaAvroSerDes config.SchemaRegistryUrl = "http://localhost:8081"; config.AutoRegisterSchemas = true; StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder(); var table = builder.Table("product", new Int32SerDes(), new SchemaAvroSerDes <Product>(), InMemory <int, Product> .As("product-store")); var orders = builder.Stream <int, Order, Int32SerDes, SchemaAvroSerDes <Order> >("orders"); orders.Join(table, (order, product) => new OrderProduct { order_id = order.order_id, price = order.price, product_id = product.product_id, product_name =, product_price = product.price }) .To <Int32SerDes, SchemaAvroSerDes <OrderProduct> >("orders-output"); orders .GroupByKey() .Aggregate <OrderAgg, SchemaAvroSerDes <OrderAgg> >( () => new OrderAgg(), (key, order, agg) => { agg.order_id = order.order_id; agg.price = order.price; agg.product_id = order.product_id; agg.totalPrice += order.price; return(agg); }) .ToStream() .Print(Printed <int, OrderAgg> .ToOut()); Topology t = builder.Build(); KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStream(t, config); Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) => { stream.Dispose(); }; await stream.StartAsync(); }
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; config.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092"; StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder(); IKStream <string, string> kStream = builder.Stream <string, string>("test-topic"); kStream.Print(Printed <string, string> .ToOut()); Topology t = builder.Build(); KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStream(t, config); Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) => stream.Dispose(); await stream.StartAsync(); }
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) { var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; config.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092"; config.AutoOffsetReset = Confluent.Kafka.AutoOffsetReset.Earliest; config.StateDir = Path.Combine(".", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder(); builder .Table("table", RocksDb <string, string> .As("table-store").WithLoggingEnabled()) .ToStream() .Print(Printed <string, string> .ToOut()); Topology t = builder.Build(); KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStream(t, config); await stream.StartAsync(stoppingToken); }
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; config.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9093"; StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder(); builder.Stream <string, string>("evenements") .GroupByKey() .WindowedBy(TumblingWindowOptions.Of(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))) .Aggregate(() => "", (k, v, va) => va += v) .ToStream() .Print(Printed <Windowed <String>, String> .ToOut()); Topology t = builder.Build(); KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStream(t, config); Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) => stream.Dispose(); await stream.StartAsync(); }
public async Task process(IConfiguration config) { // creando AvroSchemas from clases AvroSerializerSettings settings = new AvroSerializerSettings(); settings.Resolver = new AvroPublicMemberContractResolver(); var endpontSchema = AvroSerializer.Create <Endpoint> (settings).WriterSchema.ToString(); var messageDSchema = AvroSerializer.Create <MessageDestination> (settings).WriterSchema.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Endpoint Schema: " + endpontSchema); Console.WriteLine("Message Destination Schema: " + messageDSchema); Console.WriteLine("RouterProcess"); var sConfig = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes> (); sConfig.ApplicationId = config["SPRING_CLOUD_APPLICATION_GROUP"]; sConfig.BootstrapServers = config["SPRING_CLOUD_STREAM_KAFKA_BINDER_BROKERS"]; sConfig.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest; sConfig.SchemaRegistryUrl = config["SchemaRegistryUrl"]; sConfig.AutoRegisterSchemas = true; sConfig.NumStreamThreads = 1; sConfig.Acks = Acks.All; //sConfig.Debug = "consumer,cgrp,topic,fetch"; sConfig.AddConsumerConfig("", "true"); sConfig.MaxTaskIdleMs = 50; sConfig.InnerExceptionHandler = (e) => ExceptionHandlerResponse.CONTINUE; var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; MessageDestination op = new MessageDestination(); var serializer = new SchemaAvroSerDes <OrderProduct>(); StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder(); var table = builder.Table(config["endpoints"], new Int32SerDes(), new SchemaAvroSerDes <Endpoint> (), InMemory <int, Endpoint> .As(config["endpoints-table"])); builder.Stream <int, OrderProduct, Int32SerDes, SchemaAvroSerDes <OrderProduct> >(config[""]) .Map <int, OrderProduct>((k, v) => { return(KeyValuePair.Create(v.product_id, v)); }) .Peek((k, v) => { Console.WriteLine($"Sending message {k} to endpoint {v.product_id}"); //calcular metrica }) .Join(table, (orderProduct, endpoint) => { Console.WriteLine("OrderProduct: " + orderProduct?.order_id); Console.WriteLine("Endpoint: " + endpoint?.endpoint_id); op = new MessageDestination { messageId = orderProduct.order_id, endpoint = endpoint, payload = orderProduct }; return(op); }) .Peek((k, v) => { Console.WriteLine($"Sending message {k} to endpoint {v.endpoint.endpoint_url}"); // crear metricas if (_messageCounterList != null) { var counterMessage = Metrics .CreateCounter($"router_{v.endpoint.endpoint_id}_processed_total", $"Number of messages sent to {v.endpoint.endpoint_url}"); counterMessage.Inc(); _messageCounterList.Add(counterMessage); } }) .Print(Printed <int, MessageDestination> .ToOut()); Topology t = builder.Build(); Console.WriteLine(t.Describe()); KafkaStream stream = new KafkaStream(t, sConfig); bool isRunningState = false; stream.StateChanged += (old, @new) => { if (@new.Equals(KafkaStream.State.RUNNING)) { isRunningState = true; } }; await stream.StartAsync(); while (!isRunningState) { Thread.Sleep(250); if (DateTime.Now > dt + timeout) { break; } } if (isRunningState) { Console.WriteLine("Stream running state is " + isRunningState.ToString()); } }