//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void writeArcViewFile(String instrfile, String outstrfile, String[] new_comments) throws java.io.IOException public virtual void writeArcViewFile(string instrfile, string outstrfile, string[] new_comments) { string rtn = "StateMod_DeltaPlot.writeArcViewFile"; PrintWriter @out = null; if (Message.isDebugOn) { Message.printDebug(2, rtn, "in writeArcViewFile printing file: " + outstrfile); } try { @out = new PrintWriter(new FileStream(outstrfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); this.writeArcViewFile(@out); @out.flush(); @out.close(); @out = null; rtn = null; } catch (Exception e) { if (@out != null) { @out.close(); } @out = null; rtn = null; Message.printWarning(2, rtn, e); throw new IOException(e.Message); } }
public virtual void dumpDot(PrintWriter @out) { @out.write("digraph \"CART Tree\" {\n"); @out.write("rankdir = LR\n"); DecisionTree.Node[] array = this.cart; int num = array.Length; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { DecisionTree.Node node = array[i]; @out.println(new StringBuilder().append("\t\"node").append(Object.instancehelper_hashCode(node)).append("\" [ label=\"").append(Object.instancehelper_toString(node)).append("\", color=").append(this.dumpDotNodeColor(node)).append(", shape=").append(this.dumpDotNodeShape(node)).append(" ]\n").toString()); if (node is DecisionTree.DecisionNode) { DecisionTree.DecisionNode decisionNode = (DecisionTree.DecisionNode)node; if (decisionNode.qtrue < this.cart.Length && this.cart[decisionNode.qtrue] != null) { @out.write(new StringBuilder().append("\t\"node").append(Object.instancehelper_hashCode(node)).append("\" -> \"node").append(Object.instancehelper_hashCode(this.cart[decisionNode.qtrue])).append("\" [ label=TRUE ]\n").toString()); } if (decisionNode.qfalse < this.cart.Length && this.cart[decisionNode.qfalse] != null) { @out.write(new StringBuilder().append("\t\"node").append(Object.instancehelper_hashCode(node)).append("\" -> \"node").append(Object.instancehelper_hashCode(this.cart[decisionNode.qfalse])).append("\" [ label=FALSE ]\n").toString()); } } } @out.write("}\n"); @out.close(); }
/// <summary> /// Write a list of StateCU_ClimateStation to a file. The filename is adjusted /// to the working directory if necessary using IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(). </summary> /// <param name="filenamePrev"> The name of the previous version of the file (for processing headers). /// Specify as null if no previous file is available. </param> /// <param name="filename"> The name of the file to write. </param> /// <param name="dataList"> A list of StateCU_ClimateStation to write. </param> /// <param name="newComments"> Comments to add to the top of the file. Specify as null if no comments are available. </param> /// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is an error writing the file. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeStateCUFile(String filenamePrev, String filename, java.util.List<StateCU_ClimateStation> dataList, java.util.List<String> newComments) throws java.io.IOException public static void writeStateCUFile(string filenamePrev, string filename, IList <StateCU_ClimateStation> dataList, IList <string> newComments) { IList <string> comment_str = new List <string>(1); comment_str.Add("#"); IList <string> ignore_comment_str = new List <string>(1); ignore_comment_str.Add("#>"); PrintWriter @out = null; try { string full_filename_prev = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filenamePrev); string full_filename = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(full_filename_prev, full_filename, newComments, comment_str, ignore_comment_str, 0); if (@out == null) { throw new IOException("Error writing to \"" + full_filename + "\""); } writeStateCUFile(dataList, @out); } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } } }
private static void exportFst(Fst fst, string text) { FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(text); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter); State start = fst.getStart(); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append(start.getId()).append("\t").append(start.getFinalWeight()).toString()); int numStates = fst.getNumStates(); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { State state = fst.getState(i); if (state.getId() != fst.getStart().getId()) { printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append(state.getId()).append("\t").append(state.getFinalWeight()).toString()); } } string[] isyms = fst.getIsyms(); string[] osyms = fst.getOsyms(); numStates = fst.getNumStates(); for (int j = 0; j < numStates; j++) { State state2 = fst.getState(j); int numArcs = state2.getNumArcs(); for (int k = 0; k < numArcs; k++) { Arc arc = state2.getArc(k); string text2 = (isyms == null) ? Integer.toString(arc.getIlabel()) : isyms[arc.getIlabel()]; string text3 = (osyms == null) ? Integer.toString(arc.getOlabel()) : osyms[arc.getOlabel()]; printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append(state2.getId()).append("\t").append(arc.getNextState().getId()).append("\t").append(text2).append("\t").append(text3).append("\t").append(arc.getWeight()).toString()); } } printWriter.close(); }
public virtual void save(string name) { try { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(name)); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append(this.ngauss).append(" ").append(this.ncoefs).toString()); for (int i = 0; i < this.ngauss; i++) { printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("gauss ").append(i).append(' ').append(this.getWeight(i)).toString()); for (int j = 0; j < this.ncoefs; j++) { printWriter.print(new StringBuilder().append(this.means[i][j]).append(" ").toString()); } printWriter.println(); for (int j = 0; j < this.ncoefs; j++) { printWriter.print(new StringBuilder().append(this.getVar(i, j)).append(" ").toString()); } printWriter.println(); } printWriter.println(this.nT); printWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(ex); } }
public virtual void store(string filePath, int index) { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(filePath, "UTF-8"); printWriter.println("1"); printWriter.println(this.loader.getNumStreams()); for (int i = 0; i < this.loader.getNumStreams(); i++) { printWriter.println(this.loader.getVectorLength()[i]); for (int j = 0; j < this.loader.getVectorLength()[i]; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < this.loader.getVectorLength()[i]; k++) { printWriter.print(this.As[index][i][j][k]); printWriter.print(" "); } printWriter.println(); } for (int j = 0; j < this.loader.getVectorLength()[i]; j++) { printWriter.print(this.Bs[index][i][j]); printWriter.print(" "); } printWriter.println(); for (int j = 0; j < this.loader.getVectorLength()[i]; j++) { printWriter.print("1.0 "); } printWriter.println(); } printWriter.close(); }
public void ToTxt(string absoluteFilePath, string outputPath) { using (PDDocument pdf = PDDocument.load(new java.io.File(absoluteFilePath))) { Writer output = new PrintWriter(outputPath, "utf-8"); //new PDFDomTree().writeText(pdf, output); output.close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Exports a list of strings to a file. </summary> /// <param name="filename"> the name of the file to write. </param> /// <param name="strings"> a non-null Vector of Strings, each element of which will be /// another line in the file. </param> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: protected void export(String filename, java.util.List<String> strings) throws Exception protected internal virtual void export(string filename, IList <string> strings) { string routine = "StateMod_Data_JFrame.export"; // First see if we can write the file given the security // settings... if (!SecurityCheck.canWriteFile(filename)) { Message.printWarning(1, routine, "Cannot save \"" + filename + "\"."); throw new Exception("Security check failed - unable to write \"" + filename + "\""); } JGUIUtil.setWaitCursor(this, true); // Create a new FileOutputStream wrapped with a DataOutputStream // for writing to a file. PrintWriter oStream = null; try { oStream = new PrintWriter(new StreamWriter(filename)); } catch (Exception) { JGUIUtil.setWaitCursor(this, false); throw new Exception("Error opening file \"" + filename + "\"."); } try { // Write each element of the strings Vector to a file. // For some reason, when just using println in an // applet, the cr-nl pair is not output like it should // be on Windows95. Java Bug??? string linesep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); int size = strings.Count; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { oStream.print(strings[i].ToString() + linesep); } oStream.flush(); oStream.close(); } catch (Exception) { JGUIUtil.setWaitCursor(this, false); throw new Exception("Error writing to file \"" + filename + "\"."); } JGUIUtil.setWaitCursor(this, false); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void dumpIndexFile(String filename) throws java.io.IOException, java.io.FileNotFoundException public virtual void dumpIndexFile(string filename) { PrintWriter @out = new PrintWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write)); @out.println(" Start Size Name"); string[] files = listDirectory(""); long totalSize = dumpIndexRecursive(@out, "", files); long imageSize = ((long)numSectors) * sectorLength; @out.println(string.Format("Total Size {0,10:D}", totalSize)); @out.println(string.Format("Image Size {0,10:D}", imageSize)); @out.println(string.Format("Missing {0,10:D} ({1:D} sectors)", imageSize - totalSize, numSectors - (totalSize / sectorLength))); @out.close(); }
public virtual void close() { try { this.Println(FrameType.CLOSE.ToString()); @in.Close(); @out.close(); socket.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Console.Write(ex.StackTrace); } }
private static void exportSymbols(string[] array, string text) { if (array == null) { return; } FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(text); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string text2 = array[i]; printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append(text2).append("\t").append(i).toString()); } printWriter.close(); }
public virtual void dumpDot(string path) { try { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(path)); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("digraph \"").append(path).append("\" {").toString()); printWriter.println("rankdir = LR\n"); this.traverseDot(printWriter, new HashSet()); printWriter.println("}"); printWriter.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { [email protected](new StringBuilder().append("Can't write to ").append(path).append(' ').append(ex).toString()); } return; }
public virtual void saveHTK(string nomFich, string nomHMM, string parmKind) { try { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(nomFich)); printWriter.println("~o"); printWriter.println("<HMMSETID> tree"); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<STREAMINFO> 1 ").append(this.getNcoefs()).toString()); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<VECSIZE> ").append(this.getNcoefs()).append("<NULLD>").append(parmKind).append("<DIAGC>").toString()); printWriter.println("~r \"rtree_1\""); printWriter.println("<REGTREE> 1"); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<TNODE> 1 ").append(this.getNgauss()).toString()); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("~h \"").append(nomHMM).append('"').toString()); printWriter.println("<BEGINHMM>"); printWriter.println("<NUMSTATES> 3"); printWriter.println("<STATE> 2"); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<NUMMIXES> ").append(this.getNgauss()).toString()); for (int i = 1; i <= this.getNgauss(); i++) { printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<MIXTURE> ").append(i).append(' ').append(this.getWeight(i - 1)).toString()); printWriter.println("<RCLASS> 1"); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<MEAN> ").append(this.getNcoefs()).toString()); for (int j = 0; j < this.getNcoefs(); j++) { printWriter.print(new StringBuilder().append(this.getMean(i - 1, j)).append(" ").toString()); } printWriter.println(); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("<VARIANCE> ").append(this.getNcoefs()).toString()); for (int j = 0; j < this.getNcoefs(); j++) { printWriter.print(new StringBuilder().append(this.getVar(i - 1, j)).append(" ").toString()); } printWriter.println(); } printWriter.println("<TRANSP> 3"); printWriter.println("0 1 0"); printWriter.println("0 0.7 0.3"); printWriter.println("0 0 0"); printWriter.println("<ENDHMM>"); printWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(ex); } }
internal virtual void convertMMF(string text) { IOException ex2; try { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(text)); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new StringBuilder().append(text).append(".conv").toString())); for (;;) { string text2 = bufferedReader.readLine(); if (text2 == null) { break; } int num = String.instancehelper_indexOf(text2, "~h"); if (num >= 0) { num = String.instancehelper_indexOf(text2, 34); int num2 = String.instancehelper_lastIndexOf(text2, 34); string text3 = String.instancehelper_substring(text2, num + 1, num2); this.split3ph(text3); string text4 = this.conv3ph(); printWriter.println(new StringBuilder().append("~h \"").append(text4).append('"').toString()); } else { printWriter.println(text2); } } printWriter.close(); bufferedReader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex2 = ex; goto IL_D2; } return; IL_D2: IOException ex3 = ex2; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(ex3); }
private void saveWhiteList() { try { var printwriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(whitelistPlayersFile, false)); string s; for (Iterator iterator = whiteListedIPs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); printwriter.println(s)) { s = (string)iterator.next(); } printwriter.close(); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.warning((new StringBuilder()).append("Failed to save white-list: ").append(exception).toString()); } }
private void saveOps() { try { var printwriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(opFile, false)); string s; for (Iterator iterator = ops.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); printwriter.println(s)) { s = (string)iterator.next(); } printwriter.close(); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.warning((new StringBuilder()).append("Failed to save ip ban list: ").append(exception).toString()); } }
/// <summary> /// this test compares search results when using and not using compound /// files. /// /// TODO: There is rudimentary search result validation as well, but it is /// simply based on asserting the output observed in the old test case, /// without really knowing if the output is correct. Someone needs to /// validate this output and make any changes to the checkHits method. /// </summary> public virtual void TestRun() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); int MAX_DOCS = atLeast(225); DoTest(random(), pw, false, MAX_DOCS); pw.close(); sw.close(); string multiFileOutput = sw.ToString(); //System.out.println(multiFileOutput); sw = new StringWriter(); pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); DoTest(random(), pw, true, MAX_DOCS); pw.close(); sw.close(); string singleFileOutput = sw.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(multiFileOutput, singleFileOutput); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { PrintWriter @out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[1])))); DataInputStream @in = new DataInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(args[0]))); double d; try { while (true) { @out.println(@in.readDouble()); } } catch (Exception) { } @out.close(); @in.close(); }
/// <summary> /// this test performs a number of searches. It also compares output /// of searches using multi-file index segments with single-file /// index segments. /// /// TODO: someone should check that the results of the searches are /// still correct by adding assert statements. Right now, the test /// passes if the results are the same between multi-file and /// single-file formats, even if the results are wrong. /// </summary> public virtual void TestSearch() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); DoTestSearch(random(), pw, false); pw.close(); sw.close(); string multiFileOutput = sw.ToString(); //System.out.println(multiFileOutput); sw = new StringWriter(); pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); DoTestSearch(random(), pw, true); pw.close(); sw.close(); string singleFileOutput = sw.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(multiFileOutput, singleFileOutput); }
/// <summary> /// Write a list of StateCU_BlaneyCriddle to a file. The filename is adjusted to /// the working directory if necessary using IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(). </summary> /// <param name="filename_prev"> The name of the previous version of the file (for /// processing headers). Specify as null if no previous file is available. </param> /// <param name="filename"> The name of the file to write. </param> /// <param name="data_Vector"> A list of StateCU_BlaneyCriddle to write. </param> /// <param name="new_comments"> Comments to add to the top of the file. Specify as null /// if no comments are available. </param> /// <param name="props"> Properties to control the output. Currently only the /// optional Precision property can be set, indicating how many digits after the /// decimal should be printed (default is 3). </param> /// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is an error writing the file. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeStateCUFile(String filename_prev, String filename, java.util.List<StateCU_BlaneyCriddle> data_Vector, java.util.List<String> new_comments, RTi.Util.IO.PropList props) throws java.io.IOException public static void writeStateCUFile(string filename_prev, string filename, IList <StateCU_BlaneyCriddle> data_Vector, IList <string> new_comments, PropList props) { IList <string> comment_str = new List <string>(1); comment_str.Add("#"); IList <string> ignore_comment_str = new List <string>(1); ignore_comment_str.Add("#>"); PrintWriter @out = null; string full_filename_prev = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename_prev); string full_filename = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(full_filename_prev, full_filename, new_comments, comment_str, ignore_comment_str, 0); if (@out == null) { throw new IOException("Error writing to \"" + full_filename + "\""); } writeVector(data_Vector, @out, props); @out.flush(); @out.close(); @out = null; }
public virtual void dumpRandomSentences(string path, int count) { try { HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(path)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string randomSentence = this.getRandomSentence(); if (!hashSet.contains(randomSentence)) { hashSet.add(randomSentence); printWriter.println(randomSentence); } } printWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { this.logger.severe(new StringBuilder().append("Can't write random sentences to ").append(path).append(' ').append(ex).toString()); } }
public static void save(ConfigurationManager cm, File cmLocation) { if (!String.instancehelper_endsWith(cmLocation.getName(), ".sxl")) { java.lang.System.err.println("WARNING: Serialized s4-configuration should have the suffix '.sxl'"); } if (!ConfigurationManagerUtils.assertionsDisabled && cm == null) { throw new AssertionError(); } try { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cmLocation), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); string text = ConfigurationManagerUtils.toXML(cm); printWriter.print(text); printWriter.flush(); printWriter.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(ex); } }
public virtual void dumpGDL(string path) { try { try { PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(path)); printWriter.println("graph: {"); printWriter.println(" orientation: left_to_right"); printWriter.println(" layout_algorithm: dfs"); this.traverseGDL(printWriter, new HashSet()); printWriter.println("}"); printWriter.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { [email protected](new StringBuilder().append("Can't write to ").append(path).append(' ').append(ex).toString()); } } catch (IOException ex3) { [email protected](new StringBuilder().append("Trouble writing to ").append(path).append(' ').append(ex3).toString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a list of StateCU_ClimateStation objects to a list file. A header is /// printed to the top of the file, containing the commands used to generate the /// file. Any strings in the body of the file that contain the field delimiter will be wrapped in "...". </summary> /// <param name="filename"> the name of the file to which the data will be written. </param> /// <param name="delimiter"> the delimiter to use for separating field values. </param> /// <param name="update"> whether to update an existing file, retaining the current </param> /// header (true) or to create a new file with a new header<param name="data"> the Vector of objects to write. </param> /// <param name="outputComments"> Comments to add to the header, usually the command file and database information. </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeListFile(String filename, String delimiter, boolean update, java.util.List<StateCU_ClimateStation> data, java.util.List<String> outputComments) throws Exception public static void writeListFile(string filename, string delimiter, bool update, IList <StateCU_ClimateStation> data, IList <string> outputComments) { int size = 0; if (data != null) { size = data.Count; } IList <string> fields = new List <string>(); fields.Add("ID"); fields.Add("Name"); fields.Add("Latitude"); fields.Add("Elevation"); fields.Add("Region1"); fields.Add("Region2"); fields.Add("HeightHumidity"); fields.Add("HeightWind"); int fieldCount = fields.Count; string[] names = new string[fieldCount]; string[] formats = new string[fieldCount]; int comp = StateCU_DataSet.COMP_CLIMATE_STATIONS; string s = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { s = fields[i]; names[i] = StateCU_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "FieldName", s); formats[i] = StateCU_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "Format", s); } string oldFile = null; if (update) { oldFile = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); } int j = 0; PrintWriter @out = null; StateCU_ClimateStation cli = null; IList <string> commentString = new List <string>(1); commentString.Add("#"); IList <string> ignoreCommentString = new List <string>(1); ignoreCommentString.Add("#>"); string[] line = new string[fieldCount]; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try { // Add some basic comments at the top of the file. However, do this to a copy of the // incoming comments so that they are not modified in the calling code. IList <string> newComments2 = null; if (outputComments == null) { newComments2 = new List <string>(); } else { newComments2 = new List <string>(outputComments); } newComments2.Insert(0, ""); newComments2.Insert(1, "StateCU climate stations as a delimited list file."); newComments2.Insert(2, ""); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(oldFile, IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename), newComments2, commentString, ignoreCommentString, 0); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { buffer.Append("\"" + names[i] + "\""); if (i < (fieldCount - 1)) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cli = data[i]; line[0] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getID(), formats[0]).Trim(); line[1] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getName(), formats[1]).Trim(); line[2] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getLatitude(), formats[2]).Trim(); line[3] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getElevation(), formats[3]).Trim(); line[4] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getRegion1(), formats[4]).Trim(); line[5] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getRegion2(), formats[5]).Trim(); line[6] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getZh(), formats[6]).Trim(); line[7] = StringUtil.formatString(cli.getZm(), formats[7]).Trim(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (j = 0; j < fieldCount; j++) { if (line[j].IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { line[j] = "\"" + line[j] + "\""; } buffer.Append(line[j]); if (j < (fieldCount - 1)) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); } } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a list of StateMod_RiverNetworkNode objects to a list file. A header /// is printed to the top of the file, containing the commands used to generate the /// file. Any strings in the body of the file that contain the field delimiter will be wrapped in "...". </summary> /// <param name="filename"> the name of the file to which the data will be written. </param> /// <param name="delimiter"> the delimiter to use for separating field values. </param> /// <param name="update"> whether to update an existing file, retaining the current /// header (true) or to create a new file with a new header. </param> /// <param name="data"> the list of objects to write. </param> /// <param name="newComments"> new comments to add to the file header. </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeListFile(String filename, String delimiter, boolean update, java.util.List<StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> data, java.util.List<String> newComments) throws Exception public static void writeListFile(string filename, string delimiter, bool update, IList <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> data, IList <string> newComments) { string routine = "StateMod_RiverNetworkNode.writeListFile"; int size = 0; if (data != null) { size = data.Count; } IList <string> fields = new List <string>(); fields.Add("ID"); fields.Add("Name"); fields.Add("DownstreamID"); fields.Add("Comment"); fields.Add("GWMaxRecharge"); int fieldCount = fields.Count; string[] names = new string[fieldCount]; string[] formats = new string[fieldCount]; int comp = StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RIVER_NETWORK; string s = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { s = fields[i]; names[i] = StateMod_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "FieldName", s); formats[i] = StateMod_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "Format", s); } string oldFile = null; if (update) { oldFile = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); } int j = 0; PrintWriter @out = null; StateMod_RiverNetworkNode rnn = null; string[] line = new string[fieldCount]; IList <string> commentIndicators = new List <string>(1); commentIndicators.Add("#"); IList <string> ignoredCommentIndicators = new List <string>(1); ignoredCommentIndicators.Add("#>"); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try { // Add some basic comments at the top of the file. Do this to a copy of the // incoming comments so that they are not modified in the calling code. IList <string> newComments2 = null; if (newComments == null) { newComments2 = new List <string>(); } else { newComments2 = new List <string>(newComments); } newComments2.Insert(0, ""); newComments2.Insert(1, "StateMod river network as a delimited list file."); newComments2.Insert(2, "See also the generalized network file."); newComments2.Insert(3, ""); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(oldFile, IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename), newComments2, commentIndicators, ignoredCommentIndicators, 0); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } buffer.Append("\"" + names[i] + "\""); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { rnn = (StateMod_RiverNetworkNode)data[i]; line[0] = StringUtil.formatString(rnn.getID(), formats[0]).Trim(); line[1] = StringUtil.formatString(rnn.getName(), formats[1]).Trim(); line[2] = StringUtil.formatString(rnn.getCstadn(), formats[2]).Trim(); line[3] = StringUtil.formatString(rnn.getComment(), formats[3]).Trim(); line[4] = StringUtil.formatString(rnn.getGwmaxr(), formats[4]).Trim(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (j = 0; j < fieldCount; j++) { if (j > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } if (line[j].IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { line[j] = "\"" + line[j] + "\""; } buffer.Append(line[j]); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(3, routine, e); throw e; } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Write the new (updated) river network file to the StateMod river network /// file. If an original file is specified, then the original header is carried into the new file. </summary> /// <param name="infile"> Name of old file or null if no old file to update. </param> /// <param name="outfile"> Name of new file to create (can be the same as the old file). </param> /// <param name="theRivs"> list of StateMod_RiverNetworkNode to write. </param> /// <param name="newcomments"> New comments to write in the file header. </param> /// <param name="doWell"> Indicates whether well modeling fields should be written. </param> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeStateModFile(String infile, String outfile, java.util.List<StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> theRivs, java.util.List<String> newcomments, boolean doWell) throws Exception public static void writeStateModFile(string infile, string outfile, IList <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> theRivs, IList <string> newcomments, bool doWell) { PrintWriter @out = null; IList <string> commentIndicators = new List <string>(1); commentIndicators.Add("#"); IList <string> ignoredCommentIndicators = new List <string>(1); ignoredCommentIndicators.Add("#>"); string routine = "StateMod_RiverNetworkNode.writeStateModFile"; if (Message.isDebugOn) { Message.printDebug(2, routine, "Writing river network file \"" + outfile + "\" using \"" + infile + "\" header..."); } try { // Process the header from the old file... @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(infile), IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(outfile), newcomments, commentIndicators, ignoredCommentIndicators, 0); string cmnt = "#>"; string iline = null; string format = null; StateMod_RiverNetworkNode riv = null; @out.println(cmnt + " *******************************************************"); @out.println(cmnt + " StateMod River Network File"); @out.println(cmnt + " WARNING - if .net file is available, it should be edited and the .rin"); @out.println(cmnt + " file should be created from the .net"); @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " format: (a12, a24, a12, 1x, a12, 1x, f8.0)"); @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " ID cstaid: Station ID"); @out.println(cmnt + " Name stanam: Station name"); @out.println(cmnt + " Downstream cstadn: Downstream node ID"); @out.println(cmnt + " Comment comment: Alternate identifier/comment."); @out.println(cmnt + " GWMax gwmaxr: Max recharge limit (cfs) - see iwell in control file."); @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " ID Name DownStream Comment GWMax "); @out.println(cmnt + "---------eb----------------------eb----------exb----------exb------e"); if (doWell) { format = "%-12.12s%-24.24s%-12.12s %-12.12s %8.8s"; } else { format = "%-12.12s%-24.24s%-12.12s %-12.12s"; } @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + "EndHeader"); @out.println(cmnt); int num = 0; if (theRivs != null) { num = theRivs.Count; } IList <object> v = new List <object>(5); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { riv = theRivs[i]; v.Clear(); v.Add(riv.getID()); v.Add(riv.getName()); v.Add(riv.getCstadn()); v.Add(riv.getComment()); if (doWell) { // Format as string since main format uses string. v.Add(StringUtil.formatString(riv.getGwmaxr(), "%8.0f")); } iline = StringUtil.formatString(v, format); @out.println(iline); } } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(3, routine, e); throw e; } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Write the new (updated) delay table file. This routine writes the new delay /// table file. If an original file is specified, then the original header is /// carried into the new file. The writing of data is done by the dumpDelayFile /// routine which now does not mess with headers. </summary> /// <param name="inputFile"> old file (used as input) </param> /// <param name="outputFile"> new file to create </param> /// <param name="dly"> list of delays </param> /// <param name="newcomments"> new comments to save with the header of the file </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeStateCUFile(String inputFile, String outputFile, java.util.List<DWR.StateMod.StateMod_DelayTable> dly, java.util.List<String> newcomments) throws Exception public static void writeStateCUFile(string inputFile, string outputFile, IList <StateMod_DelayTable> dly, IList <string> newcomments) { PrintWriter @out = null; IList <string> commentStr = new List <string>(1); commentStr.Add("#"); IList <string> ignoreCommentStr = new List <string>(1); ignoreCommentStr.Add("#>"); string routine = "StateMod_DelayTable.writeStateCUFile"; Message.printStatus(2, routine, "Writing new delay table to file \"" + outputFile + "\" using \"" + inputFile + "\" header..."); try { // Process the header from the old file... @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(inputFile), IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(outputFile), newcomments, commentStr, ignoreCommentStr, 0); // Now write the new data... string cmnt = "#>"; string m_format = "%8.2f"; StateMod_DelayTable delay = null; @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " *******************************************************"); @out.println(cmnt + " StateCU Delay (Return flow) Table"); @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " Format (a8, i4, (12f8.2)"); @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " ID idly: Delay table id"); @out.println(cmnt + " Ndly ndly: Number of entries in delay table idly."); @out.println(cmnt + " Ret dlyrat(1-n,idl): Return for month n, station idl"); @out.println(cmnt); @out.println(cmnt + " ID Ndly Ret1 Ret2 Ret3 Ret4 Ret5 Ret6 " + " Ret7 Ret8 Ret9 Ret10 Ret11 Ret12..."); @out.println(cmnt + "-----eb--eb------eb------eb------eb------eb------eb------e" + "b------eb------eb------eb------eb------eb------e..."); @out.println(cmnt + "EndHeader"); @out.println(cmnt); int ndly = 0; if (dly != null) { ndly = dly.Count; } if (Message.isDebugOn) { Message.printDebug(3, routine, "Printing " + ndly + " delay table entries."); } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int j = 0; // Index for returns in a table int nvals = 0; // Number of returns in a table bool printed; // Indicates if a line of output was printed, to help handle 12 values or less per line for (int i = 0; i < ndly; i++) { delay = dly[i]; b.Length = 0; b.Append(StringUtil.formatString(delay.getTableID(), "%8d")); b.Append(StringUtil.formatString(delay.getNdly(), "%4d")); nvals = delay.getNdly(); printed = false; for (j = 0; j < nvals; j++) { b.Append(StringUtil.formatString(delay.getRet_val(j), m_format)); printed = false; if (((j + 1) % 12) == 0) { // Print the output and initialize a new line... @out.println(b.ToString()); b.Length = 0; b.Append(" "); printed = true; } } if (!printed) { // Print the last line of output... @out.println(b.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(2, routine, e); throw e; } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a list of StateCU_BlaneyCriddle objects to a list file. A header is /// printed to the top of the file, containing the commands used to generate the /// file. Any strings in the body of the file that contain the field delimiter will be wrapped in "...". </summary> /// <param name="filename"> the name of the file to which the data will be written. </param> /// <param name="delimiter"> the delimiter to use for separating field values. </param> /// <param name="update"> whether to update an existing file, retaining the current /// header (true) or to create a new file with a new header. </param> /// <param name="data"> the Vector of objects to write. </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeListFile(String filename, String delimiter, boolean update, java.util.List<StateCU_BlaneyCriddle> data, java.util.List<String> outputComments) throws Exception public static void writeListFile(string filename, string delimiter, bool update, IList <StateCU_BlaneyCriddle> data, IList <string> outputComments) { string routine = "StateCU_BlaneyCriddle.writeListFile"; int size = 0; if (data != null) { size = data.Count; } IList <string> fields = new List <string>(); fields.Add("Name"); fields.Add("CurveType"); fields.Add("DayPercent"); fields.Add("Coefficient"); int fieldCount = fields.Count; string[] names = new string[fieldCount]; string[] formats = new string[fieldCount]; int comp = StateCU_DataSet.COMP_BLANEY_CRIDDLE; string s = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { s = (string)fields[i]; names[i] = StateCU_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "FieldName", s); formats[i] = StateCU_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "Format", s); } string oldFile = null; if (update) { oldFile = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); } int j = 0; int k = 0; PrintWriter @out = null; StateCU_BlaneyCriddle bc = null; IList <string> commentString = new List <string>(1); commentString.Add("#"); IList <string> ignoreCommentString = new List <string>(1); ignoreCommentString.Add("#>"); string[] line = new string[fieldCount]; string flag = null; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try { // Add some basic comments at the top of the file. However, do this to a copy of the // incoming comments so that they are not modified in the calling code. IList <string> newComments2 = null; if (outputComments == null) { newComments2 = new List <string>(); } else { newComments2 = new List <string>(outputComments); } newComments2.Insert(0, ""); newComments2.Insert(1, "StateCU Blaney-Criddle crop coefficients as a delimited list file."); newComments2.Insert(2, ""); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(oldFile, IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename), newComments2, commentString, ignoreCommentString, 0); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } buffer.Append("\"" + names[i] + "\""); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { bc = (StateCU_BlaneyCriddle)data[i]; flag = bc.getFlag(); if (flag.Equals("Percent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { for (j = 0; j < 21; j++) { line[0] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getName(), formats[0]).Trim(); line[1] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getFlag(), formats[1]).Trim(); line[2] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getNckca(j), formats[2]).Trim(); line[3] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getCkca(j), formats[3]).Trim(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (k = 0; k < fieldCount; k++) { if (k > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } if (line[k].IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { line[k] = "\"" + line[k] + "\""; } buffer.Append(line[k]); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); } } else { for (j = 0; j < 25; j++) { line[0] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getName(), formats[0]).Trim(); line[1] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getFlag(), formats[1]).Trim(); line[2] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getNckcp(j), formats[2]).Trim(); line[3] = StringUtil.formatString(bc.getCkcp(j), formats[3]).Trim(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (k = 0; k < fieldCount; k++) { if (k > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } if (line[k].IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { line[k] = "\"" + line[k] + "\""; } buffer.Append(line[k]); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(3, routine, e); throw e; } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } @out = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a list of StateMod_ReservoirAreaCap objects to a list file. A header /// is printed to the top of the file, containing the commands used to generate the /// file. Any strings in the body of the file that contain the field delimiter will be wrapped in "...". </summary> /// <param name="filename"> the name of the file to which the data will be written. </param> /// <param name="delimiter"> the delimiter to use for separating field values. </param> /// <param name="update"> whether to update an existing file, retaining the current /// header (true) or to create a new file with a new header. </param> /// <param name="data"> the list of objects to write. </param> /// <param name="newComments"> new comments to add at the top of the file. </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeListFile(String filename, String delimiter, boolean update, java.util.List<StateMod_ReservoirAreaCap> data, java.util.List<String> newComments) throws Exception public static void writeListFile(string filename, string delimiter, bool update, IList <StateMod_ReservoirAreaCap> data, IList <string> newComments) { string routine = "StateMod_ReservoirAreaCap.writeListFile"; int size = 0; if (data != null) { size = data.Count; } IList <string> fields = new List <string>(); fields.Add("ReservoirID"); fields.Add("Content"); fields.Add("Area"); fields.Add("Seepage"); int fieldCount = fields.Count; string[] names = new string[fieldCount]; string[] formats = new string[fieldCount]; int comp = StateMod_Util.COMP_RESERVOIR_AREA_CAP; string s = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { s = (string)fields[i]; names[i] = StateMod_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "FieldName", s); formats[i] = StateMod_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "Format", s); } string oldFile = null; if (update) { oldFile = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); } int j = 0; PrintWriter @out = null; StateMod_ReservoirAreaCap area = null; string[] line = new string[fieldCount]; IList <string> commentIndicators = new List <string>(1); commentIndicators.Add("#"); IList <string> ignoredCommentIndicators = new List <string>(1); ignoredCommentIndicators.Add("#>"); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try { // Add some basic comments at the top of the file. Do this to a copy of the // incoming comments so that they are not modified in the calling code. IList <string> newComments2 = null; if (newComments == null) { newComments2 = new List <string>(); } else { newComments2 = new List <string>(newComments); } newComments2.Insert(0, ""); newComments2.Insert(1, "StateMod reservoir content/area/seepage data as a delimited list file."); newComments2.Insert(2, "See also the associated station, account, precipitation station,"); newComments2.Insert(3, "evaporation station, and collection files."); newComments2.Insert(4, ""); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(oldFile, IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename), newComments2, commentIndicators, ignoredCommentIndicators, 0); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } buffer.Append("\"" + names[i] + "\""); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { area = (StateMod_ReservoirAreaCap)data[i]; line[0] = StringUtil.formatString(area.getCgoto(), formats[0]).Trim(); line[1] = StringUtil.formatString(area.getConten(), formats[1]).Trim(); line[2] = StringUtil.formatString(area.getSurarea(), formats[2]).Trim(); line[3] = StringUtil.formatString(area.getSeepage(), formats[3]).Trim(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (j = 0; j < fieldCount; j++) { if (j > 0) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } if (line[j].IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { line[j] = "\"" + line[j] + "\""; } buffer.Append(line[j]); } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(3, routine, e); throw e; } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a list of StateMod_ReservoirAccount objects to a list file. A header /// is printed to the top of the file, containing the commands used to generate the /// file. Any strings in the body of the file that contain the field delimiter will be wrapped in "...". </summary> /// <param name="filename"> the name of the file to which the data will be written. </param> /// <param name="delimiter"> the delimiter to use for separating field values. </param> /// <param name="update"> whether to update an existing file, retaining the current /// header (true) or to create a new file with a new header. </param> /// <param name="data"> the list of objects to write. </param> /// <param name="newComments"> new comments to add to the top of the file. </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> if an error occurs. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static void writeListFile(String filename, String delimiter, boolean update, java.util.List data, java.util.List newComments) throws Exception public static void writeListFile(string filename, string delimiter, bool update, System.Collections.IList data, System.Collections.IList newComments) { string routine = "StateMod_ReservoirAccount.writeListFile"; int size = 0; if (data != null) { size = data.Count; } System.Collections.IList fields = new List <object>(); fields.Add("ReservoirID"); fields.Add("OwnerID"); fields.Add("OwnerAccount"); fields.Add("MaxStorage"); fields.Add("InitialStorage"); fields.Add("ProrateEvap"); fields.Add("OwnershipTie"); int fieldCount = fields.Count; string[] names = new string[fieldCount]; string[] formats = new string[fieldCount]; int comp = StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_STATION_ACCOUNTS; string s = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { s = (string)fields[i]; names[i] = StateMod_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "FieldName", s); formats[i] = StateMod_Util.lookupPropValue(comp, "Format", s); } string oldFile = null; if (update) { oldFile = IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename); } int j = 0; StateMod_ReservoirAccount acct = null; System.Collections.IList commentIndicators = new List <object>(1); commentIndicators.Add("#"); System.Collections.IList ignoredCommentIndicators = new List <object>(1); ignoredCommentIndicators.Add("#>"); string[] line = new string[fieldCount]; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); PrintWriter @out = null; try { // Add some basic comments at the top of the file. Do this to a copy of the // incoming comments so that they are not modified in the calling code. System.Collections.IList newComments2 = null; if (newComments == null) { newComments2 = new List <object>(); } else { newComments2 = new List <object>(newComments); } newComments2.Insert(0, ""); newComments2.Insert(1, "StateMod reservoir station accounts as a delimited list file."); newComments2.Insert(2, "See also the associated station, precipitation station, evaporation station,"); newComments2.Insert(3, "content/area/seepage, and collection files."); newComments2.Insert(4, ""); @out = IOUtil.processFileHeaders(oldFile, IOUtil.getPathUsingWorkingDir(filename), newComments2, commentIndicators, ignoredCommentIndicators, 0); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { buffer.Append("\"" + names[i] + "\""); if (i < (fieldCount - 1)) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { acct = (StateMod_ReservoirAccount)data[i]; line[0] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getCgoto(), formats[0]).Trim(); line[1] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getID(), formats[1]).Trim(); line[2] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getName(), formats[2]).Trim(); line[3] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getOwnmax(), formats[3]).Trim(); line[4] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getCurown(), formats[4]).Trim(); line[5] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getPcteva(), formats[5]).Trim(); line[6] = StringUtil.formatString(acct.getN2own(), formats[6]).Trim(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (j = 0; j < fieldCount; j++) { if (line[j].IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { line[j] = "\"" + line[j] + "\""; } buffer.Append(line[j]); if (j < (fieldCount - 1)) { buffer.Append(delimiter); } } @out.println(buffer.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(3, routine, e); throw e; } finally { if (@out != null) { @out.flush(); @out.close(); } } }