private void DrawBatch(PrimitiveGroupEntry entry)
            if (entry.VertexCount <= 0 && entry.IndexCount <= 0)

            // TODO: Add entry transform matrix


            // Apply texture
            var texture = textureFactory.GetTexture(entry.Texture ?? TextureId.White);

            if (texture == null)

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.PlatformTexture);

            // Draw geometry
            if (entry.IndexCount > 0)
                GL.DrawElements(entry.PrimitiveType, entry.IndexCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, entry.StartIndex * sizeof(ushort));
                GL.DrawArrays(entry.PrimitiveType, entry.StartVertex, entry.VertexCount);
        public void BeginPrimitive(PrimitiveType primitiveType, TextureId? texture, Matrix4x4? world = null, float lineWidth = 1)
            if (hasPrimitiveBegin)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Begin cannot be called until End has been successfully called.");

            hasPrimitiveBegin = true;

            currentPrimitive = new PrimitiveGroupEntry();
            currentPrimitive.LineWidth = lineWidth;
            currentPrimitive.World = world;
            currentPrimitive.PrimitiveType = primitiveType;
            currentPrimitive.Texture = texture;
            currentPrimitive.StartVertex = currentVertex;
            currentPrimitive.StartIndex = currentIndex;

            currentBaseVertex = currentVertex;
            currentBaseIndex = currentIndex;

            beginSegment = currentSegment;

            isDirty = true;
        public void BeginPrimitive(PrimitiveType primitiveType, TextureId?texture, Matrix4x4?world = null, float lineWidth = 1)
            if (hasPrimitiveBegin)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Begin cannot be called until End has been successfully called.");

            hasPrimitiveBegin = true;

            currentPrimitive               = new PrimitiveGroupEntry();
            currentPrimitive.LineWidth     = lineWidth;
            currentPrimitive.World         = world;
            currentPrimitive.PrimitiveType = primitiveType;
            currentPrimitive.Texture       = texture;
            currentPrimitive.StartVertex   = currentVertex;
            currentPrimitive.StartIndex    = currentIndex;

            currentBaseVertex = currentVertex;
            currentBaseIndex  = currentIndex;

            beginSegment = currentSegment;

            isDirty = true;
        private void DrawBatch(PrimitiveGroupEntry entry)
            if (entry.VertexCount <= 0 && entry.IndexCount <= 0)

            // TODO: Add entry transform matrix


            // Apply texture
            var texture = textureFactory.GetTexture(entry.Texture ?? TextureId.White);
            if (texture == null)

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.PlatformTexture);

            // Draw geometry
            if (entry.IndexCount > 0)
                GL.DrawElements(entry.PrimitiveType, entry.IndexCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, entry.StartIndex * sizeof(ushort));
                GL.DrawArrays(entry.PrimitiveType, entry.StartVertex, entry.VertexCount);