Пример #1
        public void CalculateCustomerData(int customerID, PackageBaseData package, FeeRate fee, PricingModelData modelData, System.Web.WebPages.Html.ModelStateDictionary ModelState)
            /* IMPORTANT: we calculate here the service duration for one session based on some custom variables for housekeeper pricing,
             * final price and fees are calculated in the standard code using the package Duration field, because of that
             * we only update package.Duration here for later complete price calculation */

            // Get customer input
            var nbeds  = Request[String.Format("bedrooms-number[{0}]", package.ID)].AsInt();
            var nbaths = Request[String.Format("bathrooms-number[{0}]", package.ID)].AsInt();
            // get provider rate
            var providerRate = GetProviderCleaningRate(package);
            // Apply formula, changed by the providerRate (variation from the average)
            var duration = ApplyFormula(nbeds, nbaths) * providerRate;
            // Create time object from duration, rounded to quarter-hours (15 minutes blocks)
            var timeDuration = ASP.LcHelpers.RoundTimeToQuarterHour(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(duration), ASP.LcHelpers.RoundingType.Up);

            // Create variables object with the specific data used in this calculation (will be saved later by the normal packages process)
            // Provider values get included in the object, something that is wanted for historic purposes on database.
            PricingVariables pricingvars = PricingVariables.FromPackageBaseData(package);

            pricingvars["BathsNumber"].Value = nbaths;
            pricingvars["BedsNumber"].Value  = nbeds;
            // Change package with the information:
            package.Duration        = timeDuration;
            modelData.ProviderInput = providerRate;
            modelData.CustomerInput = pricingvars;
        public void CalculateCustomerData(int customerID, PackageBaseData package, FeeRate fee, PricingModelData modelData, System.Web.WebPages.Html.ModelStateDictionary ModelState)
            /* IMPORTANT: we set here the service duration for one session based on the customer value (from the form),
             * update the hourly-price from provider variable value
             * and the hourly-surcharge based on the variables.
             * Final price and fees are calculated in the standard code using the package Duration field and HourlySurcharge field, because of that
             * the final price is not calculated here. */

            // TOREVIEW: Needs input data validation with ModelState and check ModelState.IsValid at LcPricingModel?

            // Getting variables
            PricingVariables pricingvars     = PricingVariables.FromPackageBaseData(package);
            TimeSpan         timeDuration    = TimeSpan.Zero;
            decimal          hourlySurcharge = 0;

            // Iterating customer variables:
            foreach (var pvar in pricingvars)
                if (pvar.Value.Def.IsCustomerVariable)
                    // Setting value from the form
                    pvar.Value.Value = LcUtils.GetTypedValue(Request[String.Format("{0}[{1}]", pvar.Key, package.ID)], null, pvar.Value.Def.DataType);
                    // For the 'Hours:2' customer variable, we get it form the form and set the duration with it.
                    if (pvar.Key == "Hours")
                        // Create time object from duration, rounded to quarter-hours (15 minutes blocks)
                        var duration = pvar.Value.GetValue <double>(0);
                        timeDuration = ASP.LcHelpers.RoundTimeToQuarterHour(TimeSpan.FromHours(duration), ASP.LcHelpers.RoundingType.Up);
                        // For other variables, we calculate it using the general formula and its added to the hourly surcharge
                        // Get the provider var, we need its values.
                        var provar = pricingvars.GetCalculateWithVariableFor(pvar.Value);
                        // General formula for 1 hour: (CustomerValueInputVariable - ProviderNumberIncludedVariable) * ProviderPriceVariable
                        // EXCEPT when CustomerValueInputVariable is equal or less than ProviderNumberIncludedVariable, then is 0
                        decimal amount = 0;
                        if (pvar.Value.GetValue <decimal>(0) > (provar.ProviderNumberIncluded ?? 0))
                            amount = (pvar.Value.GetValue <decimal>(0) - (provar.ProviderNumberIncluded ?? 0)) * provar.GetValue <decimal>(0);
                        // Add to the hourly surcharge
                        hourlySurcharge += amount;

            // Update package data:
            package.Duration        = timeDuration;
            package.HourlySurcharge = hourlySurcharge;
            modelData.CustomerInput = pricingvars;