public PriceValueCollection FetchByQuery(Query qry)
            PriceValueCollection coll = new PriceValueCollection();

 public PriceValueCollection FetchAll()
     PriceValueCollection coll = new PriceValueCollection();
     Query qry = new Query(PriceValue.Schema);
     return coll;
        public PriceValueCollection FetchAll()
            PriceValueCollection coll = new PriceValueCollection();
            Query qry = new Query(PriceValue.Schema);

        public PriceValueCollection FetchByID(object QuoteId)
            PriceValueCollection coll = new PriceValueCollection().Where("quote_Id", QuoteId).Load();

 public PriceValueCollection FetchByQuery(Query qry)
     PriceValueCollection coll = new PriceValueCollection();
     return coll;
 public PriceValueCollection FetchByID(object QuoteId)
     PriceValueCollection coll = new PriceValueCollection().Where("quote_Id", QuoteId).Load();
     return coll;
        //public PriceInfo GetPriceInfo(string Title, double Length, double Width, double Depth, double Weight, string Origin, string Final_Destination, int Copies)
        public string GetPaperQuote(int Dimensions, string Currency, string Pallet, string Title, double Length, double Width, double Extent, double PaperGsm, bool Hardback, string Origin, string Country, string Final_Destination, int Copies, Int32 cId, Int32 uId, Int32 qId, string testGsm)
            //040712 has a pricer been passed back with pallet type?
            string _pricer = pricer_submitted(Pallet);
            string _pallet = wwi_func.get_string_element(Pallet, "&", 0); 

            _pr.RequestCompanyId = cId;
            _pr.RequestDate = DateTime.Now;
            _pr.RequestUserId = uId;
            _pr.RequestIp = wwi_func.user_RequestingIP();
            _pr.BookTitle = Title;
            _pr.InDimensions = Dimensions;
            _pr.InCurrency = Currency;
            _pr.InPallet = _pallet; //Pallet;
            _pr.InLength = Length;
            _pr.InWidth = Width;
            _pr.InDepth = 0;
            _pr.InWeight = 0;
            _pr.CopiesCarton = 0;
            _pr.InExtent = Extent;
            _pr.InPapergsm = PaperGsm;
            _pr.InHardback = Hardback;
            _pr.OriginName = Origin;
            _pr.CountryName = Country;
            _pr.FinalName = Final_Destination;
            _pr.TotCopies = Copies;

            //if a quoteid has been passed though it might be positive (a copy of a previous quote treat as new) or negative (re-doing a previous quote) 
            _pr.ClientVisible = qId == 0 ? true : qId > 0 ? true : false;
            _pr.CopyFromId = Math.Abs(qId); 
            //dump to exel pricer and calculate
            submitPricerXl(Dimensions, _pricer, testGsm);

            //16/06/2011 use DAL
            //use generics to build a list so we can return 1-n results if required
            //IList<PriceValues> _prices = new List<PriceValues>();
            Pricer.PriceValueCollection _prices = new PriceValueCollection();


            //return ilistQuoteToJson(_prices);
            return QuoteToJson(_prices);
        //end reset formulas

        /// <summary>
        /// serialise price data to JSON formatted string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prices">pricevalue collection of calculated price quotes</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string QuoteToJson(PriceValueCollection prices)
            string _json = string.Empty;

                //Return JSON data
                //beware using the serialiser on tables with  a timestamp - timsetamps will not convert
                //use linq to select the data to return, any other method will return the whole class inc. structure and we would have to enumerate columns/rows!
                if (prices.Count > 0)
                    var _rec = from p in prices
                               select new uPriceValues
                                   quoteId = p.QuoteId,
                                   price_loose_gbp = (double)p.PriceLooseGbp,
                                   price_pallet_gbp = (double)p.PricePalletGbp,
                                   price_total_gbp = (double)p.PriceTotalGbp,
                                   price_loose = (double)p.PriceLoose,
                                   price_pallet = (double)p.PricePallet,
                                   price_total = (double)p.PriceTotal,
                                   price_client = (double)p.PriceClient,
                                   ship_via = p.ShipVia,
                                   pallet_type = p.PalletType,
                                   loose_name = p.LooseName,
                                   lcl_name = p.LclName,
                                   lcl_v = (double)p.LclV,
                                   lcl_v20 = (double)p.LclV20,
                                   lcl_v40 = (double)p.LclV40,
                                   lcl_v40hc = (double)p.LclV40hc,
                                   lcl_loose_name = p.LclLooseName,
                                   lcl_vloose = (double)p.LclVloose,
                                   lcl_vloose20 = (double)p.LclVloose20,
                                   lcl_vloose40 = (double)p.LclVloose40,
                                   lcl_vloose40hc = (double)p.LclVloose40hc,
                                   out_length = (double)p.OutLength,
                                   out_width = (double)p.OutWidth,
                                   out_depth = (double)p.OutDepth,
                                   out_weight = (double)p.OutWeight

                    JavaScriptSerializer _js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    _json += _js.Serialize(_rec);
                    _json = "{pricevalues=0}";
            catch (Exception ex)
                _json = ex.InnerException.ToString();
            return _json;