Пример #1
        public void Edit(PrescriptionModel prescription)
            PrescriptionData data         = new PrescriptionData();
            string           prescriberId = RequestContext.Principal.Identity.GetUserId();

            data.EditPrescription(prescription, prescriberId);
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes the row.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
 public virtual void ProcessRow(PrescriptionData row)
     if (row.BNFCode == BnfCode)
         TotalSold += row.Items;
         TotalCost += row.ActualCost;
        public override void ProcessRow(PrescriptionData row)
            // Get region from practices
            string rowRegion = Practices.GetPracticeRegionByPracticeCode(row.PracticeCode);

            // If row matches search criteria, add it
            if (row.BNFCode == BnfCode && rowRegion == Region.ToString())
                total += row.NIC;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        public override void ProcessRow(PrescriptionData row)
            // Get region from practices
            string rowRegion = practices.GetPracticeRegionByPracticeCode(row.PracticeCode);

            // If row matches search criteria, add it
            if (row.BNFCode == BnfCode && rowRegion == Region.ToString())
                TotalSold += row.Items;
                TotalCost += row.ActualCost;
        public void PopulateRowData()
            ValidRow = new PrescriptionData
                PracticeCode = Data.PracticeCode1,
                BNFCode = Data.BnfCode1,
                Items = Data.Items1,
                NIC = Data.Cost1,
                ActualCost = Data.Cost2,

                SHA = string.Empty,
                PCT = string.Empty,
                BNFName = string.Empty,
                Period = string.Empty

            ValidRowDifferentCosts = new PrescriptionData
                PracticeCode = Data.PracticeCode1,
                BNFCode = Data.BnfCode1,
                Items = Data.Items2,
                NIC = Data.Cost2,
                ActualCost = Data.Cost3,

                SHA = string.Empty,
                PCT = string.Empty,
                BNFName = string.Empty,
                Period = string.Empty

            ZeroRow = new PrescriptionData
                PracticeCode = Data.PracticeCode1,
                BNFCode = Data.BnfCode1,
                Items = Data.ItemsZero,
                NIC = Data.CostZero,
                ActualCost = Data.CostZero,

                SHA = string.Empty,
                PCT = string.Empty,
                BNFName = string.Empty,
                Period = string.Empty

            ValidRowBnfCode2 = new PrescriptionData
                PracticeCode = Data.PracticeCode1,
                BNFCode = Data.BnfCode2,
                Items = Data.Items1,
                NIC = Data.Cost1,
                ActualCost = Data.Cost1,

                SHA = string.Empty,
                PCT = string.Empty,
                BNFName = string.Empty,
                Period = string.Empty

            ValidRowPractice2 = new PrescriptionData
                PracticeCode = Data.PracticeCode2,
                BNFCode = Data.BnfCode1,
                Items = Data.Items1,
                NIC = Data.Cost1,
                ActualCost = Data.Cost2,

                SHA = string.Empty,
                PCT = string.Empty,
                BNFName = string.Empty,
                Period = string.Empty
Пример #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Prescription(PrescriptionData data)
                var info = data.PrescriptionInfo;

                var code = HttpContext.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                    return(ErrorResult("توکن نامعتبر است", 403));

                var pharmacy = await repo.GetPharmacyByCode(code);

                if (pharmacy == null)
                    return(ErrorResult("توکن نامعتبر است، اطلاعات داروخانه یافت نشد", 403));

                if (info == null || info.Payload == null)
                    return(ErrorResult("داده های ورودی نامعتبر می‌باشند", 400));

                var patientInfo = info.Payload.PatientInfo;
                if (patientInfo == null ||
                    patientInfo.PatientId == null ||
                    return(ErrorResult("کد ملی بیمار یافت نشد", 400));

                if (info.Payload.MedicationsInfo.Count == 0)
                    return(ErrorResult("اطلاعات دارو یافت نشد", 400));

                var patient = await repo.GetPatientByCode(patientInfo.PatientId.Content);

                if (patient == null)
                    patient = await repo.NewPatient(CreatePatientEntity(patientInfo));

                var now       = DateTime.Now;
                var medicines = await repo.GetMedicinesByPatient(patient.Id);

                var illegalDrug           = "";
                var prescriptionMedicines = new List <PrescriptionMedicine>();
                var status = Status.NoTracked; // وضعیت پیش فرض
                foreach (var med in info.Payload.MedicationsInfo)
                    var genericCode = med.AcceptedMedicationItemInfo.GenericCode;
                    var medicine    = medicines.SingleOrDefault(a => a.GenericCode == genericCode.Content);
                    if (medicine != null)
                        status = Status.Verified; // اگر یکی از داروها، در لیست وجود داشت وضعیت به تایید شده تغیر میکند
                        //var usedAmount = medicine.PrescriptionMedicines
                        //    .Where(a => a.Prescription.PatientId == patient.Id &&
                        //        !a.Prescription.RawData.IsCanceled &&
                        //        a.Prescription.DeliveryDate > now.AddDays(-a.Medicine.UsagePeriod))
                        //    .Sum(a => a.Amount);
                        double usedAmount = 0;
                        foreach (var pm in medicine.PrescriptionMedicines)
                            if (pm.Prescription.PatientId != patient.Id)
                            if (pm.Prescription.RawData.IsCanceled)
                            if (pm.Prescription.DeliveryDate <= now.AddDays(-pm.Medicine.UsagePeriod))
                            usedAmount += pm.Amount;
                        if (usedAmount + med.AcceptedMedicationItemInfo.MedicationCount.Content > medicine.MaximumUsageAmount)
                            illegalDrug += " /" + medicine.FaName + "، " + medicine.Dosage;
                            status       = Status.Unverified; // چنانچه داروی مورد نظر تایید نشود، وضعیت به تایید نشده تغیر میکند
                        prescriptionMedicines.Add(new PrescriptionMedicine()
                            Amount     = med.AcceptedMedicationItemInfo.MedicationCount.Content,
                            MedicineId = medicine.Id,

                var rnd     = new Random(now.Millisecond);
                var rawData = new RawData()
                    IsCanceled   = false,
                    Json         = JsonSerializer.Serialize(info),
                    PharmacyId   = pharmacy.Id,
                    ReceivedDate = now,
                    Status       = status,
                    TrackCode    = Helpers.Random(rnd)
                await repo.NewRawData(rawData);

                if (status == Status.NoTracked)
                    // تمام اقلام نسخه مجاز می‌باشند چون هیچ یک از داروهای آن در لیست داروها یافت نشد
                    return(Ok(new ServicePrescriptionResult()
                        IllegalDrug = "",
                        MessageCode = 1,
                        Message = "کلیه اقلام نسخه مجاز می‌باشند.",
                        TrackNo = rawData.TrackCode
                else if (status == Status.Unverified)
                    // برخی اقلام فاقد اعتبار مجاز می‌باشند
                    return(Ok(new ServicePrescriptionResult()
                        IllegalDrug = illegalDrug,
                        MessageCode = 0,
                        Message = " برخی اقلام فاقد اعتبار مجاز می‌باشند.",
                        TrackNo = rawData.TrackCode

                // در غیر اینصورت باید نسخه و داروهای آن ثبت شوند

                var medicalCouncilCode = info.Payload.AdmissionInfo?.HealthCenterInfo?.AttendingDoctorInfo?.MedicalCouncilCode?.Content;

                Physician physician = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(medicalCouncilCode))
                    physician = await repo.GetPhysicianByCode(medicalCouncilCode);
                if (physician == null)
                    var specialities = await repo.GetSpecialities();

                    physician = await repo.NewPhysician(CreatePhysicianEntity(info.Payload.AdmissionInfo.HealthCenterInfo.AttendingDoctorInfo, specialities));

                var prescription = new Prescription()
                    DeliveryDate          = info.Payload.AdmissionInfo.AdmissionDate.DateContent.ToGregoryDate() ?? now,
                    PatientId             = patient.Id,
                    PharmacyId            = pharmacy.Id,
                    PhysicianId           = physician.Id,
                    PrescriptionDate      = info.Payload.PrescriptionDate.DateContent.ToGregoryDate() ?? now,
                    SubmitDate            = now,
                    PrescriptionMedicines = prescriptionMedicines,
                    Distributions         = new List <Distribution>()
                foreach (var pm in prescriptionMedicines)
                    var lastStock = await repo.GetMedicineStock(pm.MedicineId, prescription.PharmacyId);

                        new Distribution()
                        Amount         = -pm.Amount,
                        DateTime       = now,
                        MedicineId     = pm.MedicineId,
                        PharmacyId     = prescription.PharmacyId,
                        PrescriptionId = prescription.Id,
                        Stock          = lastStock - pm.Amount
                rawData.Prescription = prescription;
                prescription.RawData = rawData;
                await repo.NewPrescription(prescription);

                return(Ok(new ServicePrescriptionResult()
                    IllegalDrug = "",
                    MessageCode = 1,
                    Message = "کلیه اقلام نسخه مجاز می‌باشند.",
                    TrackNo = rawData.TrackCode
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ErrorResult(ex.Message, 500));