Пример #1
        private void ProcessPrepositionalPhrase(List <string> gloss, PrepositionalPhrase sub, bool includePos, Dialect formatProvider)
            //HACK: I think the parser is wrapping a whole Perp phrase in a complex chain with just one Prep. Maybe that is correct & leave open option of treating chains of preps as a chains.
            gloss.Add(GlossWithFallBack(includePos, formatProvider, sub.Preposition, PartOfSpeech.Preposition));

            ProcessOneChain(includePos, gloss, formatProvider, sub.Complement);
Пример #2
        public PrepositionalPhrase[] RandomPrepChain()
            Dictionary <int, int> odds = new Dictionary <int, int>
                { 1, 74 },
                { 2, 10 },
                { 3, 10 },
                { 4, 5 },
                { 5, 1 },


            int dice    = random.Next(0, 101);
            var howMany = odds.Where(x => dice <= x.Value).Select(x => x.Key).First();

            List <PrepositionalPhrase> prepositionals = new List <PrepositionalPhrase>();

            while (howMany > 0)
                Word w = new Word(Particles.Prepositions[random.Next(0, 6)]);
                PrepositionalPhrase pp = new PrepositionalPhrase(w, RandomEnPiChain());
Пример #3
        public void PrepositionalRoleTest()
            IEnumerable <Word> composedWords = new Word[] { new Preposition("for") };
            var             target           = new PrepositionalPhrase(composedWords);
            var             expected         = PrepositionRole.Undetermined;
            PrepositionRole actual           = target.PrepositionRole;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #4
        public void PrepositionalPhraseConstructorTest()
            var composedWords = new[] { new Preposition("on") };
            var target        = new PrepositionalPhrase(composedWords);

            Check.That(target).Satisfies(() =>
                                         target.Text is "on" && target.ToTheLeftOf is null && target.ToTheRightOf is null && target.BoundObject is null
Пример #5
        public void OnRightSideTest()
            var      target   = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("for"));
            ILexical expected = new VerbPhrase(new PresentParticiple("slamming"));
            ILexical actual;

            target.ToTheRightOf = expected;
            actual = target.ToTheRightOf;
Пример #6
        public void OnLeftSideTest()
            var      target   = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("for"));
            ILexical expected = new NounPhrase(new PersonalPronoun("it"));
            ILexical actual;

            target.ToTheLeftOf = expected;
            actual             = target.ToTheLeftOf;
Пример #7
        public void ToTheRightOfTest()
            var      target   = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("on"));
            ILexical expected = new ThirdPersonSingularPresentVerb("is");
            ILexical actual;

            target.ToTheRightOf = expected;
            actual = target.ToTheRightOf;
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #8
        public void ToTheLeftOfTest()
            var      target   = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("on"));
            ILexical expected = new NounPhrase(new Determiner("the"), new CommonSingularNoun("table"));
            ILexical actual;

            target.ToTheLeftOf = expected;
            actual             = target.ToTheLeftOf;
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #9
        public void RoleTest()
            var target = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("on"));

            var             expected = PrepositionRole.LocationOrScopeSpecifier;
            PrepositionRole actual;

            target.PrepositionRole = expected;
            actual = target.PrepositionRole;
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #10
        public void BindObjectTest()
            var      target = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("on"));
            ILexical prepositionalObject = new NounPhrase(new Determiner("the"), new CommonSingularNoun("table"));

            Assert.Equal(prepositionalObject, target.BoundObject);
            IVerbal verbal = new ThirdPersonSingularPresentVerb("is");

            Assert.Equal(prepositionalObject, verbal.ObjectOfThePreposition);
Пример #11
        private static void ProcessLinkingPrepositionalPhrase(PrepositionalPhrase prepPhrase)
            if (prepPhrase.Previous != null)
            else if (prepPhrase.Next != null)
            prepPhrase.ToTheRightOf = prepPhrase.Next;
            prepPhrase.ToTheLeftOf  = prepPhrase.Previous;

            prepPhrase.PrepositionRole = PrepositionRole.DiscriptiveLinker;
Пример #12
        public void ToStringTest()
            Phrase.VerboseOutput = true;

            var target = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Preposition("for"));
            var left   = new NounPhrase(new PersonalPronoun("it"));
            var right  = new VerbPhrase(new PresentParticiple("slamming"));

            target.ToTheLeftOf  = left;
            target.ToTheRightOf = right;
            var expected = $"PrepositionalPhrase \"for\"\n\tleft linked: {left.Text}\n\tright linked: {right.Text}";

            var actual = target.ToString();

Пример #13
        // jan li jo e soweli e kili e wawa lon anpa tawa anpa
        //     li jo e soweli e kili e wawa lon anpa tawa anpa
        public TpPredicate ProcessPredicates(string liPart)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liPart))
                throw new TpParseException("Missing argument, cannot continue");
            if (liPart == "li")
                throw new TpParseException("Cannot do anything with just li");
            TokenParserUtils pu = new TokenParserUtils();
            Particle         verbPhraseParticle;
            ComplexChain     directObjectChain = null;
            VerbPhrase       verbPhrase        = null;

            PrepositionalPhrase[] prepositionalChain = null;
            ComplexChain          nominalPredicate   = null;
            PiPredicate           piPredicate        = null;

            //Transitive Path.
            if (liPart.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }).Contains("e"))
                string[] eParts = Splitters.SplitOnE(liPart);

                string[] verbPhraseParts = pu.WordsPunctuationAndCompounds(eParts[0]); //Could contain particles.

                if (!Token.CheckIsParticle(verbPhraseParts[0]))
                    throw new TpSyntaxException("uh-oh not a particle: " + verbPhraseParts[0] + " from " + liPart);
                verbPhraseParticle = new Particle(verbPhraseParts[0]);

                //Only process preps in normalized sentences
                string[] partsWithPreps = null;

                if (verbPhraseParts.Length > 1)
                    if (verbPhraseParts.Any(x => x == "pi"))
                        //nominal predicate
                        nominalPredicate =
                            new ComplexChain(Particles.en,
                                             new[] {
                            ProcessPiChain(String.Join(" ", ArrayExtensions.Tail(verbPhraseParts)))
                        verbPhrase = VerbPhraseParser(ArrayExtensions.Tail(verbPhraseParts));

                string verbsMaybePrepositions = eParts[eParts.Length - 1];

                if (verbsMaybePrepositions.ContainsCheck("~"))
                    partsWithPreps = Splitters.SplitOnPrepositions(verbsMaybePrepositions);
                    if (partsWithPreps.Length == 1)
                        //This is the last e phrase or 1st prep.
                        if (partsWithPreps[0].ContainsCheck("~"))
                            //That is a prep phrase (is this possible?)
                            eParts[eParts.Length - 1] = partsWithPreps[0];
                            //No prep phrases.

                string[] directObjects = ArrayExtensions.Tail(eParts);

                //List<HeadedPhrase> doNPs = new List<HeadedPhrase>();
                List <Chain> doPiChains = new List <Chain>();

                //Fancy foot work for when we have e ... ~... & that's all.
                string[] toUse;
                if (partsWithPreps != null)
                    toUse = partsWithPreps.Where(x => x.StartCheck("e ")).ToArray();
                    directObjects[directObjects.Length - 1] = toUse[0];
                    toUse = directObjects;
                    toUse = directObjects;

                foreach (string directObject in toUse)
                    if (directObject.Length <= 2)
                        throw new TpParseException("This is a degenerate e phrase, i.e. it is only e or e space. Missing a ni, e.g. e ni: possibly. ref: " + liPart);
                    string eFree  = directObject.Substring(2);
                    Chain  phrase = ProcessPiChain(eFree);
                directObjectChain = new ComplexChain(Particles.e, doPiChains.ToArray());

                if (partsWithPreps != null)
                    prepositionalChain = ProcessPrepositionalPhrases(partsWithPreps).ToArray();
                //Intransitives & Predictates

                string[] ppParts = Splitters.SplitOnPrepositions(liPart);

                if (ppParts.Length == 0) //Excect at least "li verb" or "li noun"
                    throw new TpParseException("Whoa, got " + ppParts.Length + " parts for " + liPart);

                if (Punctuation.ContainsPunctuation(ppParts[0]))
                    throw new TpParseException("This has punctuation, may fail to parse : " + ppParts[0]);
                string[] verbPhraseParts = pu.WordsPunctuationAndCompounds(ppParts[0]);

                if (!Token.CheckIsParticle(verbPhraseParts[0]))
                    throw new TpSyntaxException("uh-oh not a particle: " + verbPhraseParts[0] + " from " + liPart);
                verbPhraseParticle = new Particle(verbPhraseParts[0]);

                if (verbPhraseParts.Length > 1)
                    //0:li 1:xxx 2:np...
                    if (verbPhraseParts[1].ContainsCheck("XXXXZiXXXX"))
                        //Make it go away. Confuses other parsers and will be picked up by container object.
                        verbPhraseParts = ArrayExtensions.Tail(verbPhraseParts);

                        ComplexChain phrase = new ComplexChain(Particles.en,
                                                               new[] {
                            ProcessPiChain(String.Join(" ", ArrayExtensions.Tail(verbPhraseParts)))

                        piPredicate = new PiPredicate(Particles.pi, phrase);
                    else if (verbPhraseParts.Any(x => x == "pi"))
                        //nominal predicate
                        nominalPredicate = new ComplexChain(Particles.en,
                                                            new[] {
                            ProcessPiChain(String.Join(" ", ArrayExtensions.Tail(verbPhraseParts)))
                        verbPhrase = VerbPhraseParser(ArrayExtensions.Tail(verbPhraseParts));

                string[] prepositions = ArrayExtensions.Tail(ppParts);

                if (prepositions.Length != 0)
                    List <PrepositionalPhrase> pChains = new List <PrepositionalPhrase>();
                    foreach (string pp in prepositions)
                        string[] phraseParts = pu.WordsPunctuationAndCompounds(pp);//Could contain particles.
                        string   preposition = phraseParts[0];
                        string[] tail        = ArrayExtensions.Tail(phraseParts);

                        if (tail.Length == 0)
                            //uh oh. This is an intransitive verb, like "ni li lon"
                            //HACK: Oh, this is so ugly (still sort of ugly)
                            verbPhrase = new VerbPhrase(new Word(preposition.Replace("~", "")));
                            //or a noun phrase.


                        PrepositionalPhrase foundPrepositionalPhrase = new PrepositionalPhrase(new Word(preposition), ProcessEnPiChain(String.Join(" ", tail)));
                    if (pChains.Count > 0)
                        prepositionalChain = pChains.ToArray();
                        //We changed our mind about a phrase being a prep phrase. Turned out to be verb phrase or predicate.
            if (piPredicate != null)
                return(new TpPredicate(verbPhraseParticle, piPredicate, prepositionalChain));
            if (nominalPredicate == null)
                return(new TpPredicate(verbPhraseParticle, verbPhrase, directObjectChain, prepositionalChain));

            return(new TpPredicate(verbPhraseParticle, nominalPredicate, directObjectChain, prepositionalChain));