Пример #1
        private PrefabProfile GetPrefab(string TargetID)
            //PrintColor.DebugInternalLine("\tNew Curse target: " + target);
            var TargetPrefab = this.PrefabLookUp[TargetID];
            var Final        = new PrefabProfile();

            // Import target's prefabs (recursively)
            if (TargetPrefab.Prefabs.Count > 0)
                foreach (string Import in TargetPrefab.Prefabs)
                    PrefabProfile p = GetPrefab(Import);                     // Recurse here

            //PrintColor.DebugInternalLine("\tEnd Curse target: " + target);
Пример #2
 public void Merge(PrefabProfile Remote)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Remote.Localization))
         this.Localization = Remote.Localization;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Remote.DefaultSlot))
         this.DefaultSlot = Remote.DefaultSlot;
     for (int ClassIndex = 0; ClassIndex < 9; ClassIndex++)
         if (Remote.Slot[ClassIndex] != "0")
             this.Slot[ClassIndex] = Remote.Slot[ClassIndex];
     if (Remote.AllClass)
         this.AllClass = true;
     if (Remote.Prefabs.Count > 0)
         foreach (string Entry in Remote.Prefabs)
     if (Remote.Attributes.Keys.Count > 0)
         foreach (string Key in Remote.Attributes.Keys)
             this.Attributes[Key] = Remote.Attributes[Key];
Пример #3
        public void Scrape(string items_game)           // TODO Break into multiple methods: Prefab Setup and Item Compilation
        //StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(LocalDatabasePath, FileMode.Create));

        // Version Tracking
            Writer.WriteLine(RemoteMD5);             // Line 1 is MD5 sum
            CurrentVersion = RemoteMD5;

            // Insertion Point
            int[] ip = { 0, 0 };

            // Block Tracking
            List <string> block_path = new List <string>();

            // Find Insertion Points
            for (int i = 0; i < RemoteRawLines.Length; i++)
                if (ip[0] > 0 && ip[1] > 0)

                if (Regex.IsMatch(RemoteRawLines[i], "^\\t\"prefabs\"$"))
                    ip[0] = i;
                else if (Regex.IsMatch(RemoteRawLines[i], "^\\t\"items\"$"))
                    ip[1] = i;
            if (ip.Contains(0))
                Error.WriteNoIncrement("{f:Red}Unknown{r} exception '{$0}'", -1, 998, "Could not find insertion point.");

            /* Prefab Operation */
            PrefabProfile Prefab = new PrefabProfile();

            for (int i = ip[0]; i < RemoteRawLines.Length; i++)
                // Skip completely whitespace lines
                if (Regex.IsMatch(RemoteRawLines[i], @"^\s*$"))

                // Specify General-Use vars
                string        line           = RemoteRawLines[i];
                string        look_back_line = RemoteRawLines[i - 1];
                List <string> tokens         = new List <string>();

                // Get Tokens of Line
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(line, "(\"([^\"]*)\")"))                   // Match double quote bounded strings

                // Read contents of line
                for (int j = 0; j < tokens.Count; j++)
                    if (block_path.Count == 2)                       // Relying on autogeneration here
                        if (tokens[j].ToUpper() == "\"PREFAB\"")
                            string Contents = tokens[j + 1].Trim('"');
                            foreach (string ID in Contents.Split(' '))
                        if (tokens[j].ToUpper() == "\"ITEM_SLOT\"")
                            Prefab.DefaultSlot = tokens[j + 1].Trim('"');
                        if (tokens[j].ToUpper() == "\"ITEM_NAME\"")
                            Prefab.Localization = tokens[j + 1].Trim('"');
                        if (tokens[0].ToUpper() == "\"ITEM_CLASS\"" && tokens[1].ToUpper().StartsWith("\"TF_WEARABLE"))
                            Prefab.AllClass = true;
                        if (tokens[0].ToUpper() == "\"ACT_AS_WEARABLE\"" && tokens[1] == "\"1\"")
                            Prefab.AllClass = true;

                // Get Explicit Slots
                if (block_path.Count == 3 && block_path.Last() == "\"used_by_classes\"" && tokens.Count >= 2)
                    Prefab.Slot[GetClassIndex(tokens[0].Trim('"'))] = tokens[1].Trim('"');

                // Get Static Attributes
                if (block_path.Count == 3 && block_path.Last() == "\"static_attrs\"" && tokens.Count >= 2)
                    Prefab.Attributes[tokens[0]] = tokens[1];

                // Get Attributes
                if (block_path.Count == 4 && block_path.ElementAt(block_path.Count - 2) == "\"attributes\"" && tokens.Count >= 2)
                    // Add attribute on "VALUE" key-pair line
                    if (tokens[0].ToUpper() == "\"VALUE\"")
                        Prefab.Attributes[block_path.Last()] = tokens[1];

                // Curly Ops
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "{"))
                    block_path.Add(Regex.Replace(look_back_line, @"^\s+|\s+$", ""));                     // Increments block_path.Count

                    if (block_path.Count == 2)
                        Prefab.ID = block_path.Last().Trim('"');
                else if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "}"))
                    block_path.RemoveAt(block_path.Count() - 1);                     // Decrements block_path.Count

                    // Break on end of block
                    if (block_path.Count == 0)

                    // Write to main prefab dictionary
                    if (block_path.Count == 1)
                        if (Prefab.ID != null)
                            // Check attempt to add duplicate key
                            if (this.PrefabLookUp.Keys.Contains(Prefab.ID))
                                Error.Write("ATTEMPT TO ADD DUPLICATE KEY");

                            this.PrefabLookUp[Prefab.ID] = Prefab;

                        // Reset Item
                        Prefab = new PrefabProfile();
            }             // End of Prefab Section

            /* Item Operation */
            string block_key = "";

            block_path = new List <string>();
            ItemProfile Item = new ItemProfile();

            // Read File
            for (int i = ip[1]; i < RemoteRawLines.Length; i++)
                // Specify General-Use vars
                string        line           = RemoteRawLines[i];
                string        look_back_line = RemoteRawLines[i - 1];
                List <string> tokens         = new List <string>();

                // Get Tokens of Line
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(line, "(\"([^\"]*)\"|{|})"))                   // Match double quote bounded strings

                // Read contents of line
                for (int j = 0; j < tokens.Count; j++)
                    if (block_path.Count == 2)                       // Relying on autogeneration here
                        if (tokens[j].ToUpper() == "\"PREFAB\"")
                            foreach (Match prefab_target_match in Regex.Matches(tokens[j + 1], "[^ \"\\s]\\S+[^\"\\s]"))
                                string prefab_target = prefab_target_match.Value;

                                // Check valid prefab

                                /*if (!prefabs.ContainsKey(prefab_target)) {
                                 *      PrintColor.DebugInternalLine("INVALID KEY: " + prefab_target);
                                 * }*/

                                // Import config from prefab dictionary
                                PrefabProfile p = GetPrefab(prefab_target);                                 // Recursive retrieval
                        if (tokens[j].ToUpper() == "\"NAME\"")
                            Item.Name = tokens[j + 1].Replace("\"", "");
                        if (tokens[j].ToUpper() == "\"ITEM_SLOT\"")
                            Item.DefaultSlot = tokens[j + 1].Replace("\"", "");
                        if (tokens[0].ToUpper() == "\"ITEM_CLASS\"" && tokens[1].ToUpper().StartsWith("\"TF_WEARABLE"))
                            Item.AllClass = true;
                        if (tokens[0].ToUpper() == "\"ACT_AS_WEARABLE\"" && tokens[1] == "\"1\"")
                            Item.AllClass = true;

                // Get Explicit Slots
                if (block_path.Count == 3 && block_path.Last() == "\"used_by_classes\"" && tokens.Count >= 2)
                    Item.Slot[GetClassIndex(tokens[0].Trim('"'))] = tokens[1].Trim('"');

                // Get Static Attributes
                if (block_path.Count == 3 && block_path.Last() == "\"static_attrs\"" && tokens.Count >= 2)
                    Item.Attributes[tokens[0]] = tokens[1];

                // Get Attributes
                if (block_path.Count == 4 && block_path.ElementAt(block_path.Count - 2) == "\"attributes\"" && tokens.Count >= 2)
                    // Add attribute on "VALUE" key-pair line
                    if (tokens[0].ToUpper() == "\"VALUE\"")
                        Item.Attributes[block_path.Last()] = tokens[1];

                // Curly Ops
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "{"))
                    block_path.Add(Regex.Replace(look_back_line, @"^\s+|\s+$", ""));                     // Increments block_path.Count

                    if (block_path.Count == 2)
                        block_key = block_path.Last();
                else if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "}"))
                    block_path.RemoveAt(block_path.Count() - 1);                     // Decrements block_path.Count

                    // Break on end of block
                    if (block_path.Count == 0)

                    if (block_path.Count == 1)
                        // Write to file
                        if (Item.Name != null)
                            // Write Traits

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.Localization))
                                this.Writer.WriteLine("\tLOC " + Item.Localization);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.DefaultSlot))
                                this.Writer.WriteLine("\tDFS " + Item.DefaultSlot);

                            // Write Slots
                            if (Item.AllClass || string.Join("", Item.Slot) == "111111111")
                                this.Writer.WriteLine("\tSLT ALLCLASS");
                            else if (string.Join("", Item.Slot) != "000000000")
                                this.Writer.Write("\tSLT ");
                                for (int ClassIndex = 0; ClassIndex <= 7; ClassIndex++)
                                    this.Writer.Write(Item.Slot[ClassIndex] + " ");

                            // Write Attributes
                            foreach (string Key in Item.Attributes.Keys)
                                this.Writer.WriteLine("\t{0} {1}", Key, Item.Attributes[Key]);

                        // Reset Item
                        Item = new ItemProfile();
            }             // End of Item Section