Пример #1
        public void FeeSchedTools_GlobalUpdateFees()
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.MedicalFeeUsedForNewProcs, false);
            string        suffix    = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
            string        procStr   = "D0120";
            string        procStr2  = "D0145";
            double        procFee   = 100;
            ProcedureCode procCode  = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(procStr);
            ProcedureCode procCode2 = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(procStr2);
            //Set up clinic, prov, pat
            Clinic  clinic      = ClinicT.CreateClinic(suffix);
            long    feeSchedNum = FeeSchedT.CreateFeeSched(FeeScheduleType.Normal, suffix, false);
            long    provNum     = ProviderT.CreateProvider(suffix, feeSchedNum: feeSchedNum);
            Fee     fee         = FeeT.GetNewFee(feeSchedNum, procCode.CodeNum, procFee, clinic.ClinicNum, provNum);
            Fee     fee2        = FeeT.GetNewFee(feeSchedNum, procCode2.CodeNum, procFee, clinic.ClinicNum, provNum);
            Patient pat         = PatientT.CreatePatient(suffix, provNum, clinic.ClinicNum);
            //Chart a procedure for this proccode/pat as well as a different proccode
            Procedure proc  = ProcedureT.CreateProcedure(pat, procStr, ProcStat.TP, "", fee.Amount);
            Procedure proc2 = ProcedureT.CreateProcedure(pat, procStr2, ProcStat.TP, "", fee2.Amount);

            //Update the fee amount for only the D0120 code
            fee.Amount = 50;
            //Now run global update fees
            Procedures.GlobalUpdateFees(Fees.GetByClinicNum(clinic.ClinicNum), clinic.ClinicNum, clinic.Abbr);
            //Make sure we have the same number of updated fees, and fee amounts for both procs
            proc  = Procedures.GetOneProc(proc.ProcNum, false);
            proc2 = Procedures.GetOneProc(proc2.ProcNum, false);
            Assert.AreEqual(fee.Amount, proc.ProcFee);
            Assert.AreEqual(fee2.Amount, proc2.ProcFee);
Пример #2
        public void SecurityLogs_MakeLogEntry_DuplicateEntryParallelRandomKeys()
            Patient patient = PatientT.CreatePatient(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            //First, turn on random primary keys
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.RandomPrimaryKeys, true);
            //There are lots of bug submissions with exception text like "Duplicate entry 'XXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'".
            //OpenDentBusiness.SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry() seems to be the common theme for most of the submissions.
            //Spawn parallel threads to insert 200 security logs trying to get a duplicate entry exception.
            List <Action> listActions = new List <Action>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                listActions.Add(() => SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.Accounting, patient.PatNum, "", 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)));
            //Parallel threads do not support Middle Tier mode when unit testing due to how we have to fake being both the client and the server.
            RemotingRole remotingRoleOld = RemotingClient.RemotingRole;

            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole != RemotingRole.ClientDirect)
                RemotingClient.RemotingRole = RemotingRole.ClientDirect;
            ODThread.RunParallel(listActions, onException: (ex) => {
                PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.RandomPrimaryKeys, false);
                RemotingClient.RemotingRole = remotingRoleOld;
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.RandomPrimaryKeys, false);
            RemotingClient.RemotingRole = remotingRoleOld;
Пример #3
        ///<summary>Creates patients with billing cycle day. Sets BillingUseBillingCycleDay preference to true. Creates an UpdateHistory
        ///entry for version Deletes all current repeat charges.</summary>
        public Patient CreatePatForRepeatCharge(string suffix, int billingCycleDay)
            Patient pat    = PatientT.CreatePatient(suffix);
            Patient patOld = pat.Copy();

            pat.BillingCycleDay = billingCycleDay;
            Patients.Update(pat, patOld);
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.BillingUseBillingCycleDay, true);
            List <RepeatCharge> listRepeatingCharges = RepeatCharges.Refresh(0).ToList();

            listRepeatingCharges.ForEach(x => RepeatCharges.Delete(x));
Пример #4
 public void SetupTest()
     PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.EasyNoClinics, false);
     PrefT.UpdateInt(PrefName.TasksGlobalFilterType, (int)GlobalTaskFilterType.None);
     _taskListMainNoFilter = TaskListT.CreateTaskList(descript: "No Filter", parent: 0, globalTaskFilterType: GlobalTaskFilterType.None);
     _taskListClinic       = TaskListT.CreateTaskList(descript: "Clinic Filter", parent: _taskListMainNoFilter.TaskListNum, globalTaskFilterType: GlobalTaskFilterType.Clinic);
     _taskListRegion       = TaskListT.CreateTaskList(descript: "Region Filter", parent: _taskListMainNoFilter.TaskListNum, globalTaskFilterType: GlobalTaskFilterType.Region);
     _taskListRepeating    = TaskListT.CreateTaskList("Repeating", isRepeating: true);
     TaskSubscriptions.TrySubscList(_taskListMainNoFilter.TaskListNum, _userA.UserNum);
     TaskSubscriptions.TrySubscList(_taskListClinic.TaskListNum, _userA.UserNum);
     TaskSubscriptions.TrySubscList(_taskListRegion.TaskListNum, _userA.UserNum);
     TaskSubscriptions.TrySubscList(_taskListRegion.TaskListNum, _userNW.UserNum);
Пример #5
        public void EmailMessages_FindAndReplacePostalAddressTag()
            //Format disclaimer.
            PrefT.UpdateString(PrefName.EmailDisclaimerTemplate, "This email has been sent to you from:\r\n[PostalAddress].\r\n\r\nHow to unsubscribe:\r\nIf you no longer want to receive any email messages from us, simply reply to this email with the word \"unsubscribe\" in the subject line.");
            //Setup practice address.
            PrefT.UpdateString(PrefName.PracticeAddress, "Practice Address1 Here");
            PrefT.UpdateString(PrefName.PracticeAddress2, "3275 Marietta St SE");
            PrefT.UpdateString(PrefName.PracticeCity, "Salem");
            PrefT.UpdateString(PrefName.PracticeST, "OR");
            PrefT.UpdateString(PrefName.PracticeZip, "97317");
            //Setup clinic address.
            Clinic clinic = ClinicT.CreateClinic();

            clinic.Address = "Clinic Address1 Here";
            //Turn feature off.
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.EmailDisclaimerIsOn, false);
            string emailBody = "Hi, this is an email.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nEvery OD Engineer... ever.";
            string emailBodyWithDisclaimer = EmailMessages.FindAndReplacePostalAddressTag(emailBody, 0);

            //Feature is off so no disclaimer added.
            Assert.AreEqual(emailBody, emailBodyWithDisclaimer);
            //Turn feature on.
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.EmailDisclaimerIsOn, true);
            //Turn clinics off.
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.EasyNoClinics, true);
            emailBodyWithDisclaimer = EmailMessages.FindAndReplacePostalAddressTag(emailBody, 0);
            //Feature is on so disclaimer added (no clinic).
            Assert.AreNotEqual(emailBody, emailBodyWithDisclaimer);
            Assert.IsTrue(emailBodyWithDisclaimer.EndsWith("subject line."));
            Assert.IsTrue(emailBodyWithDisclaimer.Contains("Practice Address"));
            Assert.IsFalse(emailBodyWithDisclaimer.Contains("Clinic Address"));
            //Turn clinics on.
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.EasyNoClinics, false);
            emailBodyWithDisclaimer = EmailMessages.FindAndReplacePostalAddressTag(emailBody, clinic.ClinicNum);
            //Feature is on so disclaimer added (with clinic).
            Assert.AreNotEqual(emailBody, emailBodyWithDisclaimer);
            Assert.IsTrue(emailBodyWithDisclaimer.EndsWith("subject line."));
            Assert.IsTrue(emailBodyWithDisclaimer.Contains("Clinic Address"));
            Assert.IsFalse(emailBodyWithDisclaimer.Contains("Practice Address"));
Пример #6
        public void SecurityLogs_MakeLogEntry_DuplicateEntryRandomKeys()
            Patient patient = PatientT.CreatePatient(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            //First, turn on random primary keys
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.RandomPrimaryKeys, true);
            //There are lots of bug submissions with exception text like "Duplicate entry 'XXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'".
            //OpenDentBusiness.SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry() seems to be the common theme for most of the submissions.
            //Loop as fast as we can and insert 200 security logs trying to get a duplicate entry exception.
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                try {
                    SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.Accounting, patient.PatNum, "", 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7));
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.RandomPrimaryKeys, false);
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.RandomPrimaryKeys, false);
Пример #7
        public void Legacy_TestFiftyFour()
            //When there are multiple repeat charges on one account and the repeat charge tool is run, and then a procedure from the account is deleted,
            //and then the repeat charges tool is run again, the same number of procedures that were deleted should be added.
            string  suffix = "54";
            Patient pat    = PatientT.CreatePatient(suffix);
            Patient patOld = pat.Copy();

            pat.BillingCycleDay = 11;
            Patients.Update(pat, patOld);
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.BillingUseBillingCycleDay, true);
            PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.FutureTransDatesAllowed, true);
            UpdateHistoryT.CreateUpdateHistory("");            //Sets a timestamp that determines which logic we use to calculate repeate charge procedures
            List <RepeatCharge> listRepeatingCharges = RepeatCharges.Refresh(0).ToList();

            listRepeatingCharges.ForEach(x => RepeatCharges.Delete(x));
            DateTime     dateRun         = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(2).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(2).Month, 15);//The 15th of two months from now
            List <int>   listFailedTests = new List <int>();
            RepeatCharge rc = new RepeatCharge();

            rc.ChargeAmt       = 99;
            rc.PatNum          = pat.PatNum;
            rc.ProcCode        = "D2750";
            rc.IsEnabled       = true;
            rc.DateStart       = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 15);  //The 15th of this month
            rc.Note            = "Charge #1";
            rc.CopyNoteToProc  = true;
            rc.RepeatChargeNum = RepeatCharges.Insert(rc);
            rc                 = new RepeatCharge();
            rc.ChargeAmt       = 99;
            rc.PatNum          = pat.PatNum;
            rc.ProcCode        = "D2750";
            rc.IsEnabled       = true;
            rc.DateStart       = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 15);
            rc.Note            = "Charge #2";
            rc.CopyNoteToProc  = true;
            rc.RepeatChargeNum = RepeatCharges.Insert(rc);
            rc                 = new RepeatCharge();
            rc.ChargeAmt       = 99;
            rc.PatNum          = pat.PatNum;
            rc.ProcCode        = "D2750";
            rc.IsEnabled       = true;
            rc.DateStart       = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 15);
            rc.Note            = "Charge #3";
            rc.CopyNoteToProc  = true;
            rc.RepeatChargeNum = RepeatCharges.Insert(rc);
            //Subtest 1 ===============================================================
            //There are three procedures with the same amount, proc code, and start date. Run the repeat charge tool. Delete all procedures from
            //last month. Run the repeat charge tool again. Make sure that the correct repeat charges were added back.
            List <Procedure> procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            int lastMonth          = dateRun.AddMonths(-1).Month;
            int thisMonth          = dateRun.Month;

            //Delete all procedures from last month
            procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth)
            .ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Make sure that the correct number of procedures were added using the correct repeating charges
            if (procs.Count != 6 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1)
            //Subtest 2 ===============================================================
            //Run the repeat charge tool. Delete all procedures from this month. Run the repeat charge tool again. Make sure that the correct
            //repeat charges were added back.
            procs.ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Delete all procedures from this month
            procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth)
            .ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Make sure that the correct number of procedures were added using the correct repeating charges
            if (procs.Count != 6 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1)
            //Subtest 3 ===============================================================
            //Run the repeat charge tool. Delete one procedure from this month. Run the repeat charge tool again. Make sure that the correct
            //repeat charges were added back.
            procs.ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Delete one procedure from this month
            procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1")
            .ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Make sure that the correct number of procedures were added using the correct repeating charges
            if (procs.Count != 6 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1)
            //Subtest 4 ===============================================================
            //Run the repeat charge tool. Delete one procedure from last month. Run the repeat charge tool again. Make sure that the correct
            //repeat charges were added back.
            procs.ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Delete one procedure from last month
            procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1")
            .ForEach(x => Procedures.Delete(x.ProcNum));
            procs = Procedures.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            //Make sure that the correct number of procedures were added using the correct repeating charges
            if (procs.Count != 6 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == lastMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #1").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #2").Count != 1 ||
                procs.FindAll(x => x.ProcDate.Month == thisMonth && x.BillingNote == "Charge #3").Count != 1)
            Assert.AreEqual(0, listFailedTests.Count);
Пример #8
 public static void SetupClass(TestContext testContext)
     //Make sure the SpellCheck preference is enabled.
     PrefT.UpdateBool(PrefName.SpellCheckIsEnabled, true);