Пример #1
            public void GetPositionMatrix()
                 * 5  3  0  1
                 * 4  0  0  1
                 * 1  1  0  5
                 * 1  0  0  4
                 * 0  1  5  4
                DataMatrix    R  = GetSampleRatingMatrix();
                PrefRelations PR = PrefRelations.CreateDiscrete(R);

                // act
                SparseMatrix positionMatrix = PR.GetPositionMatrix();

                // assert
                // How many ratings we have then how many positions we have
                Debug.Assert(positionMatrix.NonZerosCount == R.AsSparseMatrix.NonZerosCount);

                // Check if each rating has a corresponding position
                // we have check the count so don't need to check the oppsite
                foreach (Tuple <int, int, double> element in R.AsSparseMatrix.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip))
                    int    indexOfUser = element.Item1;
                    int    indexOfItem = element.Item2;
                    double rating      = element.Item3;

                    Debug.Assert(positionMatrix[indexOfUser, indexOfItem] != SparseMatrix.Zero);
Пример #2
        public static void GetCosineOfPrefRelations(PrefRelations PR, int maxCountOfNeighbors,
                                                    double strongSimilarityThreshold, out SimilarityData neighborsByObject)
            HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > foo;

            ComputeSimilarities(PR, SimilarityMetric.CosinePrefRelations, maxCountOfNeighbors,
                                strongSimilarityThreshold, out neighborsByObject, out foo);
Пример #3
            public void CreateDiscrete()
                 * 5  3  0  1
                 * 4  0  0  1
                 * 1  1  0  5
                 * 1  0  0  4
                 * 0  1  5  4
                DataMatrix R = GetSampleRatingMatrix();

                // act
                PrefRelations PR = PrefRelations.CreateDiscrete(R);

                // assert
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, SparseMatrix> user in PR.PreferenceRelationsByUser)
                    int          indexOfUser       = user.Key;
                    SparseMatrix preferencesOfUser = user.Value;

                    // Note that the diagonal (item compares to itsself) is elft empty
                    Debug.Assert(preferencesOfUser.Trace() == 0);

                    // Check if the correct number of preference relations have been created
                    Debug.Assert((Math.Pow(R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(indexOfUser), 2)
                                  - R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(indexOfUser))
                                 == preferencesOfUser.NonZerosCount);

                // Check if the first user's preferences are correct
                Debug.WriteLine("PR[0][0, 0]=" + PR[0][0, 0]);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][0, 0] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][0, 1] == Config.Preferences.Preferred);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][1, 0] == Config.Preferences.LessPreferred);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][0, 2] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][2, 0] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][1, 2] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][2, 1] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][1, 3] == Config.Preferences.Preferred);
                Debug.Assert(PR[0][3, 1] == Config.Preferences.LessPreferred);

                // Check if the last user's preferences are correct
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][1, 1] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][0, 1] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][1, 0] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][0, 2] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][2, 0] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][1, 2] == Config.Preferences.LessPreferred);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][2, 1] == Config.Preferences.Preferred);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][1, 3] == Config.Preferences.LessPreferred);
                Debug.Assert(PR[4][3, 1] == Config.Preferences.Preferred);
Пример #4
            public void PreferencesToPositions()
                 * 5  3  0  1
                 * 4  0  0  1
                 * 1  1  0  5
                 * 1  0  0  4
                 * 0  1  5  4
                DataMatrix    R  = GetSampleRatingMatrix();
                PrefRelations PR = PrefRelations.CreateDiscrete(R);

                // act
                // Convert first, Third, and last users' preferences to positions
                Vector <double> positionsOfUserFirst = PR.PreferencesToPositions(PR[0]);
                Vector <double> positionsOfUserThird = PR.PreferencesToPositions(PR[2]);
                Vector <double> positionsOfUserLast  = PR.PreferencesToPositions(PR[4]);

                // assert
                // Check first user
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserFirst[0] == 1 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserFirst[1] == 0 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserFirst[2] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserFirst[3] == -1 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);

                // Check third user
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserThird[0] == -0.5 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserThird[1] == -0.5 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserThird[2] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserThird[3] == 1 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);

                // Check second last user
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserLast[0] == SparseMatrix.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserLast[1] == -1 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserLast[2] == 1 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);
                Debug.Assert(positionsOfUserLast[3] == 0 + Config.Preferences.PositionShift);

                // The number of positions should match the number of ratings by each user
                             == R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(0), String.Format("{0}=={1}",
                                                                          positionsOfUserFirst.GetNonZerosCount(), R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(0)));

                             == R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(2), String.Format("{0}=={1}",
                                                                          positionsOfUserThird.GetNonZerosCount(), R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(2)));

                             == R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(4), String.Format("{0}=={1}",
                                                                          positionsOfUserLast.GetNonZerosCount(), R.GetNonZerosCountOfRow(4)));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Switch between different metrics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PR"></param>
        /// <param name="similarityMetric"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void ComputeSimilarities(PrefRelations PR,
                                                Metric.SimilarityMetric similarityMetric, int maxCountOfNeighbors,
                                                double minSimilarityThreshold, out SimilarityData neighborsByObject,
                                                out HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > strongSimilarityIndicators)
            int dimension = PR.UserCount;
            HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > strongSimilarityIndicators_out = new HashSet <Tuple <int, int> >();
            SimilarityData neighborsByObject_out = new SimilarityData(maxCountOfNeighbors);

            // Compute similarity for the lower triangular
            Object lockMe = new Object();

            Parallel.For(0, dimension, i =>
                Utils.PrintEpoch("Progress current/total", i, dimension);

                for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                    if (i == j)
                    }                         // Skip self similarity

                    else if (i > j)
                        switch (similarityMetric)
                        case SimilarityMetric.CosinePrefRelations:
                            double cosinePR = Metric.cosinePR(PR, i, j);
                            lock (lockMe)
                                if (cosinePR > minSimilarityThreshold)
                                    strongSimilarityIndicators_out.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, j));
                                neighborsByObject_out.AddSimilarityData(i, j, cosinePR);
                                neighborsByObject_out.AddSimilarityData(j, i, cosinePR);
                            // More metrics to be added here.

            neighborsByObject          = neighborsByObject_out;
            strongSimilarityIndicators = strongSimilarityIndicators_out;
Пример #6
        private static double cosinePR(PrefRelations PR, int u_a, int u_b)
            SparseMatrix pr_a = PR[u_a];
            SparseMatrix pr_b = PR[u_b];

            //Debug.Assert(pr_a.Trace() == SparseMatrix.Zero, "The diagonal of user preference relation matrix should be left empty.");
            //Debug.Assert(pr_b.Trace() == SparseMatrix.Zero, "The diagonal of user preference relation matrix should be left empty.");

            // The number of preference relations agreed between users a and b
            int agreedCount = pr_a.Fold2((count, prefOfA, prefOfB) =>
                                         count + (prefOfA == prefOfB ? 1 : 0), 0, pr_b, Zeros.AllowSkip);

            #region Obsolate naive implementation

             * // TODO: there should be a faster lambda way of doing this
             * // Loop through all non-zero elements
             * foreach (Tuple<int, int, double> element in pr_a.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip))
             * {
             *  int item_i = element.Item1;
             *  int item_j = element.Item2;
             *  double preference_a = element.Item3;
             *  // Because pr_ij is just the reverse of pr_ji,
             *  // we count only i-j to avoid double counting
             *  // and also reduce the number of calling pr_b[]
             *  if (item_i > item_j)
             *  {
             *      if (preference_a == pr_b[item_i, item_j])
             *      {
             *      }
             *  }
             * }

            // Multiplicaiton result can be too large and cause overflow,
            // therefore we do Sqrt() first and then multiply
            double normalization = checked (Math.Sqrt((double)pr_a.NonZerosCount) * Math.Sqrt((double)pr_b.NonZerosCount));

            // Very small value
            return(agreedCount / normalization);
Пример #7
        public string GetReadyForOrdinal(bool saveLoadedData = true)
            if (!ReadyForNumerical)
            if (ReadyForOrdinal)
                return("Is ready.");

            StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();

            log.AppendLine(Utils.PrintHeading("Prepare preferecen relation data"));

            Console.WriteLine("Converting R_train into PR_train");
            log.AppendLine("Converting R_train into PR_train");
            PR_train = PrefRelations.CreateDiscrete(R_train);

            //Console.WriteLine("Converting R_test into PR_test");
            //log.AppendLine("Converting R_test into PR_test");
            //PR_test = PrefRelations.CreateDiscrete(R_test);


            #region Prepare similarity data
            if (File.Exists(GetDataFileName("USP")) &&
                File.Exists(GetDataFileName("ISP")) &&
                Utils.PrintHeading("Load user, item, indicators variables (Pref based)");
                UserSimilaritiesOfPref = Utils.IO <SimilarityData> .LoadObject(GetDataFileName("USP"));

                ItemSimilaritiesOfPref = Utils.IO <SimilarityData> .LoadObject(GetDataFileName("ISP"));

                StrongSimilarityIndicatorsByItemPref = Utils.IO <HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > > .LoadObject(GetDataFileName("SSIIP"));

                Utils.PrintHeading("Compute user-user similarities (Pref based)");
                Metric.GetCosineOfPrefRelations(PR_train, MaxCountOfNeighbors,
                                                StrongSimilarityThreshold, out UserSimilaritiesOfPref);

                // For the moment, we use user-wise preferences to compute
                // item-item similarities, it is not the same as user-user pref similarities
                Utils.PrintHeading("Compute item-item similarities (Pref based)");
                DataMatrix PR_userwise_preferences = new DataMatrix(PR_train.GetPositionMatrix());
                Metric.GetPearsonOfColumns(PR_userwise_preferences, MaxCountOfNeighbors, StrongSimilarityThreshold,
                                           out ItemSimilaritiesOfPref, out StrongSimilarityIndicatorsByItemPref);

                if (saveLoadedData)
                    Utils.IO <SimilarityData> .SaveObject(UserSimilaritiesOfPref, GetDataFileName("USP"));

                    Utils.IO <SimilarityData> .SaveObject(ItemSimilaritiesOfPref, GetDataFileName("ISP"));

                    Utils.IO <HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > >
                    .SaveObject(StrongSimilarityIndicatorsByItemPref, GetDataFileName("SSIIP"));

            ReadyForOrdinal = true;
