private PreValueCollection GetCachedPreValueCollection(int datetypeId)
            var key = GetPrefixedCacheKey(datetypeId);

            return(IsolatedCache.GetCacheItem <PreValueCollection>(key, () =>
                var dtos = Database.Fetch <DataTypePreValueDto>("WHERE datatypeNodeId = @Id", new { Id = datetypeId });
                var list = dtos.Select(x => new Tuple <PreValue, string, int>(new PreValue(x.Id, x.Value, x.SortOrder), x.Alias, x.SortOrder)).ToList();
                var collection = PreValueConverter.ConvertToPreValuesCollection(list);
                return collection;
            }, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20), isSliding: true));
Пример #2
        private PreValueCollection GetAndCachePreValueCollection(int dataTypeId)
            //go get the data
            var dtos       = Database.Fetch <DataTypePreValueDto>("WHERE datatypeNodeId = @Id", new { Id = dataTypeId });
            var list       = dtos.Select(x => new Tuple <PreValue, string, int>(new PreValue(x.Id, x.Value, x.SortOrder), x.Alias, x.SortOrder)).ToList();
            var collection = PreValueConverter.ConvertToPreValuesCollection(list);

            //now create the cache key, this needs to include all pre-value ids so that we can use this cached item in the GetPreValuesAsString method
            //the key will be: "UmbracoPreValDATATYPEID-CSVOFPREVALIDS

            var key = GetPrefixedCacheKey(dataTypeId)
                      + string.Join(",", collection.FormatAsDictionary().Select(x => x.Value.Id).ToArray());

            //store into cache
            _cacheHelper.RuntimeCache.InsertCacheItem(key, () => collection,
                                                      //30 mins
                                                      new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30),
                                                      //sliding is true
