protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AdminPopedom.IsHoldModel("13"); string tmp = CommonManager.Web.Request("id", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp) || !CommonManager.String.IsInteger(tmp)) { Alert("请勿非法操作!", null); return; } else { PrID = tmp; } string sql = @"select * from Web_VTGLog as t where TG_UserID=@TG_UserID order by RegTime DESC select count(UserID) as TGCount,isnull(sum(GetMoney),0) as GetMoney from Web_VTGLog where IsRegAward=1 and IsClearing=1 and TG_UserID=@TG_UserID " ; DataSet ds = DbSession.Default.FromSql(sql) .AddInputParameter("@TG_UserID", DbType.Int32, PrID) .ToDataSet(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { PrListinfos.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; PrListinfos.DataBind(); } if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0) { TGCount = (int)ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["TGCount"]; TGIncome = (int)ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["GetMoney"]; } } else { this.NoPrListinfos.Visible = true; //this.YesList.Visible = false; } ds.Clear(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AdminPopedom.IsHoldModel("13"); string param = CommonManager.Web.Request("params", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param) || !CommonManager.String.IsInteger(param)) { return; } DataTable dt = DbSession.Default.FromSql("select isnull(sum(GetMoney),0) as shouyi from web_vTGpayClearing where TGUserID=@UserID") .AddInputParameter("@UserID", DbType.Int32, param).ToDataTable(); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } ShouYi = dt.Rows[0]["shouyi"].ToString(); dt.Clear(); string where = " and TGUserID=" + param; DataSet ds = DbSession.Default.FromProc("Web_pGetDataPager") .AddInputParameter("@PageSize", DbType.Int32, anpPageIndex.PageSize) .AddInputParameter("@CurrentPage", DbType.Int32, PageIndex) .AddInputParameter("@Columns", DbType.String, "*") .AddInputParameter("@TableName", DbType.String, "web_vTGpayClearing") .AddInputParameter("@Wheres", DbType.String, where) .AddInputParameter("@KeyName", DbType.String, "RecordID") .AddInputParameter("@OrderBy", DbType.String, "RecordID desc") .ToDataSet(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { anpPageIndex.RecordCount = (int)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]; anpPageIndex.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex; if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0) { NoPrListinfos.Visible = false; PrListinfos.Visible = true; PrListinfos.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; PrListinfos.DataBind(); } else { NoPrListinfos.Visible = true; PrListinfos.Visible = false; } } /*Dictionary<string, object> output = new Dictionary<string, object>(); * * dt = DbSession.Default.FromProc( "Bzw_GetTuiGuangInfo" ) * .AddInputParameter( "@TG_UserID", DbType.Int32, param ) * .AddInputParameter( "@PageSize", DbType.Int32, anpPageIndex.PageSize ) * .AddInputParameter("@PageIndex", DbType.Int32, PageIndex) * .AddOutputParameter( "@RecordCount", DbType.Int32, 4 ) * .ToDataTable(out output); * * anpPageIndex.RecordCount = (int)output["RecordCount"]; * anpPageIndex.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex; * * * if( dt.Rows.Count > 0 ) * { * NoPrListinfos.Visible = false; * PrListinfos.Visible = true; * PrListinfos.DataSource = dt; * PrListinfos.DataBind(); * int sum = 0; * foreach( DataRow row in dt.Rows ) * { * sum += (int)row["ShouYi"]; * } * ShouYiCountInPage = sum.ToString(); * } * else * { * NoPrListinfos.Visible = true; * PrListinfos.Visible = false; * }*/ }