Пример #1
 void Start()
     if (instance == null)
         instance = this;
Пример #2
 public PowerAction(Actor owner, int powerSNO)
     : base(owner)
     _power            = PowerLoader.CreateImplementationForPowerSNO(powerSNO);
     _power.User       = owner;
     _powerRan         = false;
     _baseAttackRadius = this.Owner.ActorData.Cylinder.Ax2 + _power.EvalTag(PowerKeys.AttackRadius) + 1.5f;
     _ownerMover       = new ActorMover(owner);
Пример #3
 void Awake()
     health      = GetComponent <Health>();
     audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     collider2d  = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
     //spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
     //animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
     remainingJumps = allowedJumps;
     powerScript    = powerDisplay.GetComponent <PowerScript>();
 void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider)
     if (collider.gameObject.name == "Car")
         Debug.Log("You won!");
         powerScript = powerDisplay.GetComponent<PowerScript>();
Пример #5
    public void invokeJump()
        // player is no longer charging
        isCharging = false;
        // get the game object tagged as "Power"
        GameObject powerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Power");
        // inside the object tagged as "Power", get PowerScript script
        PowerScript script = powerObject.GetComponent("PowerScript") as PowerScript;

        // destoy the power bar
        // find the object tagged as "Player" and send "Jump" message, with the proper force
        GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").SendMessage("Jump", maxJumpForce * script.chargePower + 50);
        buttonDown = false;
Пример #6
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     remainingJumps = allowedJumps;
     powerScript    = powerDisplay.GetComponent <PowerScript>();
    public void loggerMethod(int currentSuccess, float poleDistance, float poleHeight, string currentPoleName, string currentPoleMag, string currentPoleFric, int getScore, string currentPoleMagAr, string nearestPoleName, float distanceOfNearestPoleXPosition, float assistanceLevel, float hindranceLevel)
        GameObject  powerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Power");                        // get the game object tagged as "Power"
        PowerScript powerScript = powerObject.GetComponent("PowerScript") as PowerScript; // inside the object tagged as "Power", get PowerScript script

        // We actually do not need this section -- but it's still here ! What a waste of energy and time
        // Since everything from scripts are getting here without a proper serialization as we are updating the project quite a few times
        // this section makes everything in a serial order for the log file
        string PoleNumber               = currentPoleName;                          // the current pole number where the player is
        string PoleDistance             = poleDistance.ToString();                  // the current pole X position
        string PoleHeight               = poleHeight.ToString();                    // the current pole Y position
        string PoleMagnetism            = currentPoleMag;                           // the current pole's magnetism
        string PoleFriction             = currentPoleFric;                          // the current pole's materials friction
        string Power                    = powerScript.mouseDepressPower.ToString(); // the power that is set to the
        string PoleMagnetismArea        = currentPoleMagAr;                         // Magnetism Area of the pole
        string DistanceToTheNearestPole = distanceOfNearestPoleXPosition.ToString();
        string trajectoryAssistance     = assistanceLevel.ToString();
        string trajectoryHindrance      = hindranceLevel.ToString();
        int    currentScore             = getScore;       // the current score of the player
        int    Success                  = currentSuccess; // success ?
        int    Failure                  = 0;

        if (currentSuccess == 0)
            Failure = 1;                           // if not success then failed
        // Check for duplicate log
        // It looks like due to duplicate hit there might be more than one log for a single pole
        // Hacked!
        if (prePoleNumber == PoleNumber &&
            prePower == Power &&
            preDistanceToTheNearestPole == DistanceToTheNearestPole)
            LogData = false;
            LogData = true;

        // Identifying Round Sections
        // This section must be deleted after the peak-end study
        // First check if the nearest Pole Number has a length more than 4
        int poleNumberID = 0;

        if (nearestPoleName.Length > 4 && !nearestPoleName.Equals("poleEnd"))
            poleNumberID = int.Parse(nearestPoleName.Substring(4));

        // Get the string of the filename
        string nameOfFile = MainScript.refFileName.ToString();

        if ((poleNumberID >= 1 && poleNumberID <= 8) ||
            (poleNumberID >= 13 && poleNumberID <= 20))
            poleSection = "Neutral";
        else if (((poleNumberID >= 9 && poleNumberID <= 12) ||
                  (poleNumberID >= 21 && poleNumberID <= 24)) &&
                 MainScript.refFileName.Substring(nameOfFile.Length - 8).Equals("Positive"))
            poleSection = "Positive";

        else if (((poleNumberID >= 9 && poleNumberID <= 12) ||
                  (poleNumberID >= 21 && poleNumberID <= 24)) &&
                 MainScript.refFileName.Substring(nameOfFile.Length - 8).Equals("Negative"))
            poleSection = "Negative";
            poleSection = "";

        // Reset ElapsedTime timer after specific PoleSection
        if (PoleNumber.Equals("Pole08") && isFirstOccurence)
            eTNeutral = MainScript.elapsedTime;
            MainScript.elapsedTime = 0;
            isFirstOccurence       = false;
        else if (PoleNumber.Equals("Pole09") || PoleNumber.Equals("Pole010") || PoleNumber.Equals("Pole011"))
            isFirstOccurence = true;
        else if (PoleNumber.Equals("Pole012") && isFirstOccurence)
            eTOther = MainScript.elapsedTime;
            MainScript.elapsedTime = 0;
            isFirstOccurence       = false;
        else if (PoleNumber.Equals("Pole013") || PoleNumber.Equals("Pole014") || PoleNumber.Equals("Pole015"))
            isFirstOccurence = true;
        else if (PoleNumber.Equals("Pole020") && isFirstOccurence)
            eTNeutral += MainScript.elapsedTime;
            MainScript.elapsedTime = 0;
            isFirstOccurence       = false;
        else if (PoleNumber.Equals("Pole021") || PoleNumber.Equals("Pole022") || PoleNumber.Equals("Pole023"))
            isFirstOccurence = true;
        else if (PoleNumber.Equals("PoleEnd") && isFirstOccurence)
            eTOther += MainScript.elapsedTime;
            MainScript.elapsedTime = 0;

        prePoleNumber = PoleNumber;                             // set pre for this data
        prePower      = Power;                                  // set Power equal to prePower
        preDistanceToTheNearestPole = DistanceToTheNearestPole; // set DistanceToTheNearestPole equal to the preDistanceToTheNearestPole

        if (LogData)
            string url = MainScript.server_url + "/loggame";

            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
            form.AddField("poleNumber", PoleNumber);
            form.AddField("poleDistance", PoleDistance);
            form.AddField("poleHeight", PoleHeight);
            form.AddField("currentTime", MainScript.timer.ToString());
            form.AddField("elapsedTimeNeutral", eTNeutral.ToString());
            form.AddField("elapsedTimePeakEnd", eTOther.ToString());
            form.AddField("nearestPoleName", nearestPoleName);
            form.AddField("poleSection", poleSection);
            form.AddField("distanceToTheNearestPole", DistanceToTheNearestPole);
            form.AddField("magnetismLevel", PoleMagnetism);
            form.AddField("magnetismArea", PoleMagnetismArea);
            form.AddField("trajectoryAssistance", trajectoryAssistance);
            form.AddField("trajectoryHindrance", trajectoryHindrance);
            form.AddField("friction", PoleFriction);
            form.AddField("power", Power);
            form.AddField("score", currentScore);
            form.AddField("success", Success);
            form.AddField("failure", Failure);
            form.AddField("successWithoutAnyAssist", successWithoutAnyTypeOfAssist);
            // Has the game has been initialised or not. Restarting after death will be set to 0
            form.AddField("gameInitialised", StartScreenScript.gameInitialised);

            //Log data in the unity inspector
            // Un-Comment the next section for showing it into the unity inspector
            //Debug.Log("PoleNumber: " + PoleNumber + "\n" +
            //"Pole Distance: " + PoleDistance + "\n" +
            //"PoleHeight: " + PoleHeight + "\n" +
            //"Current Time in Sec: " + MainScript.timer.ToString() + "\n" +
            //"Elapsed Time Neutral: " + eTNeutral.ToString() + "\n" +
            //"Elapsed Time Peak End: " + eTOther.ToString() + "\n" +
            //"Nearest Pole Number: " + nearestPoleName + "\n" +
            //"Pole Section: " + poleSection + "\n" +
            //"DistanceToTheNearestPole: " + DistanceToTheNearestPole + "\n" +
            //"PoleMagnetism: " + PoleMagnetism + "\n" +
            //"Magnetism Area: " + currentPoleMagAr + "\n" +
            //"Trajectory Assistance: " + trajectoryAssistance + "\n" +
            //"Trajectory Hindrance: " + trajectoryHindrance + "\n" +
            //"Pole Friction: " + PoleFriction + "\n" +
            //"Power: " + Power + "\n" +
            //"Current Score: " + currentScore + "\n" +
            //"Success: " + Success + "\n" +
            //"Failure: " + Failure + "\n" +
            //"Player Score Without Magnetism: " + playerScoreWithoutMagnetism + "\n" +
            //"Game Initialised: " + StartScreenScript.gameInitialised);

            WWW www = new WWW(url, form);

Пример #8
    // This function is executed at each of our game frame
    void Update()
        //if(Cursor.lockState != CursorLockMode.Confined)
        //Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined; // keep confined in the game window
        //// Depreciated for UNITY 5_3
        // Check the Day/Night Settings
        GameObject SunLight = GameObject.Find("Sun");

        SunLight.GetComponent <Light>().intensity = currentLightSettings;

        // Turning on the moon when the light intensity goes down
        GameObject Moon    = GameObject.Find("MoonCrescent");
        GameObject SunHalo = GameObject.Find("SunHalo");
        GameObject Pl1     = GameObject.Find("Point light_1");
        GameObject Pl2     = GameObject.Find("Point light_2");
        GameObject Pl3     = GameObject.Find("Point light_3");

        if (currentLightSettings < 0.25)
            SunHalo.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; // Turn off Sun
            SunHalo.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;
            Moon.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled    = true;  // Turn on Moon

            Pl1.GetComponent <Light>().enabled = true;
            Pl2.GetComponent <Light>().enabled = true;
            Pl3.GetComponent <Light>().enabled = true;
            SunHalo.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;  // Turn on Sun
            Moon.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled    = false; // Turn off Moon

            Pl1.GetComponent <Light>().enabled = false;
            Pl2.GetComponent <Light>().enabled = false;
            Pl3.GetComponent <Light>().enabled = false;

        // Find the player object
        playerObject    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        realTrailObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("RealTrail");

        //Add a shortcut button for turning on the trajectory
        TrajectoryPredictor trajectoryScript01 = playerObject.GetComponent("TrajectoryPredictor") as TrajectoryPredictor;
        TrajectoryPredictor trajectoryScript02 = realTrailObject.GetComponent("TrajectoryPredictor") as TrajectoryPredictor;

        if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("DebuggerMode").Equals("True"))
            //// For Player
            trajectoryScript01.drawDebugOnUpdate     = true;
            trajectoryScript01.drawDebugOnPrediction = true;

            //// For Real Trail
            trajectoryScript02.drawDebugOnUpdate     = true;
            trajectoryScript02.drawDebugOnPrediction = true;

            bool ctrl = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl);
            bool alt  = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt);
            bool t    = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T);

            if ((ctrl && alt && t) || (alt && ctrl && t))
                if (!pressedOnce)
                    pressedOnce = true;
                    pressedOnce = false;

            if (pressedOnce)
                // For Player
                trajectoryScript01.drawDebugOnUpdate     = true;
                trajectoryScript01.drawDebugOnPrediction = true;

                // For Real Trail
                trajectoryScript02.drawDebugOnUpdate     = true;
                trajectoryScript02.drawDebugOnPrediction = true;
            else if (!pressedOnce)
                // For Player
                trajectoryScript01.drawDebugOnUpdate     = false;
                trajectoryScript01.drawDebugOnPrediction = false;

                // For Real Trail
                trajectoryScript02.drawDebugOnUpdate     = false;
                trajectoryScript02.drawDebugOnPrediction = false;

        // Check the Magnetism Properties and trail renderer properties
        NinjaScript ninjaScript = playerObject.GetComponent("NinjaScript") as NinjaScript;

        if (magnetismOn)
            ninjaScript.magnetismOn = true;
            ninjaScript.magnetismOn = false;

        // Check the Trajectory Assistance Properties and trail renderer properties
        if (trajectoryAssistanceOn)
            ninjaScript.trajectoryAssistanceOn = true;
            ninjaScript.trajectoryAssistanceOn = false;

        // Timer Game Object
        GameObject timerObject = GameObject.Find("Timer");

        // Timer settings shown on top of the screen
        if (timeStarted == true && timePaused == false && timer > 1)
            timer       -= Time.deltaTime;
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            //elapsedTime = totalGameTime * 60 - timer;
            int    minutes  = Mathf.FloorToInt(timer / 60F);
            int    seconds  = Mathf.FloorToInt(timer - minutes * 60);
            string niceTime = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds);
            timerObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = niceTime;
        else if (timer <= 1 && timeStarted == true && timePaused == false && !calledOnce)
            timeStarted = false;
            timePaused  = true;

            // Show the Game Over Screen again but with Time Out wriiten
            // Enable Canvas section
            GameObject canvasObject = GameObject.Find("Canvas");
            canvasObject.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = true;
            Image panelImage = canvasObject.GetComponentInChildren <CanvasRenderer>().GetComponent <Image>();
            panelImage.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); //newPanelColor;

            // Disable Game Over Image
            GameObject gameOverObj = GameObject.Find("GameOverImage");
            gameOverObj.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false;

            // Enable TimeOut Image
            Text TimeOutObj = GameObject.Find("TimeOutText").GetComponent <Text>();
            TimeOutObj.enabled = true;

            // Disbale the restart button
            GameObject buttonRestart = GameObject.Find("ButtonRestart");
            buttonRestart.GetComponent <Image>().enabled  = false;
            buttonRestart.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;

            // Destroy the player first to remove any additional log
            GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
            playerIsAlive = false;

            // pause for 5 seconds and then destroy everything
        else if (timePaused)
            timerObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "PAUSED";
            RectTransform rt = timerObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            rt.localPosition = new Vector2(35, 0);
            rt.localScale    = new Vector2(0.60F, 0.60F);
        //float playerYPosition = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform.position.y;
        float playersXvelocity = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.x;
        float playersYvelocity = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y;

        // Mouse button is down, but ninja isn't jumping/falling (its y velocity is zero) and the ninja is not charging
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") &&
            playersXvelocity == 0 && playersYvelocity == 0 &&
            !isCharging && playerIsAlive && !timePaused)
            // check if the real trail exist or not
            if (GameObject.FindWithTag("RealTrail") != null)
                GameObject.FindWithTag("RealTrail").transform.position = playerObject.transform.position;
                GameObject.FindWithTag("RealTrail").transform.rotation = playerObject.transform.rotation;

                //Debug.Log("realTrailObject.transform.position: " + realTrailObject.transform.position);
            isCharging = true;          // now the ninja will be charging

        // Mouse button released and the ninja is charging but not jumping/falling (its y velocity is zero)
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1") &&
            playersXvelocity == 0 && playersYvelocity == 0 &&
            isCharging && playerIsAlive && !timePaused)
            isCharging = false;                                                               // player is no longer charging so set the isCharging to false
            GameObject  powerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Power");                        // get the game object tagged as "Power"
            PowerScript script      = powerObject.GetComponent("PowerScript") as PowerScript; // inside the object tagged as "Power", get PowerScript script
            GameObject  player      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

            player.SendMessage("Jump", maxJumpForce * script.chargePowerSender);            // find the object tagged as "Player" and send "Jump" message, with the proper force
            updateScore = true;                                                             // Set the updateScore to true because the player just jumped
Пример #9
    void Awake()
        P.init();            //init the magic number for screen scaling
        Time.timeScale = 1f; //just in case it had been changed

        //create the boundary at the screen's size
        GameObject boundary = new GameObject();

        boundary.name = "Boundary";
        boundary.tag  = "Boundary";
        BoxCollider2D boundaryColl = boundary.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D> ();

        boundaryColl.isTrigger = true;
        boundaryColl.size      = new Vector2(P.pocP(2f, Side.W), P.pocP(2f, Side.H));

        GameObject bg = new GameObject("Background");

        bg.transform.position   = Vector3.zero;
        bg.transform.localScale = new Vector3(P.pocSGame(1f, Side.W), P.pocSGame(1f, Side.H), 1f);
        SpriteRenderer srBg = bg.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();

        srBg.sortingOrder = -100;
        srBg.sprite       = Resources.Load <Sprite> ("pixel");
            switch (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.ToCharArray() [7])
            case '1':
                srBg.color = new Color(0.22352941176470588235294117647059f, 0.32549019607843137254901960784314f, 0.64313725490196078431372549019608f, 1f);

            case '2':
                srBg.color = new Color(0.64705882352941176470588235294118f, 0.21568627450980392156862745098039f, 0.21568627450980392156862745098039f, 1f);

            case '3':
                srBg.color = new Color(0.23529411764705882352941176470588f, 0.18039215686274509803921568627451f, 0.11372549019607843137254901960784f, 1f);

                srBg.color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
        }catch (Exception) {
            srBg.color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f);

        GameObject para = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Params");

        if (para != null)
            ReferenceObj refe = para.GetComponent <ReferenceObj> ();
            easyMode = (bool)refe.GetReferenceByName("isEasy");
            coopMode = (bool)refe.GetReferenceByName("isCoop");

        if (coopMode)
            GameObject player1 = Instantiate(playerPrefab) as GameObject;
            GameObject player2 = Instantiate(playerPrefab) as GameObject;
            player1.name = "player1";
            player2.name = "player2";
            //	Destroy (player1.GetComponent<PlayerScript> ());
            //	Destroy (player2.GetComponent<PlayerScript> ());
            PlayerCoopScript pScript1 = player1.AddComponent <PlayerCoopScript> ();
            PlayerCoopScript pScript2 = player2.AddComponent <PlayerCoopScript> ();
            PlayerCoopScript.LinkPlayers(pScript1, pScript2);

            player1.transform.position = new Vector2(0, P.pocP(-0.7f, Side.HEIGHT));
            player2.transform.position = new Vector2(0, P.pocP(0.7f, Side.HEIGHT));
            mat            = player1.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material;
            contourColor   = mat.color;
            playerInstance = pScript1;
            GameObject player = Instantiate(playerPrefab) as GameObject;
            player.transform.position = new Vector2(0, P.pocP(-0.7f, Side.HEIGHT));
            mat            = player.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material;
            playerInstance = player.AddComponent <PlayerScript> ();
            contourColor   = mat.color;
        PlayerScript.afterColorChange += OnColorChange;

        GameObject[] obs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle");
        startTime = Time.time;

        foreach (object g in obstacles)
            if (((GameObject)g).GetComponent <GameObstacle> ().startAtTime < timeOffset)

        //setup UI
        Data       data = Data.GetInstance();
        GameObject ui   = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject> ("PowerIcons/PowerButtons")) as GameObject;

        if (easyMode)
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            GameObject    powUi     = ui.transform.FindChild("Power" + (i + 1)).gameObject;
            PowerScript   powScript = powUi.GetComponent <PowerScript> ();
            Slider        slider    = powUi.GetComponent <Slider> ();
            PowerAttribut attrib    = data.GetPowerAttribut(data.selectedPowers [i]);
            Power         pow       = Power.GetInstance(data.selectedPowers [i], slider);
            if (data.selectedPowers [i] == Powers.Null)
                powScript.power = pow;
                powUi.transform.FindChild("Icon").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = pow.icon;