public override void Apply(LocalTargetInfo target, LocalTargetInfo dest) { base.Apply(target, dest); PowerBeam powerBeam = (PowerBeam)GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.PowerBeam, target.Cell, parent.pawn.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); powerBeam.duration = Props.duration; powerBeam.instigator = parent.pawn; powerBeam.weaponDef = null; powerBeam.StartStrike(); }
public override void Execute(int amount, string boughtBy) { Map currentMap = Find.CurrentMap; CellRect cellRect = CellRect.WholeMap(currentMap).ContractedBy(30); if (cellRect.IsEmpty) { cellRect = CellRect.WholeMap(currentMap); } IntVec3 location; if (CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellInsideWith(cellRect, (IntVec3 x) => true, out location)) { PowerBeam powerBeam = (PowerBeam)GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.PowerBeam, location, currentMap); powerBeam.duration = 600; powerBeam.StartStrike(); AlertManager.BadEventNotification("A bombardment from space", location); } }
public static void AddGizmo(Pawn __instance, ref IEnumerable <Gizmo> __result) { //I want access to the pawn object, and want to modify the original method's result var pawn = __instance; var gizmos = __result.ToList(); // First two flags detect if the pawn is mine, and if it is bool flagIsCreatureMine = pawn.Faction != null && pawn.Faction.IsPlayer; bool flagIsCreatureDraftable = (pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>() != null); /* I check these flags only inside flagIsCreatureDraftable true to avoid errors due to pawn.TryGetComp<CompDraftable>() being null in most pawns. The code inside * the conditional only executes if it isn't*/ bool flagIsCreatureRageable = false; bool flagIsCreatureExplodable = false; bool flagIsCreatureChickenRimPox = false; bool flagCanCreatureCarryMore = false; bool flagCanCreatureAdrenalineBurst = false; bool flagCanCanDoInsectClouds = false; bool flagCanStampede = false; bool flagCanDoPoisonousCloud = false; bool flagCanBurrow = false; bool flagCanStamina = false; bool flagCanHorrorize = false; bool flagCanMechaBlast = false; bool flagCanKeenSenses = false; bool flagCanCatReflexes = false; bool flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent = false; if (flagIsCreatureDraftable) { /*Inside here, I check if the Building is present in the map. I only want to do the check for * hybrids, or it will do this iterator for every creature in the map */ foreach (Thing t in pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("GR_AnimalControlHub"))) { Thing mindcontrolhub = t as Thing; if (t != null) { flagIsCreatureRageable = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetRage; flagIsCreatureExplodable = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetExplodable; flagIsCreatureChickenRimPox = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetChickenRimPox; flagCanCreatureCarryMore = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetCanCarryMore; flagCanCreatureAdrenalineBurst = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetAdrenalineBurst; flagCanCanDoInsectClouds = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetCanDoInsectClouds; flagCanStampede = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetCanStampede; flagCanDoPoisonousCloud = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetCanDoPoisonousCloud; flagCanBurrow = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetCanBurrow; flagCanStamina = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().HasDinoStamina; flagCanHorrorize = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetHorror; flagCanMechaBlast = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetMechablast; flagCanKeenSenses = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetKeenSenses; flagCanCatReflexes = pawn.TryGetComp <CompDraftable>().GetCatReflexes; flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent = true; } } } /*Is the creature part of the colony, and draftable (the custom comp class)? Then display the drafting gizmo, called * Mind Control. It's action is just calling on toggle the Drafted method in the pawn's drafter, which * we initialized in the first Harmony Postfix */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsCreatureDraftable && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_MindControl = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_MindControl.action = delegate { pawn.drafter.Drafted = !pawn.drafter.Drafted; }; GR_Gizmo_MindControl.defaultLabel = "GR_CreatureMindControl".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_MindControl.defaultDesc = "GR_CreatureMindControlDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_MindControl.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_ControlAnimal", true); gizmos.Insert(0, GR_Gizmo_MindControl); } /*If the creature is draftable, drafted at the moment and the rage property (which is passed through XML and the custom comp class) is true, * we add a second gizmo, which copies the code from melee attacks, and thus allows targeting melee attacks */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagIsCreatureRageable && flagIsCreatureMine && pawn.drafter.Drafted && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Target GR_Gizmo_AttackRage = new Command_Target(); GR_Gizmo_AttackRage.defaultLabel = "GR_CreatureRageAttack".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_AttackRage.defaultDesc = "GR_CreatureRageAttackDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_AttackRage.targetingParams = TargetingParameters.ForAttackAny(); GR_Gizmo_AttackRage.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("Things/Item/AnimalPaws", true); GR_Gizmo_AttackRage.action = delegate(Thing target) { IEnumerable <Pawn> enumerable = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Where(delegate(object x) { Pawn pawn2 = x as Pawn; return(pawn2 != null && pawn2.Drafted); }).Cast <Pawn>(); foreach (Pawn current in enumerable) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.AttackMelee, target); Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { job.killIncappedTarget = pawn2.Downed; }, JobTag.Misc); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_AttackRage); } /*This adds a gizmo that makes the creature attack once, and then cause a Hediff disease (GR_ChickenRimPox), then cancels the draft. I used a custom Jobdriver class for that */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagIsCreatureChickenRimPox && flagIsCreatureMine && pawn.drafter.Drafted && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Target GR_Gizmo_AttackPox = new Command_Target(); GR_Gizmo_AttackPox.defaultLabel = "GR_InflictChickenRimPox".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_AttackPox.defaultDesc = "GR_InflictChickenRimPoxDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_AttackPox.targetingParams = TargetingParameters.ForAttackAny(); GR_Gizmo_AttackPox.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_ChickenRimPox", true); GR_Gizmo_AttackPox.action = delegate(Thing target) { IEnumerable <Pawn> enumerable = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Where(delegate(object x) { Pawn pawn2 = x as Pawn; return(pawn2 != null && pawn2.Drafted); }).Cast <Pawn>(); foreach (Pawn current in enumerable) { Job job = new Job(DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("GR_AttackMeleeOnceAndChickenRimPox", true), target); Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { job.killIncappedTarget = pawn2.Downed; }, JobTag.Misc); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_AttackPox); } /*If the creature is explodable, we add this gizmo, which causes a Heddif called "sudden explosion" (GR_Kamikaze), and increases severity to * 1 to make the creature die. This only works if the creature also has DeathActionWorker. */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagIsCreatureExplodable && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_Detonate = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_Detonate.action = delegate {"GR_Kamikaze")); HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(pawn, HediffDef.Named("GR_Kamikaze"), 1); }; GR_Gizmo_Detonate.defaultLabel = "GR_DetonateChemfuel".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Detonate.defaultDesc = "GR_DetonateChemfuelDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Detonate.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Detonate", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Detonate); } /* This is a dummy gizmo. It only displays, but does nothing on click. The processing is done below in another Harmony patch to MassUtility.Capacity */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanCreatureCarryMore && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_Carry = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_Carry.action = delegate { }; GR_Gizmo_Carry.defaultLabel = "GR_CarryMore".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Carry.defaultDesc = "GR_CarryMoreDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Carry.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_IncreasedCarry", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Carry); } /*This gizmo applies a Hediff that makes the pawn move faster for a while */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanCreatureAdrenalineBurst && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_AdrenalineBurst = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_AdrenalineBurst.defaultLabel = "GR_StartAdrenalineBurst".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_AdrenalineBurst.defaultDesc = "GR_StartAdrenalineBurstDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_AdrenalineBurst.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_AdrenalineBurst", true); GR_Gizmo_AdrenalineBurst.action = delegate { if (!"GR_AdrenalineBurst"))) {"GR_AdrenalineBurst")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_AdrenalineBurst); } /*This gizmo applies a Hediff that makes the pawn release insect clouds for a while */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanCanDoInsectClouds && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_InsectClouds = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_InsectClouds.defaultLabel = "GR_ReleaseInsectClouds".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_InsectClouds.defaultDesc = "GR_ReleaseInsectCloudsDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_InsectClouds.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_Insectclouds", true); GR_Gizmo_InsectClouds.action = delegate { if (!"GR_InsectClouds"))) {"GR_InsectClouds")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_InsectClouds); } /*This gizmo applies a Hediff that makes the pawn generate stampede clouds for a while */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanStampede && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_Stampede = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_Stampede.defaultLabel = "GR_StartStampede".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Stampede.defaultDesc = "GR_StartStampedeDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Stampede.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_StampedeClouds", true); GR_Gizmo_Stampede.action = delegate { if (!"GR_Stampeding"))) {"GR_Stampeding")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Stampede); } /*This gizmo adds an attack that spawns a poison cloud at a target's location */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanDoPoisonousCloud && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Target GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud = new Command_Target(); GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud.defaultLabel = "GR_CreatePoisonousCloud".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud.defaultDesc = "GR_CreatePoisonousCloudDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud.targetingParams = TargetingParameters.ForAttackAny(); GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_PoisonousCloud", true); GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud.action = delegate(Thing target) { if (!"GR_CausedPoisonCloud"))) { Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { if (pawn.Position.InHorDistOf(pawn2.Position, 10)) { List <IntVec3> list = GenAdj.AdjacentCells8WayRandomized(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 c2 = pawn2.Position + list[i]; if (c2.InBounds(pawn2.Map)) { Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("GR_Poison_Cloud"), null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, c2, pawn2.Map); } }"GR_CausedPoisonCloud")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_PoisonCloudRange".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } } } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_PoisonCloud); } /*This gizmo puts the creature into burrowing mode */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanBurrow && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_Burrowing = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_Burrowing.action = delegate { if (!"GR_Burrowing"))) {"GR_Burrowing")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; GR_Gizmo_Burrowing.defaultLabel = "GR_StartBurrowing".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Burrowing.defaultDesc = "GR_StartBurrowingDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Burrowing.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("Things/Pawn/Animal/Special/GR_Special_Burrowing", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Burrowing); } /*This gizmo makes the animal more resistant for a while */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanStamina && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_Stamina = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_Stamina.action = delegate { if (!"GR_Stamina"))) {"GR_Stamina")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; GR_Gizmo_Stamina.defaultLabel = "GR_StartStamina".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Stamina.defaultDesc = "GR_StartStaminaDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Stamina.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_Stamina", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Stamina); } /*This gizmo makes the animal more aware (sight and consciousness) for a while */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanKeenSenses && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_KeenSenses = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_KeenSenses.action = delegate { if (!"GR_KeenSenses"))) {"GR_KeenSenses")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; GR_Gizmo_KeenSenses.defaultLabel = "GR_StartKeenSenses".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_KeenSenses.defaultDesc = "GR_StartKeenSensesDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_KeenSenses.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_KeenSenses", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_KeenSenses); } /*This gizmo activates cat reflexes, improving melee combat */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanCatReflexes && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_CatReflexes = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_CatReflexes.action = delegate { if (!"GR_CatReflexes"))) {"GR_CatReflexes")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; GR_Gizmo_CatReflexes.defaultLabel = "GR_StartCatReflexes".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_CatReflexes.defaultDesc = "GR_StartCatReflexesDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_CatReflexes.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_CatReflexes", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_CatReflexes); } /*This gizmo makes the animal cast a horror ability */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanHorrorize && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent) { Command_Target GR_Gizmo_Horror = new Command_Target(); GR_Gizmo_Horror.defaultLabel = "GR_StartInvokingInsanity".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Horror.defaultDesc = "GR_StartInvokingInsanityDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Horror.targetingParams = TargetingParameters.ForAttackAny(); GR_Gizmo_Horror.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("Item/Weapon/MiGoCasterWeapon/MiGoCasterWeaponA", true); GR_Gizmo_Horror.action = delegate(Thing target) { if (!"GR_CausedHorror"))) { Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { if (pawn.Position.InHorDistOf(pawn2.Position, 10)) { List <IntVec3> list = GenAdj.AdjacentCells8WayRandomized(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 c2 = pawn2.Position + list[i]; if (c2.InBounds(pawn2.Map)) { Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("GR_Insanity_Cloud"), null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, c2, pawn2.Map); } }"GR_CausedHorror")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_InvokingInsanityRange".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } } } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Horror); } /*This gizmo makes the animal release a burning explosion */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagCanMechaBlast && flagIsCreatureMine && flagIsMindControlBuildingPresent || pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Action GR_Gizmo_MechaBlast = new Command_Action(); GR_Gizmo_MechaBlast.action = delegate { if (!"GR_VentedExhaust"))) { foreach (IntVec3 c in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(pawn)) { GenExplosion.DoExplosion(c, pawn.Map, (float)0.25, DamageDefOf.Flame, pawn, 25, 5, null, null, null, null, ThingDef.Named("Filth_Ash"), .7f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1); }"GR_VentedExhaust")); } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; GR_Gizmo_MechaBlast.defaultLabel = "GR_StartMechaBlast".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_MechaBlast.defaultDesc = "GR_StartMechaBlastDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_MechaBlast.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_MechaBlast", true); gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_MechaBlast); } /*This gizmo activates the orbital beam */ if ((pawn.drafter != null) && flagIsCreatureMine && pawn.def.defName == "GR_ArchotechCentipede") { Command_Target GR_Gizmo_Orbital = new Command_Target(); GR_Gizmo_Orbital.defaultLabel = "GR_Orbital".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Orbital.defaultDesc = "GR_OrbitalDesc".Translate(); GR_Gizmo_Orbital.targetingParams = TargetingParameters.ForAttackAny(); GR_Gizmo_Orbital.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ui/commands/GR_Orbital", true); GR_Gizmo_Orbital.action = delegate(Thing target) { if (!"GR_CausedPowerBeam"))) { if (target.Map == pawn.Map) { PowerBeam powerBeam = (PowerBeam)GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.PowerBeam, target.Position, pawn.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); powerBeam.duration = 600; powerBeam.instigator = pawn; powerBeam.weaponDef = null; powerBeam.StartStrike();"GR_CausedPowerBeam")); } } else { Messages.Message("GR_AbilityRecharging".Translate(), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } }; gizmos.Insert(1, GR_Gizmo_Orbital); } __result = gizmos; }
public override void MapComponentTick() { base.MapComponentTick(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 250 == 0) { var plants =; //Log.Message("Checking orbital strike, " + this.OrbitalHelpActive + " - " + plants.Count); if (plants != null && ((this.OrbitalHelpActive == true && plants.Count > 0) || plants.Count > 2000)) // && Rand.Chance(PurpleIvyData.getFogProgress(plants.Count))) { if (this.OrbitalHelpActive == false) { this.OrbitalHelpActive = true; Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("OrbitalHelpFromAncients".Translate(), "OrbitalHelpFromAncientsDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(plants.RandomElement().Position, map, false)); } PowerBeam powerBeam = (PowerBeam)GenSpawn.Spawn(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_PowerBeam, plants.RandomElement().Position,, 0); powerBeam.duration = 200; powerBeam.instigator = null; powerBeam.weaponDef = null; powerBeam.StartStrike(); } if ((plants.Count <= 0 || plants == null) && this.OrbitalHelpActive == true) { Log.Message("Orbital help"); this.OrbitalHelpActive = false; List <Pawn> list = new List <Pawn>(); var alpha =; var beta =; var gamma =; var omega =; var guard =; int pawnCount = alpha.Count; pawnCount += beta.Count; pawnCount += gamma.Count; pawnCount += omega.Count; pawnCount += guard.Count; Predicate <IntVec3> predicate = delegate(IntVec3 c) { return(!GridsUtility.Fogged(c, map) && !GridsUtility.Roofed(c, map) && GenGrid.InBounds(c, map) && GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(c, 10, true).Where(x => map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(x).Where(y => y.Faction == PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction) != null) != null); }; IntVec3 position = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(,, 500, predicate); foreach (var num in Enumerable.Range(1, pawnCount / 2)) { Faction faction = FactionUtility.DefaultFactionFrom(PurpleIvyDefOf.KorsolianFaction); Pawn NewPawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PurpleIvyDefOf.KorsolianSoldier, faction); if (faction != null && faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { Lord lord = null; if ( p) => p != NewPawn)) { lord = ((Pawn)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(NewPawn.Position,, 99999f, (Thing p) => p != NewPawn && ((Pawn)p).GetLord() != null, null)).GetLord(); } if (lord == null) { var lordJob = new LordJob_AssistColony(Faction.OfPlayer, position); //LordJob_DefendPoint lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(position); lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(faction, lordJob,, null); } lord.AddPawn(NewPawn); } Log.Message(NewPawn?.Faction?.def?.defName); list.Add(NewPawn); } DropPodUtility.DropThingsNear(position,, list, 30, false, true, true, true); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("AncientsLandOnTheGround".Translate(), "AncientsLandOnTheGroundDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(position, map, false)); } //Log.Message("Alpha limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteAlpha.defName]); //Log.Message("Beta limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteBeta.defName]); //Log.Message("Gamma limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteGamma.defName]); //Log.Message("Omega limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteOmega.defName]); int count = plants.Count; bool comeFromOuterSource; var tempComp = new WorldObjectComp_InfectedTile(); tempComp.infectedTile = map.Tile; if (PurpleIvyUtils.getFogProgressWithOuterSources(count, tempComp, out comeFromOuterSource) > 0f && !map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleFogGameCondition)) { GameCondition_PurpleFog gameCondition = (GameCondition_PurpleFog)GameConditionMaker.MakeConditionPermanent (PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleFogGameCondition); map.gameConditionManager.RegisterCondition(gameCondition); if (comeFromOuterSource == false) { Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(gameCondition.LabelCap, gameCondition.LetterText, gameCondition.def.letterDef, new TargetInfo(map.Center, map, false)); } else { Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("PurpleFogСomesFromInfectedSites".Translate(), "PurpleFogСomesFromInfectedSitesDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.ThreatBig, new TargetInfo(map.Center, map, false)); Log.Message("PurpleFogСomesFromInfectedSites: " + map.ToString() + " - " + Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString()); } if (map.Parent.GetComponent <WorldObjectComp_InfectedTile>() == null) { var comp = new WorldObjectComp_InfectedTile(); comp.parent = map.Parent; comp.StartInfection(); comp.gameConditionCaused = PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleFogGameCondition; comp.counter = count; comp.infectedTile = map.Tile; comp.radius = comp.GetRadius(); PurpleIvyData.TotalFogProgress[comp] = PurpleIvyUtils.getFogProgress(comp.counter); comp.fillRadius(); map.Parent.AllComps.Add(comp); Log.Message("Adding comp to: " + map.Parent.ToString()); } } } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 60000 == 0) { int count = 0; var alphaEggs =; var betaEggs =; var gammaEggs =; var nestsEggs =; var omegaEggs =; Log.Message("Total PurpleIvy count on the map: " +, true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteAlpha.defName]) { foreach (var egg in alphaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in alphaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteAlpha count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteBeta.defName]) { foreach (var egg in betaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in betaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteBeta count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteGamma.defName]) { foreach (var egg in gammaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in gammaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteGamma count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteOmega.defName]) { foreach (var egg in omegaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in omegaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteOmega count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteNestGuard count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total EggSac count on the map: " + alphaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total EggSac beta count on the map: " + betaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total EggSac gamma count on the map: " + gammaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total EggSac NestGuard count on the map: " + nestsEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total ParasiteEgg count on the map: " + omegaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total GasPump count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total GenTurretBase count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total Turret_GenMortarSeed count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total Nest count on the map: " +, true); } }