Пример #1
    private static string SenderEmail            = ""; //ur sender email

    public static PostmarkResponse SendEmail(PostmarkBody item)
        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            client.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json");
            client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");
            client.Headers.Add("X-Postmark-Server-Token", TransactionalAPITokens);
            var JSONData = new
                From          = SenderEmail,
                To            = item.To,
                Subject       = item.Subject,
                Tag           = item.Tag,
                HtmlBody      = item.HtmlBody,
                TextBody      = item.TextBody,
                MessageStream = "outbound",
            var dataString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONData);
            string           result = client.UploadString(ApiURL, "POST", dataString);
            PostmarkResponse items  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PostmarkResponse>(result);
Пример #2
        public void SendChargeFailed(string name, string email, string endDate, string departmentName, string planName)
            // Example request
            var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                To            = email,
                TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkChargeFailedTemplateId,
                TemplateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "plan_name", planName },
                    { "action_url", UPDATEBILLINGINFO_URL },
                    { "subscriptions_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/User/Subscription" },
                    { "feedback_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                    { "help_url", HELP_URL },
                    { "trial_extension_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/User/Subscription" },
                    { "export_url", "" },
                    { "close_account_url", HELP_URL },

            var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                PostmarkResponse response = client.SendMessageAsync(message).Result;

                if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Response was: " + response.Message);
            catch (Exception) { }
Пример #3
        public void SendInviteMail(string code, string departmentName, string email, string senderName, string senderEmail)
            // Example request
            var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                To            = email,
                TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkInviteTemplateId,
                TemplateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "invite_sender_name", senderName },
                    { "department_name", departmentName },
                    { "action_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/Account/CompleteInvite?inviteCode={code}" },
                    { "support_email", FROM_EMAIL },
                    { "live_chat_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                    { "help_url", HELP_URL },
                    { "sender_email", senderEmail },
                    { "invite_sender_organization_name", departmentName },

            var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                PostmarkResponse response = client.SendMessageAsync(message).Result;

                if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Response was: " + response.Message);
            catch (Exception) { }
Пример #4
        public OutboundMessagePostmarkResponse SendPostmarkMessage(OutboundMessageRequest messageRequest)
            if (messageRequest == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageRequest));

            var postmarkMessage = Mapper.Map <OutboundMessageRequest, PostmarkMessage>(messageRequest);

            var postmarkClient = new PostmarkDotNet.PostmarkClient(_serverToken);

            var postmarkResponse = new PostmarkResponse();

            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                postmarkResponse = await postmarkClient.SendMessageAsync(postmarkMessage);

            catch (AggregateException ae)
                var innerException = ae.InnerExceptions.FirstOrDefault();
                throw new CommunicationException("External service exception occured on SendPostmarkMessage.",

            return(Mapper.Map <PostmarkResponse, OutboundMessagePostmarkResponse>(postmarkResponse));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Send Email is a method for sending an email
        /// This is how the app integrates with Postmark API to send a message from teh send notification page
        /// It shows a bootstrap modal for either fails and success.
        /// </summary>
        public bool SendEmail()
            // Send an email asynchronously:
            var message = new PostmarkMessage()
                To         = "*****@*****.**",
                From       = "*****@*****.**",
                TrackOpens = true,
                Subject    = "A complex email",
                TextBody   = "Plain Text Body",
                HtmlBody   = "<html><body><p>A new notification has arrived.</p></body></html>",
                Tag        = "New Year's Email Campaign",
                Headers    = new HeaderCollection
                    { "X-CUSTOM-HEADER", "Header content" }

            //var imageContent = File.ReadAllBytes("test.jpg");
            //message.AddAttachment(imageContent, "test.jpg", "image/jpg", "cid:embed_name.jpg");

            PostmarkClient   client   = new PostmarkClient("efc7197a-4c0d-4f4b-92f7-43c612ed74b1");
            PostmarkResponse response = client.SendMessage(message);

            if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)
Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Start Program.");

            int hour = DateTime.Now.Hour;

            Console.WriteLine("Hour: " + hour);

            if (hour >= 12 || hour <= 4)
                Task <List <Post> > task = GetData();
                List <Post>         post = task.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Return Data.");

                List <Post> post_selected = SelectPosts(post);

                if (post_selected.Count > 0)
                    Task <PostmarkResponse> task_email = SendEmail(post_selected);
                    PostmarkResponse        response   = task_email.Result;

                    if (response != null && response.ErrorCode == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Email Sent.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Email Error.");

            Console.WriteLine("End Program.");
Пример #7
        public async Task <bool> SendMessageMail(string email, string subject, string messageSubject, string messageBody, string senderEmail, string senderName, string sentOn, int messageId)
            var templateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "sender_name", senderName },
                { "title", subject },
                { "body", HtmlToTextHelper.ConvertHtml(messageBody) },
                //{ "attachment_details", new []{
                //new Dictionary<string,object> {
                //	{ "attachmnet_url", "attachmnet_url_Value" },
                //	{ "attachment_name", "attachment_name_Value" },
                //	{ "attachment_size", "attachment_size_Value" },
                //	{ "attachment_type", "attachment_type_Value" },

                { "action_url", $"https://resgrid.com/User/Messages/ViewMessage?messageId={messageId}" },
                { "timestamp", sentOn },
                { "commenter_name", senderName }

            if (SystemBehaviorConfig.OutboundEmailType == OutboundEmailTypes.Postmark)
                var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                    From          = DONOTREPLY_EMAIL,
                    To            = email,
                    TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkMessageTemplateId,
                    TemplateModel = templateModel,

                var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);
                    PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                    if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

                catch (Exception) {     }
                var template = Mustachio.Parser.Parse(GetTempate("Message.html"));
                var content  = template(templateModel);

                Email newEmail = new Email();
                newEmail.HtmlBody = content;
                newEmail.Sender   = FROM_EMAIL;

                return(await _emailSender.Send(newEmail));

Пример #8
        public void SendNewDepartmentLinkMail(string name, string departmentName, string data, string email, int departmentId)
            // Example request
            var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                To            = email,
                TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkNewDepLinkTemplateId,
                TemplateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "name", name },
                    { "action_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}" },
                    { "login_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/Account/LogOn" },
                    { "department_name", departmentName },
                    { "data", data },
                    { "support_email", FROM_EMAIL },
                    { "live_chat_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                    { "help_url", HELP_URL },

            var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                PostmarkResponse response = client.SendMessageAsync(message).Result;

                if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Response was: " + response.Message);
            catch (Exception) { }
Пример #9
        public async Task <bool> SendWelcomeMail(string name, string departmentName, string userName, string password, string email, int departmentId)
            var templateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "name", name },
                { "action_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}" },
                { "login_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/Account/LogOn" },
                { "department_id", departmentId },
                { "department_name", departmentName },
                { "username", userName },
                { "password", password },
                { "support_email", FROM_EMAIL },
                { "live_chat_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                { "help_url", HELP_URL },

            if (SystemBehaviorConfig.OutboundEmailType == OutboundEmailTypes.Postmark)
                var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                    From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                    To            = email,
                    TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkWelcomeTemplateId,
                    TemplateModel = templateModel,

                var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);
                    PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                    if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

                catch (Exception) { }
                var template = Mustachio.Parser.Parse(GetTempate("Welcome.html"));
                var content  = template(templateModel);

                Email newEmail = new Email();
                newEmail.HtmlBody = content;
                newEmail.Sender   = FROM_EMAIL;

                return(await _emailSender.Send(newEmail));

Пример #10
        public async Task <bool> SendPasswordResetMail(string name, string password, string userName, string email, string departmentName)
            var templateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "name", name },
                { "department_Name", departmentName },
                { "login_url", LOGIN_URL },
                { "username", userName },
                { "password", password },
                { "support_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                { "action_url", LOGIN_URL },
                { "operating_system", "" },
                { "browser_name", "" },

            if (SystemBehaviorConfig.OutboundEmailType == OutboundEmailTypes.Postmark)
                var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                    From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                    To            = email,
                    TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkResetPasswordTemplateId,
                    TemplateModel = templateModel,

                var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);
                    PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                    if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

                catch (Exception) { }
                var template = Mustachio.Parser.Parse(GetTempate("PasswordReset.html"));
                var content  = template(templateModel);

                Email newEmail = new Email();
                newEmail.HtmlBody = content;
                newEmail.Sender   = FROM_EMAIL;

                return(await _emailSender.Send(newEmail));

Пример #11
        public async Task <bool> SendPaymentReciept(string departmentName, string name, string processDate, string amount, string email, string processor, string transactionId,
                                                    string planName, string effectiveDates, string nextBillingDate, int paymentId)
            var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                To            = email,
                TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkRecieptTemplateId,
                TemplateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "purchase_date", processDate },
                    { "name", name },
                    { "billing_url", UPDATEBILLINGINFO_URL },
                    { "uservoice_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                    { "receipt_id", transactionId },
                    { "date", effectiveDates },
                    { "receipt_details", new [] {
                          new Dictionary <string, object> {
                              { "description", planName },
                              { "amount", amount }
                      } },
                    { "total", amount },
                    { "support_url", HELP_URL },
                    { "action_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}User/Subscription/ViewInvoice?paymentId={paymentId}" },
                    { "credit_card_brand", "" },
                    { "credit_card_last_four", "" },
                    { "expiration_date", "" },

            var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

            catch (Exception) { }

Пример #12
        public async Task <bool> SendTroubleAlertMail(string email, string unitName, string gpsLocation, string personnel, string callAddress, string unitAddress, string dispatchedOn, string callName)
            // Example request
            var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                From          = DONOTREPLY_EMAIL,
                To            = email,
                TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkTroubleAlertTemplateId,
                TemplateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "unit_name", unitName },
                    { "date", dispatchedOn },
                    { "active_call", callName },
                    { "call_address", callAddress },
                    { "address", unitAddress },
                    { "gps_location", gpsLocation },
                    { "personnel_names", personnel }

            if (SystemBehaviorConfig.OutboundEmailType == OutboundEmailTypes.Postmark)
                var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                    PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                    if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

                catch (Exception) { }

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// btnContactSend_Click is a click event from the send button
        /// This is how the app integrates with Postmark API to send a message from teh contact us page
        /// It shows a bootstrap modal for either fails and success.
        /// </summary>
        protected void btnContactSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var message = new PostmarkMessage()
                To         = "*****@*****.**",
                From       = "*****@*****.**",
                TrackOpens = true,
                Subject    = txtContactSub.Text,
                TextBody   = "Plain Text Body",
                HtmlBody   = txtContactMsg.Text,
                Tag        = "New Year's Email Campaign",
                Headers    = new HeaderCollection
                    { "X-CUSTOM-HEADER", "Header content" }

            PostmarkClient   client   = new PostmarkClient("efc7197a-4c0d-4f4b-92f7-43c612ed74b1");
            PostmarkResponse response = client.SendMessage(message);

            if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)
                lblModalTitle.Text = "ERROR!";
                lblModalBody.Text  = "Message has not been sent. Please try again";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "myModal", "$('#myModal').modal();", true);
                lblModalTitle.Text = "CONGRATULATIONS!";
                lblModalBody.Text  = "Message has been sent.";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "myModal", "$('#myModal').modal();", true);
Пример #14
        public async Task <bool> SendCancellationReciept(string name, string email, string endDate, string departmentName)
            var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                From          = FROM_EMAIL,
                To            = email,
                TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkCancelRecieptTemplateId,
                TemplateModel = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "action_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/User/Subscription" },
                    { "subscriptions_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/User/Subscription" },
                    { "feedback_url", LIVECHAT_URL },
                    { "help_url", HELP_URL },
                    { "trial_extension_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/User/Subscription" },
                    { "export_url", "" },
                    { "plans_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/Home/Pricing" },
                    { "close_account_url", HELP_URL },

            var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

            catch (Exception) { }

 public PostmarkValidationException(PostmarkResponse response)
     : base(response.Message)
     response = Response;
Пример #16
        public async Task <bool> SendCallMail(string email, string subject, string title, string priority, string natureOfCall, string mapPage, string address,
                                              string dispatchedOn, int callId, string userId, string coordinates, string shortenedAudioUrl)
            string callQuery = String.Empty;

                callQuery = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(SymmetricEncryption.Encrypt(callId.ToString(), Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ExternalLinkUrlParamPassphrase));
            catch { }

            var templateModel = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "subject", title },
                { "date", dispatchedOn },
                { "nature", HtmlToTextHelper.ConvertHtml(natureOfCall) },
                { "priority", priority },
                { "address", address },
                { "map_page", mapPage },
                { "action_url", $"{Config.SystemBehaviorConfig.ResgridBaseUrl}/User/Dispatch/CallExportEx?query={callQuery}" },
                { "userId", userId },
                { "coordinates", coordinates }

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shortenedAudioUrl))
                templateModel.Add("hasCallAudio", "true");
                templateModel.Add("callAudio_url", shortenedAudioUrl);

            if (SystemBehaviorConfig.OutboundEmailType == OutboundEmailTypes.Postmark)
                var message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage
                    From          = DONOTREPLY_EMAIL,
                    To            = email,
                    TemplateId    = Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkCallEmailTemplateId,
                    TemplateModel = templateModel

                var client = new PostmarkClient(Config.OutboundEmailServerConfig.PostmarkApiKey);

                    PostmarkResponse response = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

                    if (response.Status != PostmarkStatus.Success)

                catch (Exception) { }
                var template = Mustachio.Parser.Parse(GetTempate("Call.html"));
                var content  = template(templateModel);

                Email newEmail = new Email();
                newEmail.HtmlBody = content;
                newEmail.Sender   = FROM_EMAIL;

                return(await _emailSender.Send(newEmail));

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// SEND EMAIL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="post_selected">LISTS TO SEND</param>
        /// <returns>RESPONSE EMAIL</returns>
        private static async Task <PostmarkResponse> SendEmail(List <Post> post_selected)
            string msg_body      = "<ul>{0}</ul>";
            string msg_body_temp = string.Empty;

            foreach (var item in post_selected)
                msg_body_temp = msg_body_temp + "<li>" + item.titulo + "</li>";

            msg_body = string.Format(msg_body, msg_body_temp);
            msg_body = msg_body.Replace("\"", "'");

            /// Body Message
            string body =
                "<!doctype html> " +
                "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:v='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office'> " +
                "<head> " +
                "<!-- NAME: VIGNELLI --> " +
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                "<![endif]--> " +
                "<meta charset='UTF-8'> " +
                "<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> " +
                "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'> " +
                "<title>*|MC:SUBJECT|*</title> " +
                " " +
                "<style type='text/css'> " +
                "p{ " +
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                "@tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding. " +
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                "body,#bodyTable,#templateFooter{ " +
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                "/* " +
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                "@tip Set the styling for all second-level headings in your emails. " +
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                "} " +
                "/* " +
                "@tab Page " +
                "@section heading 3 " +
                "@tip Set the styling for all third-level headings in your emails. " +
                "@style heading 3 " +
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                "} " +
                "/* " +
                "@tab Page " +
                "@section heading 4 " +
                "@tip Set the styling for all fourth-level headings in your emails. These should be the smallest of your headings. " +
                "@style heading 4 " +
                "*/ " +
                "h4{ " +
                "/*@editable*/color:#000000 !important; " +
                "display:block; " +
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                "/*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; " +
                "margin:0; " +
                "/*@editable*/text-align:left; " +
                "} " +
                "/* " +
                "@tab Preheader " +
                "@section preheader style " +
                "@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's preheader area. " +
                "*/ " +
                "#templatePreheader{ " +
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                "@section footer link " +
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                ".footerContainer .mcnTextContent a{ " +
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                "*/ " +
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                "*/ " +
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                " " +
                "<h2>Notificaciones de las mejores ofertas.</h2> " +
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                "<br> " +
                "Estas alertas se enviaran cada determinado tiempo. " +
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                " " +
                "<td valign='top' class='mcnTextContent' style='padding-top:0; padding-right:18px; padding-bottom:9px; padding-left:18px;'> " +
                " " +
                "<em>Copyright © 2016, All rights reserved.</em> " +
                "</br> " +
                "<em><a href='http://promodescuentos.com' target='_blank'>PromoDescuentos.com</a> </em>" +
                "</td> " +
                "</tr> " +
                "</tbody></table> " +
                "<!--[if mso]> " +
                "</td> " +
                "<![endif]--> " +
                " " +
                "<!--[if mso]> " +
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                "</tbody> " +
                "</table></td> " +
                "</tr> " +
                "</table> " +
                "</td> " +
                "</tr> " +
                "</table> " +
                "<!-- // END FOOTER --> " +
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                "</tr> " +
                "</table> " +
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                "</tr> " +
                "</table> " +
                "</center> " +
                "</body> " +

            body = body.Replace("{0}", msg_body);

            PostmarkMessage message = new PostmarkMessage()
                To         = "",
                From       = "",
                TrackOpens = true,
                Subject    = "Promodescuentos Alertas.",
                TextBody   = "Notificaciones de las mejores ofertas.",
                HtmlBody   = body,
                Tag        = "business-message",
                Headers    = new HeaderCollection {
                    { "X-CUSTOM-HEADER", "Header content" }

            // Filter

            bool send_email = false;

            foreach (var item in post_selected)
                if (send_email)

                string item_temp = item.titulo.ToUpper();
                if (
                    item_temp.Contains("XBOX") ||
                    send_email = true;

                item_temp = item.categoria.ToUpper();
                if (
                    send_email = true;

            if (send_email)
                PostmarkClient   client     = new PostmarkClient("");
                PostmarkResponse sendResult = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);



            // No Filter

            //PostmarkClient client = new PostmarkClient("");
            //PostmarkResponse sendResult = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);
            //return sendResult;
 public PostmarkValidationException(PostmarkResponse response)
     : base(response.Message)
     Response = response;