public ActionResult Edit(int id, PostVM fvm, HttpPostedFileBase file) { Post p = Service.GetById(id); p.Content = fvm.Content; if (file != null) { p.UrlImage = file.FileName; } else { p.UrlImage = p.UrlImage; } p.UrlVideo = "rien"; p.PostDate = DateTime.Today; Service.Update(p); Service.Commit(); //Service.Dispose(); var fileName = ""; if (file != null) { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var path = Path. Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Uploads/"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <PostVM> PublicDeatilPost(int id) { Post post = await _context.Posts.FindAsync(id); if (post == null) { return(null); } post = _context.Posts.Where(x => x.PostID == id).FirstOrDefault(); var postVM = new PostVM() { PostID = post.PostID, Title = post.Title, DateCreated = post.DateCreated, Caption = post.Caption, Author = post.Author, ImageFileName = Path.GetFileName(post.ImageFileName), Content = post.Content, ListComments = _comment_service.GetAllCommentByPostID(post.PostID) }; return(postVM); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddOrEdit(int id = 0) { //var ids = GetUserInfo(); PostVM postVM = new PostVM() { Post = new Post(), CategoryList = _uniofWork.Category.GetSelectListAsync() }; if (id == 0) { return(View(postVM)); } else { postVM.Post = await _uniofWork.Post.GetByIdAsync(id); } // access to edit have admin, moderator and post author bool result = AccessRights.AuthorAdminAccessRight(HttpContext, postVM.Post.ApplicationUserId, _db); if (result) { return(View(postVM)); } return(new RedirectResult("~/Identity/Account/AccessDenied")); }
//AFFICHAGE DE TOUS LES POSTS public ActionResult Index() { List <PostDTO> Lesposts = db.AllPost(); List <int> Liste_post_ID = (from r in Lesposts select r.PostID).ToList(); List <CommentDTO> LesCommentaires = db.ListeCommentaire(Liste_post_ID); List <PostVM> All_Post_Comment = new List <PostVM>(); foreach (var item in Lesposts) { PostVM temp = new PostVM(); temp.PostID = item.PostID; temp.nom = item.nom; temp.prenom = item.prenom; temp.content = item.content; temp.date_create = item.date_create; temp.Comments = LesCommentaires.Where(c => c.PostID == temp.PostID).ToList(); All_Post_Comment.Add(temp); } if (Session["Nom"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } else { return(View(All_Post_Comment)); } }
public IHttpActionResult AddPosts(PostVM PostVm) { try { if (PostVm.UserName != null) { var user = Context.User.Where(u => u.Name == PostVm.UserName).FirstOrDefault(); Posts newpost = new Posts() { Title = PostVm.Title, Describtion = PostVm.Description, PostTime = DateTime.Now.Date, CategoryID = PostVm.CategoryID, UserID = user.ID, }; Context.Post.Add(newpost); Context.SaveChanges(); //Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("insert into [dbo].[Posts] ([Title],[Describtion],[PostTime],[UserID],[CategoryID]) values({0},{1},{2}, {3}, {4})",newpost.Title,newpost.Describtion,newpost.PostTime,newpost.UserID,newpost.CategoryID); } string location = "http://localhost:60201/api/Post"; return(Created(location, "Post Saved")); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; // return BadRequest(e.Message); } }
//VOIR MES POSTS public ActionResult MesPosts() { if (Session["Nom"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } else { List <PostDTO> Lesposts = db.postByUserID((int)Session["ID"]); List <int> Liste_post_ID = (from r in Lesposts select r.PostID).ToList(); List <CommentDTO> LesCommentaires = db.ListeCommentaire(Liste_post_ID); List <PostVM> All_Post_Comment = new List <PostVM>(); foreach (var item in Lesposts) { PostVM temp = new PostVM(); temp.PostID = item.PostID; temp.nom = item.nom; temp.prenom = item.prenom; temp.content = item.content; temp.date_create = item.date_create; temp.Comments = LesCommentaires.Where(c => c.PostID == temp.PostID).ToList(); All_Post_Comment.Add(temp); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ID USER" + LesCommentaires); return(View(All_Post_Comment)); } }
public ActionResult WritePost() { PostVM vm = new PostVM(); vm.HashTags = rules.GetAllTags(); return(View(vm)); }
// GET: Posts/Edit/5 public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(uint?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } var post = await _context.Posts.Include(p => p.PostTags).Where(p => p.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (post == null) { return(NotFound()); } ViewData["CategoryId"] = new SelectList(_context.Categories, "Id", "Name", post.CategoryId); ViewData["UserId"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "Id", "Email", post.UserId); _logger.LogInformation("test post {0} {1}", post.PostTags, post.Title); var viewModel = new PostVM { Post = post, TagsList = new SelectList(_context.Tags, "Id", "Name"), SelectedTags = post.PostTags.Select(pt => pt.TagId) }; return(View(viewModel)); }
public IActionResult RequestPost(int postId) { ApplicationUserVM user = _accountService.GetByUserName(User.Identity.Name); PostVM post = _postService.GetAll().Find(x => x.Id == postId); if (post != null && user.Points >= post.Subcategory.Points) { IEnumerable <OrderVM> orders = _orderService.GetAll().Where(x => x.PostId == postId && x.UserId == user.Id);//db.Orders.Where(i => i.PostId == postId).ToList().Where(i => i.UserId == userId).ToList(); //all orders from this postid and userid if (orders.Count() == 0) { _orderService.Create(new OrderVM { PostId = postId, UserId = user.Id, Post = _postService.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == postId), User = _accountService.GetById(user.Id) }); } else { TempData["Message"] = "Вы не можете запросить повторно один и тот же пост"; } } else { TempData["Message"] = "У вас недостаточно бонусов"; } return(RedirectToAction("RequestPost")); }
public ActionResult CreatePost(PostVM model, HttpPostedFileBase upload) { var mgr = new PostManager(); var catManager = new CategoryManager(); var post = new Post(); var filePath = "~/images/"; filePath = Server.MapPath(filePath); upload.SaveAs(filePath + upload.FileName); post.PostImageFileName = (upload.FileName); post.PostTitle = model.PostTitle; post.PostBody = model.PostBody; post.PostCategory = catManager.GetCategoryById(int.Parse(model.PostCategoryId)).Payload; post.PostTags = new List <Tag>() { new Tag() { TagName = "Test" } }; var response = mgr.AddPost(post); if (response.Success == false) { throw new Exception(); } model.ResetDropdown(); return(View(model)); }
//записываем пост public string PostCreate(PostVM postVM, int user_id) { //мапим вюмодель в сущность var post = new Entity.Post() { Title = postVM.Title, Content = postVM.Content, User_Id = user_id, }; if (postRepository.PostCreate(post) == 0) { throw new AppException("Ошибка записи в блог"); } //получаем крайний айди поста var postLastId = postRepository.PostGetLast(); //получаем все тэги var allTags = postRepository.TagFindAll(); foreach (var tag in postVM.Tags) { var tag_id = allTags.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Title == tag.Title).Id; var post_tag = new Post_Tag() { Post_Id = postLastId, Tag_Id = tag_id }; //записываем тэги по посту postRepository.TagCreate(post_tag); } return("Запись успешно добавлена!"); }
/// <summary> /// Preview /// </summary> /// <param name="post"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <JsonResult> OnPostPreviewAsync([FromBody] PostVM post) { // prep blog post List <Tag> tags = new List <Tag>(); foreach (var title in post.Tags) // titles { tags.Add(await _tagSvc.GetByTitleAsync(title)); } var blogPost = new BlogPost { User = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User), UserId = Convert.ToInt32(_userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User)), Category = await _catSvc.GetAsync(post.CategoryId), CreatedOn = GetCreatedOn(post.PostDate), Tags = tags, Slug = post.Slug.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "untitled" : post.Slug, Excerpt = post.Excerpt, Title = post.Title.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "Untitled" : post.Title, Body = post.Body, }; // prep TempData var prevRelLink = BlogRoutes.GetPostPreviewRelativeLink(blogPost.CreatedOn, blogPost.Slug); TempData.Put(prevRelLink, blogPost); // return preview url return(new JsonResult($"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}{prevRelLink}")); }
public ActionResult CreatePost() { var model = new PostVM(); model.ResetDropdown(); return(View(model)); }
public PostPage(Item item) { InitializeComponent(); Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.Page.SetUseSafeArea(this, true); ViewModel = Resources["vm"] as PostVM; ViewModel.SelectedPost = item; try { Title = item.Title; postImage.Source = item.Enclosure.Url; creatorLabel.Text = item.Creator; dateLabel.Text = item.PublishedDate.ToString("MMMM dd"); descriptionLabel.Text = item.Description; var properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Blog_Post", $"{item.Title}" } }; TrackEvent(properties); } catch (Exception ex) { var properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Blog_Post", $"{item.Title}" } }; TrackError(ex, properties); } }
/// <summary> /// Ajax POST to publish a post. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Absolute URL to the post. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// The post could be new or previously published. /// </remarks> public async Task <JsonResult> OnPostPublishAsync([FromBody] PostVM post) { var blogPost = new BlogPost { UserId = Convert.ToInt32(_userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User)), CategoryId = post.CategoryId, CreatedOn = GetCreatedOn(post.PostDate), TagTitles = post.Tags, Slug = post.Slug, Excerpt = post.Excerpt, Title = post.Title, Body = post.Body, Status = EPostStatus.Published, }; if (post.Id <= 0) { blogPost = await _blogSvc.CreateAsync(blogPost); } else { blogPost.Id = post.Id; blogPost = await _blogSvc.UpdateAsync(blogPost); } return(new JsonResult(GetPostAbsoluteUrl(blogPost))); }
public ActionResult DeletePost(int Id) { PostVM post = _postService.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Id); if (post != null) { _postService.Remove(Id); List <ImagesGalleryVM> images = _imageGalleryService.Find(Id).ToList(); if (images.Count == 1) { _imageGalleryService.RemoveItem(images[0]); } else { _imageGalleryService.RemoveRange(images); } List <OrderVM> orders = _orderService.GetAll().Where(x => x.PostId == Id).ToList(); if (orders.Count > 0) { _orderService.RemoveRange(orders); } TempData["Message"] = "Пост был успешно удален"; } else { TempData["Message"] = "Что-то пошло не так"; } return(RedirectToAction("Posts")); }
public JsonResult GetPostsOfRoom(string Room) { PostVM newpost; List <PostVM> PostsList = new List <PostVM>(); PostRepository postrepo = new PostRepository(); UserRepository userRepo = new UserRepository(); User sender = new User(); var posts = postrepo.GetByRoom(Room); foreach (var post in posts) { sender = userRepo.GetByEmail(post.Sender); newpost = new PostVM(); newpost.Id = post.Id; newpost.PostText = post.PostText; newpost.Room = post.Room; newpost.Sender = sender.Username; newpost.DateTime = post.DateTime; newpost.Deleted = post.Deleted; PostsList.Add(newpost); } return(Json(PostsList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public async Task <PostVM> Post(long id, long userId) { //var post= await _manager._context.Posts.FindAsync(id); var p = await _manager._context.Posts.FindAsync(id); var comments = await _manager._context.Comments.Where(x => x.Post == p.Id).ToListAsync(); var likes = _manager._context.Likes.Count(x => x.Post == p.Id); var createdBy = await _manager._context.Users.FindAsync(p.CreatedBy); var postLikes = await _manager._context.Likes.Where(x => x.Post == p.Id).ToListAsync(); var postVms = new PostVM { Id = p.Id, Comments = comments, CreateDate = p.CreateDate, CreatedBy = createdBy, MedicineNameAr = p.MedicineNameAr, MedicineNameEng = p.MedicineNameEng, State = p.State, Text = p.Text, Likes = likes, PostLikes = postLikes, AllowComment = (userId >= 1), PostType = p.PostType }; return(postVms); }
public ActionResult Create(PostVM data) { bool isSave = false; data.UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); data.PostEndDate = data.EndDate; if (data.questionId == 0 && data.PostId == 0) { data.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; isSave = apiData.Post(data); } else { //isSave = apiData.Update(data); } if (isSave) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(Json(isSave, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } // return PartialView("_Create", data); }
public IHttpActionResult PostTextMessage(PostVM <TextMessageStream> postModel) { StringBuilder traceLog = null; ServiceResponse <ViewPostVM> objResponse = null; try { traceLog = new StringBuilder(); traceLog.AppendLine("Start: PostAndComment PostTextMessage() Request Data:-TargetId-" + postModel.TargetId + ",Stream-" + postModel.Stream + ",IsImageVideo-" + postModel.IsImageVideo); objResponse = new ServiceResponse <ViewPostVM>(); objResponse.jsonData = PostAndCommentBL.PostShare(postModel); objResponse.IsResultTrue = true; return(Ok(objResponse)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.LogManagerInstance.WriteErrorLog(ex); return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } finally { traceLog.AppendLine("End: PostAndComment PostTextMessage() Response Result Status-" + objResponse.IsResultTrue + ",Posted DateTime-" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); LogManager.LogManagerInstance.WriteTraceLog(traceLog); traceLog = null; } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, PostVM fvm, int idP) { Post post = Ser.GetById(idP); Comment p = Service.GetById(id); p.Content = fvm.Content; p.PostId = idP; p.CommentDate = DateTime.Today; Service.Update(p); Service.Commit(); /*foreach (Comment o in post.Comments) * { * if (o.CommentId == id) * post.Comments.Remove(o); * }*/ //post.Comments.Add(p); //postt.Comments.Remove(postt.Comments.First(x=>x.CommentId==id)); //postt.Comments.Add(p); //Ser.GetById(idP).Comments.Where(x=>x.CommentId==p.CommentId).up //postt.Comments = com; //Service.Dispose(); //int a = (int)p.PostId; //Post post = Ser.GetById(idP); //post.Comments.Add(p); return(Redirect("~/Post/Details/" + idP)); }
public IEnumerable <PostVM> postAll() { var postAll = new List <PostVM>(); foreach (var post in postRepository.PostFindAll()) { var tagsVM = new List <TagVM>(); //получаем список пост_блог var tags = postRepository.PostTagFindByID(post); foreach (var tag in tags) { var tagVM = new TagVM() { Title = postRepository.TagFindById(tag.Tag_Id).Title }; tagsVM.Add(tagVM); } var postVM = new PostVM() { Title = post.Title, Content = post.Content, Tags = tagsVM }; postAll.Add(postVM); } return(postAll); }
public PostPage() { InitializeComponent(); Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.Page.SetUseSafeArea(this, true); ViewModel = Resources["vm"] as PostVM; }
public PartialViewResult Footer() { PostVM VM = new PostVM(); VM.categories = db.tbl_category.Take(6).ToList(); VM.postList = db.tbl_post.Take(3).ToList(); return(PartialView(VM)); }
public ActionResult EditStaticPost(PostVM postVM) { BlogManager manager = BlogManagerFactory.Create(); manager.UpdateStaticPost(postVM.Post); return(RedirectToAction("ViewStaticPosts")); }
public ActionResult DeleteStaticPost(PostVM postVM) { BlogManager manager = BlogManagerFactory.Create(); manager.DeleteStaticPost(postVM.Post.StaticPostId); return(RedirectToAction("ViewStaticPosts")); }
public ActionResult CreateStaticPost() { BlogManager manager = BlogManagerFactory.Create(); var postVM = new PostVM(); return(View(postVM)); }
public ActionResult CreateStaticPost(PostVM model) { BlogManager manager = BlogManagerFactory.Create(); manager.AddPost(model.Post); return(RedirectToAction("ViewStaticPosts")); }
public PartialViewResult RelatedCategory(int id) { PostVM VM = new PostVM(); VM.postList = db.tbl_post.Where(x => x.CategoryId == id).Take(6).ToList(); return(PartialView(VM)); }
public ActionResult NewPost(PostVM postVM) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("NewPost")); } return(View()); }