public void GetPostByPostId_Should_Work()
            IPostDAO dao = new PostSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            //Post post = dao.GetPostById(NewPostId, "legoman");
            Post post = dao.GetPostById(NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);

            Assert.AreEqual(NewPostId, post.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, post.Comments.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, post.NumberOfLikes);
        public void DeleteComment_Should_Work()
            IPostDAO pDao         = new PostSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            Post     post         = pDao.GetPostById(this.NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);
            int      commentCount = post.Comments.Count;

            ICommentDAO cDao = new CommentSqlDAO(ConnectionString);


            post = pDao.GetPostById(this.NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);
            Assert.AreEqual(post.Comments.Count + 1, commentCount);

            // Try to delete the comment again. Should not fail, even though
            // there is no change in the data.

            post = pDao.GetPostById(this.NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);
            Assert.AreEqual(post.Comments.Count + 1, commentCount);
        public void CreateComment_Should_CreateComment()
            IPostDAO pDao         = new PostSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            Post     post         = pDao.GetPostById(this.NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);
            int      commentCount = post.Comments.Count;

            ICommentDAO cDao    = new CommentSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            Comment     comment = new Comment();

            comment.PostId  = this.NewPostId;
            comment.UserId  = this.NewUserOneId;
            comment.Message = "This is a test comment";
            comment         = cDao.CreateComment(comment);

            // Assert that we got a new ID
            int commentId = comment.Id;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, commentId);

            // Assert that the post has one more comment than it did.
            post = pDao.GetPostById(this.NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);
            Assert.AreEqual(post.Comments.Count, ++commentCount);

            // Add a second comment by the same user - should be allowed and should be a new Id
            comment         = new Comment();
            comment.PostId  = this.NewPostId;
            comment.UserId  = this.NewUserOneId;
            comment.Message = "This is a SECOND test comment";
            comment         = cDao.CreateComment(comment);

            // Assert that we got a new ID, different from the previous one
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, comment.Id);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(commentId, comment.Id);

            // Assert that the post has one more comment than it did.
            post = pDao.GetPostById(this.NewPostId, this.NewUserOneId);
            Assert.AreEqual(post.Comments.Count, ++commentCount);