Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Post Election Initial Documentation Request for a specific candidate and election cycle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose IDR is to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <param name="published">Whether or not to retrieve only published data.</param>
        /// <returns>The Post Election Initial Documentation Request for the candidate and election cycle specified if found; otherwise, null.</returns>
        public InitialDocumentationRequest GetInitialDocumentationRequest(string candidateID, string electionCycle, bool published)
            InitialDocumentationRequest idr = null;

            using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
                if (published)
                    using (InitialDocumentationRequestTableAdapter ta = new InitialDocumentationRequestTableAdapter())
                        ta.Fill(ds.InitialDocumentationRequest, candidateID, electionCycle);
                    foreach (PostElectionTds.InitialDocumentationRequestRow row in ds.InitialDocumentationRequest)
                        idr = new InitialDocumentationRequest(row.SentDate)
                            ReceiptDate           = row.IsReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ReceiptDate,
                            SecondSentDate        = row.IsSecondSentDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondSentDate,
                            SecondReceiptDate     = row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondReceiptDate,
                            ResponseSubmittedDate = row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseSubmittedDate
                        idr.ResponseDeadline = new IdrResponseDeadline(row.DueDate, idr)
                            ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                            SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate
                    using (InitialDocumentationRequestDirectTableAdapter ta = new InitialDocumentationRequestDirectTableAdapter())
                        ta.Fill(ds.InitialDocumentationRequestDirect, candidateID, electionCycle);
                    foreach (PostElectionTds.InitialDocumentationRequestDirectRow row in ds.InitialDocumentationRequestDirect)
                        idr = new InitialDocumentationRequest(row.SentDate)
                            ReceiptDate           = row.IsReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ReceiptDate,
                            SecondSentDate        = row.IsSecondSentDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondSentDate,
                            SecondReceiptDate     = row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondReceiptDate,
                            ResponseSubmittedDate = row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseSubmittedDate
                        idr.ResponseDeadline = new IdrResponseDeadline(row.DueDate, idr)
                            ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                            SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets whether or not a Post Election Initial Documentation Request response analysis worksheet exists for a specific candidate and election cycle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose IDR Inadequate Response events is to be retrieved.</param>
 /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
 /// <returns>true if an IDR response analysis exists for the candidate and election cycle specified; otherwise, false.</returns>
 public bool HasIdrResponseAnalysis(string candidateID, string electionCycle)
     using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
         using (ResponseAnalysisDirectTableAdapter ta = new ResponseAnalysisDirectTableAdapter())
             ta.Fill(ds.ResponseAnalysisDirect, candidateID, electionCycle);
         return(ds.ResponseAnalysisDirect.Count > 0);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a collection of post election events that affect tolling for the Draft Audit Report or Final Audit Report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose events are to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <param name="far">true to retrieve events for the Final Audit Report; otherwise, false to retreive events for the Draft Audit Report.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of tolling events that affect Draft Audit Report tolling.</returns>
        public List <TollingEvent> GetTollingEvents(string candidateID, string electionCycle, bool far)
            DateTime?minStartDate = GetTollingStartDate(electionCycle);

            using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
                using (TollingEventsTableAdapter ta = new TollingEventsTableAdapter())
                    ta.Fill(ds.TollingEvents, candidateID, electionCycle, far);
                List <TollingEvent> events = new List <TollingEvent>(ds.TollingEvents.Count);
                foreach (PostElectionTds.TollingEventsRow row in ds.TollingEvents)
                    if (row.IsStartDateNull())
                    TollingLetter letter = GetTollingLetter(row.SourceCode.Trim(), row.EventCode.Trim(), row.TypeCode.Trim()) ?? new TollingLetter(byte.MinValue)
                        SourceCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.SourceCode, byte.MinValue)
                            Code = row.SourceCode.Trim()
                        EventCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.EventCode, byte.MinValue)
                            Code = row.EventCode.Trim()
                        TypeCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.TypeCode, byte.MinValue)
                            Code = row.TypeCode.Trim()
                        Description = row.Description,
                        Title       = row.Description
                    // first fetch end reason to determine end date inclusion in tolling days
                    TollingEndReason reason = CPConvert.ToTollingEndReason(row.EndReasonCode.Trim());
                    events.Add(new TollingEvent(row.StartDate, row.IsEndDateNull() ? DateTime.Now : row.EndDate)
                        Description          = letter.Description,
                        Title                = letter.Title,
                        TollingEventNumber   = row.EventNumber,
                        TollingLetter        = letter,
                        TollingStartDate     = minStartDate.HasValue && row.StartDate < minStartDate ? minStartDate.Value : row.StartDate,
                        TollingEndDate       = row.IsEndDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.EndDate,
                        TollingDueDate       = row.IsDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.DueDate,
                        TollingEndReason     = reason,
                        ReferenceEventNumber = row.RefEventNumber
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves Post Election Audit suspension information for a specfic candidate and election cycle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose suspension information is to be retrieved.</param>
 /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
 /// <returns>Suspension information matching the specified criteria if found; otherwise, null.</returns>
 public Suspension GetSuspension(string candidateID, string electionCycle)
     using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
         using (SuspensionTableAdapter ta = new SuspensionTableAdapter())
             ta.Fill(ds.Suspension, candidateID, electionCycle);
         foreach (PostElectionTds.SuspensionRow row in ds.Suspension)
             return(row.IsSuspensionDateNull() ? null : new Suspension(row.SuspensionDate)
                 SuspenderName = row.IsSuspenderNameNull() ? null : row.SuspenderName.Trim(),
                 SuspensionReason = CPConvert.ToSuspensionReason(row.SuspensionReasonCode.Trim())
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Post Election Audit Final Audit Report for a specific candidate and election cycle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose DAR is to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <returns>The Post Election Final Audit Report for the candidate and election cycle specified if found; otherwise, null.</returns>
        public FinalAuditReport GetFinalAuditReport(string candidateID, string electionCycle)
            FinalAuditReport far = null;

            using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
                using (FinalAuditReportTableAdapter ta = new FinalAuditReportTableAdapter())
                    ta.Fill(ds.FinalAuditReport, candidateID, electionCycle);
                foreach (PostElectionTds.FinalAuditReportRow row in ds.FinalAuditReport)
                    if (row.IsSentDateNull())
                    far = new FinalAuditReport(row.SentDate);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a collection of Post Election Draft Audit Response Inadequate Response events for a specific candidate and election cycle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose DAR Inadequate Response events are to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <param name="retrievalType">The type of inadequate event criteria to use for retrieval.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of Post Election Draft Audit Response Inadequate Response events matching the specified criteria.</returns>
        public List <DarInadequateEvent> GetDarInadequateEvents(string candidateID, string electionCycle, InadequateEventRetrieval retrievalType)
            // interpret retrieval type

            switch (retrievalType)
            case InadequateEventRetrieval.InitialEvent:
                additionals = false;

            case InadequateEventRetrieval.AdditionalEvents:
                additionals = true;

                additionals = null;

            // determine minimum start date
            DateTime?minStartDate = GetTollingStartDate(electionCycle);

            // retrieve and parse data
            using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
                using (InadequateEventsTableAdapter ta = new InadequateEventsTableAdapter())
                    ta.Fill(ds.InadequateEvents, candidateID, electionCycle, true, additionals);
                List <DarInadequateEvent> events = new List <DarInadequateEvent>();
                foreach (PostElectionTds.InadequateEventsRow row in ds.InadequateEvents)
                    TollingLetter letter = GetTollingLetter(row.SourceCode.Trim(), row.EventCode.Trim(), row.TypeCode.Trim()) ?? new TollingLetter(byte.MinValue)
                        SourceCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.SourceCode, byte.MinValue)
                            Code = row.SourceCode.Trim()
                        EventCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.EventCode, byte.MinValue)
                            Code = row.EventCode.Trim()
                        TypeCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.TypeCode, byte.MinValue)
                            Code = row.TypeCode.Trim()
                        Description = row.Description,
                        Title       = row.Description
                    // first fetch end reason to determine end date inclusion in tolling days
                    TollingEndReason   reason     = CPConvert.ToTollingEndReason(row.EndReasonCode.Trim());
                    DarInadequateEvent inadequate = new DarInadequateEvent(row.SentDate, row.IsAdditionalFlagNull() ? false : row.AdditionalFlag)
                        ReceiptDate           = row.IsReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ReceiptDate,
                        SecondSentDate        = row.IsSecondSentDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondSentDate,
                        SecondReceiptDate     = row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondReceiptDate,
                        ResponseSubmittedDate = row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseSubmittedDate,
                        // tolling event properties
                        Description        = letter.Description,
                        Title              = letter.Title,
                        TollingEventNumber = row.EventNumber,
                        TollingLetter      = letter,
                        TollingStartDate   = minStartDate.HasValue && row.StartDate < minStartDate ? minStartDate.Value : row.StartDate,
                        TollingEndDate     = row.IsEndDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.EndDate,
                        TollingEndReason   = reason
                    inadequate.ResponseDeadline = new DarInadequateDeadline(row.DueDate, inadequate)
                        ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                        SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Post Election Draft Audit Report Inadequate Response event for a specific candidate and election cycle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose DAR Inadequate Response event is to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <param name="published">Whether or not to retrieve published data.</param>
        /// <returns>The Post Election Draft Audit Report Inadequate Response event for the candidate and election cycle specified if found; otherwise, null.</returns>
        public DarInadequateEvent GetDarInadequateEvent(string candidateID, string electionCycle, bool published)
            DarInadequateEvent inadequate = null;

            using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
                if (published)
                    DateTime?minStartDate = GetTollingStartDate(electionCycle);
                    using (InadequateEventsTableAdapter ta = new InadequateEventsTableAdapter())
                        ta.Fill(ds.InadequateEvents, candidateID, electionCycle, true, false);
                    foreach (PostElectionTds.InadequateEventsRow row in ds.InadequateEvents)
                        TollingLetter letter = GetTollingLetter(row.SourceCode.Trim(), row.EventCode.Trim(), row.TypeCode.Trim()) ?? new TollingLetter(byte.MinValue)
                            SourceCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.SourceCode, byte.MinValue)
                                Code = row.SourceCode.Trim()
                            EventCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.EventCode, byte.MinValue)
                                Code = row.EventCode.Trim()
                            TypeCode = new TollingCode(TollingCodeType.TypeCode, byte.MinValue)
                                Code = row.TypeCode.Trim()
                            Description = row.Description,
                            Title       = row.Description
                        // first fetch end reason to determine end date inclusion in tolling days
                        TollingEndReason reason = CPConvert.ToTollingEndReason(row.EndReasonCode.Trim());
                        inadequate = new DarInadequateEvent(row.SentDate)
                            ReceiptDate           = row.IsReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ReceiptDate,
                            SecondSentDate        = row.IsSecondSentDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondSentDate,
                            SecondReceiptDate     = row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondReceiptDate,
                            ResponseSubmittedDate = row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseSubmittedDate,
                            // tolling event properties
                            Description        = letter.Description,
                            Title              = letter.Title,
                            TollingEventNumber = row.EventNumber,
                            TollingLetter      = letter,
                            TollingStartDate   = minStartDate.HasValue && row.StartDate < minStartDate ? minStartDate.Value : row.StartDate,
                            TollingEndDate     = row.IsEndDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.EndDate,
                            TollingEndReason   = reason
                        inadequate.ResponseDeadline = new DarInadequateDeadline(row.DueDate, inadequate)
                            ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                            SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate
                    using (InadequateEventsDirectTableAdapter ta = new InadequateEventsDirectTableAdapter())
                        ta.Fill(ds.InadequateEventsDirect, candidateID, electionCycle, true, false);
                    foreach (PostElectionTds.InadequateEventsDirectRow row in ds.InadequateEventsDirect)
                        inadequate = new DarInadequateEvent(row.SentDate)
                            ReceiptDate           = row.IsReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ReceiptDate,
                            SecondSentDate        = row.IsSecondSentDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondSentDate,
                            SecondReceiptDate     = row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondReceiptDate,
                            ResponseSubmittedDate = row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseSubmittedDate,
                        inadequate.ResponseDeadline = new DarInadequateDeadline(row.DueDate, inadequate)
                            ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                            SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Post Election Audit Draft Audit Report for a specific candidate and election cycle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose DAR is to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <param name="published">Whether or not to retrieve published data.</param>
        /// <returns>The Post Election Draft Audit Report for the candidate and election cycle specified if found; otherwise, null.</returns>
        public DraftAuditReport GetDraftAuditReport(string candidateID, string electionCycle, bool published)
            DraftAuditReport dar = null;

            using (PostElectionTds ds = new PostElectionTds())
                if (published)
                    using (DraftAuditReportTableAdapter ta = new DraftAuditReportTableAdapter())
                        ta.Fill(ds.DraftAuditReport, candidateID, electionCycle);
                    foreach (PostElectionTds.DraftAuditReportRow row in ds.DraftAuditReport)
                        if (row.IsSentDateNull())
                        dar = new DraftAuditReport(row.SentDate);
                        if (!row.IsReceiptDateNull())
                            dar.ReceiptDate = row.ReceiptDate;
                        if (!row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull())
                            dar.ResponseSubmittedDate = row.ResponseSubmittedDate;
                        if (!row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull())
                            dar.SecondReceiptDate = row.SecondReceiptDate;
                        if (!row.IsSecondSentDateNull())
                            dar.SecondSentDate = row.SecondSentDate;
                        dar.ResponseDeadline = new DarResponseDeadline(row.DueDate, dar)
                            ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                            SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate
                    using (DraftAuditReportDirectTableAdapter ta = new DraftAuditReportDirectTableAdapter())
                        ta.Fill(ds.DraftAuditReportDirect, candidateID, electionCycle);
                    foreach (PostElectionTds.DraftAuditReportDirectRow row in ds.DraftAuditReportDirect)
                        if (row.IsSentDateNull())
                        dar = new DraftAuditReport(row.SentDate);
                        if (!row.IsReceiptDateNull())
                            dar.ReceiptDate = row.ReceiptDate;
                        if (!row.IsResponseSubmittedDateNull())
                            dar.ResponseSubmittedDate = row.ResponseSubmittedDate;
                        if (!row.IsSecondReceiptDateNull())
                            dar.SecondReceiptDate = row.SecondReceiptDate;
                        if (!row.IsSecondSentDateNull())
                            dar.SecondSentDate = row.SecondSentDate;
                        dar.ResponseDeadline = new DarResponseDeadline(row.DueDate, dar)
                            ResponseReceivedDate = row.IsResponseReceivedDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.ResponseReceivedDate,
                            SecondDueDate        = row.IsSecondDueDateNull() ? null : (DateTime?)row.SecondDueDate