public void From_nullable_produces_correct_value_object(int?value, bool expectedHasValue)
            var sut = Possible.From(value);

            Assert.Equal(expectedHasValue, sut.HasValue);
            if (sut.HasValue)
                Assert.Equal(value.Value, sut.GetValue(-1));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // One can convert any object ot IPossible<T>
            var possibleIntViaStaticMethod     = Possible.From(1);
            var possibleIntViaExtensionsMethod = 1.ToPossible();

            // That way, when an object contains null,
            // and you wouldn't know it beforehand
            // the Possible class will take that into account for you:
            int?   nullableInt = null;
            var    possibleIntFromNullableViaStaticMethod   = Possible.From(nullableInt);
            var    posibleIntFromNullableViaExtensionMethod = nullableInt.ToPossible();
            object @object = null;
            var    possibleObjectViaStaticMethod    = Possible.From(@object);
            var    possibleObjectViaExtensionMethod = @object.ToPossible();

            // You can pass in an optional lambda to determine whether an object is null or not,
            // used below is the default expression when you pass no lambda
            // which just checks whether the object is not null, then Possible.From
            // assumes you have a value by "convention":
            possibleObjectViaStaticMethod    = Possible.From(@object, o => o != null);
            possibleObjectViaExtensionMethod = @object.ToPossible(o => o != null);

            // For string objects you can define a parsing strategy,
            // the default one is StringValueParserStrategy.NullEmptyOrWhitespaceIsNoValue
            // which translates to String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()
            var possibleStringViaStaticMethod    = Possible.From(" ");
            var possibleStringViaExtensionMethod = " ".ToPossible();

            possibleStringViaStaticMethod    = Possible.From(" ", StringValueParserStrategy.NullOrEmptyIsNoValue);
            possibleStringViaExtensionMethod = " ".ToPossible(StringValueParserStrategy.NullOrEmptyIsNoValue);

            // Given a possible object, one can get the original value back,
            // but since you have no idea whether it contains a value or not,
            // you are always obliged to pass in either a fixed default value
            // or a function the produces a default value
            var possible = "".ToPossible();
            var real     = possible.GetValue("");         // pass in a fixed value as the default

            real = possible.GetValue(() => String.Empty); // pass in a function the produces a default value

            // One can also check via a boolean property whether a possible
            // has a value or not. But to avoid if-else branching in the code
            // too much, we'd advice to use this as a last resort
            var hasValue = possible.HasValue;

            // Better is to use the methods Execute or Map
            // - Execute will perform an action on the value when it is present
            possible.Execute(value => Console.WriteLine(value));
            // - Map will perform a function on the value if it is present,
            //   and produce a new possible result.
            var newPossibleResult = possible.Map(value => value.Length);

            // Extension methods provide options to be more flexible with
            // collections of possible types
            var collectionOfPossibleInts = new[] { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.Select(i => i.ToPossible());
            // - SelectElementsWithValue will only return the elements with a value
            var sumOfelementsWithValue = collectionOfPossibleInts
            // - MapElementsWithValue will only operate a mapping function on elements with a value
            //   and return back a collection of concrete results.
            //   Hence why you have to return a "possible" result in the function, so that
            //   the mapping function can automatically apply the SelectElementsWithValue
            //   method on it.
            var mappedElementsWithValue = collectionOfPossibleInts
                                          .MapElementsWithValue(i => i.ToString().ToPossible());
            // - FirstOrNoValue is the replacement for Linq's FirstOrDefault
            var firstOrNoValueResult = collectionOfPossibleInts
            // - Where is the replacement for Linq'q Where
            var intsLargerOrEqualThanZeroAsString = String.Join(", ",
                                                                .Where(i => i >= 0)


 public static IPossible <TConcrete> ToPossible <TConcrete>(this TConcrete?value)
     where TConcrete : struct
 => Possible.From(value);
        public void From_string_produces_correct_value_object(string value, bool expectedHasValue, StringValueParserStrategy stringValueParserStrategy)
            var sut = Possible.From(value, stringValueParserStrategy);

            Assert.Equal(expectedHasValue, sut.HasValue);
        public void From_produces_correct_value_object(object value, bool expectedHasValue, Func <object, bool> hasValueDeterminator)
            var sut = Possible.From(value, hasValueDeterminator);

            Assert.Equal(expectedHasValue, sut.HasValue);
 public static IPossible <string> ToPossible(
     this string value,
     StringValueParserStrategy stringValueParserStrategy = StringValueParserStrategy.NullEmptyOrWhitespaceIsNoValue
     ) => Possible.From(value, stringValueParserStrategy);