internal static PosResponse DoTransaction(IHpsServicesConfig config, PosRequestVer10Transaction transaction,
                                                  long?clientTransactionId = null)
            var req = new PosRequest {
                Ver10 = new PosRequestVer10 {
                    Header = new PosRequestVer10Header {
                        SecretAPIKey = config.SecretApiKey,
                        LicenseId    = config.LicenseId,
                        SiteId       = config.SiteId,
                        DeviceId     = config.DeviceId,
                        VersionNbr   = config.VersionNumber,
                        UserName     = config.UserName,
                        Password     = config.Password,
                        DeveloperID  = config.DeveloperId,
                        SiteTrace    = config.SiteTrace
                    Transaction = transaction

            if (clientTransactionId.HasValue)
                req.Ver10.Header.ClientTxnId          = clientTransactionId.Value;
                req.Ver10.Header.ClientTxnIdSpecified = true;

            using (var client = new PosGatewayService {
                Url = HpsConfiguration.SoapServiceUri
            }) {
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="refundable">for void & refund</param>
        /// <param name="type">sales, void, refund</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GVPSRequest CreateSalesInstance(PosRequest posRequest, bool refundable = false, string type = "sales")
            string SecurityData = GetSHA1(_password + String.Format("000{0}", _terminalId))
                                  .ToUpper(); //_terminalId'nin 9 haneye tamamlanması gerekiyor.

            string _HashData = !refundable?
                               GetSHA1(posRequest.OrderId + _terminalId + posRequest.CardNumber + posRequest.Amount + SecurityData).ToUpper() :
                                   GetSHA1(posRequest.OrderId + _terminalId + posRequest.Amount + SecurityData).ToUpper();

            var gvpRequest = new GVPSRequest();

            gvpRequest.Mode    = _workingMode;
            gvpRequest.Version = GVPVERSION;

            gvpRequest.Terminal = new Terminal()
                ID         = _terminalId,
                UserID     = posRequest.UserId,
                MerchantID = _merchantId,
                ProvUserID = !refundable ? _provisionUser : "******",
                HashData   = _HashData

            gvpRequest.Customer = new Customer()
                EmailAddress = posRequest.UserEmail,
                IPAddress    = posRequest.UserIp

            gvpRequest.Card = !refundable ?
                              new Card()
                Number     = posRequest.CardNumber,
                CVV2       = posRequest.Cvc2,
                ExpireDate = String.Format("{0}{1}", posRequest.Month, posRequest.Year)     //MMYY
            } : new Card();

            gvpRequest.Order = new Order()
                OrderID = posRequest.OrderId,
                GroupID = string.Empty

            gvpRequest.Transaction = new Transaction()
                Type           = "sales",
                CurrencyCode   = posRequest.CurrencyCode,
                MotoInd        = !refundable ? "N" : "H",
                InstallmentCnt = posRequest.InstallmentCount == 0 ? String.Empty :
                // 10,05 -> 1005
                Amount = posRequest.Amount,
                CardholderPresentCode = "0"

Пример #3
        internal override PosResponse Void(PosRequest posRequest)
            var response = new PosResponse();

            var gvpRequest = CreateSalesInstance(posRequest,refundable:true, type:"void");

            response.RequestTextData = this.SerializeObjectToXmlString<GVPSRequest>(gvpRequest);
            response.ResponseTextData = SendHttpRequest(_hostUrl, "Post", response.RequestTextData);

            var responseObject = this.DeSerializeObject<GVPSResponse>(response.ResponseTextData);

            response.OrderId = responseObject.Order.OrderID;
            response.StatusCode = responseObject.Transaction.Response.Code;
            response.Status = responseObject.Transaction.Response.Message.Equals("Approved") ? true : false;
            response.ErrorMsg = responseObject.Transaction.Response.ErrorMsg;

            return response;
Пример #4
        internal override PosResponse ReFund(PosRequest posRequest)
            var response = new PosResponse();

            var gvpRequest = CreateSalesInstance(posRequest, refundable: true, type: "refund");

            response.RequestTextData  = this.SerializeObjectToXmlString <GVPSRequest>(gvpRequest);
            response.ResponseTextData = SendHttpRequest(_hostUrl, "Post", response.RequestTextData);

            var responseObject = this.DeSerializeObject <GVPSResponse>(response.ResponseTextData);

            response.OrderId    = responseObject.Order.OrderID;
            response.StatusCode = responseObject.Transaction.Response.Code;
            response.Status     = responseObject.Transaction.Response.Message.Equals("Approved") ? true : false;
            response.ErrorMsg   = responseObject.Transaction.Response.ErrorMsg;

Пример #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            VPosContext context = new VPosContext(new GarantiVPos("123123", "PAUHT", "P@ssW0rd", "008871", "htttp://"));

            var request = new PosRequest();

            request.Amount           = "1000";
            request.CardNumber       = "2039023902909309";
            request.CardOnName       = "Oğuzhan YILMAZ";
            request.CurrencyCode     = "989";
            request.Cvc2             = "000";
            request.InstallmentCount = 3;
            request.Month            = "12";
            request.Year             = "14";
            request.UserIp           = "";
            request.UserEmail        = "*****@*****.**";
            request.UserId           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

        internal PosResponse DoTransaction(PosRequestVer10Transaction transaction, long?clientTransactionId = null)
            // Check for a valid config.
            if (IsConfigInvalid())
                throw new HpsAuthenticationException(HpsExceptionCodes.InvalidConfiguration, Resource.Exception_Message_InvalidConfig);

            var req = new PosRequest {
                Ver10 = new PosRequestVer10 {
                    Header = new PosRequestVer10Header {
                        SecretAPIKey = ServicesConfig.SecretApiKey,
                        LicenseId    = ServicesConfig.LicenseId,
                        SiteId       = ServicesConfig.SiteId,
                        DeviceId     = ServicesConfig.DeviceId,
                        VersionNbr   = ServicesConfig.VersionNumber,
                        UserName     = ServicesConfig.UserName,
                        Password     = ServicesConfig.Password,
                        DeveloperID  = ServicesConfig.DeveloperId,
                        SiteTrace    = ServicesConfig.SiteTrace
                    Transaction = transaction

            if (clientTransactionId.HasValue)
                req.Ver10.Header.ClientTxnId          = clientTransactionId.Value;
                req.Ver10.Header.ClientTxnIdSpecified = true;

            using (var client = new PosGatewayService {
                Url = ServicesConfig.ServiceUrl
            }) {
Пример #7
        ///<summary>Processes a PayConnect payment via a credit card terminal.</summary>
        private bool ProcessPaymentTerminal()
            PosRequest posRequest = null;

            try {
                if (radioSale.Checked)
                    posRequest = PosRequest.CreateSale(PIn.Decimal(textAmount.Text));
                else if (radioAuthorization.Checked)
                    posRequest = PosRequest.CreateAuth(PIn.Decimal(textAmount.Text));
                else if (radioVoid.Checked)
                    posRequest = PosRequest.CreateVoidByReference(textRefNumber.Text);
                else if (radioReturn.Checked)
                    if (textRefNumber.Text == "")
                        posRequest = PosRequest.CreateRefund(PIn.Decimal(textAmount.Text));
                        posRequest = PosRequest.CreateRefund(PIn.Decimal(textAmount.Text), textRefNumber.Text);
                else                  //Shouldn't happen
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select a transaction type");
                posRequest.ForceDuplicate = checkForceDuplicate.Checked;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Error creating request:") + " " + ex.Message);
            bool result = true;

            ODProgress.ShowAction(() => {
                _posResponse = DpsPos.ProcessCreditCard(posRequest);
                                  startingMessage: Lan.g(this, "Processing payment on terminal"),
                                  actionException: ex => {
                this.Invoke(() => {
                    MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Error processing card:") + " " + ex.Message);
                    result = false;
            if (!result)
            if (_posResponse == null)
                MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Error processing card"));
            if (_posResponse.ResponseCode != "0")           //"0" indicates success. May need to check the AuthCode field too to determine if this was a success.
                MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Error message from Pay Connect:") + "\r\n" + _posResponse.ResponseDescription);
            PayConnectService.signatureResponse sigResponse = null;
            try {
                Cursor      = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                sigResponse = SendSignature(_posResponse.ReferenceNumber.ToString());
                Cursor      = Cursors.Default;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Card successfully charged. Error processing signature:") + " " + ex.Message);
            textCardNumber.Text = _posResponse.CardNumber;
            textAmount.Text     = _posResponse.Amount.ToString("f");
            _receiptStr         = PayConnectTerminal.BuildReceiptString(posRequest, _posResponse, sigResponse, _clinicNum);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="refundable">for void & refund</param>
        /// <param name="type">sales, void, refund</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GVPSRequest CreateSalesInstance(PosRequest posRequest, bool refundable = false, string type = "sales")
            string SecurityData = GetSHA1(_password + String.Format("000{0}", _terminalId))
                            .ToUpper(); //_terminalId'nin 9 haneye tamamlanması gerekiyor.

            string _HashData = !refundable ?
                            GetSHA1(posRequest.OrderId + _terminalId + posRequest.CardNumber + posRequest.Amount + SecurityData).ToUpper() :
                            GetSHA1(posRequest.OrderId + _terminalId + posRequest.Amount + SecurityData).ToUpper();

            var gvpRequest = new GVPSRequest();
            gvpRequest.Mode = _workingMode;
            gvpRequest.Version = GVPVERSION;

            gvpRequest.Terminal = new Terminal()
                ID = _terminalId,
                UserID = posRequest.UserId,
                MerchantID = _merchantId,
                ProvUserID = !refundable ? _provisionUser : "******",
                HashData = _HashData

            gvpRequest.Customer = new Customer()
                EmailAddress = posRequest.UserEmail,
                IPAddress = posRequest.UserIp

            gvpRequest.Card = !refundable ?
                new Card()
                    Number = posRequest.CardNumber,
                    CVV2 = posRequest.Cvc2,
                    ExpireDate = String.Format("{0}{1}", posRequest.Month, posRequest.Year) //MMYY
                } : new Card();

            gvpRequest.Order = new Order()
                OrderID = posRequest.OrderId,
                GroupID = string.Empty

            gvpRequest.Transaction = new Transaction()
                Type = "sales",
                CurrencyCode = posRequest.CurrencyCode,
                MotoInd = !refundable ? "N" : "H",
                InstallmentCnt = posRequest.InstallmentCount == 0 ? String.Empty :
                // 10,05 -> 1005
                Amount = posRequest.Amount,
                CardholderPresentCode = "0"

            return gvpRequest;
Пример #9
        ///<summary>Builds a receipt string for a terminal transaction.</summary>
        public static string BuildReceiptString(PosRequest posRequest, PosResponse posResponse, PayConnectService.signatureResponse sigResponse,
                                                long clinicNum)
            string result = "";
            int    xleft  = 0;
            int    xright = 15;
            int    xmax   = 37;

            result += Environment.NewLine;
            result += CreditCardUtils.AddClinicToReceipt(clinicNum);
            //Print body
            result += "Date".PadRight(xright - xleft, '.') + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
            result += Environment.NewLine;
            result += AddReceiptField("Trans Type", posResponse.TransactionType.ToString());
            result += Environment.NewLine;
            result += AddReceiptField("Transaction #", posResponse.ReferenceNumber.ToString());
            result += AddReceiptField("Account", posResponse.CardNumber);
            result += AddReceiptField("Card Type", posResponse.CardBrand);
            result += AddReceiptField("Entry", posResponse.EntryMode);
            result += AddReceiptField("Auth Code", posResponse.AuthCode);
            result += AddReceiptField("Result", posResponse.ResponseDescription);
            result += AddReceiptField("MerchantId", posResponse.MerchantId);
            result += AddReceiptField("TerminalId", posResponse.TerminalId);
            result += AddReceiptField("Mode", posResponse.Mode);
            result += AddReceiptField("CardVerifyMthd", posResponse.CardVerificationMethod);
            if (posResponse.EMV != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(posResponse.EMV.AppId))
                result += AddReceiptField("EMV AppId", posResponse.EMV.AppId);
            if (posResponse.EMV != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(posResponse.EMV.TermVerifResults))
                result += AddReceiptField("EMV TermResult", posResponse.EMV.TermVerifResults);
            if (posResponse.EMV != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(posResponse.EMV.IssuerAppData))
                result += AddReceiptField("EMV IssuerData", posResponse.EMV.IssuerAppData);
            if (posResponse.EMV != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(posResponse.EMV.TransStatusInfo))
                result += AddReceiptField("EMV TransInfo", posResponse.EMV.TransStatusInfo);
            if (posResponse.EMV != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(posResponse.EMV.AuthResponseCode))
                result += AddReceiptField("EMV AuthResp", posResponse.EMV.AuthResponseCode);
            result += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
            if (posResponse.TransactionType.In(TransactionType.Refund, TransactionType.Void))
                result += "Total Amt".PadRight(xright - xleft, '.') + (posResponse.Amount * -1) + Environment.NewLine;
                result += "Total Amt".PadRight(xright - xleft, '.') + posResponse.Amount + Environment.NewLine;
            result += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
            result += "I agree to pay the above total amount according to my card issuer/bank agreement." + Environment.NewLine;
            result += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
            if (sigResponse == null || sigResponse.Status == null || sigResponse.Status.code != 0)
                result += "Signature X".PadRight(xmax - xleft, '_');
                result += "Electronically signed";
Пример #10
 public PosResponse Void(PosRequest posRequest)
     return _vpos.Void(posRequest);
Пример #11
 public PosResponse Sales(PosRequest posRequest)
     return _vpos.Sales(posRequest);
Пример #12
 public PosResponse Void(PosRequest posRequest)
Пример #13
 internal override PosResponse ReFund(PosRequest posRequest)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #14
 internal override PosResponse Void(PosRequest posRequest)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #15
 public PosResponse ReFund(PosRequest posRequest)
Пример #16
 public PosResponse ReFund(PosRequest posRequest)
     return _vpos.ReFund(posRequest);
Пример #17
 public PosResponse Sales(PosRequest posRequest)