Пример #1
        private void PrintReceipt(PosEventSignResult result)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            try {
                p.RecLetterQuality = true;
                p.SetBitmap(1, PrinterStation.Receipt, "..\\..\\Resources\\outpost_logo_receipt.bmp",
                            p.RecLineWidth, PosPrinter.PrinterBitmapCenter);

                sb.Append(PrintCommands.center);                 // TODO: Address + VAT number.
                sb.Append(PrintCommands.double_size + "VAT RECEIPT\n");
                sb.Append(string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("-", p.RecLineChars)));

                // TODO


                p.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, sb.ToString());
            } catch (PosControlException e) {
                Debug.WriteLine("Point of sale control exception: {0}", e);
                if (e.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Extended)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Extended: ", e.ErrorCodeExtended);
Пример #2
        private void HashAndSignCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            try {
                PosEventSignResult result = c.EndHashAndSign(ar);

                if (result != null)
                    if (result.HasErrors == true)
                        foreach (Error e in result.Errors)
                        // The hash and sign was successful, show a receipt like form.
                        Debug.WriteLine("The hash and sign callback was successful!");

                        if (result.HasSignature)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Signature: {0}", result.Signature);
                        if (result.IsClocking)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Clocking event: {0}", result.ClockingType);

                        Debug.WriteLine("Receipt printing mode: {0}", result.VATReceiptPrintingMode);

                        foreach (VATSplit s in result.VATSplit)


                    // Start the next transaction.
                    // We allow clocking in the middle of another transaction in this example, for a real-world POS
                    // you need to beware of transaction numbers. Don't create gaps or duplicate numbers if you do this!
                    //if(result.IsClocking == false) InitializeTransaction();
            } catch (HashAndSignException ex) {
                // The InnerException of the HashAndSignException might contain information to help troubleshoot the issue.
                Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message + ": " + (ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ""));

                // We just start a new transaction in this example.
                // Real world POS solutions should probably retain state and allow to try again.
Пример #3
        private void HashAndSignCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            PosEventSignResult result = FDMClient.EndHashAndSign(ar);

            if (result != null)
                if (result.HasErrors)
                    foreach (Error e in result.Errors)
                     * string result_message = "Hash and sign result:\n";
                     * result_message = string.Concat(
                     *      result_message, string.Format(
                     *              "\tIsCLocking: {0}\n" +
                     *              "\tClockingType: {1}\n" +
                     *              "\tVATReceiptPrintingMode: {2}\n" +
                     *              "\tVATSplits:\n",
                     *              result.IsClocking,
                     *              result.ClockingType,
                     *              result.VATReceiptPrintingMode
                     *      )
                     * );
                     * if(result.VATSplit != null) {
                     *      foreach(VATSplit s in result.VATSplit) {
                     *              result_message = string.Concat(
                     *                      result_message, string.Format(
                     *                              "\t\tPrintVatRateId: {0}\n" +
                     *                              "\t\tTaxableAmount: {1}\n" +
                     *                              "\t\tVATAmount: {2}\n" +
                     *                              "\t\tVATRate: {3}\n" +
                     *                              "\t\tVatRateId: {4}\n" +
                     *                              "\n",
                     *                              s.PrintVatRateId,
                     *                              s.TaxableAmount,
                     *                              s.VATAmount,
                     *                              s.VATRate,
                     *                              s.VatRateId
                     *                      )
                     *              );
                     *      }
                     * }
                     * MessageBox.Show(result_message);
                     * string event_message = "Event:\n";
                     * event_message = string.Concat(
                     *      event_message, string.Format(
                     *              "\tDrawerId: {0}\n" +
                     *              "\tDrawerName: {1}\n" +
                     *              "\tDrawerOpen: {2}\n" +
                     *              "\tInvoiceNumber: {3}\n" +
                     *              "\tIsFinalized: {4}\n" +
                     *              "\tIsRefund: {5}\n" +
                     *              "\tIsSimplifiedReceipt: {6}\n" +
                     *              "\tIsTrainingMode: {7}\n" +
                     *              "\tOperatorId: {8}\n" +
                     *              "\tOperatorName: {9}\n" +
                     *              "\tPayments:\n",
                     *              result.Event.DrawerId,
                     *              result.Event.DrawerName,
                     *              result.Event.DrawerOpen,
                     *              result.Event.InvoiceNumber,
                     *              result.Event.IsFinalized,
                     *              result.Event.IsRefund,
                     *              result.Event.IsSimplifiedReceipt,
                     *              result.Event.IsTrainingMode,
                     *              result.Event.OperatorId,
                     *              result.Event.OperatorName
                     *      )
                     * );
                     * foreach(PaymentLine p in result.Event.Payments) {
                     *      event_message = string.Concat(
                     *              event_message, string.Format(
                     *                      "\t\tForeignCurrencyAmount: {0}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tForeignCurrencyISO: {1}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tPayAmount: {2}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tPaymentId: {3}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tPaymentName: {4}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tPaymentType: {5}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tQuantity: {6}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tReference: {7}\n" +
                     *                      "\n",
                     *                      p.ForeignCurrencyAmount,
                     *                      p.ForeignCurrencyISO,
                     *                      p.PayAmount,
                     *                      p.PaymentId,
                     *                      p.PaymentName,
                     *                      p.PaymentType,
                     *                      p.Quantity,
                     *                      p.Reference
                     *              )
                     *      );
                     * }
                     * event_message = string.Concat(
                     *      event_message, string.Format(
                     *              "\tPOSSerialNumber: {0}\n" +
                     *              "\tProducts:\n",
                     *              result.Event.POSSerialNumber
                     *      )
                     * );
                     * foreach(ProductLine p in result.Event.Products) {
                     *      event_message = string.Concat(
                     *              event_message, string.Format(
                     *                      "\t\tDiscounts: {0}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tPrintVatRateId: {1}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tProductGroupId: {2}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tProductGroupName: {3}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tProductId: {4}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tProductName: {5}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tQuantity: {6}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tQuantityUnit: {7}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tSellingPrice: {8}\n" +
                     *                      "\t\tVatRateId: {9}\n" +
                     *                      "\n",
                     *                      p.Discounts,
                     *                      p.PrintVatRateId,
                     *                      p.ProductGroupId,
                     *                      p.ProductGroupName,
                     *                      p.ProductId,
                     *                      p.ProductName,
                     *                      p.Quantity,
                     *                      p.QuantityUnit,
                     *                      p.SellingPrice,
                     *                      p.VatRateId
                     *              )
                     *      );
                     * }
                     * event_message = string.Concat(
                     *      event_message, string.Format(
                     *              "\tReference: {0}\n" +
                     *              "\tTerminalId: {1}\n" +
                     *              "\tTerminalName: {2}\n" +
                     *              "\tTransactionDateTime: {3}\n" +
                     *              "\tTransactionNumber: {4}\n" +
                     *              "\tVatRateA: {5}\n" +
                     *              "\tVatRateB: {6}\n" +
                     *              "\tVatRateC: {7}\n" +
                     *              "\tVatRateD: {8}\n",
                     *              result.Event.Reference,
                     *              result.Event.TerminalId,
                     *              result.Event.TerminalName,
                     *              result.Event.TransactionDateTime,
                     *              result.Event.TransactionNumber,
                     *              result.Event.VatRateA,
                     *              result.Event.VatRateB,
                     *              result.Event.VatRateC,
                     *              result.Event.VatRateD
                     *      )
                     * );
                     * MessageBox.Show(event_message);
                     * if(result.HasSignature) {
                     *      string signature_message = "Signature:\n";
                     *      signature_message = string.Concat(
                     *              signature_message, string.Format(
                     *                      "\tEventType: {0}\n" +
                     *                      "\tFDMSerialNumber: {1}\n" +
                     *                      "\tFullPluHash: {2}\n" +
                     *                      "\tPrintEventType: {3}\n" +
                     *                      "\tPrintPluHash: {4}\n" +
                     *                      "\tSignature: {5}\n" +
                     *                      "\tSignDateTime: {6}\n" +
                     *                      "\tTicketCount: {7}\n" +
                     *                      "\tTicketNumber: {8}\n" +
                     *                      "\tVSCIdentificationNumber: {9}\n",
                     *                      result.Signature.EventType,
                     *                      result.Signature.FDMSerialNumber,
                     *                      result.Signature.FullPluHash,
                     *                      result.Signature.PrintEventType,
                     *                      result.Signature.PrintPluHash,
                     *                      result.Signature.Signature,
                     *                      result.Signature.SignDateTime,
                     *                      result.Signature.TicketCount,
                     *                      result.Signature.TicketNumber,
                     *                      result.Signature.VSCIdentificationNumber
                     *              )
                     *      );
                     *      MessageBox.Show(signature_message);
                     * }

                // Start the next transaction.
                // We allow clocking in the middle of another transaction in this example, for a real-world POS
                // you need to beware of transaction numbers. Don't create gaps or duplicate numbers if you do this!
                //if(result.IsClocking == false) InitializeTransaction();
Пример #4
        void PrintReceipt(PosEventSignResult pesr)
            string tab         = "    ";     // Necessary since the receipt printer doesn't seem to support normal tab characters.
            string total_label = "Total: ";

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            try {
                // Initialization.
                PosPrinter.RecLetterQuality = true;
                PosPrinter.SetBitmap(1, PrinterStation.Receipt, "..\\..\\Resources\\outpost_logo_black.bmp",
                                     PosPrinter.RecLineWidth, PosPrinter.PrinterBitmapCenter);

                // Header logo.

                // Establishment data.
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                        PrintCommands.center +
                        CompanyNameLabel.Content + "\n" +
                        CompanyStreetLabel.Content + "\n" +
                        CompanyCityLabel.Content + "\n" +
                        CompanyVATLabel.Content + "\n\n"

                // Receipt title.
                if (pesr.Event.IsTrainingMode)
                    sb.Append("TRAINING RECEIPT\n");
                    sb.Append("VAT RECEIPT\n");
                if (pesr.Event.IsRefund)

                decimal receipt_total = 0.0m;
                int     space_count;

                // Product lines & total.
                sb.Append(PrintCommands.bold + "Products & Services:\n" + PrintCommands.reset);
                foreach (ProductLine l in pesr.Event.Products)
                    space_count =
                        PosPrinter.RecLineChars -
                        l.Quantity.ToString().Length -
                        l.ProductName.ToString().Length -
                        l.SellingPrice.ToString().Length -
                        l.PrintVatRateId.ToString().Length -
                        tab.Length - 3;

                    // TODO: Handle (space_count <= 0) case.
                    Debug.Assert(0 < space_count);

                        string.Format(tab + "{0}x {1}", l.Quantity, l.ProductName) +
                        string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", space_count)) +
                        string.Format("{0} {1}\n", l.SellingPrice, l.PrintVatRateId)

                    receipt_total += l.SellingPrice;
                sb.Append(tab + string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("-", PosPrinter.RecLineChars - tab.Length)) + "\n");
                space_count = PosPrinter.RecLineChars - total_label.Length -
                              receipt_total.ToString().Length - tab.Length - 2;
                sb.Append(tab + total_label + string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", space_count)) +
                          receipt_total.ToString() + "\n\n");

                // Payment lines.
                // TODO: Add support for change & refund.
                sb.Append(PrintCommands.bold + "Payment:\n" + PrintCommands.reset);
                foreach (PaymentLine l in pesr.Event.Payments)
                    space_count = PosPrinter.RecLineChars - l.PaymentName.ToString().Length -
                                  l.PayAmount.ToString().Length - tab.Length - 2;

                    sb.Append(tab + l.PaymentName + string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", space_count)) + l.PayAmount + "\n");

                // VAT data.
                int len, taxable_max_char_count = 0, rate_max_char_count = 0, amount_max_char_count = 0;
                sb.Append(PrintCommands.bold + "VAT:\n" + PrintCommands.reset);                 // TODO: Multilingual support.
                foreach (VATSplit v in pesr.VATSplit)
                    // Calculate spacing for alignment.
                    len = v.TaxableAmount.ToString().Length;
                    if (taxable_max_char_count < len)
                        taxable_max_char_count = len;
                    len = v.VATRate.ToString().Length;
                    if (rate_max_char_count < len)
                        rate_max_char_count = len;
                    len = v.VATAmount.ToString().Length;
                    if (amount_max_char_count < len)
                        amount_max_char_count = len;
                foreach (VATSplit v in pesr.VATSplit)
                        tab + v.PrintVatRateId + ": " +
                        string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", taxable_max_char_count - v.TaxableAmount.ToString().Length)) +
                        v.TaxableAmount + " @ " +
                        string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", rate_max_char_count - v.VATRate.ToString().Length)) +
                        v.VATRate + "% = " +
                        string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", amount_max_char_count - v.VATAmount.ToString().Length)) +
                        +v.VATAmount + "\n"
                sb.Append(tab + total_label +
                              Enumerable.Repeat(" ",
                                                taxable_max_char_count + rate_max_char_count + amount_max_char_count + 10 -
                                                total_label.Length - pesr.GetTotalVATAmount().ToString().Length
                              ) + pesr.GetTotalVATAmount() + "\n\n"

                // Other mandatory data.
                    PrintCommands.bold + "Cash Register Data:\n" + PrintCommands.reset +
                    tab + "PLU hash:    " + pesr.Signature.PrintPluHash + "\n" +
                    tab + "POS:         " + pesr.Event.POSSerialNumber + "\n" +
                    tab + "Version:     " + "~TODO~" + "\n" +                     // TODO
                    tab + "Terminal:    " + pesr.Event.TerminalId + "\n" +
                    tab + "Transaction: " + pesr.Event.TransactionNumber.ToString() + "\n" +
                    tab + "Date & time: " + pesr.Event.TransactionDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "\n" +
                    tab + "User:        "******"\n" +

                // FDM control data.
                // Must follow specific naming conventions as dictated by the law!
                // See circular no. E.T. 124.747, chapter 5, points 44 & 45!
                    PrintCommands.bold + "Control Data:\n" + PrintCommands.reset +
                    tab + pesr.Signature.SignDateTime + "\n" +
                    tab + string.Format("Receipt counter: {0}/{1} {2}\n",
                                        ) +
                    tab + "Receipt signature:\n" + tab + tab + pesr.Signature.Signature + "\n" +
                    tab + "Control module ID: " + pesr.Signature.FDMSerialNumber + "\n" +
                    tab + "VAT signing card ID: " + pesr.Signature.VSCIdentificationNumber + "\n\n"

                // Invalidity footer.
                if (pesr.Event.IsTrainingMode)
                    sb.Append(PrintCommands.center + PrintCommands.double_size +
                              "THIS IS NOT A\nVALID VAT RECEIPT\n" + PrintCommands.reset


                PosPrinter.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, sb.ToString());
            } catch (PosControlException e) {
                Debug.WriteLine("Point of sale control exception: {0}", e);
                if (e.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Extended)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Extended: ", e.ErrorCodeExtended);