internal static void MigrateToVanjaro(PortalSettings PortalSettings) { TabInfo Tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID, PortalSettings.Current.PortalId); if (Tab != null && Tab.TabID > 0) { try { Tab.SkinSrc = "[g]skins/vanjaro/base.ascx"; Tab.ContainerSrc = "[g]containers/vanjaro/base.ascx"; using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo()) { db.Execute(PortalScript.UpdateTabContainerSrc(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, Tab.TabID)); } //Clear Cache for all TabModules foreach (ModuleInfo tabModule in ModuleController.Instance.GetTabModules(Tab.TabID).Values) { DataCache.RemoveCache(string.Format(DataCache.SingleTabModuleCacheKey, tabModule.TabModuleID)); } DataCache.ClearModuleCache(Tab.TabID); TabController.Instance.UpdateTab(Tab); } catch (Exception) { } } }
void MoveThroughPortals(string origin) { PortalScript firstPortalScript = firstPortal.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); PortalScript secondPortalScript = secondPortal.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); GameObject rocket = GameObject.Find("Rocket"); Vector3 exitVector = new Vector3(); Vector3 exitPosition = new Vector3(); if (rocket == null) { return; } if (origin == { exitPosition = secondPortalScript.GetPortalPosition() + (portalExitDistance * secondPortalScript.GetExitVector()); rocket.transform.position = exitPosition; rocket.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); } else { exitPosition = firstPortalScript.GetPortalPosition() + (portalExitDistance * firstPortalScript.GetExitVector()); rocket.transform.position = exitPosition; rocket.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); } }
private void Start() { lightingImageEffect_ = SceneGlobals.Instance.LightingImageEffect; startLight_ = LightingImageEffect.Instance.CurrentValues; baseAmbientColor_ = LightingImageEffect.Instance.CurrentValues.AmbientLight; ScaleAmbientLight(0.6f); nextFlash = Time.time + 2 + Random.value; CurrentRunData.Instance.Boss1Attempts++; golemKing_ = FindObjectOfType <GolemKingController>(); miniGolems_ = FindObjectsOfType <MiniGolemController>(); golems_ = FindObjectsOfType <GolemController>(); for (int i = 0; i < golems_.Length; ++i) { golems_[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } GameEvents.OnGolemKingCallingForHelp += GameEvents_OnGolemKingCallingForHelp; GameEvents.OnAllEnemiesKilled += GameEvents_OnAllEnemiesKilled; nextLevelPortal_ = GameSceneLogic.Instance.NextLevelPortal; nextLevelPortal_.gameObject.SetActive(true); nextLevelPortal_.transform.position = Vector3.right * 800; Chest.SetActive(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Player = (GameObject) GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player"); playerScript = (PlayerScript) Player.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(PlayerScript)); gameTime = 0; portalScript = (PortalScript) GameObject.Find("Portal").GetComponent(typeof(PortalScript)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { switch (exitDirection) { case Direction.LEFT: direction = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); break; case Direction.RIGHT: direction = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); break; case Direction.UP: direction = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); break; case Direction.DOWN: direction = new Vector3(0, -1, 0); break; } if (!active) { return; } linkedPortalScript = linkedPortal.GetComponent <PortalScript> (); ////Debug.Log ("LPS " + linkedPortalScript); //scaledLinkedDirection = linkedDirection * 0.55f; ////Debug.Log (direction); }
void Start() { S = this; initScale = transform.localScale; initBlocksNeeded = blocksNeeded; source = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); }
private void Awake() { System.GC.Collect(0, System.GCCollectionMode.Forced, blocking: true, compacting: true); Instance = this; GameEvents.ClearListeners(); GameEvents.OnEnemyKilled += OnEnemyKilled; GameEvents.OnEnemySpawned += OnEnemySpawned; GameEvents.OnPlayerDamaged += OnPlayerDamaged; GameEvents.OnAutoPickUp += OnAutoPickUp; GameEvents.OnAmmoChanged += OnAmmoChanged; GameEvents.OnQuestCompleted += GameEvents_OnQuestCompleted; GameProgressData.CurrentProgress.QuestProgress.BeginQuestTracking(); map_ = SceneGlobals.Instance.MapScript; NextLevelPortal = GameObject.FindWithTag("PurplePortal").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); NextLevelPortal.gameObject.SetActive(false); NextLevelPortal.OnPlayerEnter.AddListener(OnPlayerEnterNextLevelPortal); BossPortal = GameObject.FindWithTag("GreenPortal").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); BossPortal.gameObject.SetActive(false); BossPortal.OnPlayerEnter.AddListener(OnPlayerEnterBossPortal); }
public void SetupRoom(RoomScript room) { if (m_sourcePortal) { //PortalScript destPortal = room.m_Portals[0]; /* * This is going to find the portal in the new room that matches * the portals tag of the old room */ PortalScript destPortal = FindObjectByTag(room.m_Portals, m_sourcePortal.tag); Debug.Log(destPortal); if (destPortal) { destPortal.m_LinkedPortal = m_sourcePortal; m_sourcePortal.m_LinkedPortal = destPortal; room.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( destPortal.transform.InverseTransformDirection(-m_sourcePortal.transform.forward), destPortal.transform.InverseTransformDirection(m_sourcePortal.transform.up)); room.transform.position = m_sourcePortal.transform.position + (room.transform.position - destPortal.transform.position); m_sourcePortal = null; } } m_loadingLevel = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { pc = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<PlayerController>(); meter = transform.Find("meter").GetComponent<Image>(); manager = GameObject.Find("Manager").GetComponent<Manager>(); portal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Portal").GetComponent<PortalScript>(); }
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) { GameObject portal = GameObject.Find("-Button", "")); PortalScript ps = portal.GetComponent <PortalScript> (); ps.portalOpen = false; portal.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(100, 0, 0); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { pc = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); meter = transform.Find("meter").GetComponent <Image>(); manager = GameObject.Find("Manager").GetComponent <Manager>(); portal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Portal").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); }
public static bool Prefix(PortalScript __instance, int ___biome, ref string __result) { if (PlanetRegistry.Singleton.HasEntry(___biome)) { __result = PlanetRegistry.Singleton.GetEntry(___biome).Name; return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(PortalScript __instance, ref int a) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { __instance.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, a)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToLocal(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref a); return(true); }
void Awake() { if (player) { portalScript = GameObject.Find("Portals").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); } else { portalScript = GameObject.Find("PortalsP2").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); } }
void PortalSpawn() { portalObj = Instantiate(portalPrefab, spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)].position, Quaternion.identity); portalObj.transform.position = new Vector3(portalObj.transform.position.x, portalObj.transform.position.y, 0); PortalScript portalSc = portalObj.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); portalSc._attackBtn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AttackButton"); portalObj.SetActive(false); }
private static void UpdatePortalSettings(List <StringValue> SettingNameValue, int PortalID, int UserID) { string query = string.Empty; foreach (StringValue setting in SettingNameValue) { query += PortalScript.UpdatePortalSettings(setting.Text, setting.Value, PortalID, UserID); } using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo()) { db.Execute(query); } }
void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) { if (gameManager.gameState != GameState.Playing) { return; } if (other.gameObject.tag == "Portal") { PortalScript portalScript = other.GetComponent <PortalScript> (); portalScript.UnlockPortal(); } else if (other.gameObject.tag == "AccelZone") { acceleration = 1.0f; } }
/* * So this is where the next room gets loaded and the source portal * gets set. After this setup room gets called once the room spawns * so that the source portal then looks for a destination portal. * * However, the idea is that we can actually set the destination portal * from the portal script and then that will take care of which one we go * to */ public void LoadRoom(PortalScript portal) { int levelIndex; if (portal == null) { levelIndex = 1; } else { levelIndex = portal.m_destRoomID; } SceneManager.LoadScene(levelIndex, LoadSceneMode.Additive); m_loadingLevel = true; m_sourcePortal = portal; }
public override void ApplyToMap(Vector3Int position) { ApplyTilemap(position); nextLevelPortal_ = GameSceneLogic.Instance.NextLevelPortal; nextLevelPortal_.gameObject.SetActive(true); nextLevelPortal_.transform.position = PortalPosition.position; bool showBossPortal = CurrentRunData.Instance.FloorInWorld > CurrentRunData.BossActivationFloor; if (CurrentRunData.Instance.World != World.World1) { showBossPortal = false; // TODO: Remove when there is a boss for world two } bossPortal_ = GameSceneLogic.Instance.BossPortal; bossPortal_.gameObject.SetActive(showBossPortal); bossPortal_.transform.position = BossPortalPosition.position; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { maxCountCreature = 0; portal = (PortalScript)FindObjectOfType(typeof(PortalScript)); /* progressTimers [0] = 5f; progressTimers [1] = 15f; progressTimers [2] = 45f; progressTimers [3] = 80f; progressTimers [4] = 120f; progressTimers [5] = 160f; progressTimers [6] = 250f; progressTimers [7] = 350f; progressTimers [8] = 450f; progressTimers [9] = 580f; progressTimers [10] = 640f; */ }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { //Debug.Log("working"); if (col.gameObject.tag.Equals("attack")) { Destroy(col.gameObject); if (player) { PortalScript ps = GameObject.Find("Portals" + "P2").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); ps.attackSpawn(number); } else { PortalScript ps = GameObject.Find("Portals" + "").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); ps.attackSpawn(number); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { maxCountCreature = 0; portal = (PortalScript)FindObjectOfType(typeof(PortalScript)); /* * progressTimers [0] = 5f; * progressTimers [1] = 15f; * progressTimers [2] = 45f; * progressTimers [3] = 80f; * progressTimers [4] = 120f; * progressTimers [5] = 160f; * progressTimers [6] = 250f; * progressTimers [7] = 350f; * progressTimers [8] = 450f; * progressTimers [9] = 580f; * progressTimers [10] = 640f; */ }
public static void EnterScriptedPortal(WzMap.Portal portal, MapleCharacter character) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(portal.Script)) { Type portalScriptType; if (DataBuffer.PortalScripts.TryGetValue(portal.Script, out portalScriptType) && portalScriptType != null) { PortalScript scriptInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(portalScriptType) as PortalScript; if (scriptInstance == null) { string error = string.Format("Error loading {0} {1}", "PortalScript", portal.Script); ServerConsole.Error(error); FileLogging.Log("Portal scripts", error); return; } scriptInstance.Character = new ScriptCharacter(character, portal.Script); try { scriptInstance.Execute(); } catch (Exception e) { string error = string.Format("Script: {0} error: {1}", portal.Script, e); FileLogging.Log("Portal scripts", error); ServerConsole.Debug("Portal script execution error: " + error); character.EnableActions(); } } else { character.SendBlueMessage(string.Format("This portal is not coded yet (mapId: {0}, portalId: {1}, script name: {2})", character.MapId, portal.Id, portal.Script)); character.EnableActions(); } } else { character.EnableActions(); } }
void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other) { if (gameManager.gameState != GameState.Playing) { return; } if (!gameManager.isWinning && other.gameObject.tag == (currentType.ToString() + "Hole")) { Debug.Log("win"); endDestination = other.gameObject.transform.position; gameManager.changeGameState(GameState.EndingAnimation); gameManager.isWinning = true; } else if (other.gameObject.tag == "Mechanism") { MechanicScript mechScript = other.GetComponent <MechanicScript> (); if (mechScript.type == currentType) { mechScript.ActivateMechanic(); } } else if (other.gameObject.tag == "Portal") { PortalScript portalScript = other.GetComponent <PortalScript> (); if (portalScript.type == currentType) { if (acceleration == 2.0f) { acceleration = 1.0f; } portalScript.UsePortal(this.gameObject); } } else if (other.gameObject.tag == "AccelZone" && acceleration == 1.0f) { acceleration = 2.0f; } }
void SingleGeneration(GameObject border, PortalScript lastPortal, Direction direction) { //Set Material int i = Random.Range(0, mapColor.Count - UseMaterial.Count); border.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = mapColor[i]; TailMapGeneration(border); PortalScript nextportal = null; foreach (PortalScript game in border.GetComponentsInChildren <PortalScript>()) { if (nextportal == null) { nextportal = game; } if (game.transform.position.y > nextportal.transform.position.y) { nextportal = game; } } lastPortal.Destination = nextportal; }
public void SetScriptedField(Packet inPacket) { string portalLabel = inPacket.ReadString(); Portal portal = this.Field.Portals[portalLabel]; if (portal == null || portal.DestinationFieldID != 999999999) { return; } this.Release(); if (GameServer.Scripts[ScriptType.Portal].ContainsKey(portal.Label)) { PortalScript script = (PortalScript)Activator.CreateInstance(GameServer.Scripts[ScriptType.Portal][portal.Label]); script.Initiate(this); script.Run(); } else { MainForm.Instance.Log("Character '{0}' tried to go through an unimplemented Portal '{1}'.", this.Name, portal.Label); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.tag == "Portal") { GameObject sourcePortal = collision.gameObject; if (sourcePortal.GetComponent <PortalScript>().active) { List <GameObject> portals = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameController>().portals; List <GameObject> tempPortals = new List <GameObject>(portals); tempPortals.Remove(sourcePortal); int index = Random.Range(0, tempPortals.Count); GameObject destinationPortal = tempPortals[index]; PortalScript destScript = destinationPortal.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); = false; transform.position = destinationPortal.transform.position; if (destScript.horizontal) { if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) { destScript.exitRight = true; } else { destScript.exitRight = false; } } if (destScript.vertical) { if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) { destScript.exitUp = true; } else { destScript.exitUp = false; } } double rotationDegrees = 0; if (destScript.exitRight && destScript.horizontal) { rotationDegrees = 0; } if (!destScript.exitRight && destScript.horizontal) { rotationDegrees = 180; } if (destScript.exitUp && destScript.vertical) { rotationDegrees = 90; } if (!destScript.exitUp && destScript.vertical) { rotationDegrees = 270; } float xMagnitude = (float)System.Math.Cos((System.Math.PI / 180) * rotationDegrees); float yMagnitude = (float)System.Math.Sin((System.Math.PI / 180) * rotationDegrees); GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(projectileSpeed * xMagnitude, projectileSpeed * yMagnitude); } } if (collision.tag == "Wall") { ExplodeAnimation(); } if (collision.tag == "Player" && collision.gameObject != player) { Destroy(gameObject); collision.GetComponent <CharacterController>().hp--; if (player != null) { player.GetComponent <CharacterController>().glow.SetActive(false); } } }
protected sealed override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { PortalScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(PortalView), "appPath", " p$.relativeAppPath = '" + Portal.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath + "';"); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.tag == "Portal") { GameObject sourcePortal = collision.gameObject; PortalScript sourceScript = sourcePortal.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); if ( { audio.PlayOneShot(teleport); if (transform.position.x < sourcePortal.transform.position.x) { sourceScript.enter_left[id - 1].SetActive(true); } else { sourceScript.enter_left[id - 1].SetActive(true); } sourceScript.bounds.SetActive(false); List <GameObject> portals = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameController>().portals; List <GameObject> tempPortals = new List <GameObject>(portals); tempPortals.Remove(sourcePortal); int index = Random.Range(0, tempPortals.Count); GameObject destinationPortal = tempPortals[index]; PortalScript destScript = destinationPortal.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); = false; transform.position = destinationPortal.transform.position; if (destScript.horizontal) { if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) { destScript.exitRight = true; destScript.exit_right[id - 1].SetActive(true); } else { destScript.exitRight = false; destScript.exit_left[id - 1].SetActive(true); } } if (destScript.vertical) { if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) { destScript.exitUp = true; } else { destScript.exitUp = false; } } autoMove = true; if (destScript.horizontal) { if (destScript.exitRight) { autoMoveX = 1f; } if (!destScript.exitRight) { autoMoveX = -1f; } } if (destScript.vertical) { if (destScript.exitUp) { autoMoveY = 1f; } if (!destScript.exitUp) { autoMoveY = -1f; } } sourceScript.bounds.SetActive(true); sourcePortal.GetComponentInParent <Animator>().SetBool("Open", false); } } if (collision.tag == "PickUp") { item = collision.GetComponent <ItemBehaviour>().itemName; ammo += 10; Destroy(collision.gameObject); GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameController>().GetComponent <ItemSpawner>().itemsCount--; } if (collision.tag == "PortalBounds") { collision.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Animator>().SetBool("Open", true); } }
public virtual void UpdatePortals() { //gets player data from database string Levelname = gc.currLevel.ToString(); RestClient.Get <LevelData>("" + gc.key + "/" + Levelname + "/" + "Player" + ((int)gc.playerType + 1) + ".json").Then(response => { //having all this could in this then section makes sure all of this is executed in order currsaves[(int)gc.playerType] = response; //if the flag is set look through the portal list to see if a change has happened if (currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(0) == 1) { if (currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(1) == 1) { gc.DeathTrigger(); currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].setItem(1, 0); } else if (currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(2) == 1) { int who = 2; Debug.Log("test"); switch ((int)gc.playerType + 1) { case 1: who = 2; break; case 2: who = 1; break; } playerWin[who - 1] = true; currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].setItem(2, 0); } else { //if any portal in portal list has an item value greater then 1 generate the item at the portal with the same id - 1 for (int i = 3; i < currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getListLength(); i++) { if (currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(i) > 1) { int item = currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(i); PortalScript portal = portals[i - 3].GetComponent <PortalScript>(); portal.generateItem(currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(i) - 2); currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].setItem(i, 0); } else if (currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(i) == 1) { int item = currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].getItem(i); SwitchPortal portal = portals[i - 3].GetComponent <SwitchPortal>(); portal.indieToggleSwitch(); currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].setItem(i, 0); } } } //clears the flags and sends the new save data to the database to be stored currsaves[(int)gc.playerType].setItem(0, 0); SendSave((int)gc.playerType + 1, currsaves[(int)gc.playerType]); preventrepeat = false; } }).Catch(ex => { currsaves[(int)gc.playerType] = new LevelData(); SendSave((int)gc.playerType + 1, new LevelData()); }); }
void Awake() { portalScript = GameObject.Find("Portals").GetComponent <PortalScript>(); }
private void Start() { Instance = this; }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { //COLLECT CHARGES if (col.gameObject.tag == "Charge") { ChargeScript chargeScript = col.GetComponent <ChargeScript>(); //Makes sure that the charge isn't collected twice on accident if (chargeScript.isCollected == false) { chargeScript.isCollected = true; if ( { soundEffects[0].Play(); } Destroy(col.gameObject); charges++; //Update the charge bar to reflect the new charge. chargeBarDisplay.GetComponent <ChargeBarDisplay>().UpdateText(); } } //KNOCK THE BUCKET OFF if (col.gameObject.tag == "Bucket Trigger") { bucket.GetComponent <BucketScript>().activate(); } //TELEPORT VIA THE PORTALS if (col.gameObject.tag == "Portal") { soundEffects[1].Play(); PortalScript portal = col.gameObject.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); gameObject.GetComponent <Transform>().position = new Vector3(portal.targetX, portal.targetY, portal.targetZ); } //ACTIVATE A CHECKPOINT if (col.gameObject.tag == "Checkpoint") { soundEffects[1].Play(); Checkpoint ch = col.gameObject.GetComponent <Checkpoint>(); if (ch.number > ValueHolder.checkpointNumber) { ValueHolder.checkpointNumber = ch.number; Debug.Log("CHECKPOINT " + ValueHolder.checkpointNumber); } for (int i = 0; i <= ch.number; i++) //for every checkpoint less than or equal to the checkpoint just passed through, light it up { GameObject check = checkpoints[i]; check.GetComponent <Checkpoint>().lightOn(); } //Update the charge bar to reflect the new level - a different number of charges is required to time travel chargeBarDisplay.GetComponent <ChargeBarDisplay>().UpdateText(); } //COLLECT RUM if (col.gameObject.tag == "Rum") { soundEffects[3].Play(); Destroy(col.gameObject); if (health < 3) { gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PlayerScript>().health++; healthDisplayer.GetComponent <HealthBarDisplay>().UpdateText(); } } }
// Refactor this so that GameObject is an entity of some type and does its own thing public void ApplyToGameObject(GameObject go) { if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Buffalo) { GoomaScript buffalo = go.GetComponent <GoomaScript>(); buffalo.speed = this.speed; buffalo.checkForFloors = this.checkFloor; buffalo.move = buffalo.speed != 0.0f; if (!buffalo.move) { buffalo.checkForFloors = false; this.checkFloor = false; } } if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.MovingSpikePlatform) { NovaMovingBlock block = go.GetComponent <NovaMovingBlock>(); //block.InitFromEditor(this.nodePos, this.speed, this.easing); } //apply stats for decoration if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Decoration) { if (this.aniId != -1) { FrEdAniScript aniScript = go.AddComponent <FrEdAniScript>(); FrEdInfo infoScript = go.GetComponent <FrEdInfo>(); aniScript.go = infoScript.puppet; aniScript.meshFilter = aniScript.go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); aniScript.aniId = this.aniId; } } //apply stats for particle system if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Particles) { ParticleSystem ps = go.GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); var em = ps.emission; em.rateOverTime = this.emissionPerSecond; var ma = ps.main; var sz = ma.startSize; sz.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants; sz.constantMin = this.startSizeMin; sz.constantMax = this.startSizeMax; ma.startSize = sz; //Debug.Log("setting size: " + this.startSizeMin + ", " + this.startSizeMax); var sp = ma.startSpeed; sp.constantMin = this.startSpeedMin; sp.constantMax = this.startSpeedMax; sp.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants; ma.startSpeed = sp; var lf = ma.startLifetime; lf.constantMin = this.startLifespanMin; lf.constantMax = this.startLifespanMax; lf.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants; ma.startLifetime = lf; var sh = ps.shape; sh.shapeType = this.shape; sh.scale = this.shapeScale; var cl = ps.colorOverLifetime; cl.enabled = true; Gradient grad = new Gradient(); grad.SetKeys( new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(this.color1, 0.0f), new GradientColorKey(this.color2, 1.0f) }, new GradientAlphaKey[] { new GradientAlphaKey(this.alpha1, 0.0f), new GradientAlphaKey(this.alpha2, 0.25f), new GradientAlphaKey(this.alpha3, 0.5f), new GradientAlphaKey(this.alpha4, 0.75f), new GradientAlphaKey(this.alpha5, 1.0f) } ); cl.color = grad; var rt = ps.rotationOverLifetime; rt.enabled = true; rt.separateAxes = true; var rtz = rt.z; rtz.constantMin = this.rotationMin; rtz.constantMax = this.rotationMax; rtz.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants; rt.z = rtz; ParticleSystemRenderer psr = go.GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystemRenderer>(); psr.mesh = FrEdLibrary.instance.GetMesh(this.mesh); } //apply stats for camera trigger if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.CameraTrigger) { SetStateCameraState script = go.GetComponentInChildren <SetStateCameraState>(); script.state = this.cameraState; script.pos.x = this.nodePos.x; script.pos.y = this.nodePos.y; script.scrollSpeed = this.speed; script.trackXOrY = this.track; script.minX = this.min.x; script.maxX = this.max.x; script.minY = this.min.y; script.maxY = this.max.y; script.setState = true; script.setPos = true; script.setScrollSpeed = true; script.setTrackXOrY = true; script.setMinX = true; script.setMaxX = true; script.setMinY = true; script.setMaxY = true; } //apply stats for firestick if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Firestick) { Rotate2Script script = go.GetComponentInChildren <Rotate2Script>(); script.speed.z = this.speed; } //apply stats for laser if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Laser) { Rotate2Script script = go.GetComponent <Rotate2Script>(); script.speed.z = this.speed; } //apply stats for quadlaser if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.QuadLaser) { Rotate2Script script = go.GetComponent <Rotate2Script>(); script.speed.z = this.speed; } //apply stats for frog if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Frog) { FrEdFrogScript frogScript = go.GetComponent <FrEdFrogScript>(); frogScript.ammoId = this.ammoId; frogScript.delay = this.firingDelay; } //set speed & lifespan for ninja stars if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.NinjaStar) { //Debug.Log("APPLYING NINJA STAR STATS"); FreshBulletScript freshBulletScript = go.GetComponent <FreshBulletScript>(); freshBulletScript.speed = this.speed; freshBulletScript.lifespan = this.lifespan; } //set speed & lifespan for missiles if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.HomingMissile || this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.SpikyHomingMissile) { FreshHomingMissileScript homingMissileScript = go.GetComponent <FreshHomingMissileScript>(); homingMissileScript.slowMissile = false; homingMissileScript.speed = this.speed; homingMissileScript.lifespanInSeconds = this.lifespan; homingMissileScript.turnSpeed = this.turningSpeed; homingMissileScript.lockToThisZ = this.zPos; } //set tilt if (this.type != FrEdLibrary.Type.Block) { go.transform.SetAngZ(this.tilt); } //set scale go.transform.SetScaleX(this.scale.x); go.transform.SetScaleY(this.scale.y); //Destination level if (this.type == FrEdLibrary.Type.Portal) { PortalScript portalScript = go.GetComponent <PortalScript>(); if (portalScript != null) { bool isButtLevel = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.destinationButt); string level = (isButtLevel)? this.destinationButt : this.destinationLevel; portalScript.Initialize(level, isButtLevel, this.noSound); } } //set generic info stats FrEdInfo info = go.GetComponent <FrEdInfo>(); if (info != null) { info.int1 = this.int1; info.set = true; } }