Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the form definition for the web part zone properties.
    /// </summary>
    private FormInfo BuildFormInfo(WebPartZoneInstance webPartZone)
        FormInfo fi = null;

        string formDefinition = String.Empty;

        // Dashboard zone properties
        if ((pti != null) && (pti.PageTemplateType == PageTemplateTypeEnum.Dashboard))
            formDefinition = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("WebPartZone", "Dashboard.xml");
        // UI page template properties
        else if ((pti != null) && (pti.PageTemplateType == PageTemplateTypeEnum.UI))
            formDefinition = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("WebPartZone", "UI.xml");
        // Classic web part/widget properties
            formDefinition = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("WebPartZone", "Standard.xml");

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formDefinition))
            // Load properties
            fi = new FormInfo(formDefinition);

            DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();
            LoadDataRowFromWebPartZone(dr, webPartZone);

    /// <summary>
    /// Generate form info for widget.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wi">Widget info</param>
    private FormInfo CreateFormInfo(WidgetInfo wi)
        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);

        if (wpi != null)
            string widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);
            return(PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, String.Empty, widgetProperties, null, false));
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the form info for the given web part
    /// </summary>
    private FormInfo GetWebPartFormInfo()
        // Load parent

        if (wpi == null)

        string wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;

        // Use parent web part if is defined
        if (parentWpi != null)
            wpProperties = parentWpi.WebPartProperties;

        // Get before FormInfo
        FormInfo beforeFI = null;

        if (BeforeFormDefinition == null)
            beforeFI = PortalFormHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
            beforeFI = new FormInfo(BeforeFormDefinition);

        // Get after FormInfo
        FormInfo afterFI = null;

        if (AfterFormDefinition == null)
            afterFI = PortalFormHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);
            afterFI = new FormInfo(AfterFormDefinition);

        // Add 'General' category at the beginning if no one is specified
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpProperties) && (!wpProperties.StartsWithCSafe("<form><category", true)))
            wpProperties = wpProperties.Insert(6, "<category name=\"" + GetString("general.general") + "\" />");

        // Get merged web part FormInfo
        FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName, wpProperties, beforeFI, afterFI, true);

Пример #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns form info with widget properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wi">Widget</param>
    protected FormInfo GetWidgetProperties(WidgetInfo wi)
        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);

        if (wpi != null)
            string widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);

            return(PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, zoneType, widgetProperties, false));
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns form info with widget properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wi">Widget</param>
    protected FormInfo GetWidgetProperties(WidgetInfo wi)
        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);

        if (wpi != null)
            string widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);

            FormInfo zoneTypeDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetPositionFormInfo(zoneType);
            FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, Enum.GetName(typeof(WidgetZoneTypeEnum), zoneType), widgetProperties, zoneTypeDefinition, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate form info for webpart.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wpi">Web part info</param>
 private FormInfo CreateFormInfo(WebPartInfo wpi)
     if (wpi != null)
         // Get parent webpart if webpart is inherited
         if (wpi.WebPartParentID != 0)
             WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);
             if (pwpi != null)
                 wpi = pwpi;
     return(PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName + FormHelper.CORE, wpi.WebPartProperties, null, null, false));
    /// <summary>
    /// XML created, save it.
    /// </summary>
    protected void defaultValueEditor_XMLCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValueEditor.ErrorMessage))

        if (wi != null)
            // Load xml definition
            if (wi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                // Load the form definition
                string before = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties(WebPartTypeEnum.Standard, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                string after  = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties(WebPartTypeEnum.Standard, PropertiesPosition.Before);

                string formDef = FormHelper.CombineFormDefinitions(before, after);

                // Web part default values contains either properties or changed "system" values
                // First Remove records with same name as "system properties" => only actual webpart's properties remains
                string filteredDef = defaultValueEditor.FitlerDefaultValuesDefinition(wi.WebPartDefaultValues, formDef, false);

                WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WebPartParentID);

                // Remove records with same name as parent's property - its already stored in webpart's properties
                if (wpi != null)
                    filteredDef = defaultValueEditor.FitlerDefaultValuesDefinition(filteredDef, wpi.WebPartProperties, true);
                // If inherited web part merge webpart's properties hier with default system values
                wi.WebPartDefaultValues = FormHelper.CombineFormDefinitions(filteredDef, defaultValueEditor.DefaultValueXMLDefinition);
                wi.WebPartProperties = defaultValueEditor.DefaultValueXMLDefinition;

            // Sav web part info

            // Redirect with saved assign
            string url = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(URLRewriter.CurrentURL, "saved");
            url = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "saved", "1");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int widgetID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("widgetID", 0);

        // Default values XML load
        XmlDocument xmlBefore = new XmlDocument();
        XmlDocument xmlAfter  = new XmlDocument();

        ucDefaultValueEditor.XMLCreated += new EventHandler(ucDefaultValueEditor_XMLCreated);

        // If saved is found in query string
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (QueryHelper.GetInteger("saved", 0) == 1))

        // Load the form definition
        string before = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("Widget", "Before.xml");
        string after  = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("Widget", "After.xml");

        string formDef = FormHelper.CombineFormDefinitions(before, after);

        // Get the widget info
        WidgetInfo wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetID);

        if (wi != null)
            // Load default values for current web part
            XmlDocument xmlDefault = LoadDefaultValuesXML(wi, formDef);

            // Set field editor
            if (wi.WidgetDefaultValues == String.Empty)
                ucDefaultValueEditor.DefaultValueXMLDefinition = "<form></form>";
                // WebPartDefaultValues contains changed fields versus default XML settings (stored in files)
                ucDefaultValueEditor.DefaultValueXMLDefinition = wi.WidgetDefaultValues;

            ucDefaultValueEditor.LoadHiddenFields    = true;
            ucDefaultValueEditor.SourceXMLDefinition = xmlDefault.DocumentElement.OuterXml;
Пример #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns form info with webpart properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wpi">Web part info</param>
    protected FormInfo GetWebPartProperties(WebPartInfo wpi)
        if (wpi != null)
            // Before form
            string   before = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
            FormInfo bfi    = new FormInfo(before);
            // After form
            string   after = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);
            FormInfo afi   = new FormInfo(after);

            // Add general category to first items in webpart without category
            string properties = FormHelper.EnsureDefaultCategory(wpi.WebPartProperties, GetString("general.general"));

            return(PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName, properties, bfi, afi, true));

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int webPartId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("webpartid", 0);

        // Default values XML load
        ucDefaultValueEditor.XMLCreated += new EventHandler(ucDefaultValueEditor_XMLCreated);

        // If saved is found in query string
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (QueryHelper.GetInteger("saved", 0) == 1))

        // Load the form definition
        string before = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties(WebPartTypeEnum.Standard, PropertiesPosition.Before);
        string after  = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties(WebPartTypeEnum.Standard, PropertiesPosition.After);

        string formDef = FormHelper.CombineFormDefinitions(before, after);

        // Get the web part info
        WebPartInfo wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartId);

        EditedObject = wi;
        if (wi != null)
            // Load default values for current web part
            XmlDocument xmlDefault = LoadDefaultValuesXML(wi, formDef);

            // Set field editor
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wi.WebPartDefaultValues))
                ucDefaultValueEditor.DefaultValueXMLDefinition = "<form></form>";
                // WebPartDefaultValues contains changed fields versus default XML settings (stored in files)
                ucDefaultValueEditor.DefaultValueXMLDefinition = wi.WebPartDefaultValues;

            ucDefaultValueEditor.SourceXMLDefinition = xmlDefault.DocumentElement.OuterXml;
Пример #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns form info with webpart properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wpi">Web part info</param>
    protected FormInfo GetWebPartProperties(WebPartInfo wpi)
        if (wpi != null)
            // Before form
            string   before = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
            FormInfo bfi    = new FormInfo(before);
            // After form
            string   after = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);
            FormInfo afi   = new FormInfo(after);

            // Add general category to first items in webpart without category
            string properties = wpi.WebPartProperties;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties) && (!properties.StartsWithCSafe("<form><category", true)))
                properties = properties.Insert(6, "<category name=\"" + GetString("general.general") + "\" />");

            return(PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName, properties, bfi, afi, true));

Пример #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the inline widget without the properties dialog.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="widgetId">The widget id</param>
    private string AddInlineWidgetWithoutDialog(int widgetId)
        string script = string.Empty;

        if (widgetId > 0)
            // New widget - load widget info by id
            WidgetInfo wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetId);

            if ((wi != null) && wi.WidgetForInline)
                // Test permission for user
                var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
                if (!WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(widgetId, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))

                // If user is editor, more properties are shown
                WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User;
                if (currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Editor, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
                    zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;

                WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);

                // Merge the parent web part properties definition with the widget properties definition
                string widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);

                // Create the FormInfo for the current widget properties definition
                FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, zoneType, widgetProperties, true);
                DataRow  dr = null;

                if (fi != null)
                    // Get data rows with required columns
                    dr = PortalHelper.CombineWithDefaultValues(fi, wi);

                    // Load default values for new widget
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.Visible);

                    // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                    DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", wi.WidgetDisplayName);

                // Save inline widget script
                script = PortalHelper.GetAddInlineWidgetScript(wi, dr, fi.GetFields(true, true));

                script += " CloseDialog(false);";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(script))
                    // Add to recently used widgets collection

Пример #13
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Setup info/error message placeholder
        if (MessagesPlaceHolder != null)
            MessagesPlaceHolder.UseRelativePlaceHolder = false;

        // Load default properties from XML
        XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();


        // Load UI element and element's page template (if any)
        mUIElementInfo = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo(QueryHelper.GetInteger("elementID", 0));

        if (mUIElementInfo != null)
            PageTemplateInfo pti = null;
            if (mUIElementInfo.ElementType == UIElementTypeEnum.PageTemplate)
                pti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(mUIElementInfo.ElementPageTemplateID);

            form.Enabled = ((SystemContext.DevelopmentMode || mUIElementInfo.ElementIsCustom) && (!UIElementInfoProvider.AllowEditOnlyCurrentModule || (mUIElementInfo.ElementResourceID == QueryHelper.GetInteger("moduleId", 0))));

            // Create form info
            FormInfo fi = (pti != null) ? pti.PageTemplatePropertiesForm : PortalFormHelper.GetUIElementDefaultPropertiesForm(UIElementPropertiesPosition.Both);
            form.FormInformation = fi;

            // Load data row from properties
            DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();
            if ((mUIElementInfo == null) || !mUIElementInfo.IsApplication)

            XmlData customData = new XmlData();

            // Load element properties
            XmlData data = new XmlData();
            data.AllowMacros = true;

            form.MacroTable = data.MacroTable;

            // Fill template datarow with element's properties. If template does not contain such column, add it to custom
            foreach (String col in data.ColumnNames)
                if (col.StartsWith(UIContextData.CATEGORYNAMEPREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                        String           catName = col.Substring(UIContextData.CATEGORYNAMEPREFIX.Length);
                        FormCategoryInfo fci     = fi.GetFormCategory(catName);
                        if (fci != null)
                            fci.SetPropertyValue(FormCategoryPropertyEnum.CollapsedByDefault, ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(data[col], false).ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
                    if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(col))
                        DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, col, data[col]);
                        customData[col] = data[col];

            dr["CustomProperties"] = customData.GetData();

            form.DataRow = dr;
            form.FormInformation = fi;

            // Master page style for margin
            CurrentMaster.PanelContent.CssClass = "WebpartProperties PageContent";

            form.OnAfterSave += form_OnAfterSave;
            EditedObject = null;
Пример #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the widget form.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadForm()
        // Setup basic form on live site
        formCustom.AllowMacroEditing = false;
        formCustom.IsLiveSite        = IsLiveSite;

        // Load settings
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWidget = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Try to find the widget variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (properties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = VariantHelper.GetVariantID(VariantMode, PageTemplateId, variantName, false);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID    = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;


        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetId) && !IsInline)
            if (CurrentPageInfo == null)
                pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            // Get template instance
            mTemplateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(CurrentPageInfo);

            if (!IsNewWidget)
                // Get the instance of widget
                mWidgetInstance = mTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WidgetId);
                if (mWidgetInstance == null)
                    pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

                if ((VariantID > 0) && (mWidgetInstance != null) && (mWidgetInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                    // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                    if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                        mWidgetInstance = CurrentPageInfo.DocumentTemplateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WidgetId);
                        mWidgetInstance = mWidgetInstance.PartInstanceVariants.Find(v => v.VariantID.Equals(VariantID));
                        // Set the widget variant mode
                        if (mWidgetInstance != null)
                            VariantMode = mWidgetInstance.VariantMode;
                        // Not authorized for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                        RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                // Get widget info by widget name(widget type)
                mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(mWidgetInstance.WebPartType);
            // Widget instance hasn't created yet
                mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0));

            // Keep xml version
            if (mWidgetInstance != null)
                mXmlVersion = mWidgetInstance.XMLVersion;

            UIContext.EditedObject = mWidgetInfo;

            // Get the zone to which it inserts
            WebPartZoneInstance zone = mTemplateInstance.GetZone(ZoneId);
            if ((ZoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None) && (zone != null))
                ZoneType = zone.WidgetZoneType;

            // Check security
            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            switch (ZoneType)
            // Group zone => Only group widgets and group admin
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group:
                // Should always be, only group widget are allowed in group zone
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForGroup || (!currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(CurrentPageInfo.NodeGroupID) && ((PortalContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.Design) || ((PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) && (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "Design"))))))
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Widget must be allowed for editor zones
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor:
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForEditor)
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Widget must be allowed for user zones
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User:
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForUser)
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Widget must be allowed for dashboard zones
            case WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard:
                if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForDashboard)
                    if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                        OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Check security
            if ((ZoneType != WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group) && !WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(mWidgetInfo, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
                if (OnNotAllowed != null)
                    OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // Get form schemas
            mWebPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetWebPartID);
            string   widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(mWebPartInfo.WebPartProperties, mWidgetInfo.WidgetProperties);
            FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetName, ZoneType, widgetProperties, true, mWidgetInfo.WidgetDefaultValues);

            if (fi != null)
                fi.ContextResolver.Settings.RelatedObject = mTemplateInstance;

                // Check if there are some editable properties
                var ffi = fi.GetFields(true, false);
                if ((ffi == null) || (ffi.Count == 0))

                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Load overridden values for new widget
                if (IsNewWidget || (mXmlVersion > 0))
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.WidgetVisible);

                if (IsNewWidget)
                    // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                    DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", ResHelper.LocalizeString(mWidgetInfo.WidgetDisplayName));

                // Load values from existing widget
                LoadDataRowFromWidget(dr, fi);

                // Init HTML toolbar if exists

                // Init the form
                InitForm(formCustom, dr, fi);

                // Set the context name
                formCustom.ControlContext.ContextName = CMS.Base.Web.UI.ControlContext.WIDGET_PROPERTIES;

        if (IsInline)
            // Load text definition from session
            string definition = ValidationHelper.GetString(SessionHelper.GetValue("WidgetDefinition"), String.Empty);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(definition))
                definition = Request.Form[hdnWidgetDefinition.UniqueID];
                hdnWidgetDefinition.Value = definition;

            Hashtable parameters = null;
            string    widgetName = String.Empty;

            if (IsNewWidget)
                // New widget - load widget info by id
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetId))
                    mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WidgetId, 0));
                    // Try to get widget from codename
                    widgetName  = QueryHelper.GetString("WidgetName", String.Empty);
                    mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);
                if (definition == null)

                // Parse definition
                parameters = CMSDialogHelper.GetHashTableFromString(definition);

                // Trim control name
                if (parameters["name"] != null)
                    widgetName = parameters["name"].ToString();

                mWidgetInfo = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);
            if (mWidgetInfo == null)

            // If widget cant be used as inline
            if (!mWidgetInfo.WidgetForInline)

            // Test permission for user
            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
            if (!WidgetRoleInfoProvider.IsWidgetAllowed(mWidgetInfo, currentUser.UserID, AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()))
                mIsValidWidget = false;
                OnNotAllowed(this, null);

            // If user is editor, more properties are shown
            WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User;
            if (currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Editor, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
                zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;

            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetWebPartID);
            string      widgetProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, mWidgetInfo.WidgetProperties);
            FormInfo    fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(mWidgetInfo.WidgetName, zoneType, widgetProperties, true, mWidgetInfo.WidgetDefaultValues);
            if (fi != null)
                // Check if there are some editable properties
                mFields = fi.GetFields(true, true);
                if ((mFields == null) || !mFields.Any())

                // Get datarows with required columns
                DataRow dr = PortalHelper.CombineWithDefaultValues(fi, mWidgetInfo);

                if (IsNewWidget)
                    // Load default values for new widget
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, FormResolveTypeEnum.WidgetVisible);
                    foreach (string key in parameters.Keys)
                        object value = parameters[key];
                        // Test if given property exists
                        if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(key) && (value != null))
                                dr[key] = DataHelper.ConvertValue(value, dr.Table.Columns[key].DataType);

                // Override default value and set title as widget display name
                DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, "WidgetTitle", mWidgetInfo.WidgetDisplayName);

                // Init HTML toolbar if exists

                // Init the form
                InitForm(formCustom, dr, fi);

                // Set the context name
                formCustom.ControlContext.ContextName = CMS.Base.Web.UI.ControlContext.WIDGET_PROPERTIES;
Пример #15
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        StringSafeDictionary <object> decodedProperties = new StringSafeDictionary <object>();

        foreach (DictionaryEntry param in Properties)
            // Decode special CK editor char
            String str = String.Empty;
            if (param.Value != null)
                str = param.Value.ToString().Replace("%25", "%");

            decodedProperties[(string)param.Key] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str);
        Properties = decodedProperties;

        string widgetName = ValidationHelper.GetString(Properties["name"], String.Empty);

        // Widget name must be specified
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
            AddErrorWebPart("widgets.invalidname", null);

        WidgetInfo wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);

        if (wi == null)
            AddErrorWebPart("widget.failedtoload", null);

        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);

        if (wpi == null)

        //no widgets can be used as inline
        if (!wi.WidgetForInline)
            AddErrorWebPart("widgets.cantbeusedasinline", null);

            FormInfo fi = null;
            DataRow  dr = null;

            using (var cs = new CachedSection <FormInfo>(ref fi, 1440, (PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.LiveSite), null, "inlinewidgetcontrol", wi.WidgetID, wpi.WebPartID))
                if (cs.LoadData)
                    // Merge widget and it's parent webpart properties
                    string props = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);

                    // Prepare form
                    const WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;
                    fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, zoneType, props, true, wi.WidgetDefaultValues);

                    // Apply changed values
                    dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                    if (cs.Cached)
                        cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency("cms.webpart|byid|" + wpi.WebPartID + "\n" + "cms.widget|byid|" + wi.WidgetID);

                    cs.Data = fi;

            // Get datarow
            if (dr == null)
                dr = fi.GetDataRow();

            // Incorporate inline parameters to datarow
            string publicFields = ";containertitle;container;";
            if (wi.WidgetPublicFileds != null)
                publicFields += ";" + wi.WidgetPublicFileds.ToLowerCSafe() + ";";

            // Load the widget control
            string url = null;

            // Set widget layout
            WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wi.WidgetLayoutID);

            if (wpli != null)
                // Load specific layout through virtual path
                url = wpli.Generalized.GetVirtualFileRelativePath(WebPartLayoutInfo.EXTERNAL_COLUMN_CODE, wpli.WebPartLayoutVersionGUID);
                // Load regularly
                url = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartUrl(wpi, false);

            CMSAbstractWebPart control = (CMSAbstractWebPart)Page.LoadUserControl(url);
            control.PartInstance = new WebPartInstance();

            // Use current page placeholder
            control.PagePlaceholder = PortalHelper.FindParentPlaceholder(this);

            // Set all form values to webpart
            foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                object value      = dr[column];
                string columnName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe();

                //Resolve set values by user
                if (Properties.Contains(columnName))
                    FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField(columnName);
                    if ((ffi != null) && ffi.Visible && ((ffi.DisplayIn == null) || !ffi.DisplayIn.Contains(FormInfo.DISPLAY_CONTEXT_DASHBOARD)))
                        value = Properties[columnName];

                // Resolve macros in defined in default values
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value as string))
                    // Do not resolve macros for public fields
                    if (publicFields.IndexOfCSafe(";" + columnName + ";") < 0)
                        // Check whether current column
                        bool avoidInjection = control.SQLProperties.Contains(";" + columnName + ";");

                        // Resolve macros
                        MacroSettings settings = new MacroSettings()
                            AvoidInjection = avoidInjection,
                        value = control.ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(value.ToString(), settings);

                control.PartInstance.SetValue(column.ColumnName, value);

            control.PartInstance.IsWidget = true;

            // Load webpart content

            // Add webpart to controls collection

            // Handle DisableViewstate setting
            control.EnableViewState = !control.DisableViewState;

        catch (Exception ex)
            AddErrorWebPart("widget.failedtoload", ex);
Пример #16
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        eObject = UIContext.EditedObject as BaseInfo;

        // If saved is found in query string
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (QueryHelper.GetInteger("saved", 0) == 1))

        string before = String.Empty;
        string after  = String.Empty;

        String objectType = UIContextHelper.GetObjectType(UIContext);

        switch (objectType.ToLowerCSafe())
        case "cms.webpart":
            defaultValueColumName = "WebPartDefaultValues";

            before = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties(WebPartTypeEnum.Standard, PropertiesPosition.Before);
            after  = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties(WebPartTypeEnum.Standard, PropertiesPosition.After);

            defaultSet = FormHelper.CombineFormDefinitions(before, after);

            WebPartInfo wi = eObject as WebPartInfo;

            // If inherited web part load parent properties
            if (wi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                WebPartInfo parentInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WebPartParentID);
                if (parentInfo != null)
                    properties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(parentInfo.WebPartProperties, wi.WebPartProperties);
                properties = wi.WebPartProperties;


        case "cms.widget":
            before = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("Widget", "Before.xml");
            after  = PortalFormHelper.LoadProperties("Widget", "After.xml");

            defaultSet = FormHelper.CombineFormDefinitions(before, after);

            defaultValueColumName = "WidgetDefaultValues";
            WidgetInfo wii = eObject as WidgetInfo;
            if (wii != null)
                WebPartInfo wiiWp = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wii.WidgetWebPartID);
                if (wiiWp != null)
                    properties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wiiWp.WebPartProperties, wii.WidgetProperties);


        // Get the web part info
        if (eObject != null)
            String defVal = ValidationHelper.GetString(eObject.GetValue(defaultValueColumName), string.Empty);
            defaultSet = LoadDefaultValuesXML(defaultSet);

            fieldEditor.Mode                     = FieldEditorModeEnum.SystemWebPartProperties;
            fieldEditor.FormDefinition           = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(defaultSet, defVal);
            fieldEditor.OnAfterDefinitionUpdate += fieldEditor_OnAfterDefinitionUpdate;
            fieldEditor.OriginalFormDefinition   = defaultSet;
            fieldEditor.WebPartId                = eObject.Generalized.ObjectID;

    void EditForm_OnBeforeSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
        elementInfo = (UIElementInfo)EditForm.EditedObject;

        // Clear icon field based on icon type
        int type = EditForm.FieldControls["ElementIconType"].Value.ToInteger(0);

        if (type == 0)
            elementInfo.ElementIconClass = "";
            elementInfo.ElementIconPath = "";

        // Check unique code name
        UIElementInfo testUI = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo(elementInfo.ElementResourceID, elementInfo.ElementName);

        if ((testUI != null) && (testUI.ElementID != elementInfo.ElementID))
            EditForm.StopProcessing = true;

        UIElementInfo oldItem = UIContext.EditedObject as UIElementInfo;

        // If new element or display name has changed or parent changed, refresh tree and recalculate order
        if ((oldItem != null) && ((oldItem.ElementParentID != elementInfo.ElementParentID) || (oldItem.ElementDisplayName != elementInfo.ElementDisplayName)) || (ElementID == 0))
            // If element is new or changed parent, put him in the end of the order, otherwise it stays on it's place
            if ((ElementID == 0) || (oldItem.ElementParentID != elementInfo.ElementParentID))
                elementInfo.ElementOrder = UIElementInfoProvider.GetLastElementOrder(elementInfo.ElementParentID) + 1;
            refreshTree = true;

        // Clear target URL for page template type
        if (elementInfo.ElementType == UIElementTypeEnum.PageTemplate)
            elementInfo.ElementTargetURL = null;
            // Empty Page Template ID for non page template type
            elementInfo.ElementPageTemplateID = 0;

        // Add javascript prefix for TargetURL if javascript type is selected
        if ((elementInfo.ElementType == UIElementTypeEnum.Javascript) && !elementInfo.ElementTargetURL.StartsWithCSafe("javascript", true))
            elementInfo.ElementTargetURL = "javascript:" + elementInfo.ElementTargetURL;

        if (isNew)
            elementInfo.ElementIsCustom = !SystemContext.DevelopmentMode;

        // For new elements or when template is changed, create new element's properties based on default values
        bool templateChanged = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(EditForm.FieldControls["ElementPageTemplateID"].GetValue("TemplateChanged"), false);

        if (isNew || templateChanged)
            // Get page template if any template is selected
            PageTemplateInfo pti = (elementInfo.ElementPageTemplateID > 0) ? PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(elementInfo.ElementPageTemplateID) : null;

            // Create form info based on either template combined with default general data (XML file) or default general data only (if no template is selected)
            FormInfo fi = (pti != null) ? pti.PageTemplatePropertiesForm : PortalFormHelper.GetUIElementDefaultPropertiesForm(UIElementPropertiesPosition.Both);

            // Create XMLData collection for current element (this make sense only for template change).
            XmlData data = new XmlData();

            // Apply default data to element's properties, but only if has not it's own data (based by column name)
            foreach (FormFieldInfo ffi in fi.GetFields(true, true))
                if (!data.ColumnNames.Contains(ffi.Name) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ffi.DefaultValue))
                    data[ffi.Name] = ffi.DefaultValue;

            elementInfo.ElementProperties = data.GetData();
Пример #18
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string aliasPath   = QueryHelper.GetString("aliaspath", "");
        string webpartId   = QueryHelper.GetString("webpartid", "");
        string zoneId      = QueryHelper.GetString("zoneid", "");
        Guid   webpartGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("webpartguid", Guid.Empty);
        int    templateId  = QueryHelper.GetInteger("templateId", 0);

        PageTemplateInfo pti = null;

        if (templateId > 0)
            pti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(templateId);

        if (pti == null)
            var      siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            PageInfo pi       = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(siteName, aliasPath, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, null, SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(siteName));
            if (pi != null)
                pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

        if (pti != null)
            // Get web part
            WebPartInstance webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(webpartGuid, webpartId);
            if (webPart != null)
                StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
                Hashtable     properties = webPart.Properties;

                // Get the webpart object
                WebPartInfo wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wi != null)
                    // Add the header
                    sb.Append("Webpart properties (" + wi.WebPartDisplayName + ")" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                    sb.Append("Alias path: " + aliasPath + Environment.NewLine);
                    sb.Append("Zone ID: " + zoneId + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    string wpProperties = "<default></default>";
                    // Get the form info object and load it with the data

                    if (wi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        // Load parent properties
                        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WebPartParentID);
                        if (wpi != null)
                            wpProperties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WebPartProperties);
                        wpProperties = wi.WebPartProperties;

                    FormInfo fi = new FormInfo(wpProperties);

                    // General properties of webparts
                    string beforeFormDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                    string afterFormDefinition  = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);

                    // General properties before custom
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(beforeFormDefinition))
                        // Load before definition
                        fi = new FormInfo(FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(beforeFormDefinition, wpProperties, true));

                        // Add Default category for first before items
                        sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + "Default" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    // General properties after custom
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(afterFormDefinition))
                        // Load after definition
                        fi = new FormInfo(FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(fi.GetXmlDefinition(), afterFormDefinition, true));

                    // Generate all properties
                    sb.Append(GetProperties(fi.GetFormElements(true, false), webPart));

                    // Send the text file to the user to download
                    UTF8Encoding enc  = new UTF8Encoding();
                    byte[]       file = enc.GetBytes(sb.ToString());

                    Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=webpartproperties_" + HTTPHelper.GetDispositionFilename(webPart.ControlID) + ".txt");
                    Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

Пример #19
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        StringSafeDictionary <object> decodedProperties = new StringSafeDictionary <object>();

        foreach (DictionaryEntry param in mProperties)
            // Decode special CK editor char
            String str = String.Empty;
            if (param.Value != null)
                str = param.Value.ToString().Replace("%25", "%");

            decodedProperties[param.Key] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str);
        mProperties = decodedProperties;

        string widgetName = ValidationHelper.GetString(mProperties["name"], String.Empty);

        // Widget name must be specified
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetName))
            AddErrorWebPart("widgets.invalidname", null);

        WidgetInfo wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetName);

        if (wi == null)
            AddErrorWebPart("widget.failedtoload", null);

        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WidgetWebPartID);

        if (wpi == null)

        //no widgets can be used as inline
        if (!wi.WidgetForInline)
            AddErrorWebPart("widgets.cantbeusedasinline", null);

            // Merge widget and it's parent webpart properties
            string properties = FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(wpi.WebPartProperties, wi.WidgetProperties);

            // Prepare form
            WidgetZoneTypeEnum zoneType           = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor;
            FormInfo           zoneTypeDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetPositionFormInfo(zoneType);
            FormInfo           fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWidgetFormInfo(wi.WidgetName, Enum.GetName(typeof(WidgetZoneTypeEnum), zoneType), properties, zoneTypeDefinition, true);

            // Apply changed values
            DataRow dr = PortalHelper.CombineWithDefaultValues(fi, wi);

            // Incorporate inline parameters to datarow
            string publicFields = ";containertitle;container;";
            if (wi.WidgetPublicFileds != null)
                publicFields += ";" + wi.WidgetPublicFileds.ToLowerCSafe() + ";";

            // Load the widget control
            string url = null;

            // Set widget layout
            WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wi.WidgetLayoutID);

            if (wpli != null)
                // Load specific layout through virtual path
                url = wpli.GetVirtualFileRelativePath(WebPartLayoutInfo.EXTERNAL_COLUMN_CODE, wpli.WebPartLayoutVersionGUID);
                // Load regularly
                url = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartUrl(wpi, false);

            CMSAbstractWebPart control = (CMSAbstractWebPart)Page.LoadUserControl(url);
            control.PartInstance = new WebPartInstance();

            // Set all form values to webpart
            foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                object value      = dr[column];
                string columnName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe();

                //Resolve set values by user
                if (mProperties.Contains(columnName))
                    FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField(columnName);
                    if ((ffi != null) && ffi.Visible && (!ffi.DisplayIn.Contains(FormInfo.DISPLAY_CONTEXT_DASHBOARD)))
                        value = mProperties[columnName];

                // Resolve macros in defined in default values
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value as string))
                    // Do not resolve macros for public fields
                    if (publicFields.IndexOfCSafe(";" + columnName + ";") < 0)
                        // Check whether current column
                        bool avoidInjection = control.SQLProperties.Contains(";" + columnName + ";");

                        // Resolve macros
                        value = control.ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(value.ToString(), avoidInjection);

                control.PartInstance.SetValue(column.ColumnName, value);

            control.PartInstance.IsWidget = true;

            // Load webpart content

            // Add webpart to controls collection

        catch (Exception ex)
            AddErrorWebPart("widget.failedtoload", ex);
Пример #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate editor table.
    /// </summary>
    public void GenerateEditor()
        FormInfo fi = null;

        // Call handlers
        if (OnEditorLoaded != null)
            fi = OnEditorLoaded();
            // Get parent web part info
            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ParentWebPartID);

            if (wpi != null)
                // Create form info and load xml definition
                fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName + FormHelper.CORE, wpi.WebPartProperties, null, null, false);
                fi = new FormInfo(SourceXMLDefinition);

        if (fi != null)
            dr = fi.GetDataRow(false);

            // Get definition elements
            var infos = fi.GetFormElements(true, false);

            // create table part
            Literal table1 = new Literal();
            table1.Text = "<table cellpadding=\"3\">";

            // Hashtable counter
            int  i = 0;
            bool categoryExists = false;

            // Check all items in object array
            foreach (object contrl in infos)
                // Generate row for form category
                if (contrl is FormCategoryInfo)
                    // Load category info
                    FormCategoryInfo fci = contrl as FormCategoryInfo;
                    if (fci != null)
                        categoryExists = true;
                    // Ensure the default category
                    if (!categoryExists)
                        categoryExists = true;

                    // Get form field info
                    FormFieldInfo ffi = contrl as FormFieldInfo;
                    if (ffi != null)
                        CreateField(ffi, ref i);

            // End table part
            Literal table6 = new Literal();
            table6.Text = "</table>";
Пример #21
    public void BindData()
        if (WebpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateId, CultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            // Get page template info
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);
                if (webPart == null)
                    CMSPage.EditedObject = null;

                // Get the web part info
                WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetBaseWebPart(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wpi == null)

                // Get webpart properties (XML)
                string   wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;
                FormInfo fi           = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName + FormHelper.CORE, wpi.WebPartProperties, null, null, false);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Bind drop down list
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    DataTable dropTable = new DataTable();

                    foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)

                    dropTable.DefaultView.Sort = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataTextField  = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataValueField = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataSource     = dropTable.DefaultView;

                // Bind grid view
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                bindings = webPart.Bindings;

                foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                    string propertyName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe();
                    if (bindings.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                        WebPartBindingInfo bi = (WebPartBindingInfo)bindings[propertyName];
                        table.Rows.Add(column.ColumnName, bi.SourceWebPart + "." + bi.SourceProperty);

                gvBinding.DataSource = table;