private CreateContainerParametersBuilder AddPortBinding(string containerPort, string hostPort) { if (!PortBindings.ContainsKey(containerPort)) { PortBindings.Add(containerPort, new List <PortBinding>()); } PortBindings[containerPort].Add(new PortBinding { HostIP = "", HostPort = hostPort }); return(this); }
private CreateContainerParameters ApplyConfiguration() { var config = new Config { Image = DockerImageName, Env = Env.Select(kvp => $"{kvp.Key}={kvp.Value}").ToList(), ExposedPorts = ExposedPorts.ToDictionary( e => string.Format(TcpExposedPortFormat, e), e => default(EmptyStruct)), Labels = Labels, WorkingDir = WorkingDirectory, Cmd = Command, Tty = true, AttachStderr = true, AttachStdout = true, }; return(new CreateContainerParameters(config) { HostConfig = new HostConfig { AutoRemove = AutoRemove, PortBindings = PortBindings.ToDictionary( e => string.Format(TcpExposedPortFormat, e.Key), e => (IList <PortBinding>) new List <PortBinding> { new PortBinding { HostPort = e.Value.ToString() } }), Mounts = BindMounts.Select(m => new Mount { Source = m.HostPath, Target = m.ContainerPath, ReadOnly = m.AccessMode == AccessMode.ReadOnly, Type = "bind" }) .ToList(), PublishAllPorts = true, Privileged = IsPrivileged } }); }
public override string ToString() { List <string> options = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContainerName)) { options.Add($"--name \"{ContainerName}\""); } if (PortBindings.Any()) { options.AddRange(PortBindings.Select(portBinding => $"-p {portBinding.HostPort}:{portBinding.ContainerPort}")); } if (EnvironmentVariables.Any()) { options.AddRange(EnvironmentVariables.Select(environmentVariable => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(environmentVariable.Value)) { return($"-e {environmentVariable.Key}"); } return($"-e {environmentVariable.Key}={environmentVariable.Value}"); })); } if (RestartAutomatically) { options.Add("--restart=unless-stopped"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AdditionalOptions)) { options.Add(AdditionalOptions); } return(string.Join(" ", options)); }
public void RemovePortBinding(PortBindingListItemModel portBinding) { PortBindings.Remove(portBinding); }
public void AddPortBinding() { PortBindings.Add(new PortBindingListItemModel()); }
public void LogParameters(ILogger logger) { using var contentsScope = logger.BeginScope("Using create container parameters"); logger.LogInformation($"Container name '{ContainerName}'"); logger.LogInformation($"Container image: '{ImageId.FullName}"); logger.LogInformation($"Network name: {ImageId.FullName}"); using (logger.BeginScope("Labels")) { if (!Labels.Any()) { logger.LogError("No labels are configured for this container!"); } foreach (var(name, value) in Labels) { logger.LogInformation($"{name}: {value}"); } } using (logger.BeginScope("Environment variables")) { if (!EnvironmentVariables.Any()) { logger.LogInformation("No environment variables are set"); } foreach (var variable in EnvironmentVariables) { logger.LogInformation(variable); } } using (logger.BeginScope("Volume mounts")) { if (!Mounts.Any()) { logger.LogWarning("There are no volume mounts specified for this container"); } foreach (var mount in Mounts) { logger.LogInformation($"Volume '{mount.Source}' mounted to '{mount.Target}'"); } } using (logger.BeginScope("Port bindings")) { if (!PortBindings.Any()) { logger.LogWarning("There are no port bindings specified for this container"); } foreach (var(containerPort, hostBindings) in PortBindings) { foreach (var binding in hostBindings) { logger.LogInformation( $"Container port {containerPort} is bound to {binding.HostIP}:{binding.HostPort}" ); } } } }